Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 823

"Are you a Chinese

The exporter is a refined man.

He was dressed in a blue Taoist robe, which was painted with cloud patterns. His eyebrows were blue and gloomy, and there was a green dragon hovering behind him. Qingyangzong is famous for refining Qi. It is said that one mouth of congenital Green Qi can break all kinds of methods! He looked down at chen fan.

As soon as the man opened his mouth, the people around him immediately shut up. The people who clinked cups with Chen Fan even stepped back in a hurry. Many people still showed awe in their eyes.

"My Lord, that man is the second true biography of Qingyang sect, Hu kunhao. It is said that his cultivation has reached the peak of Shenhai, and he has become the" congenital one gas "of Qingyang sect. He is known as a warrior immortal, second only to xuanqingzi, the chief true biography of Qingyang sect."

Mr. Ding whispered.

Qingyang sect is a sect of immortal family, with Jindan ancestors in charge. It is far from a secular family. Otherwise, how can it surpass all living beings? Moreover, Qingyang Zong was close to Zhuyan City, and everyone was in awe and flattery.

"Just a gas refining monk, what's the qualification to ask me? Your elders didn't tell you that you should use honorifics when you meet them? If I kill you with one hand, I'm afraid the Lord of Qingyang will be speechless. "

Chen fan put down his glass and said lightly.

Hu kunhao's face was stiff, and he grasped the green dragon jade ball in his hand.

According to the truth, chen fan is a congenital immortal, and he really should salute. However, as the second true story of Qingyang sect, the ancestor of the congenital family treated him three times. What's more, facing a lower congenital family?

"What a big tone. I heard that not long ago, Guhua city was attacked by Beihai monsters, half of the city was destroyed, and hundreds of thousands of people died, plus many high-level officials. Just a sea demon can make the Chinese cause such a big loss. It's really a lower race. "

Elder martial brother Hu's voice turned and his face showed a sly smile.

"There's no way. There's no protection from the inborn strong. Ordinary people have no resistance to monsters." Zhang Lingfeng agreed.

"Well, isn't this Chen Shangxian born of Chinese? Why don't you go back to protect the ethnic group and go to Zhuyan city instead? Is it really your idea? I think you'd better go back. What if you really get Zhenjun's skill? With your Chinese constitution, if you practice for another thousand years, you will not be able to build a golden elixir. "

Elder martial brother Hu sneered.

A lot of people around them even laughed knowingly.

Seeing the conflict between Chen Fan and Hu kunhao, mu Hongti is worried. After all, there is Qingyang sect behind Hu kunhao, which is far from the enemy of Chen fan.

Has Guhua city been attacked?

Chen fan is a little surprised. Although these people have nothing to do with him, they come from the earth. If they can help, chen fan doesn't mind helping with both hands.

"Mr. Hu Xianchang, Mr. Chen is now the envoy of our Jinwu hall. It's reasonable for him to visit the main branch halls and come to Zhuyan city." Ding laobukang Bubei mouth.

"The messenger of Jinwu hall?"

Everyone was stunned.

Mu Hongti was surprised.

Chen fan is alone. How can he become a messenger of Jinwu hall? Hu kunhao's face changed slightly. It's nothing to be a Chinese, but it's difficult to deal with Jinwu hall. It was a big chamber of Commerce founded by Jinwu Zhenjun. Although Qingyang Zong was not afraid of it, he was not willing to provoke.

Elder martial brother Hu and Zhang Lingfeng look at each other. There is a trace of retreat in their heart. They turn around and want to leave.

"Why, come and go as you like? Have you asked me? " Chen Fanhu's smile.

"What do you mean?"

Elder martial brother Hu's face suddenly changed.

"Kneel down, salute and apologize to the Chinese people." Chen fan light way.

"You dare!"

Elder martial brother Hu's eyes glared and his anger rose.

He's a grandiose disciple of the patriarch. How can he give a gift to a lower clan? Chen Fan's words infuriated him completely.

For example, the gas engine of the volcanic eruption expands in Hu kunhao's body. The blue gas on his face is rising, like the roar of a giant dragon. He wants to rise up and devour chen fan.

"Be careful, master."

Mu Hong has a tight heart.

She knows that this elder martial brother Hu is tough and has a natural temperament, but many old brands are not trained. Generally, he is not his opponent. Yun Yier and others are not surprised.


Chen Fan said nothing, but stretched out his crystal clear palm and pressed it into the void.


An invisible force suddenly descended and pressed Hu kunhao's shoulders like Mount Tai. He wanted to kneel down. Hu kunhao roared. The Taoist robes in green clothes suddenly puffed up and the vigorous wind condensed. What's more, we can see a dragon's green breath rising from the tail of his spine, along the center, rushing out from the top of his head and turning into a breath clock.

"Congenital one gas.".


Hu kunhao roared, and the blue air clock soared. It was about to break the ban.

