Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 845

In the main hall of the ancestral temple, the huge whale oil torch, which is as thick as a child's arm, is burning and shining brightly in the Baizhang hall. . the fastest update, but at this time, dozens of people sitting cross legged, but the whole body cold, quietly sitting there, dare not make a sound.

Including Qin Luo, they all looked at Chen Fan with shocking eyes.

"What do you mean, granddad? How can my brother be Chen beixuan, the wanted criminal of Wang Ting? "

Xiaoman said anxiously.

Maybe Chen Fan's name is not widely spread in Yanzhou. After all, Yanzhou is hundreds of thousands of miles away from Zhuyan City, one south and one north. But many Chinese people have heard of Chen Fan's name.

Qin and Luo were silent.

Before Xie Changying spoke, they never thought about it. After all, it is said that Chen beixuan is dead, but as soon as Xie Changying says it, chen fan's suspicions suddenly appear in front of everyone's eyes.

Chen fanlai, who claims to be from Suizhou, has no father or mother.

Chen fan is powerful and can kill Zhenjun by lifting his finger, but he was unknown before.

Chen Fan's surname is Chen, and the rumored Chen beixuan's surname is Chen.

when these clues are combined, the truth is almost out.

Xiaoman looks up and looks forward to it.

See Chen fan calm nod: "yes, I am Chen beixuan."

When he said this, the sound absorption in the ancestral temple hall was a little rough. Chen fan is a wanted criminal in the northern Han court. Jian Jun named him to kill him. Whether they are Longman or beijizong, they are far behind the Zhao family of Beihan royal court.

After a long time, Xie Changying said:

"don't worry too much. Chen Zhenjun's magic power is peerless. Even the northern cold court is not willing to easily provoke a magnate. Besides, we are the only ones who know the news. I'm just guessing. The northern court may not know it. "

"In any case, thank you for protecting me. Thank you again." Xie Changying bowed herself.

Although they knew that Xie Changying's words were mostly comforting, they were still a little relieved.


Even the northern Han court would not offend a powerful real king for the sake of a son. Only Xiaoman was still nervous and uneasy.

Next, let's have a thorough talk.

"It's said that Zhenjun got juehan's legacy and was killed by Sanwei secretly. Are all those rumors false? " Some elders have doubts.

"I was shut up in juehan cave that day, and I didn't see those imperial guards." Chen Fan shook his head.

"What about the real king? Are you really Suizhou people? How did Zhenjun break through the shackles of blood and become a golden elixir? Why have you never heard of it before? " Qin Luo spoke.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes fell on Chen fan, waiting for him to answer.

As a Chinese, they are most concerned about why chen fan can break through the golden elixir and become a real king. You know, for thousands of years, the Chinese people have been born with a lot of peerless arrogance, but in the end, they were stuck in ningdan, and they died of despair.

It was because the golden elixir could not be born that there was a rumor that it was the early Northern Han king who gave the blood curse.

Chen Fan took the cup and tasted the wine. After a long time, he said slowly:

"I don't have the shackles of blood."

"How could it be?"

The ancestral temple vibrated.

No one believed it. Including elder Xie Changying, they all have doubts. The shackles of Chinese people's practice exist in their blood. As long as they have Chinese blood, they must be restricted. No matter how many generations they have passed on or how many intermarriages they have with other nationalities, they still exist.

"Isn't he a Chinese?"

Some elders are surprised and think of the rumor, looking at Chen Fan's eyes with a trace of fear.

"Yes, brother, as long as you are Chinese people in the end of the world, you have the shackles of blood. When practicing, there must be many obstacles, even a little aura can not be felt. No matter how far away it is, no matter where it exists, it cannot be avoided. "

Xiaoman also spoke.

She grew up in the Chinese people. Her ears and eyes are stained. The shackles of her blood have become the truth.

"The Chinese people in the end of the world have the shackles of blood. But what if I'm not from the end of the world? " Chen fan put down his glass and suddenly laughed.

"Not from the end of the universe?"

Everyone was stunned.

What does that mean? In their consciousness, the end of heaven is everything, and everything is the end of heaven. This heaven and earth is bigger than the universe. Many people have never been out of the northern cold region in their lives, let alone the end of time. The Chinese nationality is a native race in Tianhuang Xingyu. It has never been heard that there are other Chinese nationalities besides Tianhuang Xingyu.

Only the elder Xie Changying, with a shaking hand and a look of horror, looked like an alien.

"The elder understands."

Chen fan is not smiling.

Everyone's eyes immediately converged on Xie Changying's head, and they were all puzzled.

The elder just stares at chen fan and gets more and more excited. At last, he can't even sit down. He gets up and says: "you are from Middle Earth?"

"Not bad."

Chen Fan nodded.

"What is middle earth?"People don't understand. However, he saw that the elder was as crazy as he was on the top of the mountain and burst into tears: "our ancestors are here, and our family has finally come to our hometown. The sacrifices of the heavenly kings were not in vain "

he came up in a hurry, grabbed Chen Fan's hand, and said in a hurry:

" are you from Hunyuan sect, Qingxuan sect, burning sky valley or Yuntian palace? How are master Qi Ling and Yun Xiao Zhen Jun? "

"Neither. I come from the secular world. " Chen Fan shook his head.

