Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 832

Yuan Dan, each monk can only refine one.

In the universe, except for a few gods and beasts, such as jiutouxiangliu, few people can refine more than one yuan Dan at the same time. Because each Yuan Dan corresponds to a kind of road. Once you get through the thunder disaster, the golden elixir condenses that one, which means that your future path of cultivating immortals is determined. How can one go two ways?

Even chen fan can't, but he is still refining.


As Chen Fan breathes, the terrifying aura of wood is infused into his body like a long whale drinking water. With thousands of trees withering in the cold cave, chen fan can absorb very little aura of the wood system. He simply shows the chaos tree and opens up the void. One branch goes deep into the rootless world, and finally Shengsheng opens a hole.

Inside the hole, there was a bright green light. The wood aura condensed to the extreme. If the rain fell, the whole world was filled with pure wood aura, and no other vitality could exist. Each tree, standing up from the ground, broke the sky.

"The wood spirit world.".

This is an incomparably magical world in the void of the universe. It is boundless and vast, not much smaller than the star field. It is condensed by the elemental Qi of Japanese wood, and it is full of woody creatures living in it.

Although with the power of chaos tree, only a small opening.

But the terrible blue water, just like breaking a dike, leans towards Chen Fan from the entrance of the cave. On the outside, a crater like void emerges in the void, with waterfall like water flowing inside. Every drop of cyan liquid is the purest wood aura, comparable to a stone. And every moment, there are thousands of drops of cyan liquid left.

Chen Fan's body, like a sponge, thirsty to absorb these pure vitality.


Qingseyuandan, with the speed visible to the naked eye, is gradually growing. One day, two days, three days... Unknowingly, a month later, Qingse Yuandan has expanded to the size of an egg, which is very different from Xuanwu Yuandan.

At this point.

This bright yuan Dan seems to have risen to the extreme.


This wood yuan Dan, unexpectedly burst open. In the crackling sound, cracks appeared on it. A branch with tender leaves, timidly out. Then, more and more branches appeared. Finally, a miniature God tree grew up. The tree is shrouded in the chaotic air flow, the branches are swaying, and each leaf seems to contain a world.

It's a tree of chaos.

But it is vivid, as if true, far from the virtual shadow of the outside world.

Chen Fan turned into the second magic yuan Dan!


At this time, chen fan took a long breath.

He stood up slowly, and his whole body was in full bloom. Like a Shentian tree, he suppressed the chaos of the world. Every muscle weighed ten thousand tons. The whole temple could not support itself. Every inch of the floor burst open, and the array of prohibitions were broken.

The terrible tide of vitality surged around chen fan. Turn into a blue ocean.

"In terms of its power, the Qingdi Yuandan is not much weaker than Xuanwu Yuandan." Chen Fan meditates.

In his body, in a chaotic sea of Qi, a green tree and a Xuanwu are intertwined with each other, roaming in the sea of Qi. Side by side with each other.

"Xuanwu Yuandan is made by absorbing the xuanming Qi from the ancient cold pearl and combining the Zetian map in the twelve day skill map. Yuan Dan is far better than the general God. But the secret of eternal life of the Qing emperor is a skill that I began to practice ten years ago. It is one of the most powerful divine body and the five elements holy body. It's also the supreme of the gods. "

"I'm afraid I can only choose one of them. No matter Xuanwu Yuandan or Qingdi Yuandan, it's enough for me to suppress the world of heaven and hang all the arrogant gods. But if I want to cast the foundation of the supreme way, how can I be satisfied with a mere divine product? "

Chen Fan's eyes are quiet.

Jindan is divided into nine grades. On top of the first product, there are super products.

Super product also has three levels. Divine goods, holy goods, immortal goods! Miraculous products have been rare. Only the son of God of the supreme cult can absorb some supreme aura in the universe by borrowing miraculous materials or occasional adventures.

Once the golden elixir is a perfect product, it is invincible in the same realm. It will challenge and crush all peers.

However, there are holy products on top of holy products, and the golden elixir of holy products is more and more terrible. It's not the immortal sect. It can't be condensed. Once practiced, there is only one sentence to describe it:

you can chop Yuanying!

Jindan and Yuanying are the difference between the two. One hundred gold elixirs may not block Yuan Ying's attack. In the universe, monk Yuan Ying is already a master. Like Qi Tianjun, he cuts off the way of heaven with one sword, and still blocks Chen Fan's progress thousands of years later. Under one blow, the mountains and rivers sank, the islands overturned, and the country was destroyed.

But how terrible is it that shengpin Jindan can kill Yuanying?

But also, shengpin Jindan is more difficult to practice. There may not be one person in the whole celestial realm. Only one or two of the oldest holy places and immortal sects may exist. Even Chen Fan doubts whether there are people who have become elites in the sky.

As for the golden elixir, it's just an illusory legend. There may not be one in all the heavens, all the worlds, and all the stars. Chen fan has no idea of tasting the golden elixir."As long as I can practice the golden elixir, I will be able to stand on the same starting line as those top holy sons and goddesses in the universe."

Chen Fan looks at two yuan Dan in his body.

Xuanming is water and Qingdi is wood. As early as when he got the immortal body of the Qing emperor, he planned to the moment before his eyes.

