Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 825


Under the gate of heaven, everyone was shocked.

The momentum of the visitors was too great. Before the people stopped, the breath spread all over the world and swept the mountains and rivers. The sound rang out for ten miles, like thunder and lightning, and the sky and the earth collapsed. Many monks with weak cultivation turned blue and trembled on the spot.

"Xuanqingzi, the first true biography of Qingyang sect in a hundred years."

There is a congenital ancestor who didn't enter the cave. At this time, he looks dignified and looks at the West.

Qingyang sect has a generation every 20 years, with thousands of disciples. Xuanqingzi, however, ranked the first in a hundred years, and held the five generations of disciples in high esteem. In fact, the power and talent of the strong, earth shaking.

According to the materials provided by Mu Hong, when xuanqingzi was 37 years old, he was born with a perfect "Qingyang Xuanjin style", surpassing his ancestors. Since then, he has rarely failed to fight with many clans. Generally, he is not his opponent. Second only to Tianjiao and Dongtian walking. Now, the master of qingyangzong has finally arrived.

Mu Hongti was pale and desperate.

It's too late to leave now.


The speed of Qingguang was too fast. It was like a supersonic fighter flying across the sky. It dropped sharply and showed three figures.

Two men and one woman.

The leader was wearing a dark blue Taoist robe with a light gold face and metal cast eyes. He was very powerful. A congenital Green Qi rose behind him. It seemed that it was xuanqingzi who wanted to soar into the sky and turn into the sun! The other two, a cold as the moon, like a fairy goddess. A handsome man with purple eyes.

"Yuelong fairy of the illusory love sect, and Fang Jianyu of the ziluo sect?"

At the sight of the two men, mu Hongti fell to the bottom of the valley.

These two men are the top of their respective families. Their accomplishments are not much weaker than xuanqingzi's, and they are his best friends. If only xuanqingzi, chen fan still has the strength of the first battle, plus two people, there is no chance to escape.

Zhang Lingfeng and others also see that looking at Chen Fan's eyes, they are more contemptuous.

As soon as the legend of the three immortals came out, many ancestors rushed to meet them and wanted to be polite. But xuanqingzi didn't pay attention at all, and the metal pupil glanced at everyone:

"where is Chen beixuan who killed my younger martial brother?"

As soon as he said this, his eyes converged on Chen fan.

On that day, many people in the city Lord's mansion witnessed Chen Fan's hand breaking Hu kunhao.

"You killed Hu kunhao."

Xuanqingzi's body trembled, and his eyes shot three feet of green awn, which was as murderous as the essence. Within a hundred Zhang radius, many immortals could not bear it. They retreated and felt cold.

"Not bad."

Chen Fan nodded, a calm calm color, did not care.

"I have a good courage. I dare to stand in front of the famous xuanqingzi. If it's spread, it's enough to make you famous in ten cities." Fang Jianyu clapped his hand.

Ziluozong's practice is ancient ziluotong technique, which is said to illuminate the sun and the moon. His eyes were purple, like the net of heaven and earth.

"To offend Qingyang is to offend our ancestors. Elder martial brother Xuanqing, do you want my younger sister to help you kill him? " Yuelong fairy is noble and bright. She looks down on the world. Her tone is light. She regards chen fan as a mole ant.

Both of them have innate mid-term accomplishments. Together with xuanqingzi, they are three mid-term monks.

"Elder martial brother Xuanqing, this is a misunderstanding. There are some contradictions between Chen Shangxian and elder martial brother Hu, not without reason..." when the others were shocked, mu Hongti bit his teeth and wanted to explain anxiously.

"Needless to say, those who offend me will be punished!"

Xuanqingzi gave a cold hum.

He clapped directly and shot it in the air. The vast congenital Green Qi turns into a dragon claw of tens of feet, which is like a hill. The strength of Qi is unknown, such as mountain pressure. Especially the strong wind blows out the traces of the surrounding rocks, like a sharp blade.

The inborn Green Qi of Qingyang sect's practice is extremely concise and vigorous Qi, which can catch up with Yuandan in terms of quality. Therefore, although xuanqingzi was just in the middle of his life, he had the power to coagulate Dan.

"No way."

Mu Hongti turned pale.

Xuanqingzi obviously didn't keep his hand. He used his inborn Green Qi to do his best. It's a common ancestor who may fall in the face of such a blow. What's more, chen fan is so young?

Many lineage biographies who came later changed color slightly when they saw this palm.

"Xuanqingzi is worthy of being xuanqingzi. He is born with green spirit. He really reaches the peak. The elder of their clan came here, and that's all. " Someone nodded.

"The young man didn't know what to do to offend xuanqingzi. Unfortunately, his cultivation tools were going to turn into flowing water."

The other shook his head and sighed.

On Zhang Lingfeng's face, he would have a proud smile.


I saw the huge claws of Qinggang pressing down. When it was ten feet away from Chen fan, it suddenly turned into a breeze. Chen Fan was hunting in black, but he was not hurt.

"What's going on?"

Everyone around was stunned.It was Yuelong fairy and Fang Jianyu who were surprised that the congenitally Green Qi was as solid as nature, but how could it suddenly dissipate? There are only a few old cards. They suddenly change their expression and seem to think of something.