"Secular world? Isn't it said in ancient books that the secular world has turned into a place of absolute spirit? How can anyone make a golden elixir? " Xie Changying's eyes were puzzled, but the doubt disappeared in a flash. He said with a bitter smile:

"I didn't expect that my family abandoned China in those years. Thousands of years later, it was the descendants of their hometown who saved our nation. "

Zhuchang was sitting cross legged. Some of the most senior and the oldest elders had already thought of something. They all looked at Chen Fan in horror.

"Elder, what's the matter with all this?"

Qin Luo said in a deep voice.

Many Chinese people are full of doubts.

"Well, I have something to tell you." Xie Changying shook her head: "in fact, our Chinese people are not native to China, but come from a place called" Middle Earth Star realm "on the other side of the starry sky. But thousands of years ago, because of the great changes in China, it was no longer suitable for practice. Only under the leadership of the true kings can we cross the starry sky of the universe and come to the realm of the stars in the end of the world


The ancestral temple is boiling.

This time, we were not only surprised, but shocked.

Many elder, all stare big eyes, inconceivable look. As for Xiaoman, his eyes are round and his cherry mouth is wide open. He is extremely cute.

"It's impossible. How can we come from a foreign land?" Many people can't accept it. It's too subversive. The Chinese people have lived in Yanzhou for thousands of years. Thousands of generations have come here and suddenly say that they are not natives. They are so old-fashioned that they can't understand.

"Wait, elder. When our family was able to cross the sky, was there a real king, and more than one? " Qin Luo suddenly cried.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

"Not only Zhenjun, but also Yuanying Tianjun, the most prosperous Chinese nation, dominated the Saturn region. At that time, Qi Tianjun cut off the sky with one sword and separated the stars. His sword power lasted for thousands of years, and he even killed the enemy of Yuanying, a foreign country Chen Fan said.

Hearing this, all the people felt excited and could not help clenching their fists and shaking with excitement.

That's the emperor. There is no one in the whole northern cold region. Only legend has it that the early Northern Han king could have reached this level. It is to look at the end of time, Yuanying Tianjun is standing on the top of the existence. How could the Chinese people have ever been the emperor of Yuanying, and still so powerful?

"My family has ever been a heavenly king, and my family has ever been a heavenly king?"

Even Qin Luo was so excited that he couldn't help standing up.

They were stigmatized as inferior race and waste race by the major races in the northern cold region, but they were unable to refute. Now that they know the truth, they feel proud and proud, and they no longer have to stoop.

Everyone looked at Chen Fan's eyes, suddenly softened down.

"It turns out that our ancestors were not weak, but strong to the top. Stronger than the northern Han Royal family. But why can't we, the younger generation, practice all the time? Not even a golden elixir? " Some elders don't understand.

Even chen fan has some doubts.

"Is it really the blood curse of the early Northern Han king? But with his accomplishments, even if Yuan Ying was successful, he might not be Qi Tianjun's opponent. How could he have the ability to cast such a curse? "

The elder was silent for a long time before he said slowly:

"I don't know whether it was the curse of the early Northern Han king. In ancient books, there is no detailed description of this paragraph. "

"I only know that when the Chinese people first came to the end of time, they were extremely prosperous. The whole northern cold region was the territory of the Chinese people, not the territory of the Zhao family. At that time, the name of the northern cold region was "Qi Tian Yu" instead of "Qi Tian Yu". Today's Chijiao people, violent ape people and so on are all subordinate races of our Chinese people. "

"But then, one day, suddenly, the sky broke, and God and man appeared in the sky, hundreds of millions of feet high, spewing the words of heaven. Our Chinese capital collapsed on the spot, and then all the real Chinese kings, including Qi Tianjun, disappeared. Then my Chinese people lost their cultivation talent. From then on, he was driven to the southernmost tip of Yanzhou. " The elder suddenly laughed bitterly:

"it was a hard time. If you don't have a real king, you'll be in town. Our family was attacked by many powerful families and sects. Most of the hundreds of millions of people were killed and injured, and only a small part of them were left in the city of Guhua. After thousands of years, the Chinese ancestors gradually opened up to the outside world, and then rebuilt the thirty-two cities "

listening to the elder's words, everyone was silent.

Including Chen fan, the mood is a little heavy

Xiaoman is tearful, holding Chen Fan's hands tightly.

From a domain to a city. What hardships and hardships did the Chinese ancestors encounter in those years? It's almost unimaginable. Chen fan can imagine that the top ten clans and many sects were stained with the blood of the Chinese.

Especially the northern Han Royal family.The position of the Chinese is almost certain. The blood curse, even if it wasn't from the early Northern Han king himself. It must have something to do with him, at least the northern Han Royal family must know something inside.

"Elder, don't worry. I'll settle some grudges with them slowly."

Chen Fan gently holds Xiaoman's hand, light way.

"Long tassels represent all the ancestors. Thank you, Zhenjun."

Hearing this, the elder trembled, then bowed down heavily, his head touching the ground all the time. Behind him, many congenial people knelt down, including Qin Luo, and kowtowed to Chen Fan sincerely.

The hall is solemn and the atmosphere is solemn.

Only Chen Fan was there, his eyes cold and murderous.

PS: the second one is presented, and the author continues to write the third one_ n) O (to be continued). ) , the fastest update of the webnovel!