Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 827

"Who are you... Eh, aren't you the Chinese? Where is the man who just turned into a golden rainbow? "

Lin Wuhua stepped forward and asked in a cold voice.

She knew chen fan and had seen him in the Lord's mansion, so she was surprised.

Just now that golden rainbow, across the sky, tearing the sky, extremely arrogant and rebellious. At least it's above the period of Ning Dan. Lin Wuhua has regarded that man as a great enemy. He doesn't believe that Chen fan is that man.

Chen Fan turned his back to her and said nothing. He looked up at Baizhang immortal hall, and his eyes were shining with countless runes. He has infiltrated the divine thoughts into the void, and is in the Dharma array around the Shenwu temple.

"To die."

Lin Wuhua's eyes were cold.

She was the ancestor of the Xiuxian family. She was respectful when she saw her. Just a Chinese, how dare you not answer?

A black water is really strong. It lingers in her palm and wants to turn into a chain to bind chen fan.

Then, in the void, there was another violent sound. Just listening to the crackling sound, Lin Wuhua turned his head and saw a silver figure rushing in in the endless cold wind.


He came, too.

Gu Lingzi was enveloped in the silver glow. He was covered with silver armor, bright wings, and his hair was cast like silver. But on his body, deep visible bone scars, dense body surface. Obviously, he mistakenly entered the killing array and was forbidden by the golden elixir.

But even so, Gu Lingzi still has a straight back and cold eyes.

"Kill gulingzi first."

Lin Wuhua made a quick decision.

Compared with Chen fan, Gu Lingzi is her enemy. This young king of the silver spirit clan is born to control the four magic powers. It's been a big hit, but it's still terrible. Lin Wuhua is well aware of his potential. If he didn't rely on the power of Tianming sword last time, he would be half weak.

"Bang Dang."

The empty sword sounds, and a dark sword shadow emerges behind Lin Wuhua.

Gu Lingzi's pupil shrank. He didn't expect it. There are only three of them, especially Lin Wuhua. However, Gu Lingzi was not afraid at all. With a sneer, a silver glow in his hand lit up and turned into a long spear.

War is on the verge of breaking out.

But then there was another click.

A three meter old man suddenly broke through the wind. His whole body was like iron, with the blood of the rest of his life. Walking in tianmang cave, manggu!

As soon as mang Gu arrived, both Lin Wuhua and Gu Lingzi were afraid of being taken advantage of. Three people just want to open mouth, a human form, one after another break through the wind.

Wang Cheng, the little master of Chu family, is the kingdom of Chu.

Yin and Yang walk in the cave, Bai qiuer.

At the end of the day, dozens of congenital monks joined hands to break through the Dharma array and step into it. For a time, in front of the immortal hall, the pride of heaven gathered, and the monks were like rain. Here, Zhang Dongxu, the weakest in cultivation, dominates the city in the late congenital period. At this time, he is silent and nameless in the crowd.

"Lin Wuhua, it seems that you and I can only fight back."

Gu Lingzi smiles and takes back his spear.

Lin Wu Hua gives a cold hum, and the shadow of the sword behind him also converges into the void.

"What about the man before?"

Manggu said in a deep voice.

We were going to sweep the whole cave step by step, and finally step into the immortal hall to fight for the jewels. But Chen Fan disrupted all plans, afraid of being preempted, had to rush ahead.

A lot of people are like gulingzi, with scars, such as Lin Wuhua, who is a secret treasure of body space. Zhang Dongxu and others look even worse. In order to break through the outer array, they have lost at least seven or eight inborn.

"When I came here, the man disappeared, and he was the only one left."

Lin Wuhua cherishes words like gold.

They followed her eyes and looked at chen fan.

In the face of many arrogant and powerful people, chen fan seems to be indifferent and still stands in front of the gate of the immortal hall with both hands on his back. The magic idea is like an octopus, which analyzes the magic array of the immortal Temple layer by layer.

Seeing Chen Fan's low breath and another Chinese face, many people despise him.

"As we all know, this immortal hall is the absolute cold king. It is made of supreme magic power, and there are forbidden killing arrays all over it. Once upon a time, a true king of Jindan was forced to break through and was frozen into an ice sculpture by the cold and dark air. It is impossible for that man to rush into the immortal hall between the palms of his fingers. " Zhao Qingchen talks about it. He looked directly at Chen Fan with a commanding tone:

"tell me where the man has gone? What's the plot? "

Chen Fan paid no attention.

Zhao Qingchen's face was stiff. As a northern Han Royal family, when did he eat this kind of shriveled food.

Bai qiuer covered her mouth with a smile. Her white chest was exposed from her chest. Her slender waist was bent in the wind, as if it was going to be broken, attracting countless eyes.

"Little brother, if you tell us where the Golden Rainbow went before, my sister will benefit you." Bai qiuer's voice is charming, with a long tail, like a cat's paw, scratching people's heart gently.Yin Yang cave, practicing the art of enchantment, Bai qiuer as a cave walk, a little skill, can make congenital bow.

