Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 826

At this moment, the wind is howling outside juehan Zhenjun's east mansion.

From all over the northern cold region, the lineage of the clan, the ancestors of the ancestors, and the ordinary cultivators gathered here. I'm afraid there are more than a hundred congenital strong people. There are many strong people who stand on a par with xuanqingzi, but no one speaks.

Chen Fan's killing xuanqingzi with his finger is really terrible. That kind of understatement, such as catching turtles, without a trace of smoke. On behalf of his strength is far more than xuanqingzi, can do rolling.

"Ning Dan period, this is a little true king."

Countless people roar in their hearts.

A road of fear eyes, fell on Chen fan.

Ningdan is the last step before the golden elixir. All the monks who enter the period of ningdan have already possessed part of the ability of golden elixir, which can crush the common inborn. Therefore, ningdan is also known as xiaozhenjun and quasi Jindan. It has a very high status, second only to Jindan.

"But how is it possible? It's Gu Lingzi, Lin Wuhua and other young kings who don't know whether Ning Dan, the nameless youth, can enter this realm? Is he the close disciple of the old Jindan monster? "

Yuelong fairy was surprised.

It's not just him, it's a lot of people who don't know.

In particular, sanglao was worshipped in the city Lord's mansion. He didn't follow Zhang Dongxu into Zhenjun's cave, and always guarded Zhang Lingfeng. Seeing Chen Fan's great power, I couldn't believe it.

"This guy is obviously a Chinese. The last time I saw him, I didn't dare fart. How did you become Xiao Zhenjun? "

Mr. sang didn't want to believe it.

However, chen fan's point of killing the lineage of the clan is vividly in his mind. No matter how puzzled they were, they had to bow their heads respectfully. Facing a quasi golden elixir friar, who can be fearless?

Chen Fan's eyes fell on Yuelong fairy:

"I killed xuanqingzi, do you want to avenge him?"

Chen Fan's voice is light, but it sounds like thunder. Yuelong fairy and Fang Jianyu's face was stiff. Although they are the lineage, they can look down on the major Xiuxian families. But in the face of Chen Fan's metamorphosis, how dare you do it?

"Xiaozhenjun is joking. We just met xuanqingzi on the way. We have no friendship. Please don't get me wrong." Fang Jianyu hurriedly arched his hand: "xiaozhenjun is so powerful that I'm afraid Lin Wuhua and chutianyu may not be xiaozhenjun's opponents. Jianyu wishes xiaozhenjun to sweep the enemy and respect Zhenjun's treasure. "

Yuelong fairy was reluctant, but she had to bow her head:

"little sister has nothing to do with xuanqingzi."

See the two major clansmen, in front of Chen fan, all bow, others are repeatedly voice. No one is willing to touch the mold of a quasi elixir. If he is killed by a bullet, who can argue with him?


Chen Fan snorted, noncommittal. He turned to Mu Hongti and others.

The young masters of the Wu family all bowed their heads in fear and did not dare to look directly at chen fan. Zhang Lingfeng was even more pale and trembling. Only mu Hongti stood there, swaying like a fairy lotus, and her pretty face was full of shock.

"It turns out that Mr. Chen is really strong."

Cloud according to son open ruddy water tender small mouth, blink big eyes, small voice Na.


As soon as Chen Fan reached for it, Zhang Lingfeng flew out of the crowd and fell into his hands.

"Mr. Chen, please forgive me. All that was done by Hu kunhao has nothing to do with me. The younger generation is always respectful to the older generation. " Zhang Lingfeng's soul is scattered, and he cries out crazily. Chen Fan killed xuanqingzi with a finger. How can he be afraid of the city leader behind him?

As early as when xuanqingzi died, he wanted to leave, but he didn't dare. After all, he was a quasi elixir.

The worshiper sang, who had been guarding Zhang Lingfeng's back all the time, came forward in a hurry and said, "Chen Daoyou, please look at the face of the city Lord and spare the little Lord's life. There must be a heavy thank you in Zhuyan city...

mu Hongti's eyes flashed and wanted to beg for mercy.

"You've been sneering at me behind my back. Do you think I'm a fool?"

Chen Fan gave a faint smile.

Then, under the shock of people's eyes, they vomited their strength.


Zhang Lingfeng, who was still begging for mercy, was shocked into a blood mist by Wu Zhuzhen yuan. Chen fan, the first immortal cultivation genius in Zhuyan City, was a young Shenhai strongman. Without supporting him for half a second, he exploded and died.

It's full of fear.

Facing Chen Fan's murderer who said that he would kill him, he was as strong as the lineage of each clan, and he did not dare to make a sound.

The young master of the Wu family and others were so frightened that they knelt to the ground and repeatedly kowtowed for mercy. As for the Mu family, the Yun family and other elders, they are all sweating when they think of their indifferent attitude towards Chen Fan more than ten days ago.

"How dare you kill my young master? Are you not afraid of the Revenge of the Lord's office? "

Sang Lao's face jumps wildly. He looks at Chen Fan in disbelief.

"One more word, I'll kill you too."

Chen Fan said calmly.

Sang Lao's body shape, finally remembered, this is a quasi gold elixir. In front of him, don't say that you are the Lord of the city. I'm afraid you will not be defeated. Even after Zhang Dongxu knew it, he did not dare to take revenge on Chen fan. Instead, he would make an apology in person. This is the power of the golden elixir. If the achievement of golden elixir, but also the slaughter of the clan, no one dares to say.Thinking of this, sang Lao's face changed, and he bent down slowly:

"it's old Meng Lang, Zhang Lingfeng. His words offended Xiao Zhenjun. It's really damned."

