Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 836


Xiaoman raised his head with tears in his eyes.

For the Chinese, to be an immortal is the most glorious, glorious and glorious thing. For thousands of years, the reason why the Chinese people can still stand in the northern cold land is that generations of Chinese friars have fought with countless enemies of different races and fought bloody battles with the water demons in the North Sea in exchange for peace.

Xiaoman knows that Chen fan is an immortal. At that time, when the water demon came, all the people on the boat died. Only she was saved by Chen fan. At that time, chen fan shot a finger and killed a monster. In Xiaoman's mind, he was already a man in heaven.

"But brother... I have been determined by the elders of the ancestral temple that I can't cultivate immortals."

Xiaoman bowed his head and said sadly.

"They've lost sight. My little man is the most powerful genius in the sky and the earth. How can he not have the talent to cultivate? If you don't believe it, you can use the foundation building method again. "

Chen Fan smiles gently.

His palm brushed Xiaoman's head, and his crystal clear fingers flicked gently, like wiping the strings.

"Bang bang."

There are silent waves in the void. Chen Fan's five fingers, each of which is like a peerless magic sword, with infinite magic power, cut off a chain of rules out of thin air.

One, two, three...

at first, it was easy, but later, it was as easy as Taishan. But Chen Fan didn't care at all. His eyes flashed, and the five yuan pills in his body shook gently.



All the chains of law are broken. The invisible shadow of the Dragon comes out of Xiaoman's body and dances in the air. It gives out a long silent chant and is joyful.

Xiaoman doesn't know all this. She sat cross legged in a daze, running the foundation building method handed down by the elders of the ancestral temple. This formula is only a few hundred words. It's very simple. Almost everyone in the whole Chinese can learn it. As long as they have the talent of cultivating immortals, they can quickly cultivate the sense of Qi.

However, in the past ten years, Xiaoman has practiced for countless times, and has never felt the sense of Qi in the legend.

But this time, she suddenly felt different.

Almost just according to the formula, there is a faint trace of real Qi beating at the Dan Qiao and meridians in the body. With the operation of the skill, this ray of true Qi circulates around the sky, continuously absorbs the aura of the outside world, and grows stronger and stronger. A week later, almost thumb thickness.

"What's this?"

Xiaoman was stunned.

Her eyes widened and she couldn't believe it: "did I practice real Qi? I have the talent to cultivate immortals? "

Although Xiaoman didn't believe it, the real Qi in her body told her that it was true. She clenched her fist and felt the real Qi running. Xiaofen fist was full of power and could break stones with one blow.

"Thank you, brother. I'm so happy. Xiaoman can finally become an immortal like his brother and Lord qinluo, subdue demons and protect his people. "

Xiaoman is very excited.

She is like a happy kitten, jumping and jumping in the room, and finally pounced on Chen Fan's arms and gave him a kiss.

"I'll tell Aunt Liu the good news."

Xiaoman ran out with joy. Soon, there was a voice of exclamation and joy from the leaders.

Chen Fan smiles.

Maybe chen fan can't think of a way to deal with the blood curse of the whole Chinese people, but it's not difficult for Chen fan to just break the curse of Xiaoman.

"A real dragon god pulse of peerless genius, a hundred years will become a baby. This is my gift to the Chinese in this world. "

His eyes were quiet.


Xiaoman has the talent of cultivating immortals!

This news soon shocked the ancestral temple. This is because the cultivation methods and ancient books of the whole Chinese people all exist in ancestral temples. If any Chinese cultivator wants to move on, he can't get around the ancestral temple.

At first, the elders of the ancestral temple only thought that they had lost sight.

But wait.

Xiaoman entered the early stage of foundation construction in three days, the middle stage in half a month, and the peak in one month. The whole ancestral temple is boiling. After breaking free from the shackles, the cultivation talent of the true Dragon God pulse shocked everyone. Not to mention the talents of the Chinese people in the past, they are Gu Lingzi, Lin Wuhua and others, who are the best in the northern cold region.

"This is a saint given by heaven to the Chinese people. God bless me Chinese

The elders of the ancestral temple wept with joy.

After that, Xiaoman was rushed into the ancestral temple by the Knights of the ancestral temple and came back every other week. All the elders taught her together to practice the best skills, and take out all the spiritual fruits and precious medicines accumulated by the whole ethnic group for thousands of years without money.

At the same time, Xiaoman's abnormal talent detection has also attracted the attention of the senior Chinese.

"Master, I haven't seen Xiaoman girl for several days. Without her, the home feels empty. Fortunately, she should be back today. "

Ding old holding a small scissors, cutting flowers, smiling way.


Chen Fan nodded.

At the same time, he is running Yuandan, absorbing the power of space in the void, and constantly expanding Yuandan. But this method is relatively slow. It will take at least ten years to complete the Shenpin Yuandan.I haven't seen you for a while. Even chen fan is missing Xiaoman. Although his divine consciousness covers the whole process, he can penetrate the ancestral temple all the time and see the little girl practicing hard.

