Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 837

After a few months' absence, the girl became more and more elegant, swaying like a lotus. The blood of the real dragon grew on her, which made her feel noble all the time, just like the princess of a nine day emperor.

"How did you come back?"

Chen Fan smiles as before.

"It's the grandfather in the ancestral temple. He said that Xiaoman had been closed for a long time. He gave Xiaoman a holiday and allowed me to come back. What's more, I haven't seen you for a long time. Xiaomanchao misses her brother and grandfather Ding. She thinks so much...

at last, the girl burst into Chen Fan's arms with tears in her eyes.

Chen Fan gently embraces the woman who is growing up and getting better and better. He looked over the gate and saw Qin Luo standing by the sword with his eyes like a sword and his face as deep as water. This time, instead of giving in, chen fan hugged Xiaoman more tightly and stroked her head with one hand.


Xiaoman's mouth makes a cat like sound.

The return of Xiaoman is a great event for the whole courtyard. For the first time in several months, Mr. Ding had a good laugh and cooked a medicated meal himself. Neighbors around also sensational, Aunt Liu personally sent a chicken, said to their daughter.

The family is as it used to be.

"Brother, a lot of super fun things have happened in recent months. There are many grandfathers with white beard in the ancestral temple. They teach Xiaoman different things every day. Grandfather Li is good at alchemy, grandfather Qi can fly swords, and grandfather Xu can tame animals. He promised to give me a super cute pet... "

Xiaoman chirped like a little sparrow.

Chen fan knows that the white bearded grandfathers she mentioned are the elders in the ancestral temple. As the only congenital strong Chinese, every elder has a high status in the Chinese.

"My grandfather was very curious about my brother and asked me a lot about him. He also said that if Xiaoman comes back, he must say hello to his brother for him. "

"By the way, brother, I've seen Lord Qin Luo. Although we all say that Lord Qin Luo is very cold and unsmiling. But every time I see Xiaoman, Lord Qin Luo will laugh. Once, I saw Lord Qin Luo cut a water demon king about the size of a mountain into two pieces with one sword, which was very powerful...

Xiaoman said here, suddenly.

Her beautiful eyes looked at Chen Fan with some worry. Seeing that Chen Fan was no different, she quietly relaxed.

After several months of practice, Xiaoman not only became an immortal, but also stepped into the realm of enlightenment. What's more, she knew that Chen fan, who was once regarded as heaven and man, was not very good at cultivation.

Those extremely ferocious North sea water demons are invincible monsters for ordinary people. But in the eyes of those who cultivate immortals, they are just some small fierce beasts at the foundation level. Any monk in tongxuan can be killed with his fingers. Compared with Qin Luo who cut the water demon king with his sword, it's not worth mentioning at all.

After staggering this topic, Xiao man stopped talking about Qin Luo and talked more about the interesting stories in the ancestral temple, for fear of irritating chen fan.

On this point, both chen fan and Ding Lao are naturally aware of it. They look at each other with a smile and don't say much.

In the end, Xiaoman said: "brother, let Xiaoman protect you in the future. I will become stronger and more powerful. I will never ask my brother to take risks for me again. "

"Well, brother is waiting for you."

Chen Fan smiles and nods.

Xiaoman was in the yard and didn't stay long. That night. The people of the ancestral temple came, and the leader was Qin Luo in black.

"Saint, it's time to go back."

Qin Luo has a cold face.

"Lord Qin Luo, can't you wait a little longer?"

Xiaoman got up, and his face was full of reluctance.

"The road of practice is very difficult. You are the saint of Chinese nationality. You should not be slack. Otherwise, how can you support our family in the future? Protect hundreds of millions of people? "

Qin Luo did not give in, his voice was cold.

Xiaoman turns around and looks at chen fan and Ding Lao in a help seeking way. Her small hand has been holding Chen Fan's corner, looking down at his toes, always unwilling to leave. Finally, chen fan touched her little head with a smile and said that there would be opportunities to meet in the future. The little girl turned back three times at a time and was surrounded by many black guards.

Before Qin Luo left, he didn't say a word to Chen fan, but just glanced coldly, as if Chen Fan wasn't worth speaking twice.


since then, Xiaoman has been able to return to the courtyard once in a while.

Every time Chen fan asked her, he learned that it was her grandfather who asked her to go home. According to Chen Fan's guess, that grandfather should be Xie Changying, the Chinese elder.

Xie Changying.

Shouyuan is 503 years old. He is the eldest monk of the Chinese people, the elder of the ancestral temple, and also the leader of the whole ancestral temple and even the Chinese people.

"It seems that only the elder knows the forbidden areas in the ancestral temple, even the secrets of the whole Chinese people. Others may not know, but he should not. Shall I ask Xie Changying some time? "

Chen Fan touched his chin.

Chen Fan's sixth month in Guhua city.

Suddenly one day, he felt that the atmosphere of the whole ancient Chinese city began to be dignified. In the sky, all kinds of light are flying, converging from all directions, and falling into the ancestral temple. Each light is shining into the sky, making the whole ancestral temple shine through.It is said that.

