Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 851

"Brother won?"

At the top of the ancestral temple, pretty and lovely Xiaoman looked up at the sky, some of them couldn't believe it.

A total of 11 real kings joined hands, and four current giants were killed by Chen fan. In particular, the Xuanwu God appeared, almost crushing one with one foot, which was so domineering and invincible.

"It's impossible! It's impossible

Chu Tianyu and others have been stunned for a long time.

The scene in front of them is totally different from what they think. I wish Jiushan would unite with other powers to suppress chen fan. Unexpectedly, chen fan rose against the trend and pushed ten thousand enemies.

Not only they, but also the elders of other sects who came to observe the ceremony were turned into stone carvings.

"Hiss, Chen Zhenjun is too strong. What kind of magic power is this, stronger than the blood of the sky swallowing Python? Is it the legendary heavenly beast or even the divine beast? But I haven't heard that I have the blood of divine animals in the northern cold region and even the star region? "

Someone took a cold breath.

Jin Changlao, a member of the nihilism sect, looked up at the sky, frowned, and suddenly said:

"Lao Tang, do you think that strange beast looks familiar?"

The emissary of Yin Yang cave hesitated and said:

"I've seen it somewhere. It's very familiar, but I'm not sure..."

"you're not sure, but you don't dare to think about it." With a sneer, Mr. Jin looked at chen fan, who was invincible in the sky, and said in a dreamy way: "the legendary Xuanwu is the most powerful beast in the world. I didn't expect that I, Mr. Jin, would see such a peerless blood one day and die without regret."

As early as the moment of Chen Fan's transformation, Lin Wuhua's whole body trembled violently and his eyes widened, showing a bright light:

"Xuanwu! There is no mistake. This is Xuanwu! It's exactly the same as the Xuanwu portrait of zushige. My grandmaster is here. I saw the Xuanwu beast. It's incredible. It's incredible. "

She was so excited that her whole body began to be unstable.

"Sister Lin, what is Xuanwu? Is it great? Is it better than the blood of the sky swallowing Python? "

Next to the cloud according to son curious way.

"Swallow the blood of the sky Python?" Lin Wuhua sneered, with unprecedented contempt in her eyes, as if she heard someone compare Lamborghini with Wuling Hongguang. She said in a very respectful way:

"if the sky swallowing Python is the Pearl, then the Xuanwu is the sun in the sky. The snake swallowing the sky shrinks to the end of the world, but Xuanwu roams the universe. A thousand or ten thousand sky swallowing boas are not as good as a Xuanwu. Because Xuanwu can be called supreme in all heavens and all realms! "

This is a statement.

All the people around Zhou were shocked.

Yun Yi'er raises her eyes and looks at chen fan. She is in a trance.

The Zhao family, the royal family, only has the blood of the heaven swallowing boa constrictor. They suppressed the northern cold region for thousands of years, and the six caves were not allowed to turn over. How powerful is Chen fan, who has more Xuanwu blood than ten thousand sky swallowing Python?

"Sister mu... We seem to have met a big God."

Yunyi'er said.

When millions of people in ancient Huacheng were shocked, chen fan had come down from the sky to hunt down the last three people.

"Chen beixuan, don't deceive others too much. The royal family and the sword king will never forgive you."

I wish the nine mountains are ready to crack.

Just when he rushed back to the white Python guard, chen fan had already leveled the cold Python guard. Chen Fan did not use any magic power at all, but came down from heaven with the divine realm.

Then, the 100000 soldiers, including Li Chunyang, were crushed and exploded by the divine realm in an instant. At the same time, they burst apart and turned into blood. Even where they are, they have been pressed down by the divine realm for a hundred meters, and a huge cave with a radius of ten li has emerged!

One hit, one hundred thousand friars!

The power of Xuanwu divine realm is really terrible. It's the equivalent of a thousand Li Lake and weighs hundreds of millions of tons. It doesn't need a magic weapon at all. The weight of the divine realm itself is the strongest magic weapon. Even a mountain can't bear his impact. Chen fan can crush everything just by pressing and bumping.

"Join the battle!"

Leishan, the leader of the wild guard, roared wildly.

One hundred thousand savage guard friars, their spirit armor shine at the same time. Countless mana, from everyone, through the spirit armor and the Dharma array, converged into Leishan's body.

Leishan opened up the field, and the Dharma became a giant giant with a height of ten thousand meters.

Giant foot heaven and earth, a hand axe, a hand shield, a show, the wave of terror filled the void, power than the middle of the golden elixir, even stronger than the number of chips, let the mountains and rivers burst, straight after the late golden elixir.

"The battle of barbarism!"

This is the real fighting power of the nine guards of the royal court. With 100000 monks as the base and a golden elixir as the heart, they support the terrible battle. In the middle of the ordinary golden elixir, it can't resist the attacks of Wanmi giant. Wangting Jiuwei, who claims to be able to destroy the cave, relies on this invincible method of war.

Over there.

I wish Jiushan could also start the "white Python battle" and turn into a ten thousand meter long giant python swallowing the sky. The white fierce Python is covered with scales and snow, and its mouth is wide open, as if it can swallow the void.These two strong men are fighting at the same time.

In terms of power, it has surpassed the Mayan Titan Chen Fan met on the moon. At that time, chen fan urged the secret arts and forced him to improve his accomplishments. He turned into Kun Peng and finally fought against Titan. For this reason, he had to spend several months recuperating.

But now, in the face of these two stronger fighting spirits, chen fan does not retreat at all, and directly takes the divine realm and suppresses them in the air.


Savage giant, cut out the axe in his hand.

