Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 838

"Longman king?"

At that moment, countless people looked up and saw the dragon's head, covered with black scales and tall giant. Millions of Chinese, at the same time, their faces changed.

As the king of Longman people. In many Chinese stories, Longman king is a character who makes children cry at night. It is said that he likes to tear the flesh of the human race and drink the blood of the human race.

"This is the Dragon man king?"

Xiaoman looks up.

Although she has entered tongxuan, she still feels suffocated in front of Longman king, who is at the top of nature, like an ant at the foot of a giant.

"King Longman, you can't make me Chinese. Go back quickly."

A sword shot from a distance, showing Qin Luo's figure. He was enveloped in the armor. He was hunting in cold clothes. The light of his sword was cold. He tore half the air. Dozens of dragon barbarian soldiers were torn to pieces by the sword.

From the ground.

Countless black armour troops poured out like a tide.

On the high stone wall, countless strong bows and crossbows were pulled up. Ten meters long crossbows with armor breaking talismans pointed directly at the dragon boa king. A congenital breath rises from the ancestral temple and comes to the back of qinluo.

"Qin Luo, because you are not qualified to be my enemy, let the old ghost Xie Changying get out for me, or my king will step down the ancient Chinese city and kill you Chinese."

The Dragon man King snorted angrily.

"What a big tone!"

Qin Luo sneered.

The Chinese and the Longman have been fighting for thousands of years, and they have long known each other's strength. Qin Luo is sure that as long as he drags this hundred thousand dragon flying army in front of the ancient Huacheng city for half a day. The powerful Chinese and their allies gathered from the thirty-two cities can tear the king to pieces. It is not difficult to rely on the fact that the Chinese people have been operating in ancient Huacheng for thousands of years.

"Ha ha, it seems that you have a lot of confidence. OK, I'll kill you first, then break the ancestral temple and catch the old ghost Xie Changying."

The Dragon man king, with a smile, reaches out his hand and grabs at the void. His scaly palm is like a monster's claw. It tears the air and grabs Qin Luo with a long shrill sound.

Qin Luo never retreated. His sword came out of the sheath, and his whole body was shining. He faced the Dragon man king.


The fight between the two made a sea of vitality over the whole ancient city of China. The vitality of tens of miles is shaken by it. The whirlwind surges wildly, the rainstorm is like anger, and the sky and the earth turn pale.

"Come on, Lord qinluo."

Countless Chinese raised their heads to cheer Qin Luo up.

Including Xiaoman, he clenched his fists and looked nervous. Qin Luo is the most powerful Chinese. If he loses, it will be a great blow to the whole Chinese.

"Long river of sword spirit!"

Half a moment after the fierce battle, Qin Luo's cold voice suddenly came from the sky. Then, I saw a sword like rainbow, which was as bright as the sky. This blow, directed at the golden elixir, has stood at the pinnacle of congenital.

Although the Dragon man king was physically strong, he was not defeated in the face of this attack. In the crackling sound, the scales on the surface were broken, and dozens of blood holes were cut out all over the body.

"Your Highness!"

Many dragon barbarians have congenital color changes.

Someone rushed up to save Longman king, others rushed to qinluo. Qin Luo was not afraid at all. He raised his sword and eyebrows, and his sword was in the air.

In half a minute.

The second dragon barbarian was born, and was beheaded by Qin Luo, and died on the spot.

Two minutes later.

The third dragon was born to barbarians. Qin Luo's sword pierced his heart and his body exploded.

Five minutes later...

however, in just half an hour, the Longman people fell down in front of the ancient Huacheng city. Qin Luo stood on the stone wall of Baizhang, one man and one sword, and stopped dozens of inborn members of Longman nationality and 100000 troops.

At that moment, countless Longman people were silent. Millions of people in ancient Huacheng are boiling like a sea and cheering.

"Lord Qin Luo is too strong."

"I am worthy of being the most powerful Chinese."

"Lord Qin Luo, come on, kill the Dragon Barbarian King and defeat the Dragon barbarians thoroughly."

In the ancestral temple, many disciples cried excitedly. Many female disciples looked at Qin Luo's figure and their eyes turned into hearts. Xiaoman was also excited and excited for Qin Luo's invincible power. Just somehow, chen fan's figure flashed in front of her eyes. Although he knew that Chen Fanxiu was very low, there was always a touch in Xiaoman's heart. He told her that Qin Luo was not as big as Chen Fanqiang...

"it's strange that I thought that lazy brother was stronger than Qin Luo. He must have been practicing hard and his head was broken."

Xiaoman knocked his head and his face was full of distress.

At this time, on the ancient Chinese city wall, Qin Luo stood up with his sword and his cold clothes were like iron. He said faintly, "do you want to continue, King Longman?"

Longman King's face was very blue.

