Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 834

"What are you doing? Clean up and get ready to leave Zhuyan city."

Chen Fan waved his sleeve and another invisible wave smoothed the black hole in front of him. Then he grabbed Mr. Ding, tore the void directly, and stepped to the top of the building.

"Yes... Yes, sir."

At this time, Ding laocai responded. He was excited and quickly bowed down to respectfully say.

When he stepped out of the room, his heart was still filled with horror. Ding's prediction of Chen Fan was originally a congenital peak, but the golden elixir was not full. Although Chen Fan was honored as the "true king", in fact, he did not think Chen Fan was the "true king".

What is the supreme existence of Jindan Zhenjun?

Looking at the northern cold regions, there are only a few golden elixirs. In addition to the northern Han Royal family, six Dongtian and eight Zhenyu families. The Xiuxian sect, such as qingyangzong, which is in charge of dozens of cities, has only one or two golden elites.

A golden elixir can establish a sect and become the founder of Buddhism. Chen fan is so young that he can reach the level of xiaozhenjun who is a quasi elixir. In Ding's opinion, it is already the peak.

But today.

In charge of Jinwu hall, he is the first of Jinwu envoys. Even xuandanqing, who is very important in the capital, can't take over Chen fan. Especially the power that makes space solidify and instantly break. Don't say that Mr. Ding has seen it, he hasn't even heard of it. At this time, he was really convinced and said that he was a servant.

"It turns out that my master, the real king, and even the legend that he is the eldest child, is not impossible."

Ding Laona.

At the thought that he was working for a real king, even Yuanying Tianjun, Ding was full of energy. Old pace, more and more healthy.

In Jinwu hall, there is nothing to clean up. Most of the elixirs were collected by Chen fan into yangjianhu in advance, only with some travelling utensils. Such as grill, flint, ingredients, tent and so on.

Under Chen fanphene's instructions, Ding spent a hundred spirit stones and hired a top-ranking "fenglingniao.".


That night, chen fan and his wife flew out of Zhuyan city with fenglingniao. All the way north. The northern cold region is very large, with tens of thousands of miles in length and tens of thousands of miles in diameter. There are thousands of cities like Zhu Yan city.

The whole northern cold region is divided into 36 states.

Every state is as big as the earth. Yunzhou, where Zhuyan city is located, is located in the southernmost part of the northern cold region. Yanzhou, where ancient Huacheng is located, is on the northernmost side, hundreds of thousands of miles away from each other. If Chen Fan flies directly, it will take him a day and a night.

"But in my current situation, it's hard to use my accomplishments for such a long time."

Chen Fan's eyes were dim.

Fenglingniao is a famous monster, famous for its endurance. The wind spirit bird in Shenhai has spread its wings for forty or fifty meters, and it's OK to sit dozens of people on its back. There is also a magnificent palace standing on it. Chen fan was sitting in the palace.

When he opened his eyes, he could see five indistinct chains winding around him. The five chains are black, green, white, yellow and gold. Among them, the black and green chains are particularly thick, and the other three are relatively thin. They are all condensed by the force of invisible rules and can't be touched at all. Under Yuan Ying, I can't even see.

"The chain of heaven."

These five chains are not cursed by others, but merely sealed by Chen Fan's deception.

"I expected the difficulty of shengpin Jindan. I didn't expect it to be so difficult."

Chen Fan gave a bitter smile.

If we say that the process from coagulating pill to golden pill is to pour water into the cup. When the water is full, it's the moment of Du Lei robbing the golden elixir. Chen fan is not only full of water, but also overflows a lot.

Then at this time, he was exposed to heaven.

Once the Shenpin Yuandan is successful, it will bring down thunder and let him gather the golden elixir. But Chen Fan didn't want to. He wanted to condense five kinds of elixirs and cross the thunder with one breath.

"With the skill of deceiving heaven, I set up five chains to lock up my cultivation. As long as we don't exert the fighting power far beyond the golden elixir, and the five divine chains are not broken, we won't be robbed by thunder. If you control the space, you can only use it for small purposes. "

Chen Fan frowned.

Just now, he just gently urged five yuan Dan, and he sensed that there was thunder in the sky. If he didn't stop at once, I'm afraid there would be thunder clouds all over Zhuyan city.

The cultivation of immortals is a journey against heaven. The golden elixir is just a thunder disaster. If we can build a harmonious way and even cross a calamity, we will be regarded as the enemy of life and death by the whole universe. We will bring down calamities all the time, just like killing a virus, and want to get rid of it.

Just like this, Chen fancai didn't care about the present disaster.

"God. When Lao Tzu returns to the period of plunder one day, he must make a big hole in the universe. "

Chen Fan raised his head and looked into the void with a sneer.

"Hoo Hoo."

Fenglingniao travels thousands of miles every day, and it's only a matter of dozens of days to go to guhuacheng.

During this period of time, Chen Fanzheng is good at sorting out what he has learned, measuring his strength and confirming his future path.

