Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 830

"Zhao Qingchen has been abandoned!"

"Who is so bold? He is the grandson of the seventeen kings, the favorite descendant of the king. It is said that he has swallowed the blood of Tian Mang in his body and has reached the state of blood coagulation. He is only half a step away from the state of FA Xiang. The younger generation of the whole royal family is very few."

"It is said that he was a Chinese youth named Chen beixuan, but Lin Wuhua and others confessed that he was not a Chinese, but a Jindan friar disguised as a monk."

The news that Zhao Qingchen's blood was abandoned quickly spread all over the Royal City, and there was a lot of discussion among the major families.

In addition to the Zhao family of the royal family, there are eight top families, including Chu family, merchant family and Lingjia family. In those years, they all followed the early king of the northern Han Dynasty to open up the northern Han region, which is known as the eight Town families. Their status is extremely respected, second only to the royal family.

"What about the six caves?"

"All the sects claim that they are not their people. Chen beixuan is extremely mysterious and can't be found at all. Wang Ting is very angry. It is said that he has alerted Jian Jun and ordered Bai mang Wei to go out to search the world. He has to catch Chen beixuan. "

"Tut, even Baimang Wei, one of the nine guards of Beihan, is leaving. Chen beixuan is dead."

Some sighed, some exulted, some gloated.

The space storm caused by the event of juehan Dongtian swept most of the northern cold regions, and countless families and clans were waiting for it. Look at the action of the northern cold court.

If even the murderer who plundered their blood could not be killed, it would greatly shake the majesty of the royal court.


the northern Han court.

A middle-aged man in white is standing in front of the towering palace. The man's back is as straight as a sword. Anyone who sees him seems to see a nine sky sword that goes straight into the sky. The iron bodyguard standing around, looking at the man's eyes, extremely fanatical, like looking at the gods.

Sword king!

The first master of the northern cold court, the golden elixir of the peak, once leveled the six caves with one person and one sword. The king of northern cold is not born. He is respected in the whole northern cold region.

"Uncle sword."

Zhao duluo, with a heavy complexion, walked up to the man and saluted respectfully. Although he is the eldest son of King Beihan, he has entered the realm of golden elixir, and has a highly respected position in the royal family, second only to King Beihan. But I didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of this man.

"How about Zhao Qingchen?"

The sword King opens his mouth.

His voice was cold and his words were sharp.

"If you can't find the legendary" Du Er Jin Dan ", I'm afraid that the arrival of Da Luo can't save Xiao Qing." Zhao Du lowered his voice.

"The golden elixir of Du'er is a divine elixir, which is not necessarily the Supreme God. Even if you take it out, it won't be used on him. Give money and silk, draw out the royal family sequence, and let them live and die on their own. " The sword gentleman light way.

"Yes, uncle Jian."

Zhao duluo obeys orders respectfully.

He is very clear about Jianjun's temperament, that is, the northern Han Royal family. If he fails, he will be regarded as a waste by Jianjun.

Zhao Qingchen lost all his blood and had no value. Although he could spend his life as an emperor in the world, he was no longer a royal family and could not enjoy the cultivation resources and treatment of the royal family.

"Although Zhao Qingchen is stupid, Chen beixuan should die. If you don't kill him, it means that our court can be deceived? He ordered the three guards of white python, Han Jue and manghuang to search all over the sky. If Chen beixuan could not be found, the commander of the three guards would come to see me. "

With that, Jian Jun flicks his sleeves and tears the space away.

Zhao Du Luo took a cold breath and bowed to the direction of Jianjun:

"I will obey you."

When he looked up, his eyes were not only shocked, but with a trace of horror. The nine guards of the royal court are the divine army to suppress the northern cold regions. Three guards in one breath, enough to level a cave.

"Uncle Jian really looks up to Chen beixuan."

Zhao duluo sighed.


in the whole northern cold region, chen fan was walking in the juehan immortal hall when he was making a stir for Chen fan.

This ancient palace was built by juehan Zhenjun with all his strength. I wanted to set up a sect here after I was promoted to Yuanying, and set up the seventh cave of Beihan. But I didn't expect it to fall, which was cheap for later generations.

"Whoosh, whoosh."

Chen fan is walking.

All the scenes around him are changeable. There are thunder, light, light, fire, nine days cold wind, magic illusion, and even the space is upside down. It's killing me step by step.

"Tianhan Liusha array, Jiushu Dingxing array, void reversal array..."

Chen Fan spits out his names.

If there is a monk in the end of the world, he will lose all his three souls and lose all his seven souls. Which of these Dharma arrays is the top killing array, even the quasi heaven array. Once together, you can kill the elixir.

But they can't help Chen fan.

Every time Chen Fan steps out, he steps on the nodes of the array. Based on his five hundred years of experience in cultivating immortals, the defects of these Dharma arrays are very rare.

"It seems that the orthodoxy of the astral realm is relatively backward, such as the void reversal array, which has long been abandoned in the central astral realm of the human race. It's still here. It doesn't seem to keep up with the times.Chen Fan shook his head slightly.