Qin Luo is more powerful than he imagined, and he can be called the golden elixir. He is only half a step away from entering the golden elixir. When people thought that the Dragon man king was going to retreat, he suddenly laughed:

"Qin Luo, do you think this is our family's card?"

"What do you mean?"People were puzzled. Qin Luo's face changed and he looked up at the sky. Then he saw King Longman bow down and say:

"please come."

"Welcome to our ancestors."

At that moment, one hundred thousand Longman soldiers knelt down on one knee and cried respectfully. The sound wave is like the ocean, shaking hundreds of miles, shaking the earth. Then, in the eyes of countless Chinese people, a giant appeared in the sky.

It is 100 meters tall, black scales shining metallic luster, dozens of stories high.

As soon as the giant appeared, he filled the whole world with the power of mountains and seas. A hundred miles around seems to have been collapsed, the terrible fluctuations, so that countless people kneel on the ground, trembling.

"Dragon... Man... God?"

Qin Luo's face was more dignified than ever.

This hundred meter giant is the true God of the Dragon barbarians in the legend. Because of its presence, the Longman people became one of the major ethnic groups in the northern cold region, and stood on a par with other major ethnic groups.

How dare you come here? Are you not afraid to blame the Yanzhou state master and the Arctic sect? "

Qin Luo said sternly.

"The mole ant is general, this God does, is you can set peck? Die Longman God raised his hand and patted at will. Roar, the black wave of terror, boiling like the ocean, sweeping the whole world, such as the waves.

"Long river of sword spirit!"

Qin Luo roars and cuts with one sword. His power is stronger than before, and his sword is powerful. Unfortunately, under the attack of Longman God, he couldn't resist and was photographed from the air. Then, even more people with the wall, was deeply photographed into the ground, creating a huge paw print. When the paw seal was removed, many people saw that Qin Luo's armor was broken, his limbs were broken, and he had been seriously injured.

One blow, Qin Luo defeated!

The power of the true God is frightening.

At the moment, I don't know how many Chinese people are as pale as ashes. How many girls cry in tears. Many Chinese are born with a pale face. Qin Luo is the strongest among them. Even Qin Luo is defeated. When they go up, they can't stop the Dragon man God.

"Xie Changying, I'm here. Don't you come out and see me?"

The Dragon man God is watching the ancestral temple coldly.

A bright light suddenly rises from the ancestral temple, showing an old man with grey hair. The old man is very old, and his blood has been exhausted to the peak, but he is still straight back, fearless in front of Longman God:

"Longman God, according to the agreement signed by our two families in the witness of the state government, you can't directly intervene in the dispute between the two families. Otherwise, beijizong and Yanzhou Prefecture will never sit idly by. Do you want to break the contract? "

Beijizong is a famous Xiuxian sect in Yanzhou.

Among them, there is more than one ancestor of Jindan, who has been worshipped by the Chinese for thousands of years. Every year, countless spirit stones, resources and wealth are given to beijizong by the Chinese people. Accordingly, the Arctic sect also bears the accusation of protecting the Chinese.

And Yanzhou Prefecture Government in charge of Yanzhou, also does not allow the Longman people to become bigger.

It is because of the protection of these two forces that the Chinese people can fight with the Longman people to this day.

"The Arctic? Yanzhou Prefecture

The Dragon man suddenly laughed.

The sound of it exploded to a thousand bombs, shaking the earth and shaking the sky. The glass doors and windows of countless houses burst open in an instant. More mortals cover their ears and embrace their heads in pain. If the elders of the ancestral temple had not opened the ancient Huacheng array in time, they would have blocked the sound wave. I'm afraid that millions of Chinese, at least half of them, will die under the laughter of Longman people.

"Now you can go and see if you can get in touch with the capital of Yanzhou and the Arctic sect. Will God come here unprepared? " The Dragon man God sneers.

Xie Changying's face suddenly changed.

Without his command, the elders took out the stone and contacted the Yanzhou Prefecture and the North Pole sect. However, no matter which one, they all went to sea without any response.

"Xie Changying, you Chinese people have a unique talent, and you will be able to complete the tongxuan period in three months. The talent is stronger than that of the real dragon Chu family. Do you think you can hide the news? Do you think the Yanzhou governor and the Beiji sect, hearing this news, will still protect you as before? "

The Dragon man is the God, the word is the heart.

Xie Changying and the elders turned pale.

The reason why Yanzhou Prefecture and beijizong supported the Chinese against the Longman people. Just because the Chinese are weak and easy to control. If the Chinese have a golden elixir, they will jump out of the control of the two forces in an instant. This is intolerable by Yanzhou state capital and beijizong. So they stood by and looked coldly at each other.

"You can rest assured that before God came, he had made an agreement with the state Lord that he would not attack you Chinese, as long as you hand over the saint. I'll turn around and leave. "

The Dragon man God said coldly.