"Before closing the door, I was in the period of ningdan, which was enough to crush the initial stage of Jindan. In the face of Jindan, there will be a war in the middle. But it's all based on the fact that they are just inferior elixirs. "Chen Fan said to himself.

The Jindan period is different from other realms. Its combat power is not only influenced by the skill, level, supernatural power and magic weapon, but also related to the grade of Jindan.

Inferior Jindan is very different from middle grade Jindan and even top grade Jindan.

"To put it simply, every time you raise the level of the golden elixir, your accomplishments will double. Every step up, the difference is three times. The difference between the first grade of Jindan and the ninth grade of Jindan is nine times! And super product is not only the difference of cultivation, but also the difference between divine appearance and divine power. "

It is precisely because of this difference between heaven and earth that friars strive to improve their level of gold elixir in the period of elixir, hoping to stand on a higher level when they are promoted.

"Of course, in terms of the backwardness of the celestial realm, I'm afraid only a few of the top-grade elixirs can be trained. That is to say, Chinese elixirs are rare, and most of them should be inferior elixirs. "

"And my three Xiaoyuan pills are comparable to the Chinese gold pills. The two Dayuan pills are comparable to the top grade Jindan. I have five golden elixirs in my body, and they are all top and middle quality. It's the later stage of the golden elixir. I can kill myself with one hand. "

Of course, it's just an estimate.

In actual combat, we need to add the divine body, skills, supernatural powers and so on. The true king of the peak is not necessarily the enemy of Chen fan. However, the battle is fast changing, and no one knows whether it will be won or not. At this time, chen fan is locked by the five divine chains, and he doesn't want to meet such a strong enemy.

Moreover, the higher the level of the golden elixir, the more difficult it is to improve the cultivation. Chen fan can't imagine how much aura it will take for him to advance to the next level in the golden elixir period if he becomes a saint.


After sorting out their own learning, consolidate the realm. Chen fan takes out the ancient cold pearl.

The mysterious River in this pearl has lost half of it. It has fallen from the divine material, but it is still the top natural material. If Chen Fanxiu is enough, he can use it to make a peerless treasure.

"Wu Lei Yin can't keep up with my cultivation process, but with my current ability, I can become a quasi heavenly treasure at most. Now it's a waste of precious beads. "

Chen fan is distressed.

He fell into deep thinking, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, thinking of a magic weapon in a myth.

"That's it."

Chen Fan's eyes light up.

The next time, chen fan shrank in the palace, day and night sacrifice refining beads.

The dark pearl, in his sacrifice, gradually shines up, and blooms out the light of immortals. There seems to be a world inside. If you look closely, you will find an endless black river flowing in the void. On both sides of the river, countless soil, mountains and hills emerge out of thin air, from small to large, making the world more real.

If anyone knew what Chen fan had done, he would be absolutely stunned.

Create the world!

This is the great power of transforming God. It is precisely because they can open up the world in the void and transform the divine realm that the friars are called great powers. No matter in any star field or any race in the universe, they are very important.

Of course, chen fan does not have such ability. He is far away from transforming God. Only with the help of Gu Ming Han Zhu, a quasi God bead, could he gradually refine the world. But even so, the world in the cold pearl of the ancient underworld is dead and cold. There is no life at all, and it is filled with infinite dark air.

In the end.

The world in the cold pearl of the ancient underworld is the size of a hundred Li.

"Enough. If you want to open up the world of life, Yuan Ying can't do it. Only the God can do it. I can refine a mysterious world, which is equivalent to carrying a cave with me and mobilizing the power of the cave all the time. The key moment is to meet Yuanying and have the power of the first World War. "

Looking at the dark world, more and more solid, chen fan smiles.

Although the Baili cave is not big, it is much stronger than the ordinary cave because it is condensed by the mysterious Qi. Once it breaks out, it will be powerful enough to rival Yuanying. And it can be carried with you. Is it better than ordinary Dongtian?

However, this kind of power belongs to consumables. Chen Fan cherishes it as the last means of pressing the bottom of the box. He would rather not use it. In the future, he is still waiting to be promoted to Yuanying and use it to refine Tianbao and even Shenbao.

"The cave has been opened up. It's not good to call it Gu Ming Han Zhu. We should change its name."

Chen Fan touched his chin and a bad smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "I'll call you" dinghaizhu. "


It is the fairy treasure in the myth and legend. There are 24 pieces in total, each of which turns into a world, incomparably vast. It is said that there are twenty-four out of the thirty-three days in the heaven, which are transformed by dinghaizhu. The name of dinghaizhu is just Chen Fan's evil taste.

"But one day, I will make you into a fairy treasure, no less than the God in the legend."

Chen Fan felt the Pearl of the sea and his eyes were deep.


At this time, Ding Lao's voice came from the door.

Yanzhou, where Guhua city is located, is here.

PS: the third one, I feel I can fight again_ ∩)O , the fastest update of the webnovel!