Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 839

"Did you ask me if you wanted to take her?"

When this plain words, resounding in people's ears. The girl in purple trembled and opened her eyes. She saw a young man with black clothes and hair standing in front of her with a hand on her back.

Youth a finger, like giant pillars, firmly against the mountain giant claws, do not retreat half a step. His back is so tiny, but in the eyes of Xiaoman, it is bigger than the hundred meter demon.

It's Chen fan!


Xiaoman's voice trembled and he couldn't believe it.

At her most desperate, helpless and dangerous time. No one in the ancestral temple dared to step forward. Hundreds of millions of people lost their voice. The last person who stood in front of her was Chen fan, who was weak in cultivation.

It's not only Xiaoman who doesn't believe it.

Qin Luo and the elder also stare big eyes, as if seeing the ghost:

"isn't he the only one who has the ability to master xuanxiu? How dare you block the dragon? Is it all disguise before? Chen fan is actually a great master who can't escape from the world? "

Qin Luo's mind is full of paste.

Only the elder, looking at Chen Fan carefully, seemed to think of something, and his eyes could not help showing a trace of suspicion.

"Who are you?"

The Dragon man God drew back his hand and his eyes sank.

Although its claw does not use magic power, it can tear up Baizhang mountain peak, split the earth and destroy half a city with the strength of the real God. But Chen Fan just stopped him. How could Longman God not be surprised.

Countless Chinese people, including many ancestral temples, are equally confused.

Chen Fan's appearance is so strange that he is not any inborn Chinese. And he can refer to the Dragon blocking man God, and his strength is definitely not under Qin Luo, but no one has ever seen him.

"My name is Chen fan. I'm Xiaoman's brother."

Chen fan light mouth.

Facing the hundred meter high demon God, chen fan has no fear, as if the ancestor god of respecting the dragon and barbarians is just a flower, a stone and a grass, and his eyes are as calm as water.

"Chen fan? Never heard of it. Mole ant, you dare to stop me before you become the golden elixir. Just like Qin Luo, let's discard all our accomplishments. "

The eyes of Longman God are bright and cold.

With the cultivation of Longman God, it's easy to judge that Chen fan is just the pinnacle of nature. It's just that Zhenyuan is very strong, and his body is also strong, which is much weaker than Jindan. But after all, it's not the golden elixir.

Qin Luo and others also realized this, and their faces suddenly changed.


The Dragon man God claws again.

The black scale claw, bigger than the villa, glitters with cold light. Its claw tip is about ten feet long, tearing the air and pulling out five long white marks. What's more terrifying is that with the strike of Longman God, the boiling black waves, like the ocean, swept the whole sky.

This time, the Dragon man God used his invincible power of the true God.

All they could see was that the sky turned into darkness, and endless black waves, like tides, drowned heaven and earth. The wave of terror shakes the sun and the moon. Before the Dragon man God reached the ground, hundreds of meters of the ground was torn out of thin air, countless buildings were crushed to pieces, and thousands of people died instantly.

The power of the true God is so terrible!

"Bang Dang."

Chen Fan never retreats.

He pointed to the sword and pulled it into the void. Suddenly, there was a piercing sound in the sky. A blue awn, like a peerless God blade, cuts off the water and stops in front of the Kuroshio. The blade is like water, and it goes up the sky for thousands of meters. It splits the half day Kuroshio into two parts, making the clouds in the sky split, showing a long white corridor, which finally stops.

"He didn't die?"

People thought that Chen fan would die under this claw, at least seriously. But unexpectedly, he and Longman are equal, and even have the upper hand.

"When did my Chinese people become such strong people?"

Countless people were shocked.

"What a terrible Zhenyuan, it's not much weaker than Jindan." Qin Luo's pupils shrank.

"It's a pity that he didn't become the golden elixir after all, otherwise today, this dish will be completely turned over." Xie Changying shook her head bitterly.

The golden elixir and inborn are natural barriers.

This can not be remedied by any skill, magic power or magic weapon. In addition to myths and legends, the son of God of the Supreme God, no one has ever heard that he can fight for the golden elixir by nature.

"Damn it

The Dragon man God is angry.

As a real God and the ancestor of a clan, he made two attacks in a row, but he couldn't get rid of Chen fan. Longman God can already think of how those old opponents would laugh at themselves behind their backs.

"Boy, let me show you what is the real power of God."

The Dragon man God smiles.


At its feet, suddenly appeared a black curtain. In the dark, countless dragon spirits roar and roar. The boiling dark magic fills the void. In the field, the Dragon man God's figure soared and turned into thousands of meters, just like a giant. It was several times stronger than before and filled the void. The whole ancient Chinese city trembled at its feet.Field! Dharma!

This is the true dependence of the golden elixir to crush all the inborn.