It only makes Xiaoman feel cold. What's more, it's terrible. As soon as the mythical sound of Longman falls, Xiaoman feels that countless eyes around her fall on her. The meaning of those eyes, Xiaoman did not dare to imagine, also do not want to imagine.

"It's up to you to choose between a person and a family."

Longman Shinto.

The whole ancient Huacheng is quiet. No matter elder Xie Changying or many inborn people, they are silent. All eyes fell from the sky, and finally focused on the girl in purple.At that moment, the girl's back was so lonely.


the capital of Yanzhou, ChiYan City, in the prefecture master's mansion.

An old man in zhupao is standing in front of the water mirror, quietly watching everything outside Guhua city. The old man was red with angry eyebrows, full of angry flames, and there were nine Firebirds flying around him. His breath is not weaker than that of Longman God, but stronger.

North cold thirty-six States, Yanzhou state master, red burning air.

Even in Jindan, chihuokong is a strong man. The simplest evidence is that he has made the golden elixir of middle quality. Although it is only the fourth grade, it is still superior to many inferior golden elixirs. (it's wrong. Make sure. Jindanzhong is the highest in nine grades and the lowest in one grade)

"master, do we not intervene? The Chinese alone can't stop the Dragon man God. "

A young man in divine armor came forward and bowed.

"Xu Hao, do you know what you need most to sit in the position of the governor?" Red burning empty light way.

"The golden elixir cultivation?"

Xu Hao frowned slightly.

As the most outstanding genius of Yanzhou Prefecture, he reached the top of his innate ability at a young age. He thought that even compared with Lin Wuhua, manggu and other cave walkers, he was only half a chip weak. Innumerable people in the state capital regarded him as the only candidate for the governor of Yanzhou after the red burning air, and called him the governor of Shaozhou.

"Cultivation is important, but it can't subdue all sects and powerful families by cultivation alone." Red burning empty negative hand proud, calm said: "upper, the most important wrist and balance."

"Only by checking and balancing, can the major races in the jurisdiction contain each other and dare not act rashly. Naturally, no one dares to challenge the state capital... But now, the Chinese are destroying this balance. If the saint abandons her to practice, within a hundred years, the Chinese will have more elixirs. At that time, the second Longman people will be born, which is intolerable by Yanzhou Prefecture. " The sky is burning red and the sound is cold.

After hearing what Chi Fen Kong said, Xu Hao was shocked.

Around many of the state capital high-level, as well as the red flame City congenital people, are also convinced, for the red burning empty wrist worship.

"Next, the Chinese must give in. What is a genius in the face of the survival of hundreds of millions of living beings? Even if Xie Changying died, he had to die. "

Red burning air shook his head, no longer look down, quasi body want to leave the study.


outside Guhua city.

Everything is really going on according to the conjecture of chihuokong. More and more eyes fell on Xiaoman, and then turned away in shame. From top to bottom, all the top Chinese people were silent.

"I promise you."

In the eyes of countless people, the girl in purple opened her mouth.

At that moment, she felt that many people were shocked, but there was a sense of relief in the eyes of more people.

Hearing this, Xie Changying's face changed. She tried to open her mouth several times. Her hands were shaking, but she couldn't speak. Since then, it can only turn into a long sigh, as if aging for a hundred years.

"No, saint!"

Qin Luo struggled and wanted to stand up with his sword, but he was too injured to fight.

"If you can exchange me for a family's life, how can Xiaoman abandon himself?"

The soft smile on the girl's face was so holy. She stood there, as if blooming light, such as fairy Ling dust.

"Ha ha."

The Dragon man God Laughs and raises his black scale claw like a hill. With one claw, he tears the city protection array of Guhua city and grabs the girl in purple. There was no one to resist. Countless people lowered their heads in shame. More people turned around and couldn't bear to witness this scene.

Xiaoman raised his head, looked at the foot of heaven and earth, a claw to grasp the Dragon man God, a calm heart. She had never felt so calm in the face of death.

The betrayal of the clansman and his own life and death were forgotten by Xiaoman.

At this time, the mind, a person's figure.

"I'm sorry, brother. Xiaoman can't help you make sweet scented osmanthus cake anymore... '

Xiaoman says softly.

At this moment, countless Chinese people clench their fists, countless dragons laugh wildly, and countless onlookers shake their heads. It was in the palm of Longman God that he was about to catch the girl in purple.

Suddenly, a crystal clear finger appeared out of thin air. One finger crossed the sky, holding the black scale claw that could tear the mountain firmly in front of Xiaoman, and he couldn't step in half an inch.

A faint voice came to everyone's ears:

"did you ask me if you want to take my little man away?"

PS: the fourth chapter is here. It's 4300 words. It took several hours to write, and finally it's finished. Although it's late, but the author can complete the four more agreement, no matter how late^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!