Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 850

Tianming sword!

This is the top-grade spiritual treasure of xuanming cave. It was originally the sword of the great elder of xuanming cave and the real king of heiming. Heiming Zhenjun is known as the first swordsman in the six caves. If he had not been defeated by Jianjun, he might not have been called Zunbei cold region.

In the hands of Lin Wuhua, Tianming sword is just an ordinary Lingbao, but at this time, chen fan is in charge of it!


When the sword is out.

Where no one can see, on the surface of Chen fan, a chain of order is abruptly broken. The chain is very thick, with the thickness of a child's arm. The whole body is dark, just like black water forging. When it was disconnected, a yuan Dan, which was like a tortoise but not a tortoise, like a snake but not a snake, jumped gently in Chen Fan's body.


The unimaginable xuanming Zhenyuan poured into Tianming sword from Chen Fan's arm. Tianming sword turns into a long river across the sky, splitting the whole void into two parts.

At that moment, countless people looked up and gaped.

In the sky, all the visions are covered, leaving only a hanging Tianhe, which is ten kilometers long, extending from the east of Guhua city to the West. Divide the whole ancient Chinese city. Black water all over the sky, gushing, such as Jiutian river burst.

"This... This is Tianming sword?"

Lin dance Chinese have been silly and gaping.

Although Tianming sword is strong, even if it is held in the hands of her master, heiming Zhenjun, it doesn't seem to have the power to destroy heaven and earth.

It's not just her.

Gu Lingzi, Chu Tianyu, Qin Luo and the elder were all stunned.

They can only raise their heads, staring at the sky, looking at the eleven golden elixirs, all submerged. Looking at the Tianhe River rolling down, a sword broke up the Dharma array composed of 300000 monks outside the city and crushed the three spirits of the array directly.

"My God."

At this time, the sky and the earth, a quiet, no voice.

Everyone was surprised by Chen Fan's sword.

The sword was strong and the black water was rolling. It swept the whole outside of Guhua city all the time, and then gradually recovered. When the black water disappeared, Zhu Jiushan and others finally appeared.

But at this time, all of them were in a mess.

Zhu Jiushan and the other four elixirs were better in the middle of the golden elixir period. They opened up the field and tried to block Chen Fan's attack. In addition, the seven masters of the state were much more miserable. Wuzun and zitianqiong were all smashed by sword Qi at the first time, and then Faxiang was defeated. Finally, they had to fight against the flesh with magic weapons.


I don't know how many body protection magic weapons and secret weapons were broken under Chen Fan's sword.

In the end, almost everyone was injured. Some weak state masters even vomited blood, and the golden God's blood scattered in the void.

"Damn it."

I wish Jiushan's eyes were full of fire.

He looked at chen fan like an enemy, and his heart was twitching. Chen Fan's strength in this sword is far beyond his calculation. He can push back 11 real kings with one sword, including four golden elites. This ability has caught up with the later stage of Jindan. I wish Jiushan and even chen fan could see a trace of Jianjun.

"In fact, kill him, even if the whole ancient Chinese city is in ruins, don't keep your hands."

Wish Jiushan hate road.

Many other real kings have already started to do their best.


Chen Fan's eyes are cold.

He directly released the "dinghaizhu" and turned it into a hundred Li cave to cover the ancient Huacheng. Countless attacks, hit over the ancient city of China, instantly disappeared, disappeared. Then, chen fan rose up with his sword and came to all the real kings.

"Chen beixuan, if you stop now and follow me to the sword king, my family will give you justice."

At this time, Zhu Jiushan tried to shake chen fan.


Chen Fangen didn't want to answer, so he swept out with a sword.

With a blow from xuanming Tianhe, the terrible xuanming river water comes out of Tianming sword and splits ten kilometers of void into a long river, boiling black water all over the sky. This black water, with the air of the dark, even if the true king of the golden elixir was contaminated, he would feel cold and even frozen.


Behind the Jiushan mountain, the thousand meter white boa soars and turns into three thousand meters long. Like the ancient fierce snake that devours the sun and the moon, it is the sky swallowing python. I wish Jiushan can sit at the head of Jiuwei and take charge of the strongest Baimang Wei, naturally because he also has royal blood.

The other true Kings also try their best to urge FA Xiang.

These Dharma images are often thousands of meters high, or even thousands of meters high, just like the giants of heaven and earth.


Chen Fan hit them with a sword.

How powerful is the combination of more than ten golden elixirs? Every blow is as good as a nuclear weapon. At this time, it's equivalent to ten nuclear weapons exploding, and it's still a large quantity of bombs.

In the sky, a huge black hole is directly cracked.The force of terror turned into a storm and rushed to all directions, destroying any living creature within a hundred miles and shaking the earth. If the ancient city had not been covered by dinghaizhu, it would have turned into ruins at this time. But even so, people in Guhua City shudder at it. They feel like boats in the ocean, swaying with the wind.

"Puff, puff, puff."

