Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 848

"Is he Chen beixuan?"

"Didn't Chen beixuan say he was killed by the white Python guard? Why are you here? Have you become the real king of the Chinese people? "

"The news I heard is that Chen beixuan has escaped from the northern cold region."

There was an uproar and a lot of discussion.

Countless people from different clans and aristocratic families feel incredible. This new king is the most wanted criminal in the north cold court. The person named by Jianjun?

"Commander Zhu, even if you are commander Bai mang Wei, you can't slander the real king of our family." Qin Luo's eyes narrowed and said in a cold voice.

"Yes, it's the grand ceremony of Chen Zhenjun of our family. If the commander makes trouble again, he will be the enemy of our Chinese people, and our family will never die with you." Elder muchun, who has the most explosive temper, is also furious.

There was a trace of displeasure on many faces.

Zhenjun ceremony is the most solemn and sacred time for a clan and a race. Whoever destroys the grand ceremony will take on a life and death feud with that faction. I wish Jiushan could not be so rebellious and rampant again.

Many Chinese elders, filled with righteous indignation, want to die on the Chinese pillar and recommend the sun and the moon with blood.

"Commander Zhu, this is a great thing. There is no conclusive evidence. Even the king of sword can't easily slander a true king of golden elixir. What's more, the real king is still a giant in the world and has a bright future. "

The elder of nihilism spoke.

The envoys of several aristocratic families in the town and the top ten families also agreed.

They have a deep background. In terms of personal strength, they may not be as good as Zhu Jiushan, but they are not afraid of him. No matter how ferocious Jiushan is, we can't slaughter the disciples and envoys of the aristocratic family and Dongtian at will.

"There are magic images to testify. Chen fan is the same as Chen beixuan who once appeared... "A white boa guard has not finished. Qin Luo sneered:

"the image of magic can be forged if the cultivation is advanced. If commander Zhu wants to, I can create an image that you are Chen beixuan's accomplice. "

Many people smile.

In the world of cultivating immortals, there are many kinds of secret arts, Taoist methods and magic powers of change. It's too unreliable just to rely on images. There are often friars who change their appearance and then pretend to kill people and frame them up.

"Among the envoys present, several young heroes met Chen Zhenjun in the juehan mountains. They don't lie Red burning empty light way.

They were all looking up at each other.

Then he saw Chu Tianyu come out of the crowd and smile:

"yes, but I'm in Zhuyan city and I'm at the same table with Chen Zhenjun. Compared with a year ago, Chen Zhenjun is exactly the same

When he appeared, many people exclaimed.

"It's one of the eight great families in the town area, the Chutian area of the Zhenlong Chu family. It is said that he has a heavenly vein and can point directly at the golden elixir. This is the young generation, the top strong man. "

The emergence of Chu Tianyu made many people begin to waver.


Ancient Lingzi of the Yinling clan, Bai linger of the Yinyang cave, etc. They all came out to identify chen fan. Bai ling'er said, and at the same time, her beautiful eyes were surprised. It seemed that Chen Fan was so powerful now.

With so many talented people coming forward, the victorious Tianping is inclined to Zhu Jiushan. Many people have begun to doubt chen fan and agree with what he said.

"Chen Zhenjun, do you have any sophistry?"

I wish Jiushan with both hands and wisdom.

"With the strength of your royal court, it's easy to make a few strong young people lie." Qin Luo's mouth is still stiff.

"Ha ha, if the evidence is not enough. Let Chen Zhenjun's little lover point to you personally. " I wish Jiushan a gentle smile, and raise his hand to grab from the crowd.

I saw a graceful and dignified woman in red flying out of the air and falling in front of everyone.

"Sister mu."

Yunyiergao calls out.

The woman was mu Hongti.

"Chen Zhenjun was said to have killed two zhenzhuans of qingyangzong for her anger. Now, is there nothing Chen Zhenjun wants to say? "

Zhu Jiushan grinned coldly, and he said gently:

"Miss mu, your parents and relatives, as well as the whole Mu family, are still in the dungeon of my white Python guard. Your words and deeds determine their life and death. "

Mu Hongti, who was just about to open his mouth and didn't recognize his acquaintance with Chen fan, was shocked and couldn't speak any more. He just looked at Chen Fan with a pair of heartbroken eyes.

"Sister Lin, please help sister mu."

Cloud according to son urgent quick fall tears, grasp Lin Wuhua water show black clothes, low voice beg.

"It's no use. In the world, no one can save people from Zhu Jiushan. I wish Jiushan a careful mind, always after the plan. He came here, must be well prepared, and now the whole ancient city has turned into a net. Don't mention your sister mu. I'm afraid Chen beixuan can't escape. "

Lin Wuhua's eyes are cold.


Cloud according to son pretty face a white, grasp the hand of clothes, can't hold again.At this time, all eyes converge on Chen fan. Countless envoys, cave elders, and even many Chinese people who came to the ceremony were waiting for Chen Fan's reply.

Qin Luo tried to retort several times, but he couldn't say anything at last.

Chen fan and Chen beixuan have too much overlap. They are all Chinese, they are all young, and they are all powerful... Even Qin Luo has to admit that Chen fan is too suspicious, not to mention he knows the truth.

"I didn't expect that the play could still sing like this."

Jin Changlao of nihilism shook his head slightly.

It's like a century has passed.

In the eyes of the public, chen fan flicked his fingers, his face unchanged, calm and calmly said: "yes, I'm Chen beixuan. So what? Do you want to catch me? "

"Ha ha ha."

