Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 829

At this time, in front of juehan immortal hall, six or seven young strong men of the northern cold region were lying in a mess, covered with blood. Only chen fan, with both hands on his back, stood in the air, smiling rather than smiling.

Zhao Qingchen's whole body was cold.

He didn't expect that in a quarter of an hour, he just inspired the swallowing blood, and the others were defeated. That's dozens of congenital friars.

"Daoyou's magic power is strong, and I feel inferior to you."

Zhao Qingchen is worthy of being a royal family. He is able to bend and stretch his head.

But Chen fan is still looking at him, eyes cold. Chen Fan didn't forget that he humiliated the Chinese people many times before.

"It's just a misunderstanding before. Juehan's legacy is a ownerless thing. Taoists can take it at will. We have no objection." Zhao Qingchen said, his heart was shaking. As a northern Han Royal family, when did he suffer such humiliation?

Chen Fan didn't listen and stepped forward. His eyes seemed to be burning with blood.

"Daoyou, I'm the king of Beihan. My ancestor is the contemporary king of Beihan. Everyone here comes from the cave and the big family. Do you really want to kill them all? " Zhao Qingchen swallowed his anger.

When Chen Fan heard the speech, he was slightly shocked.

People are happy, especially Zhao Qingchen. In the northern cold region, the northern cold king is heaven. Any strong person who provokes the northern cold king must think twice.

"I can spare your life for a piece of spiritual treasure or unique spiritual material, otherwise there will be no amnesty."

Chen Fan raised his finger and said faintly.

"Why don't you rob it?"

Gulingzi yelled.

Lingbao plays an important role in any sect, and it is a treasure to suppress the sectarian movement. Many ancestors of Jindan may not have Lingbao in their hands. Because of their vast future, the clan gave them spiritual treasures to defend themselves. If you lose your Lingbao here, you will be severely punished if you go back.

"If you don't, you die."

Chen Fan flicked his finger and shot it with great energy. In an instant, he flew Gu Lingzi out. In the air, silver blood spewed out, and there was a crackling sound of bone fracture.

Everyone is cold.

At this time, I think of Chen Fan's cruel means, and they all choose to hand over Lingbao. After all, compared with life, Lingbao is a little inferior.

"Hoo, it's OK."

Only Zhao Qingchen breathed a sigh of relief.

To the north, the Han Royal family is rich and powerful. It is nothing to lose a soul treasure. Moreover, when he went back, he would report to his ancestors and mobilize the powerful members of the royal family to pursue and kill chen fan.

"Boy, I'll let you go now, when I get out of the cave. Not only do I have to tear you to pieces, but I also have to kill your family and your whole family to get rid of my hatred. "

Zhao Qingchen's venom flashed through his eyes, but on the surface he was more and more respectful.

"Tianming sword, golden spear, thick Earth Shield..."

Lin Wuhua and others, with heartache, handed Lingbao to Chen fan. They also have a glimmer of hope. After all, Lingbao belongs to the clan. It has the brand of golden elixir, and outsiders can't control it.

But Chen Fan put out his hand and wiped out all these marks, completely cutting off people's thoughts.

"Little brother, you are so powerful that people fall in love with you."

Bai qiuer obediently presents the Yin Yang diagram, and her eyes are flowing, charming and moving. Her red lips are like fire, her eyes are like water, and her figure is enchanting, as if she is in trouble. Hook's presence in the male heart a jump.

"When you are twenty years younger, I may consider taking you as a maid."

Chen Fan said lightly.

Bai qiuer's pretty face is stiff. Chen Fan obviously satirizes her age.

"I'm only in my thirties, and I'm young among those who cultivate immortals." Bai qiuer grits her teeth in her heart and stares at chen fan. She shakes Qiao Tuan and leaves.

Finally, it's Zhao Qingchen's turn.

Zhao Qingchen, with a smile on his face and no anger, takes out a snow-white armor with frost and a boa constrictor hovering on it:

"this armor is called Baijiao. It's a strong man of blood in my ancestors and is famous for its own scale armor. In the defense of Lingbao, he is also very strong and can carry the golden elixir... "

in his words, there is a trace of arrogance.

If you can return to the ancestral form, you will be the best in Jindan. Maybe you will catch up with Yuanying. This white Jiaojia is definitely the best of spirit armor.

But before Zhao Qingchen finished, chen fan interrupted with a wave:

"give me your ring, too."

Zhao Qingchen's face muscle jumps.

Space treasures are rarer than spiritual treasures. Every space treasure must be a spiritual treasure. But Lingbao is not necessarily a treasure of space. Only Zhao Qingchen, who is rich and powerful, is equipped with a space ring.

He gritted his teeth and finally took off the ring and handed it to Chen fan. He can't wait to get out of juehan cave and report to the royal family for Chen fan.

But as soon as Zhao Qingchen stepped out, chen fan suddenly said:

"did I let you go?"

"What does Daoyou mean?" As soon as Zhao Qingchen's face changed, his smile gradually subsided. "You said a Lingbao was ok, and I'll pay an extra space ring."

"That's them. You humiliate my Chinese and kill me. It's not just a magic weapon that can wipe it out." Chen Fan said calmly."What do you want?"