All the Chinese congenitally strong people have gathered in the ancestral temple. That night, the ancestral temple gave off a roaring bell. The four gates are wide open, representing the most elite black armour army. They ride out like a forest of black nightmare horses and gallop towards the outside of the city.

"Lord, it's said that the Longman people and the thirty-two Chinese cities have been mobilized under the command of the ancestral temple to prepare for a deadly battle." Mr. Ding inquired about the news.

There are thirty-two Chinese cities in Yanzhou, with hundreds of millions of people. Guhuacheng is just the largest of them. But all the cities are under the command of the ancestral temple.

"Longman people?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Over the past few months, he has traveled to and fro the northern cold states, looking for space nodes and lightning gathering places to temper Yuandan. Many things about the northern cold region have been known. In addition to the human race, there are also a large number of alien tribes living in the whole northern cold region. The ten strongest alien tribes are known as the "ten strong families", which can be compared with the six Dongtian and the eight Zhenyu families.

The Yinling clan where gulingzi lived is one of them.

The Dragon barbarians, though not among the top ten, are far better than the Chinese. Across the three states, with a population of more than one billion, there is a Jindan level dragon man God sitting in the town.

"The hatred between the Chinese and the Longman has a long history. The Longman people have always wanted to swallow up the Chinese. "

Aunt Liu and others are worried.

The Chinese people stand in Yanzhou and have many enemies, but the North sea water demon is only a minor problem. The biggest enemy is the Longman. If it were not for the fact that the Longman people also have many enemies, and the Chinese people also have a backer, they might not be able to support it.

"It's a pity that we don't have a real king, otherwise we will not be bullied by the Dragon barbarians." Uncle Zhang next door clenched his fist. "I don't know when Lord Qin Luo will break through the golden elixir."

"It is said that in Zhuyan city in the extreme south of the northern cold region, there is a real king named Chen beixuan, a Chinese. Unfortunately, he died in a flash, and was chased to death by Sanwei. Otherwise, how dare the Dragon barbarians be rampant? "

Another neighbor, Wang Xiucai, shook her head and sighed.

Many Chinese people have heard about Chen fan. But Chen Fan disappeared as soon as he was born. Many people have heard that he was killed by the third guards of the royal court.

This makes countless Chinese people sigh.

When Chen Fan heard this, he looked on coldly and ignored it.

The beginning of the war was far away from Chen fan, but the number of Xiaoman returning to the courtyard was decreasing. And every time I come back, I come and go in a hurry.

According to the grapevine, Xiaoman was taken to the front line to kill the enemy himself and hone his skills in life and death. But every time Xiaoman came back, his temperament became more and more calm and cold. In front of outsiders, she is no longer laughing, such as the goddess of the moon, cold and proud. Only in the face of Chen fan, will show a smile.

"Brother, today grandfather white beard taught me a lot of things."

"Brother, my grandfather said," I'll invite you to the ancestral temple in a few days to have a drink with you. "


in front of Chen fan, Xiao man only talks about happy things. She doesn't want to worry chen fan.

Only occasionally when Chen fan is lying on his knees and tired to sleep, can he dream: "brother, today yuluo pass is broken, many monsters rush in and many people die. Many of them are big brothers and sisters who study together in the ancestral temple. They usually treat me very well and give me rice cakes, but they all die... "

Chen Fan quietly caresses the girl like waterfall green silk.

Those who cultivate immortals are weak, and those who are strong fight and kill countless people. He didn't know whether it was right or wrong to pull Xiaoman into the vortex. Sometimes Chen Fan wondered if he would be better to Xiaoman if he didn't let him set foot on the road of cultivating immortals.

"I didn't expect that when I was soft hearted."

Chen Fan smiles and shakes his head.

Cultivating immortals is against the heaven, but if you don't cultivate immortals, it will turn into dust in a hundred years. I'm afraid Xiaoman will choose to cultivate immortals, and she will choose to cultivate immortals.

The war is still going on. Millions of Chinese troops are fighting with Longman soldiers at the border. From time to time, they hear about which city has been broken, which one has been killed, and a certain army has been annihilated...

the war situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to the Chinese. Countless bad news comes from the front line, and the atmosphere of the whole ancient Chinese city is becoming more and more dignified. Every day, many congenitally strong people fly out of the ancestral temple and rush to the front line.

Qin Luo is always at the border, bloody fighting.

This day.

Chen fan, who is practicing in seclusion, suddenly opens his eyes and looks out of the window.

At this time, the sky outside Guhua city was shrouded in black. Black clouds are rolling down the city. Look carefully. What kind of black cloud is that. It's a lot of exotic troops riding on monsters. As high as two meters, tiger backed, the first dragon horn of alien soldiers, riding dragon Eagle horn, blocking the sky. It's a hundred thousand.

In particular, the leading dozens of alien races are more than 10 meters tall, covered with black scales and dragon horns, stepping on black fog, defending the wind out of thin air, and breathtaking. They are all born strong.

"Xie Changying, you shrinking turtle, get out of here for me."

He is the tallest, 20 meters big, like a giant alien leader. Its sound is like a rolling thunder array, shaking the whole ancient city of China and frightening millions of people.

The Longman are coming.PS: the third one, and one more^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!