Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 846

Next, chen fan lived in the ancestral temple in the name of the Chinese real king. In addition, the ancestral temple began to prepare for Chen Fan's "real king ceremony.".

"Zhenjun ceremony" is a grand ceremony for the clan to celebrate the presence of Zhenjun in the clan, gather friends from all over the world, sacrifice ancestors and announce the world. Mr. Wang has become a real monarch. It is time for him to show his respect to the Chinese people. "

Elder Xie Changying said.

The golden elixir is immortal.

No matter in any strong clan or any immortal clan, Jindan Zhenjun is a decisive existence. If there is a real king in a sect, it is necessary to open the mountain gate and entertain the guests for ten days and ten nights. Small ethnic groups, such as the Chinese, are the golden elixirs, which will push the Chinese out of the ranks and be on an equal footing with many big ethnic groups. No one dares to look down upon the Chinese.

"If I swallow a golden elixir, my life is up to me."

Qin Luo looks at Chen Fan jealously.

Just because chen fan is the real king, the whole Chinese people should hold their families to celebrate him. Chen fan doesn't need to do anything. He sits there. Then all the elders shall give all the supreme rights of the Chinese into his hands.

But Qin Luo knew that Chen Fan deserved it. Without chen fan, the Chinese had been pacified by Longman God.

"One day, I'm going to be king."

Qin Luo secretly clenched his fist.

The holding of the main hall is in the charge of many elders, and Chen fan doesn't care. He idled around the ancestral temple all day. Several forbidden areas have opened their doors to him, and he can go in and out at will and read the oldest historical records of the Chinese people.

"Brother, are you really from the other side of the starry sky? How far is it? Can we go back? "

Little man is like a curious baby.

She follows chen fan like a little tail. She follows where chen fan goes every day. After knowing that Chen Fan came from the earth, there are countless questions to ask Chen fan.

"There must be a lot of friends and relatives waiting for my brother in China. If my brother can't see them, he will be very sad. Xiaoman was also very sad when he lost his parents. Don't worry, brother. Xiaoman will always be with you. "

The little girl talks to herself and clenches her fists. She looks like taking care of Chen Fan for Wang Xiaoyun and others.

"Poof Pooh."

Chen fan is funny.

He continued to bow his head and read the writing on the jade board in his hand.

This is the oldest secret policy of the Chinese people. It records the ancient secrets that only the elders of past dynasties can see.

"On the day of the sun, the mountains and the earth burst, the river dried up, and on the tenth day, the sky shone, and there was a God and a man. God and man are hundreds of millions of feet high, standing above the capital of heaven. It spews the words of heaven, the words are bright, shining thousands of miles... Since then, our family has no magic power. After three hundred years, the chain gradually loosened, and then new monks appeared. "

For many people, this passage in ancient books is very difficult to understand.

However, in Chen Fan's view, this text clearly records the mystery why the ancient Chinese could not practice. Especially with the heaven God chain in Xiaoman's body, the answer is ready to come out.

"What you say is what you do. It's a real magic power."

Chen Fan's eyes are quiet.

In a word, the effect of mantra has lasted for thousands of generations. Such a terrible magic power is not necessarily possessed by Yuan infant. Moreover, if it wasn't for the feud of life and death, there was no need to resort to such cruel means.

Because, such a magic power, the effect is so strong, there must be a terrible force.

"Who in the world is the enemy of the Chinese? Why should the Chinese people suffer from this disaster even if they are in danger of breaking off their path and their spirits will fall and reincarnate forever? " Chen Fan frowned slightly.

Chen fan knows many kinds of magic spells that can achieve this effect.

For example, the blood curse of the blood clan is the simplest. However, it is not easy to do any of them. They need to pay all kinds of costs. Some even have to sacrifice their own lives to sacrifice hundreds of millions of lives.

"No matter. No matter who did it, the king of Beihan must know. It may even be the mantra issued by the early Northern Han king himself. They all say that in the early days of the northern Han king, he had already completed the real body of the heaven swallowing python, and his accomplishments were comparable to those of Yuanying. Shouyuan should have been for thousands of years, but it just disappeared when he was more than 1000 years old. There must be something strange about it. "

Chen Fan decided to find a time to go to the northern cold King City and question the Zhao family.

There are several kinds of forbidden areas in ancestral temples.

There are some ancient books about storing and practicing skills. There's a store of elixirs. There are also weapons dedicated to ancestors. The first one is very important, and the last one is not very important.

The magic weapons of Chinese ancestors have existed for thousands of years.

If they could be used, they would have been used by the Chinese friars for a long time. Now they are still visiting the forbidden area. Almost all of them are magic weapons that can't be used or have no effect, and even can't be used.

Chen Fan took it at random, and found that among these weapons, the aura had been lost for a long time, leaving only an empty shell.

He stood in the forbidden area, overlooking the rusty and dim treasure soldiers around him. At that time, these weapons were all held by the real king and even the heavenly king of the Chinese nationality. They fought with countless powerful people of different nationalities. They were powerful and could level the mountains and rivers with one blow. Now, it can only be quietly forgotten in the corner, no one knows."Why?"

Chen Fanhu's light.

His eyes fell on a broken sword. The broken sword used to be five feet long, but now it's only half of it. It's covered with rust and black blood.

The reason why Chen Fan was surprised was that he felt a very fierce and violent breath from the bloodstain. Although the breath was very weak, thousands of years later, his master had already died, and he still existed for many years.