I wish Jiushan a long smile.

In the hearts of countless people, a sigh of disappointment. Although they doubted it for a long time, they had to accept it now.

Chihuokong stepped forward. His whole body was full of fury, and nine phoenixes rose up in the air. He said sternly, "Chen beixuan, you have committed a felony and deprived the royal family of your blood without authorization. Don't you get caught soon? Go to the king's court to repent? "


Chen Fan shook his head and chuckled: "I am the real king of the Chinese people, the magnate of the time. Zhao Qingchen is just a mole ant. He dares to offend me. Don't say depriving him of his blood is killing him, so what? Who can refute it? "

Many people have to admit the truth of Chen Fan's statement.

The real king is as high as the immortal. If you violate the authority of the real king, not to mention killing people, it's killing nine ethnic groups. It's light. Some real kings, just because they were slightly offended, slaughtered millions of people of a race at one go.

It is because the world is in awe of the real king.

"You don't need to argue. Your royal highness is the blood of our northern Han Royal family. It's up to the northern Han Royal family to decide whether to kill or to abolish. You can't be interrupted by an outsider. "

Zhu Jiushan snorted coldly: "sword King orders you to go to the king's court to see him immediately and repent of your sins. If you are sincere, you will have a chance to atone for your sins."

"What if I don't go?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

As a magnate in the world, he stood on the top of the northern cold region. Even Jianjun and Beihan court should not be too strong. Otherwise, if you take a revenge with a golden elixir in the middle, you may be restless for thousands of years.

"I'll have to catch you to see him in person. At that time, I will kill millions of Chinese people and destroy the ancient Chinese city. Don't blame Zhu. "

I wish Jiushan a smile.

Qin Luo, elder Mu Chun, etc. clenched their fists and stared at Zhu Jiushan with fire in their eyes. Xiaoman even drags Chen Fan's clothes. The more he clutches them, the more worried he is.

"Ha ha, it's up to you?"

Chen Fan raised his eyelids and looked contemptuously.

People also think it's not right. Both of them are in the middle of the golden elixir. Although Zhu Jiushan is strong, he can beat chen fan at most. He wants to let him go. Even kneeling to surrender, a little too arrogant. Chen fan can't fight, but it's easy to escape.

"If I wish you, I'm not sure. But what if we add manghuangwei and hanzhuwei? "

I wish you a sneer from jiushanyin.

As soon as his voice fell, he suddenly thought of two thunders in the void. Then he saw two flying boats emerging out of thin air. Each of them has hundreds of airships, which are huge and block the sky. He arrived at guhuacheng early and used magic weapon to hide his body.

The top two.

A man in white, waving a folding fan, a person tall, full of five meters, like a giant.

"It's hanjuanwei commander, Li Chunyang, and manghuangwei commander Leishan!"

Many people's faces changed and screamed.

These are all the great figures in Wang's court who are shaking the world. Li Chunyang and Leishan, though not in the middle of Jindan. But they are powerful and weird, no less than the giants of the day.

Plus a four grade elixir red burning air.

In front of Chen fan, there are four masters in the middle of Jindan.

But this is the beginning. Then, the sound of thunders spread over the ancient city of China. A figure like a god emerged out of thin air and stepped on the heaven and earth.

"Xuanbing Zhenjun, the leader of Suizhou state; wuzun, the leader of Bingzhou state; zitianqiong, the leader of Leizhou state; ximenshang, the leader of Zhenhai Navy..."

every name is a great person who shakes the world and sets foot on the sun and the moon, at least at the level of a leader of a state or an army. Under the command of Beihan royal court, there are thirty-six prefectures and seventeen town armies. Their leaders are all real monarchs, second only to the imperial guards.

"My God, the seven governors of Yanzhou and the surrounding areas are all here, plus the commander of Sanwei, this is just a small city, and there are more than ten elixirs. It's the six great cave masters. In front of so many golden elixirs, they have to be surrounded and killed. "

Countless people turned pale.

"There are so many golden elixirs. There's no way to save them."Lin Wuhua shook his head.

Cloud according to son complexion pale, several like thin paper.

The old master of void shook his head one after another: "it's a pity that he is just one step away from the sky. How can we provoke the northern cold court? That's the real master of our northern cold region. "

In the center of the storm, the Chinese are desperate.

There are more than ten golden elixir breath, which spread the sky and cover the earth, and awe a hundred miles. Many Chinese who are weak in cultivation have been crushed to the ground. If not for Xie Changying's timely opening of the fortress protection array, millions of people in the whole city would be crushed to death.

"Chen beixuan, kneel down, or die!"

I wish Jiushan could fly into the sky and step on the earth. Behind him, a thousand meter long white Python emerges out of thin air, overlooking the people. The terrible cold wave condenses the square.

At the foot of the white boa, chen fan and the whole ancestral temple are so small.

There are many real kings in the sky. Fierce beasts roar in the sky. Today, the Phoenix is blaring and the black waves are surging. The sky above ancient Huacheng is like hell. It's so powerful that all living beings are disgraced. Xiaoman, Xie Changying and others were as pale as paper, and their hearts went into the abyss.

In a flash, chen fan was in a desperate situation.

PS: the second one, the author continues to write the third one. Some overestimate themselves, but as long as they can write down, they will not stop. They promise to do well in the fifth shift. You have to finish your vows. , the fastest update of the webnovel!