Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 847

When Chen Fan appeared.

Everyone who knew Chen Fan was shocked.

Isn't Chen beixuan, who was surrounded by many elders, standing in the center of hundreds of millions of people and worshipped by countless Chinese people in the new Jin Dynasty, Chen beixuan whom they met in Zhuyan city?

"No way, Chen beixuan has been killed by the white boa Sanwei"

Lin Wuhua's body is shaking.

She didn't want to believe it, but Chen Fan stood on the top of the ancestral temple with his hands behind his back and accepted the worship of thousands of people. His appearance was the same as before.

"He didn't die? That's the third guard of the royal court. It's a super power that can level a cave and destroy a powerful family. " Gu Lingzi lowered his head and whispered.

Chu Tianyu clenched his fists more fiercely, and his eyes glared fiercely.

He still remembers how Chen Fan slapped them on the ground and trampled on Tianjiao's dignity. Just looking at the majestic chen fan, the sorrow of Chu Tian Yu Hu.

One is a younger generation of friars in the late congenital period, and the other is a giant in the middle golden elixir. The gap between them has not narrowed, but widened.

As for Yun Yi'er and mu Hongti, they have been staying for a long time.

"Sister mu, am I right. Is that... Is that Mr. Chen? "

Cloud according to son open size mouth, lip petal ruddy, stammer of say.

"You're right. Chen Zhenjun, the Chinese, is the elder Chen we know. " Murongti said softly. Her eyes were like clouds and smoke, and her eyes were full of complexity and joy.

Chen Fan's appearance shocked many old friends. But more people marvel at Chen Fan's youth. Although entering the nature, you can never see your age, but you can't hide the vitality.

Anyone who meets chen fan can feel that he is young, full of life and blood. I'm at the peak of my life, just beginning.

"Ah, a contemporary magnate who is under 100 years old, with his talent, can break the shackles of Chinese blood. In the future, he may be expected to enter the late golden elixir and even have a glimpse of the Immortal Emperor."

A void cave elder who came to watch the ceremony sighed.

"Well. How difficult is the way of heavenly king? In addition to the fact that the northern Han king of the early dynasty may have built Yuanying. In 100000 years in the northern cold region, there has never been a heavenly king. It is the talent of the sword king who has shocked the world. Six grades of gold elixir almost rank in the list of longevity. It is far away from the heavenly king. "

Yin Yang cave Angel Festival sneer.

Everyone nodded. Yuanying Tianjun, that is to live a long life. Standing at the top of the world, it is rare to see the end of the world.

"I heard that... In those days, there seemed to be a heavenly king of the Chinese people. His name was Qitian..." the youth of the Lin family in Zhenyu was frowning and thinking. The crowd beside him suddenly changed color:

"shut up


"It's just a rumor. It's just Chinese. How can there be a king?"

All the elders of the aristocratic family denounced one after another.

The young man of the Lin family suddenly shrunk his head and did not dare to speak again. It's a taboo among taboos. No clan is allowed to mention it, and it's forbidden.

At this time, in the eyes of many Dongtian and aristocratic elders, there is a layer of haze.

Chen Fan's rise reminds them of the Chinese people who lived in the northern cold region thousands of years ago.

Mu Hongti, who was on the stage, reacted to his joy:

"no, Gu Lingzi and others know Mr. Chen. If they sue the court, what shall they do? "

Yun Yi'er's face turned pale.

Now chen fan is still the most wanted criminal in Beihan court.

Gu Lingzi and others also came back suddenly.

"This guy is really looking for death. He made such a big announcement to the world. Do you think Beihan Wangting is a fool? What if he is a giant? Wang tingjiuwei, however, once stepped on the Dongtian and aristocratic families. "

Gulingzi sneered.

With a trace of venom in his eyes, Chu Tianyu looks at chen fan and is ready to leave the ceremony. He immediately reveals the news to Wang Ting. To the north, the tyranny of Han Wangting and Jianjun will never lightly spare chen fan.

Lin Wuhua frowned slightly:

"since Chen Zhenjun dares to announce it, he should have some assurance... Besides, Wang Ting should not offend the magnates of the time for being a Zhao Qingchen."

Although she said so, her tone was a little empty.

The Zhao family, the royal family of the northern Han Dynasty, suppressed the northern Han region for thousands of years. They were willing to take life or death. Chen Fan forcibly deprives a Royal Prince of his blood in front of the public, which is a serious provocation to the Zhao family. Wang Ting will never give up.

When Lin Wuhua looked back and scanned carefully, he found that. There is no envoys from Yanzhou prefecture or Beihan court. All of a sudden, my heart trembled.

"According to the truth, even if the governor of Yanzhou doesn't arrive, he should send an emissary to the grand ceremony of the new emperor. This is the most basic etiquette... '

mu Hongti and Yun Yier also understand that their faces are getting whiter and whiter.

Zhenjun ceremony is still being held. This ceremony will last one day and one night. There are numerous complicated etiquette procedures. Chen fan is sitting in the main hall and receiving congratulations from the envoys."The Oriental family of Wuzhou, congratulations on Chen Zhenjun's coming to the golden elixir. May the magic power of Chen Zhenjun stay forever and live forever with the world. I'd like to present you with nine pieces of top quality medicine, five pieces of top quality materials and 7000 pieces of spirit stones...

"Heilin people in Yangzhou, congratulations to Chen Zhenjun...

