Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 849

In the sky, white boa cross the sky, and the vision is startling.

Seeing so many real kings appear, almost everyone turns pale.

"It's over. It's all over."

There was a Chinese elder, shivering with cold.

Some people even look at Chen Fan with resentment, thinking that he has caused resentment.

"In the middle of the four elixirs and in the early stage of the seven elixirs, Chen beixuan has a great face. Such a lineup, coupled with the three guards, is enough to wipe out the one sect Dongtian and even the top ten families. "

Gulingzi was surprised.

"I'd like to see whether Chen beixuan is fighting or fleeing in the face of the choice of life and death."

Chu Tianyu took a sip of his glass and looked on with a sneer.

At this time, on the ground, a warship flying boats, from the air landing. The soldiers of Sanwei turned into three torrents, like tides, which blocked the upper and lower walls of ancient Huacheng. These soldiers, in terms of cultivation, were at least in the period of enlightenment.

Each guard has more than 100000 soldiers, wearing unified standard spirit armor and holding spirit soldiers, forming a square array after another. Under the command of the congenital friars, it condensed into a startling array. They may not be worth mentioning individually, but if 100000 tongxuan monks join hands, even Jindan will have to retreat by three points.


A giant python, a dragon, and a giant's shadow appear outside Guhua city. That's the start of the battle of the three guards. They are stepping on the void and approaching step by step..

"Chen beixuan, let's go."

I wish Jiushan stepped on the top of the white python, his eyes were indifferent and calm.

"You can run, of course. But the lives of millions of living beings in this ancient city and hundreds of millions of Chinese people in other 32 cities will not be protected. "

"I will kill them, every friar, every mortal. Let the whole northern cold region have no more Chinese. You may not believe it, but this seat is called rentu. I've slaughtered more than one hundred people in my life, and I don't care about one more Chinese. "

The lives of hundreds of millions of sentient beings in his mouth, like mole ants, can be trampled out at will. Wish Jiushan at this time, just like a real king overlooking the heaven and earth. All the Chinese who heard this were deeply cold and trembling from the bottom of their hearts.

Chen Fan stood with his hands behind his back and looked up at the sky.

"Chen Zhenjun, if I were you, I would surrender. Jianjun has always appreciated genius. He is bound to uphold justice and will not kill you. Besides, is your life important, or the lives of hundreds of millions of Chinese people? "

Chu Tianyu talks about it.

Chen fan is still silent.

"Dong! Dong! Dong

Outside Guhua City, there was a heavy roar.

That's the three guards. They're attacking the fortress. As you can see, the savage giant smashed on the fortress protection array with one punch and one foot, which made the FA array surge violently.

This "jiuxuantiansuo formation" is the ancestral temple. It costs countless spirit stones. If you ask a master of the formation to set it up, you can resist the attack of Jindan Zhenjun. However, the three hundred thousand friars formed a Dharma array, and each blow gathered the strength of one hundred thousand friars, which was the jiuxuantian lock array, and some of them could not support it.

"Chen Zhenjun!"

At this time, even the elders of the ancestral temple could not help crying out.

"Shut up, when the grand ceremony of the real king opens, sacrifice to the ancestors. Chen Zhenjun is the supreme commander of our Chinese nation. He is the hope of our nation. Even if the Chinese people are destroyed, as long as Chen Zhenjun is still alive, the Chinese people will always be there, and one day they will revive. "

Elder Xie Changying stamped her foot angrily.

The elder turned blue and finally stepped back.

But more elders, including Qin Luo, could not help but despair. Is it that the hope of Chinese people has been trampled out again?


Xiaoman couldn't help but open his mouth. His eyes were full of sadness and worry.

Chen Fanjing stands there like iron and stone.


in the Tuntian palace, the northern Han King City.

The sword king in white as snow stood in the middle of the hall with both hands. Zhao duluo stooped behind him, the sword king did not move, and the crown prince did not move. I don't know how long it took for Jianjun to speak slowly:

"I wish Jiushan had arrived at Guhua city."