After nine steps in a row, he finally found the core of the array and gently stamped his feet to drink.



The whole temple was shocked.

Then, all the illusions disappeared in an instant, and all lightning, ice and fire disappeared at the same time. There is a vast palace around. There are 49 ice crystal pillars with hundreds of people. In the middle of the hall, sitting cross legged, is a Taoist with a Star crown and feathers.

The Taoist has a white head and white beard. His skin is crystal clear, just like jade. His eyes are closed, his chest is still slightly undulating, and he still breathes. The two white irises in his nostrils contract like snakes, just like sleeping.

Juehan Zhenjun, the master of the whole cave.

But a huge blood hole appeared on his head, which was extremely ferocious.

"Yuanying is out of body, which is called eclosion in Taoism, Nirvana in Buddhism, and transformation in demons. In fact, they all mean the same thing. If you can't get rid of the body, Po Dan Ning baby can only be bound in the body from now on. With the decay of the body. "

Chen fan was not surprised, but sighed.

In his last life, he saw too many Jindan friars who failed to coagulate their babies and finally fell. Some even explode their whole heads and their spirits are destroyed.

The path of a monk is so hard, one step at a time. If it had not been for Chen Fan's life, he would have been walking on thin ice and careful.

"This should be the ancient cold pearl."

Chen Fan's eyes fell on a black bead between the Taoist's knees. The beads were silent and lusterless, only dimly visible, and there seemed to be smoke floating inside.

Instead of going there directly, chen fan's eyes became more and more dignified.

He took a gentle step.


The whole world was turned upside down in an instant. The cold air enveloped the Taoist within ten feet. The black cold air was extremely poisonous, as if it came from the dark hell and could freeze the spirits. A little bit is enough to make the golden elixir fall.

Chen Fan took his feet back, and the cold suddenly converged.

So after repeated, chen fan has been determined.

"No wonder you have not been collected by the major gold elixirs in the northern cold region since you have fallen for so many years. I thought they had an agreement not to enter the cave. It turns out that all the problems lie in this ancient cold pearl. "

Chen Fan looks directly at Hanzhu.

Although the black beads are ordinary, chen fan knows that the previous black cold, including the whole Dongtian and even the cold wave in the core area of juehan mountains, is related to them.

"It seems that I underestimate this ancient dark cold pearl. I'm afraid it contains more than a trace of dark Qi. It's a big mass like a mountain and a sea. In terms of materials, it has gone beyond the category of natural materials and is close to divine materials. "

Chen Fan's eyes brightened.

If the ordinary cold pearl of ancient Ming can freeze the hundred Li cave, but it can never make the thousand li mountains cold. Only the God material or quasi God material level of natural materials and local treasures, can have such a terrible power, that is almost the general ability of God power.

"If you only want to gather the elixir, this ancient cold pearl is enough."

Think of this, chen fan no longer hesitated, directly step out.


The black chill came back.

The cold air condenses like water, and the sky is as dark as rain. Every drop is crystal clear and black as ink. The void was cracked by the frost, making a creaking sound. As you can see, chen fan's clothes almost broke into strands between his fingers. But Chen Fan did not retreat at all, and went step by step to juehan Zhenjun.

Such as water green light, overflow from Chen Fan's body, will be around three feet of cold away.

The more you go inside, the more cold you get. At last, crystal clear black ice crystals appear in the void. That is the cold air of the dark and dark, which condenses like substance and turns into substance. One piece can be frozen to kill another.

Chen fan still does not stop.

Ten Zhang, nine Zhang, eight Zhang...

when we get to five Zhang, we can't even carry Dacheng shenti.

This ancient cold pearl is so terrible that it can already be called "ancient god pearl". Once it explodes, it can turn a thousand miles into a world of ice and snow, which is as powerful as Yuanying's. Reach the level of influencing the astronomical phenomena.


Behind Chen Fan's back, there is a false shadow of Shentian tree. In the end, it is the magic weapon of pressing the bottom of the box, the five thunder yuan magnetic seal. The simple five color FA Yin, which is composed of five elements, can separate the cold.

Finally, chen fan strode over the ten Zhang distance and grasped the Pearl.


All the chill suddenly disappeared at this time, as if everything was an illusion. Chen Fan heaved a sigh of relief. If he was a little later, he would have to withdraw.

Chen fan holds the jewel in front of him. Through the black wall, he can see that there is a world of ice and snow gathering inside.

"Although it is not a divine material, it is also a quasi divine material. If you can get it, you can refine it into a divine treasure and open up the world in the empty air. The 24 dinghaizhu in the legend are peerless materials. This juehan real prince is too tyrannical to know how precious this pearl is. "Chen Fan shook his head.

Divine materials, even quasi divine materials are very rare. In fact, that strange great power is refining divine materials by refining exotic treasures from the earth.

With this pearl, chen fan can finally refine the super gold elixir.

PS: there is a third watch^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!