Eleven true kings, step back together. The four elites only stepped back three steps in the mid-term, while the others stepped back more than ten steps. In contrast, chen fan, on the other side, even retreated.

"By his own strength, he is not our opponent."

Cried Zhu Jiushan.

On the face of zhongzhenjun, as soon as he was happy, he saw that Chen fan had changed all over and suddenly turned into a huge beast. The strange beast is like a turtle, not a turtle, or a snake, not a snake. It has two elephants. It is surrounded by black water and thunders, just like the master in charge of xuanming.

"What's this?"

Zhu Jiushan's eyes widened. The strange beast in front of him made him think of a kind of legendary beast.

But at this time, chen fan has rushed up.

After all, Xuanwu Yuandan didn't survive the thunder disaster and turned into a divine golden elixir. There's no way to fight the ten digit elixir alone. But the appearance of the Xuanwu God is quite different.

Xuanwu is the God of the north and the Lord of Heishui. He is born to control Jiuyou and suppress ten thousand demons.

As soon as it appeared, the power of xuanming Tianhe suddenly increased several times. At this time, it directly turned into tens of kilometers long and crossed the whole field. But what's more terrifying is the talent of Xuanwu.


Xuanwu opens his mouth and spits out a black ray.

This ray of thunder is very deep. If you look at it carefully, you will find that it is composed of layers of xuanming real water. There are thousands of layers, condensed to the extreme, and finally turned into xuanming God thunder.

This record of thunder, the appearance looks ordinary, but across the void, directly through the space, pull out a long crack. Before the current three statesmen could react, they were blown into nothingness by this mysterious thunder. Their bodies were destroyed, and even the golden elixir was broken.


Seeing this, I wish Jiushan and others turned pale at the same time.

Three true kings killed by one lightning strike? What kind of thunder method is it? It's unheard of and unheard of. It's more terrifying than the legendary jiuxiao God thunder of Shenxiao Tianzong.

But that's just the beginning.

Xuanwu opened his mouth again, and a long thunder column came out of his mouth. It was thicker than before, and it was about meters thick. It's like a pillar in the sky. There are tens of thousands of layers of real water condensation in the terrible dark god thunder.


Zhu Jiushan's face changed wildly and cried out.

But it's too late. The speed of xuanming God thunder is so fast that it almost surpasses the speed of light. All they saw was a flash of black light in the void. Then Yanzhou state master red burning air, suddenly out of thin air explosion.

He was surrounded by nine phoenixes to protect his body from evil.

It was Chen Fan's Tianming sword Qi that didn't cut off the nine Phoenix body protection technique of chihuokong, but now. The nine phoenixes, in front of the mysterious thunder, were easily torn like crisp paper. All the supernatural powers, magic weapons and physical bodies on chihuokong's body are useless. They are directly penetrated and even the golden elixir is broken.

"A strong man of the four gold elixirs fell down?"

Some state leaders were so scared that they were all cold.

Although Chi Fen Kong was only in the middle of the golden elixir, he was a four grade elixir. In terms of cultivation, he was not much weaker than the middle of the ordinary golden elixir. More proficient in countless secret magic powers, but in front of xuanming God thunder, it can't be a blow?

"It's not the ordinary xuanming God thunder. I've seen the real king of xuanming cave release, and the power is far less than that. Let's go back to the king's court and ask for the sword. "

Wish Jiushan shout.

He was the first to turn into a white rainbow and rush away.

Several other people wake up from a dream and launch their secret skills to escape from the light one after another. But it was too late. Chen Fan stamped his feet and said, "Xuanwu Shenyu!"


In the void, a faint light, such as the dark curtain spread out, instantly shrouded in a circle of ten li, in addition to the commander of Sanwei, the other four real kings were all shrouded in the faint light.

As soon as they fell into the light, they felt as if they had come to the bottom of the sea. Some people opened their eyes to look carefully, only to find that which is what light, clearly is composed of numerous dark heavy water. Every drop of heavy water can be turned into a river. Hundreds of millions of drops of heavy water are combined to form this field. If it is really spread out, it will turn into a great lake.

Xuanwu God domain!

This is the most powerful place of Xuanwu Yuandan. Once the divine realm is launched, it is enough to push ten thousand enemies.


The four real kings, without a scream, were crushed by the terrible xuanming heavy water. The weight of a thousand Li Lake is more than hundreds of millions of tons? Even the golden elixir can't bear the weight of terror.

Their bodies and magic weapons were broken almost at the first time. They didn't even hold on for 0.01 seconds. Jindan barely supported for a while, but it was also quickly crushed. In the end, even the spirit was destroyed.

Black waves rolling, water rotation, such as grinding rotation, crushing everything.Between the fingers, four true kings fall!

Zhu Jiushan, who had just rushed to the three guards, just looked up to see this scene. They were all stunned and cold as ghosts.

PS: to make up for yesterday's fourth watch, and the last one, the author rushed to write. ^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!