Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 840

"How is that possible?"

The Dragon man king, who is tens of meters high, looks up at the sky and can't believe it.

That's the invincible ancestor god. Look at Yanzhou and even the northern cold region. Longman gods are all strong at the top. In addition to the six caves and the ten strong families, some of the other elixirs can defeat the Dragon man God at most, and it is impossible to kill it.

In fact, not only the king of Longman, but everyone was stunned, including Qin Luo, who couldn't say a word. In front of them, all this is totally different from what they imagined.

Shouldn't it be the Dragon man God who stepped down and killed chen fan?

How can chen fan turn into a dragon man God who goes up against the sky and kills thousands of meters high with one blow.

"Father, I'm wrong. Is this the same Xiao Fan? "

Aunt Liu stood there, hesitating.

"No, it's not that you read it wrong, but that Xiao Fan really defeated the demon God, and my Chinese people are saved."

Butcher Zhang had a bright smile on his face.

Millions of Chinese people, first quiet, then the whole city of Guhua, burst into cheers, countless people boiling like the sea. All the things we can throw away at hand are thrown into the air to express our joy. Many ancestral temple high-rise, the same tears.

The Chinese have been waiting for this day for too long. For thousands of years, they struggled in the dark, gritting their teeth to support. This is the day that the northern Jizong bowed his knees and bowed his head to pay tribute to the capital of Yanzhou to resist the attacks of the Dragon barbarians, blood demons and Beihai monsters.

"All the ancestors are here, and I, the Chinese, finally have a real king!"

Xie Changying said.

True king!

If a race wants to gain a foothold in the northern cold region, it must be suppressed by a real king or God. Otherwise, it can only be bullied by others and treated as a servant by countless sects, state capitals and big families. Only when there is a real king, other sects have to think twice, even if they want to invade.

The golden elixir is deterrence.

Any strong person who wants to kill a golden elixir will have to pay a heavy price. Unless the cultivation is too high, Zhenjun is too hard to kill. What's more, Zhenjun has a hand in self explosion. Once the golden elixir explodes, its power will even exceed 10 million tons or even 100 million tons of nuclear weapons.

It doesn't matter whether Chen fan is the real king or not, but he can crack the dragon with one blow, which is the power to rival the real king.


The Dharma Prime Minister burst open, and out of thin air appeared the real body of the seriously injured dragon man God.

It's not dead!

However, it's also normal. Any strong elixir is extremely difficult to kill. The broken body is not a fatal injury to them. Only by smashing the gold elixir or God core and erasing their spirit, can we kill the gold elixir completely. But at this time, the state of Longman God was extremely miserable. On its 100 meter high body, it burst out everywhere, and countless scales were broken, showing cracks like scars, like cobwebs, from head to foot. Chen Fan's fist strength is terrible.

He was able to beat the strong man in the middle of Jindan with a punch urged by Zhenwu Yuandan. Although the Dragon man God is strong, it is only the beginning of the golden elixir after all. In the face of this fist, it is lucky to be able to keep the spirit and the core of the God to escape.

But the divine body was completely cracked by Chen Fan's fist strength. At this time, it was just closed in front of the divine power, just like the broken porcelain that was forced to stick together.

"I'm not dead yet. I can live."

Chen Fan gave a faint smile.


Chen Fan step on the void, step on the golden ripples, the whole person shrouded in the bright flame of God, unmatched, straight at the Dragon man God.

"How about that, sir? This time, the God is wrong. The barbarian army of our dragon will withdraw from the Chinese area, and the two ethnic groups will not invade again. " The Dragon man God spoke.

It is humble, in front of the public, lowered the noble head.

Chen Fan's punch completely crushed all his confidence and pride. Even if the Dragon man God thinks he has a trump card, but in the face of Chen Fan's great power, he is not willing to fight any more.

"The realm is broken and the divine body is broken. It will take me at least a hundred years to get the divine body back. I'll put up with it first and report it later. "

The Dragon man God bowed his head.


Chen Fan did not stop and took another step.

"Sir, do you really want to fight to the end? You know, I'm so anxious that I can't drag you to hell. If you die, there will be no protection for the Chinese. " The Dragon man screamed.

"You deserve it?"

Chen Fan chuckled and held out his hand in the air.

In the void, there is a huge golden light palm, which is like a grinding plate to crush everything. The void burst in front of this palm, and the terrible golden blood filled the void, which made countless barbarian soldiers tremble.


Longman God summoned up his strength to meet him.

However, it almost broke down at the first touch. Chen Fan slapped and blasted the body of its true God in the air. Innumerable golden divine bones, divine blood, and scales are flying away in all directions like rain."Ah."

The Dragon man God let out a howl.

Its spirit, directly wrapped in the God core, turned into a dark light, and fled to the distance, hiding among the 100000 dragon barbarians.

"Don't let it escape, my Lord."

Xie Changying's face changed wildly and cried out.

If you don't crush the God's core, you don't kill a strong elixir. After hundreds of years, the Dragon man God rallies again. When he comes back again, he is a lively man. At that time, the Chinese people would face extinction.

After all, there are only a thousand days to be a thief, not a thousand days to be a thief.

Chen fan can't always stay in the Chinese area. If the Dragon man God presses down the true God's dignity and engages in guerrilla assassination, slaughtering your village today and killing your city tomorrow, it will only take a few years for the Chinese people to lose their vitality. This is also the reason why the major ethnic groups hold each other back and dare not fight for life and death.

"There's no escape."

Chen Fan gave a faint smile.

In a flash, like a chariot of gods, he stepped into the void and rushed into the army. The king of Longman roared wildly, summoning his subordinates to protect the ancestral God. Many of the Dragon barbarian soldiers are even more desperate and rush to Chen fan like moths fighting fire. Dozens of dragon barbarians are born with the same fate.

They can die, but the Dragon man God must not fall into Chen Fan's hands.

Otherwise, the whole Longman clan will be destroyed.


Chen Fan's whole body is flaming with gold, like the sun in the sky. Where he went, all the Longman soldiers within a hundred Zhang radius were killed in an instant. They were born strong, but Chen Fan only had one finger and one punch.

Almost between the fingers.

Chen fan was in the army of one hundred thousand dragon barbarians, and pulled out a long way of blood. Tens of thousands of dragon barbarian soldiers were burned to ashes by Shenyan. Even the Dragon man King rushed up and was killed by a slap.

In the end, chen fan holds the spirit of Longman in his hand. Regardless of the cry of the Dragon man God, the glittering and translucent light palm blooms infinite divine brilliance. It is necessary to use the real power to shatter this divine core out of thin air.

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