"Although the five elements holy body, I only know one kind of emperor Qingdi's immortal body. But with my cultivation experience, I can use the other four kinds of supernatural formula to complete it. At that time, the five pieces of Yuan Dan will become the most powerful congenital five virtues golden elixir

Between heaven and earth, there are five kinds of the most powerful vitality, which are called congenital five virtues. The combination is the golden elixir. It is no less than the five element holy pill of the five element immortal sect.

However, chen fan did not intend to rely on the five elements.

The way of heaven and earth is changing, and we can follow our heart. Congenital five virtues are not necessarily gold, wood, water, fire and earth. There are billions of energies in the universe. Chen Fan adapts measures to the situation, so long as he can gather together five kinds of the most powerful elixirs, he can achieve each other.

Thinking of this, he continued to sit down and practice.

Half a month later.

He condensed the third yuan Dan. This yuan Dan is just like a tiny black hole with Kunpeng circling on it. Obviously, it is based on Kunpeng's divine image, which is a concise yuan Dan. Kunpeng is a space beast. This yuan Dan is a space yuan Dan in a strict sense.

But it is far less than the size of xuanming and Qingdi's two Yuandan, only the size of thumb.

"My accumulation is not enough after all. If you want to become a real Kunpeng Yuandan, you must find a space stone, or countless empty gems, and absorb the power of space. "

Chen Fan sighed.

A month later.

Chen fanning made the fourth yuan Dan.

Inside, the chaos and lightning flash into the sky, turning into a tiny thunder shape of dragon head. This Lei Ze yuan pill is the most powerful thunder god pill, but it is still tiny, far weaker than the first two.

The last yuan Dan takes the longest time to refine.

It took Chen Fan two months to refine it. This is a pure, full body burst of gold Dan yuan. Although it is also small, only thumb big, but blooming immortal, immortal, eternal breath.

Zhenwu Yuandan!

Chen fan is a master of Zhenwu. Without any attributes, only the most brilliant Zhenwu divine power, invincible, nothing is broken, just like the eternal stone. Although Zhenwu Yuandan is the smallest, it seems to contain the power of terror, even above the first two Yuandan.

"Xuanming, Qingdi, Kunpeng, Leize, Zhenwu."

These five yuan Dan represent Chen Fan's five paths since his practice. Every gate is a unique secret that shakes the universe. Once it flows out, it will be enough for the most powerful people in the celestial realm to be defeated.

But Chen fan, in one breath, condensed five.

In addition, we should integrate the five into one and turn them into holy gold elixirs.


When the fifth yuan Dan is condensed.

The breath of infinite terror rises from Chen fan. The void burst. The whole cave trembled. The juehan immortal hall burst out, even for a second.

Five colors of Shenhui are blooming around chen fan. Xuanwu, Shenshu, Kunpeng, Leize, golden halo and other five kinds of virtual shadows appeared around him. The former two are concise and truthful, while the latter three are more illusory, especially the true martial arts phase, which is a golden wheel.

But the combination of these five forces gives Chen Fan an illusion. He seems to incarnate into a giant who can break the cave with one foot. In fact, he is so powerful.

Five yuan Dan in the body, chen fan's strength at this time, enough to rival the peak of gold.

"Not good."

But at this time, chen fan looks dignified and looks up. Overhead, I do not know where to gather from the thunder clouds, instant all over the sky.

Terror comes down from the sky.

The small world, which is hundreds of miles around, can't support itself at this time, making a creaking sound.

The thunder cloud is so terrible that it turns into a chaotic sea of thunder, in which all kinds of God thunder emerge. The whole sky becomes the ocean of thunder and lightning. Moreover, this is only a small section. The body goes beyond the cave and covers the extremely cold mountains for thousands of miles.

Countless fierce beasts at this time five body attachment, shivering, trembling in front of this Tianwei.

If there is a monk in the end of the world, he will be absolutely stunned.

The golden elixir is just a hundred Li thunder cloud. There are only one or two kinds of God thunder. If there are more than three kinds of God thunder, they are all peerless geniuses. But Chen Fan's thunder disaster shrouded thousands of miles, and countless kinds of God thunder shining alternately, the power is too powerful to imagine.

"I'm afraid ten gold elixirs may not be able to resist the thunder."

Chen Fan frowned slightly.

He's not afraid, but it's not time to cross the thunder.

He only trained xuanming and Qingdi into two kinds of elixirs, and the other three were just in their infancy. If he was going through the thunder disaster at this time, he could at most cultivate the elixir gold elixir, which was unacceptable to Chen fan."Deception."

Chen Fan's hands marked the mysterious. His whole breath suddenly became ethereal, as if he had separated from the world. He gradually changed from a giant god to an ordinary person with ordinary breath, just like a plant, a flower and a stone.

Thunder rob tiny meal, seem to feel no breath, unexpectedly gradually dissipate.

Finally, chen fan, who cheated the thunder robber with the secret skill of deceiving heaven, breathed a sigh of relief. He looked up to the North:

"to achieve great accomplishments, it's time to go to the ancient Chinese city and see what happened to the Chinese people in this world."

PS: the first one is presented, and the author continues to write the second one^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!