"It's strange that even the ancestral temples of the Chinese have no information about blood curse, Qi Tianjun and others. But their practice was clearly handed down from the earth, with the shadow of Hunyuan gate and Yuntian palace. "

Chen fan is puzzled.

The Chinese have no golden elixir, and Qin Luo, who is the most powerful in cultivation, is just the pinnacle. Chen Fan's thoughts are not detected at all. For more than a month, the whole ancestral temple has been turned upside down by Chen fan. After reading all the books, there is no record of the earth. There are only a few forbidden areas where special arrays are set up. Once touched, they will call the police. Chen Fan didn't try it easily.

"Do you want me to go to the ancestral temple and explore the forbidden areas?"

Chen Fan touched his chin.

Then there was a knock on the door. Ding went to open the door in a hurry. He thought it was Xiaoman. I didn't expect that a handsome man with a black armor, a sword around his waist, a blood red cloak and a cold face pushed him away and stepped into the room.

"Sorry, sir, this is a private forbidden area..."

Mr. Ding tried to stop it.

"Let them in."

Chen Fan's voice came.

Following the man, a group of Chinese knights came in. They scattered into the courtyard and stood by their swords. Each of them had a strong murderous spirit and had the ability to pass the mysterious realm.

"Is this the legendary Chinese black armour army, and you are the leader of the black armour army, Qin Luo?"

Chen Fan sat on the rocking chair and said slowly.

That black armour man is Qin Luo, the most powerful Chinese!

"Bold, since you know my Lord, why don't you salute?" A knight came forward to denounce. These Chinese soldiers regard Qin Luo as a god of war and can not tolerate any offense.

Qin Luo didn't care. Instead, he said: "Chen fan, whose origin is unknown, calls himself a person from Suizhou. The family is a Chinese merchant. In his early years, he went to Suizhou to do business. Because of the death of his parents, he returned to ancient Huacheng. Instead of focusing on business, he cared about historical materials... He took an old servant, surnamed Ding, from Beihan, who had Shenhai cultivation and was proficient in medicine and alchemy. And you are also an immortal, at least in the Xuantong period. He killed seventeen water demons in the North Sea and saved the virgin, right

Chen fan came to Guhua city for more than three months, and all things were known by him, just like the pattern on his palm.

Ding Lao's face was a little ugly, and he only felt that chiguoguo was exposed in front of people.

"It's hard to believe that you are a Suizhou businessman if you are such a strange person."

"But it doesn't matter. Even your identity, your accomplishments and your origin don't matter. I don't even care about you, how to show the gift of the virgin. The world is full of secrets. Every Chinese who can practice has the experience of breaking free from the shackles. Unfortunately, it's just an individual and can't be extended to thousands of people. I just want to tell you... "

Qin Luo gets up, looks directly at Chen Fan with his eyes like a sword:

" the saint of Xiaoman is the most precious treasure of our Chinese people, and the only way for our people to turn over for thousands of years. I don't allow anyone to interfere with her and hold her back. If there is, I will cut it off! "


With Qin Luo's words, his long sword came out of the scabbard three inches out of thin air. It filled the whole room, withering the flowers and suffocating the people.

Chen fan still smiles.

After Qin Luo finished, he left with many black armour troops. Old Ding said angrily:

"Lord, what does this man mean?"

"Just a warning." Chen Fan chuckled and shook his head. A cold light flashed in his eyes: "it seems that some people in the ancestral temple can't see me and Xiaoman coming and going."

In the eyes of the people in the ancestral temple.

One is the saint who will become a Buddha and a saint in the future. One is an immortal of unknown origin. These two people are obviously of two worlds. They are so different that they should never be together. Even if Xiaoman's feelings are just sprouts, they must be cut off just in case.

Sure enough.

That afternoon, news came from the ancestral temple. Xiaoman wants to close the door and impact on tongxuanjing. He may not be able to go home for a long time. Hearing the news, old Ding sighed and sighed. He was becoming lazy and didn't even want to cut flowers.

Chen fan was silent.

He had planned to leave Xiaoman in the Chinese, so he didn't teach Xiaoman the cultivation of immortals from the beginning to the end. But it's sad to hear that.

One week, two weeks, three weeks...

Xiaoman never appeared, and there was no news from the ancestral temple. Except for the small room in the hospital, she seems to have disappeared out of thin air and never appears in Chen Fan's life.

Chen fan also began to disappear.

Every time he came and went in a hurry, even Ding Lao didn't know what he was going to do. Sometimes, there are thunder and lightning scars on Chen Fan's clothes, and even scars appear on his body. The scars are as smooth as a mirror, like the cutting edge of a peerless God.

Although Chen fan is a bit embarrassed every time he comes back, his breath is more and more ethereal. If there is a monk Yuan Ying, you can see that Chen Fan's three thin chains begin to thicken, which means that Yuan Dan is growing.Three months later.

Not long after Chen Fan returned to the courtyard, he took off his clothes and had a good meal.

Then, the door opened, and a beautiful girl in purple pushed in.

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