Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 841

Accompanied by the sound, is a magic light like Tianhe waterfall.

The divine light swish at Chen Fan's palm, trying to snatch the core of Longman God out of his palm. But Chen Fan flicked his finger and smashed the magic light.


Everyone was stunned and looked up.

In the distance, a white rainbow came. In the rainbow, there was an old man with white clothes, white hair, white head and white beard. The old man's blood, even eyebrows are dyed white, long sleeves flying in the air, immortal. His breath is ethereal, not weaker than that of the Dragon man God. He is also a real king.

"Father of the Arctic?"

Xie Changying exclaimed.

Many elders of the ancestral temple were also stunned.

Naturally, they recognized that this old man with white hair was the Jindan ancestor of the Chinese people, who had always depended on them. Just at this time, the father of the Arctic is looking at Chen Fan with a smile on his face.

"Daoyou, stop it. Peace is the most important thing. Although the Dragon man God is wrong, he does not sin to death. Please look at the old face. Let's spare the Dragon man once. Laojiu assured Daoyou that if the Longman people meet the Chinese in the future, they will retreat for three thousand li, and they can offer stone and medicine to make up for the loss of the Chinese. "

The Arctic ancestor spoke.

"Yes, I'd like to make it up."

The spirit of Longman also screamed.

It now shrinks in the God's core, though it thinks that the God's core is hard and can't be killed easily. But this feeling of being in control of life and death is too uncomfortable. And even if Chen fan can't kill it, he will find a place to write it and suppress it for thousands of years. It's worse than death.


Chen Fan sneered and looked contemptuously at the ancestors of the North Pole:

"when the Longman people killed the Chinese, where were you? When the Longman army invaded our ancient Huacheng, where were you? Where are you when Longman God wants to take Xiaoman away? My Chinese people have worshipped the Arctic shangzong for thousands of years, but I can't see it at the critical moment. At this time, they come out and ask me to stop and talk about peace. Do you think I'm a fool? "

From the very beginning, chen fan sensed his existence.

But when the Dragon man God was arrogant and domineering, he didn't show any sign of rising. When the Dragon man God was defeated and died, he jumped out to make a round. How can Chen Fan listen to such people.

"Click, click."

Chen Fan slowly clenched his fist.

The bright golden light is brewing in his palm, and the whole palm is crystal clear, just like the casting of gold, with terrible blood boiling. He had a little sun in his hand. In contrast, the black god core in the golden light, it seems that some can not support, make a creaking sound, a small crack, emerge out of thin air. The spirit of the Dragon man howled.

"Daoyou, do you want to go your own way?"

The eyes of Arctic ancestors narrowed slightly.

"I'll kill whoever gets in my way."

Chen fan is determined and never stops.

"Good, good."

Arctic ancestors laugh angrily.

As soon as he waved his long sleeves, Tianhe emerged from behind, across the sky of ancient Huacheng.

If you look carefully, it's not Tianhe at all, but the brightest aurora. The colorful aurora is composed of pure magnetic force. It's yuancishenmang, which was collected from the North Sea by the Arctic ancestors. Once it's hit, it can destroy the body and soul of the bad guys.

"You want to do it with me?"

Chen fan is not smiling.

Although the Arctic ancestors were strong, they were in the early days of Jindan with Bozhong, the God of Longman. In the face of them, chen fan, who only refines the gold elixir, can be killed by raising his hand.

"I can't persuade you by myself. Fortunately, there are a lot of compassionate people like me

The father of the Arctic gave a smile.


The void burst and several rainbow lights came from all directions. In the rainbow light, there is a fierce and powerful man. There are five or six of them.

"The blood demon God of the blood demon clan."

"Lingtianzong's lingtianren."

"Master of jiuxiao sword sect, master of split sky sword."

"Beihai water demon ancestor King..."

Xie Changying looked up and read out the name of the peerless strong man. These people are all the strong people who stand at the peak of Yanzhou. Almost the real king of Yanzhou gathered here.

Especially when she saw the last dignified old man with red angry eyebrows and nine flames flying all over her body, Xie Changying was trembling.

"Master of Yanzhou... Red burning air!"

The old man with red hair came from the capital of Yanzhou in a hurry.

When these strong men appeared, the whole ancient city of China was suffocated. In the sky and on the earth, everyone is silent, and no one dares to speak. They are the elders of many ancestral temples, all of whom are very pale.

"What do they mean? Isn't beijizong and Yanzhou Prefecture my Chinese ally? The Arctic sect is even more superior. Why should we stop my brother? " Xiaoman clenched his fist and said."The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. If the pile is higher than the shore, the current will be turbulent. Now I, the Chinese, have become the first bird. " Xie Changying gave a sad smile.

All the other elders were silent.

They all knew in their hearts that this time the Dragon man God forced the Chinese to do something, which was the tacit consent of the major forces in Yanzhou, in order to weaken the strength of the Chinese. But Chen Fan's birth is beyond everyone's expectation.

