Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 824

The party is still going on.

However, chen fan's side is cold and lonely, and people around him are reluctant to get involved with him. Qingyang sect, as an immortal gate, has been standing aloof in the northern cold region for 5000 years, and has shocked dozens of cities around it. From generation to generation, true kings come forth in large numbers, and friars are like rain.

Who dares to provoke such a big door? Although Chen Fan was born, he was crushed in front of such terrorist forces.

The young master of the Wu family and others hate having to get to know chen fan. They hide far away for fear of being implicated. Lian yunyier's eyes are red, and he is dragged away by his elders.

"Mr. Chen, I wish you great power and strength."

Zhang Lingfeng arched his hand and went away laughing.

After everyone left, only Ding Lao and mu Hongti were still standing there. Mu Hongti has bright teeth and bright eyes. She is as beautiful as a swaying lotus. She said nothing and looked at Chen Fan quietly.

"Why don't you go?"

Chen Fandao.

"Why do you want to kill? Don't you know that's a disciple of Qingyang sect? "

Mu hongtihu's mouth.

"I'm insulting the Chinese people. If you kill them, kill them. If Qingyang Zong dares to come, kill them all at the same time. " Chen fan light way. Others think that he is speechless, but Ding shudders slightly, remembering Chen Fan's identity. This is a true king of golden elixir. He is so young that he may be able to conquer qingyangzong.

Mu Hongti no longer spoke, but in his eyes, he could not help showing a trace of disappointment.

"Well, if you don't listen, forget it."

Mu Hongti sighed and turned to leave.

Finally, chen fan was left to sit alone.

Deep in the hall.

"That little Chinese guy has some ability. He not only killed Hu kunhao with one hand, but also under the pressure of Zhang Dongxu. He doesn't step back. He's brave enough."

Bai qiuer's lips are as red as fire, her eyes are full of autumn, and her body is enchanting.

So many things happen under the stage. How can these young strong people sitting on the stage not be clear? But they looked down on the world, looked on and did not interfere.

"What is Hu kunhao? In this generation of Qingyang Zong, only xuanqingzi could barely see it, but it was just like that. " Gulingzi gave a scornful smile. "I'm surprised that the Chinese people can become inborn."

His wings are folded up behind him, and his spirit is bright and introverted, but his roots and hair are still cast like silver, and he is as handsome as a God.

"What about being born again? The inferior race is the inferior race after all. The blood is limited, so it can't be cultivated into a golden elixir. No matter how he practices, he will only be difficult step by step and can't keep up with us. Besides, as soon as xuanqingzi arrives, whether he will survive or not is a matter of two minds. "

Zhao Qingchen light way.

He was wearing a black robe, embroidered with a huge sky swallowing boa constrictor. The boa constrictor's whole body was white, and it rolled up like a mountain on the robe, with its mouth open, as if to devour heaven and earth.

All the pride around him, nearly half of his attention fell on him.

According to the legend of the northern Han Royal family, it is the descendant of the ancient ferocious beast "tuntian mang". That swallow day Python is the most powerful fierce beast, adult can shake yuan baby. The blood is incomparably strong and the magic power is fierce. The Zhao family is respected as a royal family because of their strong control over the northern cold region. Zhao Qingchen may not be the strongest among the people, but he is definitely the most difficult to provoke.

"To tell you the truth, we young people in the northern cold region, except for those abnormal demons, are gathered here. The true king's legacy is basically born among us. How about sharing the legacy equally

Chutianyu said with a smile.

"I only want the cold pearl of the ancient Ming Dynasty. If anyone dares to rob it, he will ask me the sword of heaven and hell in my hand first."

Dressed in black, like the cold voice of the queen of the night.

"The cold pearl of the ancient Ming Dynasty is the most precious treasure in the collection. It can refine the heavenly treasure. Why should it belong to you?"

Manggu sneered.

Lin Wuhua's eyes flashed cold.


The sword of the void vibrates the spirit. A trace of Yin cold sword Qi, as if to the nether world, entangled in people's hearts, like an invisible sword out of the sheath.

Tianming sword!

Some people are afraid. But more people are eager to try.

For example, Gu Lingzi, manggu and so on, all of them have their eyes full of spirit, their faces full of sneers, and they never retreat. The terrible Qi condenses around them. It's sad to watch our ancestors.

Compared with these young kings and Tianjiao, although they live for hundreds of years more, they are not qualified to be rivals at all.

As for Chen fan, no one paid attention to him. In the eyes of many northern cold region Tianjiao, such as mole ants, there is no difference. Only Bai qiuer, from time to time, glances at Chen Fan with great interest.

After the banquet, chen fan returned to Jinwu hall.

During this period, mu Hongti came to the door once, calm and silent, just handed over a list. The above is the detailed information of Qingyang sect from the patriarch to the elder, as well as the top leaders. There is also a map of leaving Zhuyan city.

"Leave Zhuyan city at once. The sooner the better. Xuanqingzi is coming."

Mu Hongti said before he left.

Chen Fan knew that she was returning the favor of saving her own life.

"Unfortunately, it's just Qingyang sect. How can I be afraid of one or two golden elixirs?" Chen Fan shook his head and threw the materials into a plate. Continue to cross legged.Whoo!

Chen Fan's aura, which is as solid as the surrounding Tao, turns into white practice and instills it into his body. There is also a giant tree, looming behind. Each branch goes deep into the void and absorbs the essence of other worlds.

Tianhuang Xingyu is really the cultivation star.

