Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 833

North cold region, Zhuyan city.

Chen fan, dressed in a black robe and a shawl with black hair, has a very ordinary atmosphere. Like an ordinary person, he walks step by step in this desolate city. It has been five months since he closed the door. Compared with five months ago, Zhu Yancheng has not changed much. Countless pedestrians are jostling with each other and friars pass by from time to time.

Only those friars, their faces are dignified, their steps are in a hurry, and they seem to be afraid of something in their eyes.

Chen Fan walked, unconsciously, to the Mu house. He came here to say goodbye to some old friends of Zhuyan City, and then went to the gathering place of Chinese. However, Chen Fanhu found that the tall and towering Mu mansion turned into a ruin.

"What's going on?"

Chen Fan frowned slightly.

He grabbed a pedestrian and asked.

"You don't know? Five months ago, a group of Wangdu adults arrived, killed the Mu family ancestors, and then captured the whole Mu family. It is said that there are hundreds of Mu's family members, and no one escapes. That's a desolation. "

The scholar dressed pedestrian sighed.


Chen FanMei's head jumps.

Zhuyan city is just a small city in the northern cold region. There are thousands of such cities, which are not remarkable at all. How could the King City strongman come all the way here and capture the Mu family?

He had a feeling in his heart that it was related to him, but he was not sure.

"Well, I saw it with my own eyes. Not only the Mu family, but also the Xiuxian family in Zhuyan city. The Yuns, WUS and zhangjias were all arrested. Their ancestors escaped from the juehan mountains, but died in the hands of Wangdu adults. The whole city of Zhuyan was killed in a river of blood, with corpses everywhere. I don't know how many people died. Countless friars have been arrested. It is said that several hundred Zhang flying boats have been packed with them. "

The scholar shook his head.

"Even Zhang Jia and Wu Jia have been arrested?" Chen Fan hesitated. "Do you know why?"

If we capture mu Hongti's family, we can say that it is related to him. Zhang Jia, the city leader, has no grudge against him, but also has a grudge against him. What are you doing with them?

"I'm not sure. It's said that the adults in Wangdu are looking for a Chinese. What Chinese people are there in Zhuyan town? Isn't that a joke? Most of the Chinese people don't gather in the ancient Huacheng in the far north, tens of thousands of miles away from here... "

the scholar laughed, his eyes suddenly swept on Chen Fan's face and suddenly froze.

"Chinese... Chinese?"

As soon as Chen Fan's eyes flashed and the secret art of divine thoughts was launched, the dialogue was erased from the scholar's mind. To deal with this kind of mortal without cultivation, chen fan can turn all his memories around with a flick of his finger.

When the scholar wakes up, chen fan is gone. He shook his head and went on to the Academy with his lunch box.

Chen fan has been walking fast in the crowd, his face is a little serious. It is obvious that he is the target of arresting so many friars and Chinese people.

"Is it Zhao Qingchen? It seems that I underestimated the reaction of the northern Han Royal family. "

Chen Fan's eyes are cold.

Although he had no friendship with mu Hongti, the girl gave him the message of elder Qingyang sect and repeatedly kindly reminded him. Beixuanxianzun always paid back his kindness.

"If you are killed by the royal family of Beihan, then I will kill 1000 monks of the royal family of Beihan to sacrifice you."

Chen Fan wakes up in his heart.

After a few steps, he came to the headquarters of Jinwu hall. This hundred Zhang mansion is still towering, with two huge three legged gold crowns spreading their wings.


The bodyguard standing at the door, with strong breath, is a monk of tongxuan.

But Chen Fan didn't pay any attention to them at all. He went through the space directly and came to a prison tens of meters underground. In prison, he felt the breath of his old friend.

"Chen Zhenjun?"

Dressed in green and wearing Taoist chains, Mr. Ding sees chen fan. He stood up with great excitement.

"Who are you? How dare you break into Jinwu dungeon? Don't you know this is the forbidden area of Jinwu hall? " The guards of the dungeon were five strange monks of shenhaijing, with solemn faces. Chen fan had never seen them in Jinwu hall before.

You know, the Jinwu branch of Zhuyan city is just the master and Ding Lao, two monks of Shenhai. These five people join hands, almost second only to the major Xiuxian families.


Chen Fan flicked his finger.

The invisible force rolled and crushed four of them into blood foam. The last one was horrified, and he was about to sacrifice his magic weapon and run away as a Cabernet Sauvignon.

"You can escape in front of me?"

Chen Fan hummed softly.

He didn't move. All the vitality of the space suddenly condensed into an iron plate. Dozens of bodyguards, including the fleeing monk Shenhai, were pressed into meat cakes on the spot. Jindan real king controls the sky, a thought can dominate all life within a thousand Zhang, life and death, just like a God.

"Old man, see you."Old Ding trembled and bowed down, with tears in his eyes.

He almost despair, think to die in this dungeon, did not expect to see Chen fan again.

"What's going on? I've only been away for a few months, and that's what zhuyancheng is like? Even muhongti has been taken. " Chen Fan raised his hand, and the Taoist chains of Ding's limbs disappeared in an instant. He turned into iron and was easily broken by Ding.

