Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 831

Ancient cold pearl.

As a kind of natural material, it contains a trace of mysterious spirit. This vitality originally exists in the netherworld, hell, and even the ghost world of the yellow spring. It is the supreme spirit of the underworld. It is very rare. If you are met by a ghost monk or a Yin monk, you will be overjoyed. At this time, it was carrying a lot of cars, and evolved into a quasi divine cold pearl. The dark air was boiling like a sea, far more than a trace, just like a spring.


A wisp of black dark air, I do not know when, from the bead out, into the world.

You can see that the vitality around you condenses in an instant, and there are black silk rain in the air, which is enough to freeze the ghost breath and spread slowly. Let the floor of tens of feet around turn into frost quickly. This force can solidify the golden elixir.

Chen Fan closed his eyes and sat cross legged in juehan immortal hall.

He didn't leave. He took over juehan cave directly. After that, he closed the gate of heaven and made a breakthrough in the cave. Juehan Dongtian has accumulated thousands of years of cold air, which has become Chen Fan's food.

Only see.

With the operation of Yuan Dan, the aura like a white rainbow converged from all directions. The aura here is even more abundant than that in ordinary areas, tens of times more than that of the earth. Every time Chen Fan breathes, he sends out thunder, just like a long whale drinking water, devouring countless auras.

As soon as those auras entered his body, they turned into real yuan and stacked on Yuan Dan layer by layer. Let the yuan Dan more and more bright, tiliuliu rotation, crystal clear, and even began to exude a trace of gold.

"Immortals are called golden elixirs, Buddhists are called sari, and spirit beasts are called demon elixirs. It condenses the energy core in the body, so as to have the general characteristics of automobile engine. From then on, the power will never stop

Chen Fan thought quietly.

The refinement of the golden elixir can be divided into three, six, and nine grades according to different skills, accomplishments, and talents. From the best one to the worst nine. With Chen Fan's current accomplishments, he can gather the best elixir.

"But it's not enough. How can a sports car engine and a tricycle engine be the same? My goal is to become the best gold elixir, to surpass all the sons and daughters of God, and to forge the supreme foundation. "

Think of it.

Chen fan directly takes out the cold pearl of ancient Ming, embraces it with both hands and gently uses the magic power to move it.


It's like an ancient ferocious beast waking up. In the original peaceful pearl, the waves suddenly set off. A terrible dark river, the shadow, emerged out of thin air, rolling black waves flowing in the void, shaking the space. I don't know how many drops of xuanming water are gathered in the long river of xuanming. Every drop can turn into a cold wave, freezing a mountain.

Tens of millions of drops gathered here, can make thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, condensed into glaciers.


With the traction of Chen fan, a drop of xuanming water is carefully attracted into the body. Even if you become a God, you can't bear the power of a mysterious river.

As soon as this drop of xuanming water entered the body, it quickly dispersed into a rolling xuanming Qi, which filled Chen Fan's whole meridians, and dyed his body black. Through the skin, you can see that Chen Fan's body is cold and his eyebrows are covered with frost.

Yuan Dan rotates.

The terrible attraction blooms from this bright pearl and absorbs all the mysterious Qi in Chen Fan's body.

One drop, two drops, three drops...

as more and more mysterious water is absorbed, the original crystal clear and white yuan Dan turns into black unconsciously. It was as if it had been dyed black, with a faint power from the nether hell.

"The reason why super grade gold elixir is so powerful is that it can refine some energy or treasure between heaven and earth into the body and condense them into one body, so that it has all kinds of magical powers. The Dharma is far more powerful than ordinary gold elixir."

"Some people refine the flying sword into the body, and turn the golden elixir into an invincible sword. When one sword flies out, it can rival the heavenly treasure. Some people put the essence of sunflower water in rivers and lakes into Jin Dan, and then put it into a hundred mile long river. Some people condense the essence and blood of the divine beast, and the golden elixir urges them to show their own divine beast Dharma images, or even incarnate them... "

all kinds of magical powers of Dharma images are the reason why the super golden elixir is so powerful in the universe.

"And what I'm going to practice now is the xuanming golden elixir!"

Chen Fan's eyelids are drooping and his eyes are quiet.

With more and more xuanming water, he refined it into his body. Yuandan's shape began to change, from the original pigeon egg size ball, gradually turned into a liquid, and finally condensed into a crystal clear black water flow.

The black water was very small at first, only a short section.

As soon as it condenses, chen fan's body trembles. It seems that he can't bear it. His bones creak and creak, just like a stream of water, containing ten thousand tons of weight.


The black water not only rolled in Chen Fan's body, but also floated around him.

The rolling water of the dark world is surging and flowing. One end goes into the void, and the other comes out of the void in a ring. If Chen Fan wants to, this crystal clear black water can turn into a hundred mile long river in an instant, smashing a mountain and crushing any gold elixir easily.This is the Dharma phase, to be exact, the divine phase!

Every friar of golden elixir has Dharma. The most powerful part of the golden elixir lies in the power of Dharma. Chen Fan's Kunpeng body, as well as the chaos tree, are all Dharma powers with infinite power. Because of the different cultivation methods, the Dharma phase of each Jindan friar is also different. But without exception, the appearance of law is false.