Xuanqingzi frowned, then recovered quickly.

"I'll see how I can cut you."

He snorted and pointed again:



The void rings and the sword rises.

You can see that a congenital Green Qi extends from his arm and finally condenses into a green awn with thick thumb. Qingmang breathes and breathes in the air. He is as flexible as a flying sword. He shoots fiercely. In an instant, he penetrates the void and makes a sound of tearing the air. He cuts at chen fan like a peerless sword.

Qingyang sword gang.

It is said that there was an elder in Qingyang sect who used a sword to cut a mountain into two parts. With this skill, Qingyang Zong traversed the northern cold regions. His sword Qi was unparalleled, and his fingers were not hurt when he touched the spirit weapon.

This finger hit, obviously on behalf of xuanqingzi angry.

Moon long fairy and others are nodding, sitting to see Chen Fan fall.

Chen Fan said calmly:

"in front of me, the golden elixir is coming, and I dare not attack me with sword Qi."

He put his hand gently without any mana. The Qingmang, which is comparable to the first-class spirit weapon, fell into Chen Fan's hands meekly. He was extremely obedient and turned into a soft finger.

After the completion of the Yuan Dynasty, chen fan's ten Zhang land was transformed into a field, and the world was under his control, not to mention a sword gang? Jindan and Chen Fan fight mainly by magic power. How dare you kill him?

"How could it be?"

This time, people were completely surprised.

In particular, Yuelong fairy and Fang Jianyu's face became stiff. This method seems to be similar to some of the top elders and ancestors in the clan. But those ancestors, at least, are all nuns Ning Dan.

As for mu Hongti and others, they couldn't believe it. Their eyes were almost staring out.

"Qingyangda. FA!"

Xuanqingzi was furious.

He repeatedly shot, but always in vain, has completely angered the Qingyang zhenzhuan first.

His whole body was full of Green Qi, and a huge blue sun rose up, just like the bronze casting. Under the shadow of the green sun, xuanqingzi's hair and beard were all green. He turned into a piece of Xuanjin stone. The surging Zhenyuan stirred around him like thunder and wind. The terrible pressure surged, and no one dared to stand around him.

At this moment, xuanqingzi had gone all out and had no reservation.


This time, chen fan did not wait for him to fight back.

When I saw the green awn in my hand, I heard a bang and flew up in the air, turning into a sword rainbow with a length of about ten feet. The sword rainbow is forged like sapphire. If you look carefully, it's a sapphire sword. On top of it, the sword is strong, and it goes straight to the sky.


Chen Fan flicked his finger.

The green jade sword shot out and pointed at xuanqingzi.

The power of this sword can hardly be described in words. When it was first shot, it was still silent. But as soon as Chen Fan took off his hand, it turned into rolling thunder, breaking through the atmosphere, shaking the mountains and rivers, shaking the whole mountain range.

Sword and thunder!

Countless people's faces changed wildly and were shocked by the blow.

Fang Jianyu yelled wildly:

"no, brother Xuanqing, go back!"

But it's too late.

How terrible is the power of Chen Fan's sword forged with his true yuan?

All they knew was that the sword of antelope hanging horns was as wonderful as nature's and could not be resisted at all. Even Kunlun mountain could split with one sword. In fact, xuanqingzi did not block it.

As soon as he reacted, the blue sun on his head was cut in two by a bang. If he didn't run away quickly, he would have fallen into Chen Fan's sword.

"Damn, he's brother Ning Dan!"

Xuanqingzi was shocked and angry.

Nun Ning Dan has only a few eyes on the northern cold region. There are only a few young people who are promoted to ningdan. How did he know that Chen fan, a mere Chinese teenager, could have made Ning Dan?

"Fortunately, I escaped his sword, so I'd better ask Mr. zongmen to take revenge."

Just as he wanted to retreat, when he contacted zongmen, he saw a cry of surprise suddenly around him, and countless people looked at him in horror.

"What's the matter? Why are you looking at me like this?"

Xuanqingzi had a bad feeling.

He lowered his head, then saw a faint bloodstain, from the neck, one extended to his chest. The dark green robe on his body has been torn like rags. It seems that the spirit of the middle class is lost and broken. As for the "Qingyang Xuanjin body", which claims to be able to fight against Tianjiao and shake the archaic Warcraft, it is more like tofu and is easily cut.

"So, I've been hit by the sword."

Xuanqingzi couldn't help but smile bitterly when he was about to speak.

Without casting sword Qi, it burst out of his body. All they could see was that the strong man of Qingyang sect's first biography split his body into two pieces from the middle, and then all the bones, flesh and blood were smashed into pieces by the surging sword Qi, leaving nothing left.Under a sword, xuanqingzi died!

At that moment, in front of the gate of heaven, all the monks were speechless. Whether it's the true stories of yunyier or Yuelong fairy, they are all turned into stone carvings.

Zhang Lingfeng, in particular, is staring out.

Xuanqingzi, who is known as invincible and dominates the world, died like this? Killed by a Chinese inborn? It's totally beyond anyone's imagination. Mu Hongti couldn't believe it. Her beautiful eyes looked at chen fan as if she had never seen him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!