In some cases, the pure body and even the real yuan can rival the golden elixir. But the golden elixir controls the heaven and the earth. As soon as the field appears, the surrounding void is controlled by it. Anyone born in the field can only be slaughtered. And the Dharma phase shows that its power has increased several times, far more than any innate power.

Looking at the sky, the dark curtain blocking the sky, everyone turned pale.


Someone's teeth are shaking.

The power of Jindan's all-out effort is too terrible. The whole ancient city of China is shrouded in the majesty of Longman God. Countless people are kneeling down to worship, and even the immortal practitioners can't bear it. Only many inborn, can keep standing, but still lose color.

"No, Chen Xiaoyou, go back."

Cried Xie Changying, taking out a gold seal and jade amulet from her arms and crushing it out of thin air. As soon as the jade talisman was broken, a golden light curtain composed of innumerable runes suddenly appeared over the ancient Huacheng city and stopped Longman God.

"Just a golden talisman can stop me?"

The Dragon man stepped out.

The golden light curtain can't stand it, it explodes out of thin air. Xie Changying consecutively offered seven pieces of gold seal and jade talismans and turned them into seven earth shaking spells. However, when they collided with the whole body of Longman God, they disappeared instantly.

"It's no use. In front of the real God, any attack is just vain. The power of our generation, you mole ants, can never imagine. " The Dragon man God opens his mouth like thunder.

Like a demon, it swept across the void and came to the ancestral temple. Then he raised his foot and stepped on Chen Fan with a trace of banter in his eyes.

The Dragon man God wants to trample chen fan to death.

At that moment, countless Chinese strongmen clenched their fists and wanted to crack. One hundred thousand Longman soldiers, tearing and laughing at the same time. Standing in front of the water mirror, the senior officials of zhongyanzhou all shook their heads. As for red burning empty, head also don't return, half foot already stepped out of the study door.

Chen Fanhu's smile.

Ignoring the huge foot like a mountain, he turned to look at the girl:

"Xiaoman, are you afraid?"

"I'm not afraid, brother." Xiaoman has a beautiful smile. Standing behind chen fan, she only felt that the whole world had nothing to fear. Even if they died together at the next moment, Xiaoman would face it calmly.

"Well, look at your brother, how can you beat that villain down?"

Chen Fan said.

Then, in the place that no one can see, a thin golden God chain wrapped around his body surface is broken. A golden yuan Dan like a halo, in his chaotic sea of Qi, lightly jump.


At that moment, chen fan was shining like the sun. Around him, layers of golden light exploded, and at last, layers of superposition turned into a flaming golden flame.

Chen Fan stands in the flame of God, just like the king of nine gods.


With one blow, he went up against the sky and went out.

The foot is hundreds of meters long, just like the black scale beast foot of Optimus Prime. Under this fist, it burst out of thin air. All the black scales, muscles and divine bodies are like paper paste under the bright fist. In the middle of the sky, there was a torrent of black blood, countless blood and flesh flying.


The Dragon man God screams and staggers backward.

But that's just the beginning. In the eyes of the people shocked, they saw a bright golden rainbow, rising like a dragon, ascending nine days. In that golden rainbow, one person and one punch, horizontal sky straight up, such as the God of war re ascended heaven, unmatched.

"Bang bang."

It's like pushing and pulling.

The huge body of the Dragon man God, the Dharma phase God, was split from his legs. His thighs, abdomen, chest, neck, and head were like a mountain falling apart. At the end of the day, the thousand meter divine body was broken and fried into flesh and blood.

Even the realm of the true God, which is shrouded in the void, is pierced by the bright golden light.

After Jin Guang killed Longman God, he soared straight up into the sky and broke the clouds for a long time. It lasted for tens of thousands of meters and then gradually stopped.

At that time, people thousands of miles away looked up and saw the bright golden rainbow like a pillar of heaven.

It is so dazzling, so dazzling, so arrogant!

Ten thousand soldiers make the change!


At that moment.

Throughout Guhua City, millions of Chinese people, including many ancestral temples and 100000 Longman soldiers, lost their voice and couldn't believe it.

Qin Luo was stunned.

The king of Longman was laughing and suddenly stopped, just like a ghost.

Xie Changying just hid in the ancestral temple, ready to take out the ancestral utensils and fight to death. Seeing this scene, the ancestral utensils fell from his hands with a bang. But he didn't know anything about it. He was stunned.

And just half a foot has stepped out of the door of the study, the soon to leave red burning air, just saw the scene on the water, the whole body, suddenly, a foot in the air, but how can not fall.Heaven and earth.

All of them were dumb and speechless. All the people could only stare at the bright fist, the Dragon man God, the young man in black.

The young man, with black hair and black eyes, is a hunter in long clothes.

It's like a God in the dust.

ps: first awesome, I go, you are too powerful, and have rushed to eighth. Don't worry, the author will write the fifth watch even if he doesn't sleep^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!