It's like Chen Fan's Kunpeng style.

It's just a collection of mana, not flesh and blood.

But the gods are different. Shenxiang is the direct manifestation of the super golden elixir, which is not false, but true. If a flying sword is congealed in the body, it can be directly put out and used as a magic weapon to kill the enemy. If you wave your finger and arm, it is better than all treasures. If the golden elixir is solidified into an ancient tripod, the external divine form is an invincible divine tripod...

with different golden elixirs, the divine form is different.

It is said that in the depths of the universe, someone practiced the golden elixir into a big sun. Once it was put out, the fire would burn for three thousand li and turn into immortal gold. Even Yuanying Tianjun would give up.

"If I build the xuanming gold elixir, then the appearance of the God will be a long river of xuanming, which can be turned into a hundred Li River across the sky. Under one blow, it will be enough to collapse more than ten mountains."

Chen Fan thought quietly.

In terms of pure power, this is the divine yuan Dan. It's extremely powerful. It's no weaker than other gods. It's just that it hasn't passed the thunder. But Chen fan is not satisfied, he is immortal reincarnation, ordinary Shenpin yuan Dan is nothing.


In front of Chen Fan's eyes, countless lights were shining and dying. The picture of twelve days' work reappeared and finally settled on the third picture of Zetian. In the picture of Zetian, it is recorded that a strange animal, which looks like a tortoise but not a tortoise, or a snake but not a snake, has its head and tail intertwined, treads on the netherworld and suppresses the black water.


One of the most powerful beasts, the water god in charge of the north, is also known as the incarnation of xuanming. This is a truly powerful beast in the universe. It only exists in the legend, and even chen fan has never seen it. It is said that the real Xuanwu is an immortal beast, and there is only one in all heaven and earth. Others just have some Xuanwu blood.

I don't know if the Xuanwu recorded in the twelve day Gong chart is really Xuanwu, but its power is still terrible.


When this picture comes up.

In Chen Fan's body, the whole dark elixir began to vibrate, as if he had met his master. Countless black water strange changes, began to combine, gradually condensed into a tiny turtle snake model.

In this miniature Xuanwu, a light comes up, corresponding to countless mysterious orifices in Chen Fan's body. Then, the 48000 secret orifices around Chen Fan opened one by one. Xuanwu is worthy of being the most powerful beast. It needs to condense its orifices, which is far better than Kunpeng and Leize. Similarly, once it condenses, its power is even more terrifying.


In the void, there was a storm of vitality.

At this moment, all the auras gathered in juehan cave form a huge funnel with the immortal hall as the center, trying to instill them. With the "cold pearl of the ancient underworld", chen fan did not use the spirit stone or the treasure pill this time.

When the aura is not enough.

A drop of xuanming water will burst, turn into a rolling xuanming Yin Qi, and pour into Chen Fan's body. Once the golden elixir can't bear this terrible and extremely cold Qi, only chen fan can absorb the Qi of xuanming wantonly.

"Bang bang."

With every drop of dark water being refined.

Chen Fan's acupoints and orifices are lighting up more and more until the end. When the xuanming River in the cold pearl of the ancient Ming Dynasty was shortened by half, finally, the whole 48000 orifices were shining at the same time. It becomes a pair of mysterious Dharma phase entangled by tortoise and snake.

Then, the basaltic Dharma and the miniature basaltic in the body become one.


A hundred Li cave is an earthquake.

The xuanming Yuandan in Chen Fan's Dantian was completely shaped and turned into a strange beast that looked like a turtle, not a turtle, or a snake, not a snake. It tramples on the nether world, encircles the black water, and controls the Jiuyou, just like an invincible spirit. As soon as the beast appeared, even the cold pearl of the ancient Ming Dynasty trembled slightly. Between heaven and earth, all the water system forces cheered and danced to show their submission.

"Yes. As long as you get through the thunder disaster, this xuanming gold elixir will be a great success. In addition, the power of Xuanwu Shenxiang can be doubled, and it can crush other Jindan. "

"At that time, I'm afraid we can't call it xuanming Jindan, but Xuanwu Jindan."

Chen Fan opened his eyes slowly, showing a trace of joy.

After the Xuanwu yuan Dan condensed, he felt that the true yuan in his body had increased several times. If he survived the thunder disaster, it might have increased more than ten times. Both the body and the soul, because of the cohesion of the third picture of heaven, their strength increases greatly. When they bend their fingers and clench their fists, they feel that one blow can break the mountain.

It is here that Chen Fan's purpose of this trip is more than half accomplished. However, chen fan is not satisfied. As an immortal reincarnation, how can he be satisfied with a golden elixir?


Chen fan directly suppressed Du Lei's desire to become a golden elixir, closed his eyes again and began to practice.This time, he changed his skill and used the eternal life skill of the Qing emperor. A tiny yuan Dan gradually condenses in his practice. This yuan Dan is green and green, which contains the surging vitality of the wood system. Yuan Dan was small at first, but with the cultivation, it grew stronger and stronger. A chaotic tree looms in it.

Chen fan is refining the second yuan Dan!

PS: third watch. It's a little late, but it's finally there^_ ^

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