Zhao Qingchen's face is as deep as water and his voice is deep.

"It's very simple. I want your blood." Chen Fan grinned and showed his white teeth.


Zhao Qingchen is furious.

In the end of the universe, blood is the most important secret of any strong family. The reason why the northern Han Royal family was able to control the northern Han region was that the northern Han kings were invincible in history, all of which depended on the blood inheritance of a "swallow sky Python". Losing blood is like losing the core skills of the sect. Especially without blood, Zhao Qingchen will become a useless person in an instant, which is worse than killing him.

"I'm not talking to you, I'm just telling you."

Chen Fan said lightly, raised his hand and covered it with a claw.


Zhao Qingchen directly crushed a jade amulet on his chest. Boom, a bright white light quickly shrouded him, instantly turned into a white rainbow, fled into space and left.

"The secret of the void."

Someone whispered.

This kind of secret talisman must be refined by monk Yuanying. It can transmit space and travel thousands of miles. It's extremely rare in the northern cold region. It's more valuable than Lingbao. Zhao Qingchen really doesn't want to use it unless he has to.

"You can't run away."

Chen Fan hands, directly into the void. All they saw was a strange scene. Chen Fan's palm seemed to disappear out of thin air, leaving only his wrist. Then, a scream came, and a white light was suddenly caught out of the void by Chen fan.

The white light is gathered away, and Zhao Qingchen's face is full of panic.

"The flesh tears the void!"

At that moment, all Tianjiao were cold.

Although the golden elixir touches the way of space, the one who can tear up the vacuum with his body is the strongest in the golden elixir, even the monk Yuan Ying. This kind of existence, one step out, thousands of miles away, there is no taboo, any array can not be limited, haunted. Not to mention the northern cold region, which is placed in the end of the sky, are considered the top strong.

"This man has mastered the road of emptiness. Is it because he is a Jindan or Yuanying old man who has come to amuse us?"

Lin Wuhua's eyes widened.

She never believed that only Ning Dan could smash the vacuum. Lin even suspects that Chen Fan's appearance, even his name, including his Chinese identity, are all deceptive.

Other people obviously think the same way, and they all bow in fear.

"Forgive me, master."

Zhao Qingchen begged for mercy.

But how can Chen Fan keep his hand? Chen Fan's hand is empty and floating. He grabs it on the cover of his spirit. A tiny black vortex appears on Zhao Qingchen's head.

Devour the magic power!

"Get up!"

"Click, click!"

Zhao Qingchen's eyes suddenly stare, his face full of blood vessels burst out, his veins protrude, and he seems to be in great pain. People see, a blood line, traction, from Zhao Qingchen on the body of each hole surface, gather to Chen Fan's palm. That a blood line, pale white, cold overflowing, the surrounding ground, are frozen out of the road frost.

This situation lasted for half an hour.

In the end, all the blood lines converge into a big ball of thumb. Vaguely visible, a transparent white python, swimming in the blood group, a ferocious wilderness atmosphere, emerged from above. This is the blood essence of the python.

Chen Fan took out the jade bottle, put the blood into it, and then let go of Zhao Qingchen.


Zhao Qingchen fell to his knees.

He was pale, sweating and breathless. Palm shaking, want to stand up to support all can't do. All of them were cold. Knowing that they had lost their blood, Zhao Qingchen had turned into a useless man. He had no chance to practice any more.

"Chen... Chen beixuan. You waste my blood. My family... My family will never forgive you! "

Zhao Qingchen looks at Chen Fan with a trembling look, with an undisguised venom in his eyes.

"Yes? Let them come. "

Chen Fan didn't care.

He flicked his sleeve and let the people go. He turned to face the immortal hall.

Lin Wuhua and others silently raise Zhao Qingchen and walk out of the core of the cave. Someone finally looked back and saw that the array was broken, the gate of the immortal hall was opened, and Chen fanmai stepped into it.

"This time, I've lost my wife and lost my army."

Gu Lingzi looked at each other and saw the sour in each other's eyes.

I thought it was tianjiaoyunju, and the young generation of Kings fought for supremacy. Unexpectedly, chen fan was born. "Fortunately, we haven't become Zhao Qingchen." More people look at the zombie Zhao Qingchen one eye, fear in the heart.

For a genius, depriving him of his proudest talent is worse than killing him.

Tianjiao dejected step out of the cave, this strange scene, can't hide from others. Soon, the truth about the cave spread quickly. Thousands of people waiting outside are boiling.

"Chen beixuan entered the extremely cold cave."

"Chen beixuan swept all the pride of heaven and killed dozens of people with one hand.""Chen beixuan won juehan Zhenjun's legacy and abandoned Zhao Qingchen, the 17th grandson of the northern Han Royal Family..."

every piece of news was like a blockbuster, which made everyone dizzy. Mu Hongti and others were even dumbfounded and couldn't believe it. Then, the news quickly, like a storm, swept half of the northern cold region.

After hearing this, the six caves, the whole King City and countless Xiuxian families were all shaken.

This moment.

Chen Fan's name moves north cold! , the fastest update of the webnovel!