After only ten days here, chen fan felt that he had gained more than the earth in three months. Like a bright pearl, Yuan Dan is spinning in his elixir field, growing bigger every moment. There is even a Kun Peng and a dragon head god man.

His accomplishments are also growing with each passing day. At the present speed, Yuan Dan will be condensed to the top in half a year at most, and then chen fan will be able to go through the baptism of thunder and lightning and become a top-grade golden elixir at one stroke.

"But such a golden elixir is not what I want. What about another one? How can we compete with the holy sons and goddesses of the major holy shrines in the future if we do not cultivate the holy and holy products? How to build the foundation of Taoism and survive the calamity of immortals? "

Chen Fan's eyes flashed. He opened his eyes and looked to the juehan mountains.

There is a unique talent "ancient dark cold pearl" there. The mysterious Qi in it is enough for him to improve his mastery of super quality gold elixir by 10%.

"But it's not enough. I need more, more natural resources and treasures!"

Chen Fan closed his eyes.

If it's just a golden elixir, it's OK to stay on earth. It'll take more than ten years. But only the stars of the end of the world can have those natural materials, precious materials, peerless natural materials and even divine materials, which can cast the supreme foundation.

Time passes by in Chen Fan's cultivation.


News came that the cold wave deep in the juehan mountains began to subside.

When the news comes to Zhuyan city. The vast breath rushed out of Zhuyan city and turned into a rainbow light running through the heaven and earth, shooting to the juehan mountains. It's obviously the arrogant kings.

Many people see silver dancing in the sky, black water surging, white training across the sky. Among them, Gu Lingzi, Lin Wuhua and other figures appear.

In addition to these arrogant people, many congenitally strong people also follow. In the end, even ordinary immortals are ready to move. Although they dare not expect the ancient cold pearls and other miraculous materials, they will win the grand prize if they find one or two miraculous weapons, or pills, or skills.

Finally, the whole Zhuyan City, nearly half of the practitioners, poured out.

"Zhenjun, juehan yizang is open."

Mr. Ding came to report.


Chen Fan opens his eyes, Kunpeng and Leize flash through his eyes. The real fight is finally about to begin.

Chen fan put away his breath, turned into ordinary, strode out of the Jinwu hall and walked to the juehan mountains. He is not anxious. According to the news, it takes time to open the relic every time.

All the way.

Chen fan saw many immortals, including low-level monks in the foundation period.

Driving a horned horse and tiger beast, you dare to go deep into the juehan mountains. In the sky, there is a huge floating ship. It's often tens of feet long and hundreds of feet long. It's full of breath and prestige. It's obviously the car of our ancestors. On the floating ship, there are signs such as Yunjia and Wujia, but most of them are unfamiliar.

Chen fan is walking step by step. Every step he takes is 100 meters across. It's like a scale measurement. He goes steadily to the juehan mountains.

The deeper the mountains go, the fewer people you meet. Those who dare to go inside are at least Shenhai Xiuwei. From time to time, they see rainbow lights flashing across the sky.


Here, fighting begins.

Even if I haven't seen the real king's legacy, some of the immortals begin to kill and fight for the treasure. Chen fan is introverted, just like a mortal. Many people saw that he was deceiving, so they rushed up and were naturally slapped to death by Chen fan.


Half a day later, chen fan finally entered the core of the juehan mountains.

At this time, a heavenly gate as high as 100 Zhang appeared in front of Chen fan. That day, the door is simple and unadorned, far from the ground and high in the sky. It's shimmering and glittering. Through the Tianmen gate, you can see a vast expanse of white, which seems to connect with a world of ice and snow.

Under the gate of heaven, many immortals are gathering there, looking at each other.

Juehan Zhenjun's cave has finally arrived.

"Mr. Chen?"

A sweet cry came.

Chen Fan looked up and saw the lovely cloud standing on a mountain peak, waving to him. Beside her, mu Hongti, Zhang Lingfeng and others are looking at her in surprise.

Chen Fan thought about it, and finally walked over.

"Why are you here? Isn't it to let you leave Zhuyan city immediately and walk as far as possible? Xuanqingzi has issued a hunting order to you, saying that you will be killed when you meet him. "

Mu Hongti was very anxious and whispered.

"If he dares to come, kill him. Don't be careful."

Chen Fan responded calmly.

Mu Hongti jumps, almost wants to break Chen Fan's forehead, to see if his head is made of granite, so stubborn. As for Zhang Lingfeng, he held his chest with both hands and sneered while watching the play.

"What's the situation?"Chen Fan looked at the heavenly gate above his head and asked.

"There is juehan Zhenjun's cave. Zhenjun finds a small cave in the void, and then establishes the gateway. You can't enter this gate without innate cultivation. The great heavenly pride and our ancestors have gone in. It's supposed to be a Shura hall. You'd better not enter it. "

Although mu Hongti was short of breath, he finally replied.

"Master Chen, be careful. If you don't have enough accomplishments, you'll be dead and lifeless."

Zhang Lingfeng said with a smile.

Chen Fan did not answer, but nodded slightly to Mu Hongti. He was about to fly into the sky. In the distance, suddenly there is a green rainbow, like a green dragon dancing in the air, shooting at a high speed.

At the moment of seeing the green rainbow, mu Hongti's face was as pale as snow, and no blood color.

"Who is... Chen beixuan?"

A voice, accompanied by the green rainbow, earth shaking. , the fastest update of the webnovel!