"It's the blood of the baby predator! Is this broken sword the weapon of Yuanying emperor of the Chinese nationality in those days

Chen fan was surprised.

He reaches out his hand and holds the handle of the sword. Yuan Dan runs and injects Zhenwu Zhenyuan into it.


With the penetration of Zhenyuan, the broken swords roared and rusted. They fell one after another and burst out with brilliant brilliance. The room is full of rays and auspicious atmosphere. It is crystal clear, just like immortal gold. The wave of terror rises from the sword, like the resurrection of a peerless God King, crushing the heavens and breaking mountains and rivers.

The strength of this fluctuation is that when the golden elixir comes, it will turn pale. Chen Fan believes that its full strength is enough to level the ancient Huacheng off the ground.


Chen Fan quickly withdrew Zhenyuan.

The light of the sun converged, the roar faded away, and the broken sword quickly regained its dim appearance.

So again and again, after the test, chen fan has understood. Then, a surge of joy filled my heart:

"it turned out to be a heavenly treasure. No, to be exact, it was a part of that heavenly treasure. In terms of power, it can only be regarded as a heavenly treasure. It was cut in two by a strong enemy, and even the weapon spirit was destroyed. But it's still very strong, far better than any weapon in my hand except dinghaizhu. "


It's the most powerful of Lingbao. It's more powerful than the top grade Lingbao. In general, the emperor of Yuanying may not be able to sacrifice. Chen fan actually guessed from the familiar breath and bloodstain on the broken sword. The owner of this broken sword should be Qi Tianjun.

"With Qi Tianjun's sword to cut off the sky and divide the strength of Xinghe, who can break his sword? Even let the spirit inside be destroyed. Is it the God and man with the blood curse? "

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

He knew that Qi Tianjun might be more or less unlucky.

"Don't worry, I won't let you dust in this corner. I will take you, personally cut off the head of the behind the scenes, and pay homage to Qi Tianjun and the Chinese ancestors with blood. "

Chen Fan pointed to the broken sword and said softly.

The Tianbao broken sword made of "red refining cloud gold" is quiet and silent. After losing the weapon spirit, it has completely become a weapon. Without golden elixir cultivation, you can't even drive it. But Chen fan can feel that the broken sword is beating faintly, and seems to be responding.

In the forbidden area, chen fan found several ancient Lingbao.

The power of these Lingbao is still there, but the Chinese descendants have lost their formula and can't motivate them. After Chen Fan's re training, they are given to the five strongest elders in the ancestral temple, as well as Qin Luo.

Next, the Zhenjun ceremony will finally begin.


on the opening day of the ceremony, there were a lot of people in the whole Guhua city. Hundreds of millions of Chinese people are coming one after another, and the sky is covered with flying boats. Countless road escape light, like rain fall. At this time, there are many rare congenital monks.

"Mu Feng, the elder of the Arctic sect, comes to congratulate Chen Zhenjun. He is invincible!"

"The blood demon king, the head of the blood demon clan, asked to see Chen Zhenjun."

"The deputy leader of Dahuang sect in Shangzhou, congratulates Chen Zhenjun..."

not only the major sects in Yanzhou, people of many races and Xiuxian families, but also the sects in seven or eight surrounding states, such as Shangzhou, Qingzhou, Luozhou and kunzhou, came to watch the ceremony.

"A lot of people."

Yunyi'er looks around.

"In the past ten years, there may not be a real king born in the northern cold region. What's more, this new real king is amazing. In the middle of the golden elixir, he became a giant in the world. Naturally, we will try our best to win him over. "

Lin Wuhua said lightly.

She was dressed in black, green silk like waterfall, and her face was colder than before, like an iceberg. Except Yun Yi'er and mu Hongti, no one dares to get close to her.

Lin Wuhua looked up and saw many familiar people.

Gu Lingzi, Chu Tianyu, Bai linger... These are the top figures of the young generation. Chen Fan held the Zhenjun hall, which means that all the powerful clans in the cave should pay attention to it. However, it is not easy to send the elders of the clans. He seems to pay too much attention to it, so he asked Lin Wuhua and others to come to congratulate him.

However, Lin Wuhua had no idea what it was like. He thought Tianjiao was fighting for supremacy, but Chen beixuan came out first and swept Tianjiao. Another Chen Zhenjun came out and cut the golden elixir. The light of my contemporaries is dim.

"Don't leave me too far. Those who can come to the ceremony are all strong people of all ethnic groups. Some people, even me, dare not provoke easily."

Lin Wuhua orders.

The two women nodded. Now on the square, congenitally gathered, and even the golden elixir came to a few. Lin Wuhua is in the middle of the line. Anyone here can crush them by lifting his finger.At this time, suddenly a mountain whistling came, is the main character of the ceremony appeared.

As soon as the three girls of Lin Wuhua looked up, they saw that the gate of the ancestral temple was pushed open. A young man with black dragon pattern, black hair and black pupil came walking. The young man was beautiful, just like a God. Beside him was a beautiful girl in purple.

"How could it be him?"

At the moment of seeing the youth, the three girls were stunned at the same time.

Lin Wuhua's face was full of horror, like seeing ghosts.

PS: it's the third shift. It's the third shift today. The author brewed for a while and got up at night to prepare for the second outbreak of the fifth night. ^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!