"Yes, uncle Jian. In order to prevent Chen beixuan's death. In addition to the three guards, my nephew also ordered the leaders of Wuzhou, Leizhou, Xuanzhou, and Jiazhen navy to help. He also sent two black-and-white elders of the royal court to worship him. Now outside Guhua City, it has become a net of heaven and earth, and water can't be poured in. Then Chen beixuan wanted to escape, and he was also delusional. "

Zhao Du Luo is not in a hurry to reply.

"Well, the lion fights the rabbit with all his strength. No matter how much attention you attach to a giant in the middle of Jindan, you can't overemphasize it. You've done a good job, tulo

Jianjun nodded slightly.

A happy look appeared on Zhao Du Luo's face. But he knew how high his eyes were. He has been a golden elixir for more than 100 years, and has never been praised by Jianjun.

"Better take him alive. Chen beixuan is a man who can be made. If it can be used by us, it will keep the royal court peaceful for a thousand years. " The sword gentleman light way."Yes, my little nephew ordered Zhu Jiushan to capture him at all costs and send him to Uncle Jian's seat, just to celebrate the Royal assembly." Zhao Du said with a smile.


Jianjun nodded, and his eyes flashed a cold light.

He turned and walked out, pushed the door open, but didn't look back:

"let's go. If time comes, maybe the meeting will not be over, and Zhu Jiushan will come back. I've always been at ease with his work. "

Behind Jianjun, Zhao duluo followed suit, with a victory smile on his face.


at this time.

The attack of the three guards outside the city is becoming more and more urgent. There is thunder all over the world. The whole battle of protecting the city, shaking violently, has begun to show a gap, at most a few breath, will not be able to bear.

And many true kings, also from the sky down, the threat is imminent.

Countless eyes converge on Chen fan, waiting for his decision. There are the worries of Yun Yier, mu Hongti, etc., the taunts of Gu Lingzi, the regrets of the elders of nihilism, the anxieties of Qin Luo, etc., and the trust of the elders...

all eyes are like the ocean.

Chen fan, the center of this sea of light, has attracted tens of millions of people's attention.

"Brother, no matter what decision you make, Xiaoman will support you."

The girl in purple holds the palm of Chen Fan's hand gently. Her face is full of firmness. She steps forward and stands side by side with him, facing the gods all over the sky. For Xiaoman, maybe her strength is so small that she can't even stop Zhu Jiushan and others, but she never retreats. Her petite figure is as tall as a hundred million feet at this time.

At this time.

Chen Fan finally moved.

He took the little hand of the girl in purple, raised his head, looked at the real king on his head, and asked:

"what's the crime of the Chinese people? What's wrong with me? "

"The sin lies in the weakness. If you were born in the Tianzong religion, you would be born in the Tianhuang family. Who dares to convict you. But you are too weak, and so are the Chinese. In this cold northern land, I swallow the sky Python Zhao family, is the real master

Zhu Jiushan sneered.

"Is it?"

Chen Fanhu's smile.

He slowly raised his head and looked at Zhu Jiushan's eyes, with pity, indifference and endless ridicule.

Chen fan is just like the king of the nine gods, overlooking the ants. He looks at Zhu Jiushan's hopping, tossing and going all out. He doesn't care. When he gets bored, he tramples on it again.

"Not good."

I wish Jiushan a sudden rise in his heart.

He suddenly a pinch method Jue, is about to call at the foot of white Python method phase, toward Chen Fan hand.

But by this time, it's too late.

"Zhu Jiushan, you were wrong from the beginning. In this northern cold region, the strongest is not the Zhao family, not you, but me... Chen beixuan! "

Chen Fan said, gently raised his hand.

Empty sword!

"Since there is no justice in the northern cold region. Then I'll use my sword to cut out justice! "

"There's no reason in the northern cold region, so I'll use my sword to delimit it!"

"I want to tell the world..."

Chen Fan's voice grows louder and louder, and finally shakes the world:

"... Chinese, don't deceive! I, Chen beixuan, can't do it! "

When his last word was uttered, nine days and ten places roared at the same time. A black sword Qi running through the heaven and the earth rises from behind chen fan. Chen fan holds the sword in one hand, and is horizontal in the same day.

This sword.

Turn into Tianhe, across the sun and moon!

PS: the third shift is here to make up for yesterday's fifth shift^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!