Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 843

What is invincible?

Maybe before, people didn't understand what the invincible is. Until today, see Chen Fan with unbeaten posture, crush the gold elixir, in the hands of the five real Jun Lian, a boxing kill blood demon God. They finally understand that this is the real invincible.

"Compared with him, the so-called Chinese before me, but under the unique edge of" Zhenwu sword ", can carry the nuclear bomb Lingbao bombardment skin, instantly break, like a knife cut butter. A touch of golden light, from top to bottom, passed through its demon core, and split it with the core and spirit. The fourth true king fell.

Finally, chen fan stepped out, turned into giant foot, and stepped on the ancestors of the Arctic.

No matter how the Arctic ancestors threatened, begged for mercy, or even cursed and swore, chen fan ignored all the time and just stepped down heavily.


Outside Guhua City, a mountain with a height of thousands of feet was flattened by Chen Fan from head to toe, and finally fell on the ground, creating a huge hole. The ground shaking, like an earthquake, shocked thousands of miles. When Chen Fan raised his foot, the Arctic ancestor turned into meat sauce, and even his spirit was killed. Only a golden elixir remained.


Seeing this scene, everyone was silent.

It's only half an hour since Longman was born. Chen fan even killed six Golden elixirs. The most powerful of Yanzhou was almost swept away by him. Chen Fansheng stepped down a big state with his own strength!

Those who know this are all frightened.

"Good, good."

Chihuokong clenched his fists and spat out three good words.

His red eyebrows were as red as fire, his eyes were full of anger, his long hair was erect, and he was extremely angry. In front of him, chen fan killed the sky, chopped the demon master, and set foot on the North Pole. It's like three slaps. A series of fans are on chihuokong's face. After the left face is fanned, the right face is fanned. Chihuokong feels that the dignity of all the state owners has been trampled by Chen fan.


Red burning air can not help but step out, around nine Firebirds, at the same time.

People just saw that what kind of Firebird is that? It is clearly nine Phoenix, each vivid, just like the real body.

"Why, do you want to do it?"

Chen fan, with both hands on his back, looks calmly.

If he said this half a day ago, people would only think that Chen Fan was crazy. Now, even the most optimistic bystanders have to admit it. Chen Fankan and chihuokong.

Countless people held their breath.

On one side is chihuokong, the strongest man in Yanzhou. On one side is Chen fan, the invincible real king. The battle between the two men is bound to be unprecedented and shake the whole world.

Chihuokong stood there, clenched his fists, and his eyes were shining for several times. At last, he turned around and left:

"Chinese boy, you are so rude, you will suffer. Next time I meet you, I will never stay!"

Everyone was stunned to see the red burning air turned into fire light, excited. Shot away. Wait for red burning air to walk for a long time, they just reaction come over, this Yan state state Lord, unexpectedly don't fight but retreat?

The Chinese people were stunned at first, and then burst out a loud cheering.

The cheering is so loud that it shakes the world and spreads for hundreds of miles. In this cheering, countless Longman soldiers were as pale as ashes. Many observers with ulterior motives were even more frightened.

"We won. Elder, we won. "

Many high-level ancestral temples wept with joy.

"Yes, we won."

Xie Changying repeated slowly.

His old hands trembled involuntarily. Xie Changying raised her head and burst into tears: "my ancestors are here. I, the Chinese, have finally won!"

As soon as Chen Fan looked back, he was rushed into his arms by a purple figure. Then, countless excited Chinese strongmen surrounded them.

This day is a feast for the Chinese people!

Chinese people have lived in the world for thousands of years, and finally wait until the moment when they are proud and arrogant.

In front of the water mirror.

Through the technique of projection, we can see clearly that many high-level officials of Yanzhou Prefecture in this war are all silent. In particular, the scene of red burning air retreating made all of them look like ashes.

"After today, I'm afraid no one can compete with him in such a big Yanzhou."

After a long time, someone said with a bitter smile.

Everyone was dead, including Xu Hao, the leader of Shaozhou.


October 16, 2017.

Chen fan, outside Guhua city in Yanzhou, killed six real princes in succession to scare off the red burning air, the leader of Yanzhou, and shocked the world in the first World War.

The news came out, 36 states in the northern cold region, shocked by it!

PS: it's over at five o'clock^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!