Unfortunately, chen fan still did not answer, always back to the public.

This time, even Bai qiuer's face changed slightly and became cold. Seeing that Bai qiu'er was also disappointed, Lin Wuhua looked up at the young Chinese.

"If you don't know what's going on, even your highness and the white fairy dare not answer."

A purple robed old man, with a cold hum, pulled out ten long purple black awns with his hands like eagle claws, and with gusts of fishy wind, grabbed chen fan.

The ancestor of the poisonous dragon purple family in the marsh mountain city.

This old man, named zijinghong, has reached the late stage of his cultivation. He is very fierce and powerful. He once used the strength of the poisonous dragon to poison and kill a peerless congenital, and established the reputation of the purple family of the poisonous dragon.


As soon as it hits Chen Fan's ten Zhang void, it disappears out of thin air.

"What's this?"

The pupils of the crowd shrank.

Many of them are the top figures of the younger generation. How fierce is their vision? Chu Tianyu frowned:

"domain? You have gathered Yuandan. Are you a monk of ningdan? "

Many people's faces were ugly for a moment. Nun Ning Dan is rare. There are no more than ten people in a sect. For example, Zhu Yancheng and other cities may not have one. What's more, chen fan is a Chinese.

"Well, it seems that I underestimated you. The Golden Rainbow before is you."

In Zhao Qingchen's voice, he repressed a trace of anger.

Lin Wuhua, Gu Lingzi and others don't look good. Unexpectedly, they are cheated by Chen Fan's appearance. This young Chinese, who plays the role of a pig and eats a tiger, turns out to be a monk Ning Dan.

However, they are not afraid. As the strongest of the younger generation in the northern cold region, Ning Dan has never fought before.

"Back off now!"

Manggu stepped forward with a thunderous sound.

Many arrogant, the same eyes cold, looking directly at chen fan.

In front of so many young kings, if he were an ordinary monk Ning Dan, he would have been sweating and retreating in a hurry. But Chen Fan did not change his color. Instead, he said faintly:

"I will give you half a quarter of an hour to disappear from me, or you will die."

He spoke as if he were eating and drinking. The crowd was stunned at first, and then burst into laughter. Chu Tianyu sneered:

"who do you think you are? Is Jindan really king? Even if a real king is here, he will have to give way to us and others, not to mention you are just a Chinese ningdan. If you are the king of Beihan or the leader of the six great caves, we should be obedient. Unfortunately, you are nothing but a lower race. "

"Yes, little brother, it's important to recognize yourself."

White ball shook his head.

Everyone else sneered.

In front of the immortal hall, dozens of late congenial great monks gathered, plus seven or eight young Tianjiao. With such terrible fighting power, the general gold elixir may not have been able to fight. After all, they are not ordinary congenital, each standing at the pinnacle of the congenital realm.


Chen fan made a direct move.

In front of him, these people were like a little bug. When do people reason with insects? I saw a ten Zhang green gold giant palm, condensing out of thin air, and clapped it on zijinghong.

As soon as the ancestor of the purple family let out a exclamation, the whole person was slapped into a meat cake with a giant palm.

One hand, kill congenitally!

"You're looking for death!"

Zhao Qingchen and others were furious. They didn't expect that Chen fan would dare to fight in front of everyone.

"The secret of the real dragon."

As soon as Chu Tianyu's face changed, he suddenly kneaded his hands and made a bright dragon. The dragon was hundreds of feet long, its hair and beard were shining, and its scales were condensed as if they were real. Suddenly, he gave out a dragon chant and rushed to Chen fan.

The Chu family in the king's city is known for its true dragon blood.

Although it's only gold on the face, the real dragon is an immortal beast. How can the blood be left behind? But the Chu family did inherit the dragon's Secret skills. Once they were played, the mountains would collapse and the earth would be shaken.


Chen Fan's one hand is behind him, and the other hand bends his fingers.


Baizhang Tianlong, like being hit by a heavy hammer in an instant, suddenly burst into the air, and then burst apart inch by inch. Countless immortal lights turned into fireflies. The power of terror was even transmitted to Chu Tianyu, which made his body tremble and move back hundreds of meters.

"No, this man is so terrible that he is not inferior to Jindan."

Chu Tianyu was shocked.

When he faced chen fan, it was as if he had punched Mount Tai. The terrible force of mountain collapse almost cracked his body. Such a strong man, chutianyu only met in the ancestors of the clan.


As soon as Zhao Qingchen's expression changed, he burst out to drink. A white Python suddenly emerged from behind him, two or three hundred feet high. It turned into a giant snake, overlooking chen fan.Next.

Dozens of vast innate power sprang up in an instant, filled the void, and rattled the surrounding array. The gathering of these breath is more terrifying than the golden elixir, and seems to break through heaven and earth.

Lin Wuhua is like a queen in charge of the netherworld. Gu Lingzi rose from the sky, his wings were startling, and his spear was cold. Manggu changed into a giant of ten meters, stepping on the earth, as if from manghuang...

in a flash, chen fan fell into a situation of killing.

PS: there is a third watch^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!