Seeing that sang Laodu bowed his head, Zhu Yancheng people were even more frightened. Mu Hongti's eyes are complex, looking at chen fan. At this time, she realized the strength and identity of a nun Ning Dan.

Thousands of friars gathered here, but no one dared to face Chen FanFeng.

That kind of domineering arrogance, shocking.

"I'm afraid Lin Wuhua and Gu Lingzi are just like that."

Someone whispered.

Chen Fan slightly forehead to Mu Hongti, soars to the sky, directly turns into a golden rainbow and penetrates into the gate of heaven. The rest of them took a long breath after he left.

"Where are the strong men coming from? I haven't heard of it before. Even xuanqingzi's Qingyang Xuanjin body can't stop a sword. It's fierce. "

A young man in white frowned.

"Brother Lincai, you didn't find that the man is black haired and black pupil. Is he Chinese?"

Fang Jianyu sighed.

"What? Chinese

When this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

Many congenital friars, when I think back, found that. Chen Fan really has black hair and black pupils, which is slightly different from people in northern cold regions.

"Really Chinese? But it's not a legend that the Chinese people made a big mistake and were forbidden by the northern Han king. Since then, there has been no one to cultivate immortals. "

The Moon Fairy was surprised.

"I don't know if the curse came from the northern cold king. However, the Chinese people are really low in talent, and there are few people who cultivate immortals. Even if there are, there are few. What's more, it's a congenial pill. It's just that I don't know what great fortune this little prince has made. He's so rebellious. " Fang Jianyu shook his head.

Everyone looked at each other. So many of them were born in the family. They were stopped by a Chinese. Many of them were ashamed, but most of them were still frightened.

Whether Chen fan is Chinese or not, his strength is real.


as soon as Chen fan enters the gate of heaven, he feels that time and space are reversed and heaven and earth are changing. The whole world turned into a vast expanse of white in an instant, and the overwhelming cold came.

At this time, he understood why he had to be inborn.

Between heaven and earth, there are terrible cold waves everywhere. It's enough to freeze human bones. Once ordinary friars step in, they will turn into ice sculptures in an instant. Only the congenital friars, barely able to resist, but also shivering.


Chen Fanli in the cold wind, hunting in black, did not care.

His divine consciousness was released like a tidal current, covering the whole world in an instant. This small cave is not big, only a hundred Li square. At that time, the absolute cold real king was far more powerful than the general elixir. He was able to discover the world, build a space passage, and occupy it as a cave. It was really powerful.

Chen fanneng sensed that in the heaven and the earth, there were invisible Dharma arrays running. These Dharma arrays are connected with the whole small cave. They are powerful and can kill people everywhere. Although some of them have failed, most of them are on. Once in trouble, the golden elixir is in danger.

A strong breath, dormant in the cave, entangled, impact.

Obviously, they are all those who enter the cave first, as well as the inborn strong. They are cautious step by step in the cave. They are afraid of being involved in the golden elixir killing array.

"Get up."

Now that his identity has been exposed, chen fan doesn't keep it any more. Instead, he soars into the sky and turns into a golden rainbow, tearing the sky and heading for the center of the cave. There, he felt the breath of the ancient cold pearl.

"Boom boom!"

In the void, layers of array prohibition burst in front of Chen fan. He was like a long train, cutting through the sky and making a sound like thunder. Just like a golden meteor, illuminating the whole cave, is so arrogant.

At that moment.

I don't know how many congenital strong people look up and see the golden rainbow across the void.

"Who is this? So bold, not afraid to kill? "

Countless people are stupid.

They are careful and step by step, for fear that they will be involved in the killing. But the man was so arrogant that he saw juehan Zhenjun's Dharma array as nothing and broke into the house directly, which made many people vomit blood.

"Not good."

Seeing that Chen Fan didn't stop at all, he suddenly broke through the layers of Dharma array and pointed to the center of the cave. At the same time, a lot of Tianjiao turned pale. From every corner of the cave, black water, silver and white rainbow rushed up to chase chen fan.

"Damn it, which bastard, regardless of the danger of his life, ran about in the cold cave. Don't you want to die? "

Lin Wuhua yelled in his heart.

But she had to do the same, turning into a black tide, rowing across the sky and breaking through the array of Dharma. As we all know, the center of the cave is the place where Jue Hanzhen sits. Gu Ming Hanzhu must be there, and she will never allow the Pearl to fall into other people's hands.

Lin Wuhua is struggling to resist the wind blade, thunder fire and ice gun from the corner of his eyes. Gulingzi is on his right side, and he is also working hard to get here. She knew that not only Gu Lingzi, but also all the powerful enemies were forced to come at the moment.No one can give up the ancient cold pearl.

"Come on! Be quick. "

Lin Wuhua clenched his teeth, smashed a family secret, directly escaped into the void, instantly penetrated countless Dharma arrays, and appeared in front of a huge immortal temple.

The fairy hall is towering and towering, with a height of 100 Zhang. A terrible cold wave blew out of the cave and swept the whole cave. In front of the temple, a young man in black clothes and black hair stood up with his hands and back to the people.

The center of the cave is here.

PS: the first one is presented, and the author continues to write the second one^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!