Seeing that the Dragon man God is going to die, these backstage agents can no longer do it, and they all jump out to stop.

"Are you going to stop me, too?"

Chen Fan raised his head and his eyes were as calm as water.

"Chen Daoyou, listen to me. It's not easy for Longman God to practice hard for thousands of years. Please spare his life. As for the price and reward, it's easy to say. " Ling Tianren spoke.

"We are all real Jun in Yanzhou. Why fight?" Xie Tianjian nodded.

"Not bad!" The blood demon agreed.

"You may not know that the blood of Longman God comes from the Chijiao clan, the leader of the top ten families in the northern cold region. If you let the Chijiao people know that you killed the Dragon man God, I'm afraid the Chijiao king may not be happy. " The Arctic ancestor said with a smile.

The whole audience was silent.

Chijiao people are known as the largest family in the northern cold region. They never retreat from the Zhao family, the royal family of the northern cold region. The strong blood of the Chijiao people is extremely strong, and there are many elixirs in the Chijiao family. If the population is not too small, the position of the royal family of the northern cold region may not be the Zhao family. Moreover, the Chijiao people especially protect their weaknesses. The Chijiao king is known as one of the top ten strong men in the northern cold region, second only to the northern cold king and Jianjun. The six cave leaders dare not provoke lightly.

In the face of such forces, Xie Changying was shaken.

Many elders of the ancestral temple looked at each other. If they were not familiar with Chen fan, I'm afraid someone would have talked to them.

"Yes, my mother is the sister of King Chijiao. Chen Daoyou, if you kill me, the Chijiao people will never forgive me lightly. At that time, when King Chijiao is angry, I'm afraid the whole Chinese will be destroyed. "

Longman said.

"Let go of the Dragon man God, and this matter has been exposed. I hereby guarantee that the Longman people will never again commit crimes against the Chinese people in the future. " Yanzhou state master red burning empty long sleeves floating, and finally open.

What he said is just like the law of heaven.

All the gold elixirs around nodded slightly to show their obedience and approval.

In the whole Yanzhou, the highest status, the strongest, not alien, not sects. It's the capital of Yanzhou. As the leader of a state, the strength of red burning air is superior to that of Yanzhou.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes fell on Chen fan, waiting for the new king's choice.

"What if I don't?"

Chen Fan looks up.

"That is to challenge the order of Yanzhou and the strong people in Yanzhou. As the governor of the state, I should have done justice. But if they don't listen, I can't interfere with them. "

Red burning air sighed.

Blood demon God and other people have tacit understanding from all directions surrounded.

They don't necessarily want to kill chen fan, but they must make a mistake of Chen Fan's spirit and save Longman God. Otherwise, no one will be able to govern the Chinese in the future. This is something Yanzhou's major forces do not want to see.

In the face of the five true kings.

The whole ancient city of China is dead and silent. All the elders look pale at the same time. That is to say, Qin and Luo all look pale.

"Zhenjun, forget it."

Xie Changying spoke.

"Yes, Zhenjun, let Longman God have a small life. It's not worth living for such a scum." Other elders also spoke one after another.


In the end, even Xiaoman couldn't help crying out.

Chen Fan looked back and saw Xiaoman's worried eyes. He glanced around, and everyone looked at him anxiously. Compared with the Dragon man God, we hope chen fan will survive. He is the giant pillar of the Chinese people. Only when he is here can the Chinese people stand on the top of Yanzhou.

"Xiaoman, there are many despicable people in the world. In the name of being good for you, they interfere with you without fear. In the face of these people, just run over them, and don't care what they say. Because they're just a bunch of ants. "

Chen Fan said with a smile.

Five true gentleman smell speech, all facial expression is slightly heavy, chen fan this is obviously insinuating them. Red burning empty eyes, more flashed a trace of displeasure.

But the next moment, the displeasure in their eyes turned into anger.

Chen Fan's golden light burst in his hand and he pinched it suddenly.


The God's core, which is strong enough to withstand the bombardment of Lingbao, was crushed like a glass ball by Chen Fansheng. The spirit of Longman God even howled bitterly, and was burned by the terrible golden flame. Cuncun began to disappear.

"What are you doing? Stop it

Arctic ancestors roar.

At the same time, many real kings turn pale. They suddenly attack chen fan, trying to get in front of Chen Fan and save Longman God.

In the void, five thoroughgoing breaths shake the sun and the moon, and the terrible power makes the whole ancient Huacheng shudder. Countless Longman soldiers tremble and kneel to the ground. Millions of Hua people were disgraced by it.Chen fan, holding the spirit of Longman in one hand, looked up at the five real kings in the sky. Instead of retreating, he said every word:

"I said, those who block me will die!"

When he finished, he suddenly wiped out the spirit of Longman God. Then, a huge golden wheel ten feet high floated behind chen fan. He turned himself into a golden rainbow running through the heaven and the earth and went straight to the sky.

The whole sky is shining!

PS: the third watch. There are two more. Maybe it's a little late. Let's get up and watch it tomorrow^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!