But the power of the divine realm, terror to the extreme. Almost as soon as they came into contact with each other, the huge axe burst open, and the divine realm continued to press down, destroying and decaying. From the handle of the axe to the wrist, the giant had to rely on the shield to stop it.

Just this blow.

Five thousand of the hundred thousand monks of the wild guard were killed by explosion.

And the shield only blocked half of the finger, and then it broke in an instant. The ten li divine realm falls down from the sky and collapses the heaven and earth. The ten thousand meter high giant was crushed into a piece of meat cake from the beginning to the end. At last, Leishan let out an uneasy cry. Together with 100000 friars, he was crushed into powder at the same time, leaving only the golden elixir in his body, which was taken away by Chen fan.


I wish Jiushan had wanted to attack. Seeing this scene, all his souls were scattered.

In the war of the nine guards in the royal court, even if the sword king wants to break it, he has to spend a lot of money. How can it be as easy as Chen Fan's? He just wanted to escape, chen fan has forced up.

This time, instead of relying on the divine realm, chen fan directly fought with * *.


Chen Fan's real power is also ten thousand meters in size. However, Xuanwu of the same size is many times stronger than tiantun python. Almost a snap finger.

Chen Fan's Xuanwu smashed the head of the sky swallowing python with one claw. With another claw, the battle of the white Python was directly broken. 100000 friars could not bear the terrible force, so they burst to death. Only Zhu Jiushan Jindan wrapped the spirit and escaped.

"Zhenjun, please spare my life. I have secret information to tell Zhenjun about Chinese and Jianjun..."

ZHU Jiushan cried as he fled.

"No more."

Chen Fan opens his mouth and inhales.

This time, it was the real whale that absorbed the water. The aura of a hundred Li radius suddenly came into Chen Fan's mouth like a swallow. Finally, a huge storm formed. As soon as Zhu Jiushan escaped ten miles, he was pulled back by the terrible storm. Finally, in despair, he was swallowed up by Chen fan.

"Click, click, the taste of Jindan is good."

Xuanwu chews up the golden elixir and swallows it.

Everyone who saw this scene turned into stone carvings. In particular, several Jindan Zhenjun, who were watching the ceremony, were so scared that their souls were scattered that they wanted to set up a light to escape on the spot.

Let's not talk about the white boa Sanwei, who was easily leveled by Chen fan.

The golden elixir is a so-called immortal existence, extremely strong. It can't be split with Lingbao. Only the best can hurt the golden elixir. Most of the golden elixirs were not killed, but suppressed.

Chen fan, on the other hand, eats the golden elixir as if it were sugar. How can this not be frightening?

After eating several gold elixirs collected before, chen fan stares at the void: "how do you want to escape after watching here for so long? Did you give your master a tip off? "

When people were surprised.

Just listen to "Putong". Two black-and-white figures suddenly emerge out of thin air, then turn into a yin-yang fish, and want to flee.

"They are black and white elders. I heard that they are worshipped by the king's court. If they join hands, their strength will be enough to match that of Jindan in the middle period." Someone recognized it and cried out.

But just two real kings, how can they escape from Chen fan?


Chen Fan stamped his foot lightly.

A hundred miles around, suddenly a coagulation.

The black and white elder was set in the air out of thin air. They just feel that the vitality of the surrounding water system suddenly solidified and turned into a deep sea, which is very difficult to fly across.

Xuanwu is the God of the north. He was born to control the water. Other elixirs can only control Qianzhang, while Xuanwu can control the vitality of the water.

"Yin and Yang in one, open."

When the black and white elder was about to cast his magic, chen fan had already torn the void in one step. He came to the two men, grabbed them and hit them out. Then he took the two men's body with magic weapons and patted them into meat cakes, leaving only the golden elixir and the spirit.

Seeing Chen Fan grabbing the golden elixir, he was about to swallow it in his mouth. The black and white elders were so scared that their souls were scattered:

"please forgive me, we are only here to watch the battle, and we have never done anything."

"All of them were designed by Prince Zhao duluo and Zhu Jiushan. They made this plan, mobilized the leaders of seven states, and laid a net. He threatened Zhenjun with the Chinese nationality and wanted to take Zhenjun to the capital assembly. At the assembly, Zhenjun would kowtow to the crown prince three times and nine times, admit his mistakes and become a slave under the crown prince. So as to deter the major families and strong families. At the same time, it shows his Royal Highness the means and ability of revenge for the people, so as to subdue his peers, ascend the throne and serve as the king of Beihan. "They were really frightened, and everything fell out in an instant.

"Ha ha, what a beautiful thought."

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly: "northern Han Royal family, Prince Zhao duluo, these accounts, I want to work out with you one by one."

With that, chen fan swallowed the golden elixir, then turned into a human and fell into the ancestral temple. When the elder and others were about to come up, chen fan had already taken Xiaoman to heaven.

"Brother, where are we going?" Xiaoman was surprised.

"Go to a big ceremony, I always have to pay back what I've done and give it back a hundred times!" Chen Fan sneers, takes the young girl, one step tears the void, faces the king capital but leaves.

Only the Chinese and the people who watched the ceremony remained in the same place with big eyes and small eyes.

"Ah, I wish Jiushan a thousand calculations, but I didn't realize that Chen Zhenjun was so powerful. In the face of such a powerful force, what is conspiracy

Master void sighed: "after today, I'm afraid the whole northern cold region will be shocked by Chen beixuan's name."

All the people around were silent.

PS: I finished making up for the monthly pass at 5:00 yesterday, and I have today's update at night^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!