Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 844

The northern cold region is extremely vast, 36 states are vast, is dozens of earth area. There are countless races, countless human beings, and countless clans.

But there is no doubt that it is the top ten families, the eight Town aristocratic families, and the six cultivation caves.

These forces are the real giants of the northern cold region, and no one can match them except the northern cold kings. At ordinary times, nothing can shock these top forces. They stand high and overlook the world for thousands of years.

But today, they can't sit still.

"It's said that great things happened in Yanzhou, and five real kings fell one after another?"

"No, Zhenjun, that's the existence overlooking thousands of years. How could he fall into the fifth place without dying for decades? Who did it? Empty cave leader's teaching? King of the apes? Or the owners of businesses in the town? "

"No, it's said that it's a new Chinese king named Chen fan."

The first World War outside Guhua is amazing.

There are only thirty-six states in the whole northern cold region. Chen Fan almost slaughtered the real king of one state in one breath. How can he not be shocked in the world? At this moment, it is the powerful family, and the Chinese people are also listed as the key target.

"It's said that Zhenjun of the Chinese nationality is a young man. His cultivation may have reached the middle stage of the golden elixir and become a giant in the world."

There's news again.

"Hiss? No way

Jindan middle stage.

The strong at this level are all at the level of ten strong families and eight aristocratic families. Even a few of them are still in this stage. If you look at the northern cold regions, there are only a few. If Jindan is a hegemon, they are giants, standing on the top of the northern cold region!

"The Chinese are not the blood of waste. It's said that they are cursed by the northern Han Royal family and can't produce the golden elixir at all? How can there be such a strong one? "

Countless people don't understand.

But more people look at each other:

"is it possible that we will add another strong family in the northern cold region?"

Shangzhou, tianmang, Dongtian.

Manggu is sitting in tianmang mountain with his legs crossed.

The blood light from the sky, like a sword, struck his body. The blood blade is the essence of tianmang mountain accumulated for thousands of years. It can be used to temper the body. That's why tianmang sect moved the cave here.

If you look at it carefully, you will find that faxiangmanggu's body is full of muscles, copper skin and iron bone, and does not move at all. A bright bronze yuan Dan runs in his body. If you look at it carefully, there are five shallow veins on the yuan Dan, just like Dan marks.

"Manggu is really strong. Since he was defeated in the juehan mountains, he has been closed for a year. In another 20 years, I'm afraid we'll be able to attack the quintessence. "

Several tianmang Temple elders, standing in the distance, said with a smile.

"That chihuokong was known as the first fire refining genius in thirty-six prefectures at that time. He went through four thunder robberies in succession and made a medium grade gold elixir. Even the king of Beihan was startled and personally went out of the pass to confer the supreme Dharma, appointing him as the governor of Yanzhou. If manggu succeeds in the thunder robbery, he will be killed. I don't think the other five caves are qualified to compete with me. "

The elder of tianmang sect also stroked his long beard.

Although the six caves stand side by side, they secretly fight with each other. If manggu is a five grade gold elixir, he will be the first of the younger generation in the northern cold region. This kind of talent is rare outside the northern cold region. Only those who are passed down by Tianzong can be defeated.

The elders are talking and laughing.

Suddenly a streamer of light fell into the hands of the elder. The elder's face changed as soon as he saw it.

"What's the matter?"

The elders were surprised.

Then he saw the elder's face was very blue:

"a new king was born in Yanzhou. He cut five golden elixirs and forced back chihuokong. Tianji Dongtian has listed him among the giants of the world. From now on, one more family will be added to the top ten. And that person is said to be a Chinese. He's not a hundred years old


Tianmang hall vibrated.

It's not just in the sky.

All the big Dongtian, all the big sects, and many powerful clans got this information.

"How can it be? Centenarian magnate? Besides, they are Chinese. It's just like a myth. Is the news accurate? "

You really doubt it!

In fact, many people are skeptical. Today's tycoons are rare. Looking at the northern cold regions, they are few and far between. No more than a hundred years old, is earth shaking.

Even the top talent in the northern cold region has to be around 70 or 80 years old to advance to the golden elixir. If you want to be promoted to the middle of Jindan, it's a delusion to be less than 200 years old. What's more, it's the Chinese, the famous blood of waste.

"At that time, Zhenjun, who had a chance to go through the cave, saw it with his own eyes and deduced it from" little chance ". According to Zong Zhenjun, if that person is not in the middle stage of the golden elixir, he is the sixth grade golden elixir, and he is also the highest grade golden elixir! "

Said the informant.

This time, everyone was silent.

Among the six caves, Tianji sect is the most ethereal. The true king of this school specializes in studying the secrets of heaven's secrets and measuring the world. He will never make mistakes. Compared with liupin Jindan, people are more willing to believe in Jindan.After all, there are still ten or twenty people in the whole northern cold region. However, there is only one of the six elixirs:

Jianjun, the strongest one in the northern cold region!

Xuanming cave.

After receiving the news, Lin Wuhua closed the door with her sword in her arms.

"Sister mu, do you think this Chinese Chen Zhenjun is the elder Chen?"

Cloud according to son small hand holding pretty face way.

"According to the news from Wangdu, it is said that Mr. Chen has been killed by the third bodyguard of Wangting."