" Qingyang sect in Yunzhou, congratulations...

when a sect envoy met chen fan and gave him a gift.

In the sky, suddenly came a burst of drink:

"red burning air, the leader of Yanzhou, came to visit Chen Zhenjun, a Chinese nationality."

The sound fell like thunder, shaking a hundred miles.

The whole ancient Huacheng is quiet. Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly and looked up. In the sky, a thousand feet long golden boat came slowly from the distance.

The whole body of the flying boat is like gold casting. On the bow of the boat, it is a huge head of a cold python with sharp snake teeth and extremely ferocious. On the top of the boat, the flag of Yanzhou Prefecture was planted for hunting.

"Chihuokong finally came. I didn't think he would come."

Many people smile on their faces, only Xie Changying and others frown slightly, and there is a faint evil in their heart.

Wang Ting's flying boat landed on the square in front of the ancestral temple. Out of it came chihuokong and others. This time, however, Chi Fen Kong came in second, and the one in the front was a white haired man.

The man's body is slender and agile. He is dressed in white. His skin is crystal clear, like snow-white frost. His pupils are long and narrow, and occasionally they shine blue. In his chest, a white Python swallowing the sky, extremely ferocious, to soar.

"Chihuokong is the state master. Who can be above him?"

Many people don't understand.

But some people, having recognized the man, exclaimed in a low voice:

"it's the commander of the white Python guard. I wish you nine mountains."

"What? White Python Guard commander

Countless people change color at the same time.

The white Python guard is one of the nine guards in the royal court.

Wangting Jiuwei is the God army of the northern Han Royal family to suppress the world. It is extremely fierce. I don't know how many blood of different races, aristocratic families and sects are stained on his hands. It is easy to exterminate the city and even the top ten families fall into its hands. In particular, the Zhao family of the northern Han Royal family is the blood of the heaven swallowing python, so the white Python Wei ranks first among the nine guards.

This wish Jiushan, as the head of Jiuwei, is even more extraordinary.

"It's said that Zhu Jiushan entered the middle stage of the golden elixir 100 years ago. Looking at the whole royal court, he is also one of the top five. Zhu Jiushan is famous for his ferocity. He likes to kill more than one hundred people all his life. He is known as "human butcher"! His position is not inferior to that of Dongtian Zhangjiao. "

See Zhu Jiushan.

Many big clan heads have been shaken with fear. This is the court's most famous executioner. More people look at Chen Fan with shocked eyes. Even a king like Zhu Jiushan came to see Chen Zhenjun. It seems that he is going to fly to the sky.

Many Chinese elders who knew Chen Fan's identity, including Qin Luo, suddenly changed their colors.


Xiaoman also nervously grabs Chen Fan's hand, tender palm, trembling with fear. Chu Tianyu, Gu Lingzi and others under the stage sneer in secret:

"Chinese boy, I wish Jiushan a close visit and see how you survive this disaster."

Mu Hongti's eyes were full of fire and his fists were tight. She remembers that Zhu Jiushan ordered all the Mu family members to be arrested. The Mu family's ancestors Only resisted and were killed by Zhu Jiushan.

These peerless murderers are the six caves. They don't want to be easily provoked.

"Don't worry, it's OK."

Chen Fan comforted him in a soft voice. He was calm and didn't care at all.

"What happened to commander Zhu and master Chizhou? I didn't know the Chinese, otherwise my family would have to go out of the city for 30 miles to welcome the two real princes... "

elder Xie Changying hastily welcomed them and was smiling.

I wish Jiushan had been shot with one hand and turned into a rainbow, just like a boa constrictor. Jerked on Xie Changying. If it had not been for Chen Fan's flick of a finger and the shot of a blue light blade to cut off the white python, Xie Changying would have been smashed in the air.

But even so, Xie Changying was also touched by Yu Jinbo and stepped back dozens of steps. She turned pale and suffered some internal injuries.

"What are you doing?"

Qin Luo and others suddenly turned pale and stepped forward with their swords.

"A group of mole ants, also deserve to ask me?"

I wish Jiushan a smile and look directly at chen fan, who is on the highest seat. He says: "why do you come here? Chen Zhenjun should understand. Really Jun really can escape, let Zhu a white busy for a year, even a shadow did not see. How do you think Zhenjun should repay me for this great gift? "

"What's the matter?"

Many people don't feel much anymore.

"Strange, isn't the white mang Wei here to congratulate? How do you get a killer? No matter how ferocious Jiushan is, he shouldn't be presumptuous in other people's grand ceremony. This is a personal feud. "

The head of void frowned.

And some people, intelligent, vaguely guess some from Zhu Jiushan's words, suddenly looked at Chen Fan's eyes, a little shocked."I don't understand what you say."

Chen Fanyun is light and the wind is light.

"No? Chen beixuan, do you think you can really cheat? You have offended the court by depriving the blood of Zhao Qingchen, the grandson of the seventeen kings. The sword King orders that I will take you to the king's capital and accept the punishment. Otherwise, you will be slaughtered. "

I wish Jiushan a long and proud life with cold eyes:

"kneel down and beg for mercy. I can kill fewer Chinese people."

The whole audience turned pale with this remark.

PS: first of all, the author's fault. It broke out a little bit in recent days. My sleep was reversed. I didn't get up until 10 p.m. and I started to code without eating. Don't worry, I will finish the fifth shift without sleeping today^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!