"Report true gentleman, all these, all is white mang Wei to do."

Ding explained.

According to him, the white Python guard is one of the nine forbidden guards of the northern Han Royal Court. It is a divine army. Ordinary soldiers are composed of the divine sea. Each ministry is unified, and they are all congenital monks. It is said that the leader is the true king of Jindan, and he is the strong one among the true kings.

"Because the seventeen kings and grandsons were angry for a while, the king ordered the three guards to search the world. The white mang Wei killed almost all the high-level practitioners in Zhuyan city when he couldn't find you. The Mu family, the Yun family, the Zhang family, and the Wu family are not spared. But really don't worry. Miss Hongti and miss Yier haven't been captured by the white Python guard. "

"The fairy Lin Wuhua of xuanming cave has said to protect them. It is said that he has brought them back to xuanming cave."

After listening to what Ding said, chen fan was slightly surprised.

"Lin Wuhua? The dark witch? "

It's normal that Bai mangwei can't find chen fan. He controls the juehan immortal hall. He can control the whole cave and close the gate of heaven. No one can find juehan cave unless Yuanying comes.

But Chen Fan did not expect that Lin Wuhua should protect mu Hongti. You know, Tianming sword is still in Chen Fan's hands.

About xuanming cave, chen fan instantly figured it out. I just want to make friends with Chen fan.

"If you meet someone in xuanming cave next time, I'll be merciful."

Chen Fan nodded. Knowing that mu Hongti and others were OK, he let go. As for Mu's family, Zhang's family and so on, they have no friendship with Chen fan. He is too lazy to stand out. It can be said that during the hundreds of years in Zhuyan City, the major Xiuxian families didn't know how many murders they had caused, so they should be atoned.

"And you? Why didn't you get caught? Instead, it's here? "

Chen fan asked.

"Lao Jiu is just a master of alchemy, who is in the eyes of Bai mang Wei. Instead, the headquarters found out about the death of envoys Dan and sent an adult to investigate. They found that Lao Jiu had betrayed Jinwu hall, so they put Lao Jiu in prison. "

Old Ding smiles bitterly.

"Jinwu general hall?"

Chen Fan Gang frowned.

A burst of drink, suddenly came from the sky.

"Who dares to break into my Jinwu hall?"

A mass of golden light suddenly penetrated the ground tens of meters thick and appeared in the dungeon.

The visitor was enveloped in a golden flame, and his whole body was ablaze, burning for ten feet. He has golden hair, golden pupil and gold clothes. His breath is even above Lin Wuhua and others. It fills the whole dungeon and condenses the compressed air. He was a monk of ningdan period, and was obviously successful in ningdan. He was only half a step away from the golden elixir.

"That's him. The flame envoy xuandanqing, the first of the six Jinwu envoys, is the first master of the headquarters."

Old Ding's pupil shrinks and he bends down.

"The flame?"

Chen fan is looking forward with great interest.

When xuandanqing came down, he was furious, but when he saw Chen Fan's appearance, he suddenly changed. Eyes round stare, inconceivable: "Chen... Chen beixuan? Didn't you escape from the northern cold region long ago because you were chased by Sanwei? How dare you go back to Zhuyan city? "

"Who said I escaped from the northern cold?"

Chen fan, smiling but not smiling, came with a negative hand.

Xuandanqing shudders.

In front of him, however, he crushed countless Tianjiao and abandoned Zhao Qingchen, the 17th King's grandson. There is even a legend that he is the incarnation of a Jindan ancestor. Although xuandanqing thought that he was no worse than those arrogants, how could he dare to make enemies with them?

"Run away!"

Xuandanqing stamped his foot and turned it into a golden pillar of fire running through heaven and earth. He was about to run away. He was extremely fast and burned blood essence, which prompted the taboo fire escape in Jinwu yaori Gong.

Jinwu Huodun is the hermit skill of yin and Yang cave. It's known as a hundred Li bullet. The general gold elixir really may not be able to leave him.

But is Chen Fan an ordinary elixir?


Chen fan reaches out and grabs at the void.

Five yuan Dan in his body slightly a jump, an invisible wave, instantly spread thousands of Zhang void.

In an instant, the whole space was suddenly condensed. Not only all kinds of vitality, but also the void is frozen into an iron plate. Xuandanqing only felt that he suddenly rushed into the cement from the air and couldn't move. He seems to fall into the amber mosquito, even a little finger can not move, even the flame is frozen in the air.

"Control the space!"

This is a higher level of ability than controlling the world.

With their own power, control space, generally only promotion yuan baby, can have such a big magic power. But Chen Fan's five elixirs can be used in a small area."Broken."

Chen fan holds his paw gently.


The invisible sound sounded, and the space trembled, like a still glass painting suddenly broken. All the prisoners, guards and prisoners in the dungeon, including xuandanqing, turned into pieces and were instantly torn apart by the space storm. The whole underground of Jinwu building turns into a huge space black hole, devouring everything. As for xuandanqing, all the spirits have been destroyed for a long time.


when Mr. Ding saw this scene like Tianwei, he was so stupid.

PS: the second one will be presented, and the author will write the third one^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!