Mu Hongti's secluded path. There was a fire of hatred in her eyes. The northern Han court captured their relatives. Both mu Hongti and Yun Yier hated Bai mangwei and Zhao family.

"If master Chen is still here, he won't be much weaker than Chen Zhenjun. It's a pity"

Yun Yier's eyes hate him.

Two people sit to each other, silent tears.

In xuanming cave, in Yinyang cave, in Yinling family, in Zhenlong Chu family, a genius was silent when he heard about Chen fan, and then chose to shut up one after another.

A magnate with less than a hundred years of history is also of the Chinese nationality.

It's too shocking.

Gu Lingzi, Chu Tianyu, Bai linger and countless Tianjiao take Chen Fan as the goal of transcendence and swear secretly. And all the great masters of the cave and the aristocratic families began to study how to associate with this new giant.

At this moment, chen fan is famous in the northern cold region!

In the palace of tuntian, the city of the northern cold king.

"Is the message accurate?"

Sitting on the throne of the dragon, Zhao duluo wore a boa robe and a seven bead crown, and his face was serious.

"According to the message from Yanzhou Prefecture, the new Chinese king is really powerful. He killed five golden elixirs in one breath, like a chicken. There is no certainty of victory for chihuokong. "

"We later consulted Tianji Dongtian. They did have an elder who was passing by outside Guhua city at that time."

Wang Ting, the head of the intelligence department, bowed himself to answer.

"The golden elixir's middle stage is less than 100 years old"

Zhao Du frowned, even he was jealous.

He was born into a royal family. He was born with the blood of a snake swallowing heaven. He was guided by the most famous teacher since he was a child. He took countless elixirs. Finally, when he was only 90 years old, he completed the golden elixir. Now he is more than 300 years old, half a step away from the middle stage of the golden elixir.

"Your Highness, chihuokong has sent six urgent messages. With the strength of him and the capital of Yanzhou, he may not be able to resist the attack of the Chinese people. He urgently needs the help of Wang Ting experts, otherwise Yanzhou will be unstable. "

The chief said in a high voice.


Zhao Du got up and walked slowly, feeling thorny.

With his strength, it is easy to deal with ordinary real kings, but it is difficult to suppress or surround a giant in the middle of Jindan.

"By the way, your highness, the man seems to have the ability to crush the vacuum. But our company doesn't approve of it. It's a magic power to smash the vacuum. Only a few of Jianjun in the whole northern cold region have this ability. He is in the middle of the golden elixir, and it's unlikely that he is "the way of the intelligence chief Hu.

"What? "Crushing vacuum?"

Zhao Du's eyes shrank.

In a hurry, he ordered people to get the image of Chen fan, and when he saw the beautiful young Chinese with black hair and pupils in the picture. Zhao Du was stunned. The appearance was the same as that of the man he had met.

"It's you"

"Chen beixuan!"

Zhao Du Luo was uneasy.

At that time, Jian Jun ordered him to track down Chen fan. As a result, he sent white boa Sanwei to search the world in vain. Finally, Zhao Du Luo even thought that Chen fan had escaped from the northern cold region. We are not paying attention to this. In the first battle of juehan Dongtian, chen fan's strength is just ordinary Zhenjun level, not much threat.

But in the middle of Jindan, a man under 100 years old, this is too terrible, especially with Wang Ting.

"Order commander Sanwei to come and see me. I want to call on Jianjun immediately and report something important. "

Zhao Du got up and hurried to the sword palace.

On that day, Wang Ting was shocked. It is said that there was a sword Qi, which went straight to the bullfight, tore the sky, turned into a white rainbow pillar, and stopped for three days!

The whole northern cold region, when the wind is surging.

Chen Fan knew nothing about it. He had returned to Guhua city with the support of countless Chinese friars. On that day, the ancient city of China held a banquet, stretching for a hundred miles, around the whole city. The ancestral temple even ordered the monks to celebrate with the mortals.

Every family is decorated with lights and colorful decorations.

The Chinese people have never been so excited and happy as they are today.

As the greatest hero of the war, chen fan naturally received numerous people's kneeling and congratulations. Aunt Liu, butcher Zhang, Wang Xiucai and other neighbors came to visit one after another. In the past six months, including Chen fan, many friends, such as students from Taishi Pavilion, also came to congratulate him.

Xiaoman is more excited.

She took Chen Fan's hand and made a fuss until late into the night, turning the whole ancient Huacheng around.

After the banquet, chen fan and Xiao man step into the main hall of the ancestral temple. There, many elders of the ancestral temple, as well as all the high-level officials, have gathered to respectfully wait for Chen Fan's arrival."Meet Chen Zhenjun."

Looking at dozens of Chinese congenitally, they gave a big gift at the same time. They also include the elder Xie Changying, whom they usually can only look up to, and Qin Luo and others. Xiaoman was in a trance.

At this time, she really felt what kind of status her brother had.

Chen Fan didn't care about these rituals and waved them to get up. Divide the host and guest equally and sit down. Elder Xie Changying speaks first.

"I wonder if Zhenjun has another name, Chen beixuan?"

Once this remark was made, the whole scene was silent.

Including Xiaoman, they were shocked.

PS: the first one is presented, and the author continues to write the second one. Thank you. I have a giant crane. The three leaders of the alliance reward me. Thank you very much^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!