He is full of the highest cultivation of Shenhai, and the great achievement of Taoism and physique. His combat power is not much weaker than his inborn. Especially in the face of Chinese inborn, Hu kunhao has a 50% chance of winning, which is why he is so rebellious.But it was beyond his expectation.

The cyan Qi clock only lasted half a spring finger, and then it burst into pieces. Then infinite force came down from the sky. Pei Mo nengdang easily defeated all his body protecting vigorous Qi. With a bang, he fell on the ground, knelt down on his knees and bowed to his five bodies.

A palm, press Qingyang zhenzhuan second!

"How could it be?"

The onlookers are shocked! Hu kunhao's strength, they all know, a congenital green gas, vertical and horizontal unparalleled, is the face of congenital, do not let half a step. Although he is not as proud as the king of heaven, he is one of the few geniuses in dozens of cities around him, and he is easily defeated by Chen fan?


Hu kunhao roared and did not accept the fact.

Each of them can break mountains and rocks, which is comparable to the flying sword. Unfortunately, he did not break free, but was pressed again. With a roar, he fell deeply into the ground, pressing a human mark on the smooth ground made of black jade and stone.


the crowd was speechless.

Cloud according to son stare big eyes, can't believe, mu Hongti cover small mouth, surprised to see, as for Zhang Lingfeng, more like eating dead flies, a face constipation.

"Let me go, or my Qingyang sect will destroy your Chinese family!"

Hu kunhao screamed.

"To die."

Chen Fan's eyes were cold, and his palm power was slightly spit out. Only to hear the crackling sound, Hu kunhao uttered a scream. On the spot, his limbs were broken, his five internal organs were broken, and his bones were broken. The whole person was pressed into the ground for another ten meters, and there was no sound.

"Stop it

A majestic voice came suddenly.

As soon as he saw the crowd lined up, Zhu Yancheng, dressed in black and solemn robes and with the pattern of flying phoenix on a rusty red bottom, stood for empty holes and stepped forward. Chen Fan's battle under the stage naturally attracted the attention of many strong people on the stage.

"Why do you hurt people in my house?"

Zhang Dongxu sweeps chen fan, his eyes are a little surprised, and he speaks in a deep voice.

"Father, this man is the messenger of Jinwu hall. Because elder martial brother Hu's words are slight, he boldly takes action, completely ignoring the majesty of the city Lord's house and Qingyang sect. Please tell me."

Zhang Lingfeng big week, righteousness lingran said.

"The messenger of Jinwu hall?"

Zhang Dongxu frowned slightly.

Although the strength of Jinwu hall is not as good as that of Qingyang sect, it also has Zhenjun's support. However, he was born a disciple of void cave, but he was not afraid.

"Some corners of the mouth, so heavy hand, you are too much. I've met with several leaders of Jinwu general hall. Do they know that the emissary is here to provoke Qingyang sect? You know, this is the second disciple of master Qingyang, and he is loved by the master. If master Qingyang blames him, then Jinwu hall can't afford it. "

Zhang Dongxu's face was cold.

Chen fan is just an emissary. How can he compare with the true story of Xianmen?

But he knew that Chen Fan was not a member of Jinwu hall. Jinwu Zhenjun would never stand out for him.

"Don't you let it go? For the first time you have committed a crime, the Lord of our city will not punish you for your crimes. "

Zhang Dongxu said.

He is the leader of a city. He was born a great master in the later period and has his own dignity. I saw that his eyebrows were like swords, and the gods were so powerful that all the people around him were shocked.

"Let me out!"

Although Hu kunhao can't speak, his mind clamors.

When they thought chen fan would give way, they didn't think chen fan would press his hand lightly.

"Poof Pooh."

Hu kunhao in the deep pit is directly pressed into a blood mist. His whole body and soul are turned into powder. His body is naturally green, and his body and body are all turned into blood.

Is Hu kunhao dead?

People, including mu Hongti, can't believe it? Chen Fan killed Hu kunhao and the second true biography of Qingyang sect in front of Zhang Dongxu and all the families in Zhuyan city?


The young master of the Wu family's teeth trembled.

Big things, big things are going to happen! The true story of Qingyang sect fell to Zhuyan city. With the hot temper of the leader and the hegemony of Qingyang sect, how can they give up? I'm afraid that all the people present, including the city Lord's office, will not be able to get rid of the relationship and will have to take off a layer of skin.

As for the murderer chen fan.

People look at Chen Fan's eyes as if they were dead.

"How dare you kill in my face?"

Zhang Dongxu stepped forward suddenly. His black hair bristled, his sleeves and robes swelled, and his power soared. All of a sudden, many young people around him suddenly retreated tens of feet. They felt suffocated. As for other servants and maids, they were too scared to kneel on the ground and dare not look up.

How powerful is a great monk?

At last, everyone knew that they were looking up at the top of the mountain, suffocating beside them, not to mention taking action?

"So what? I'm Chen beixuan. Do I need to ask you? "Chen Fan flicked his finger and didn't care.

Such as the raging waves of pressure, rushed to Chen fan, but like the breeze blowing, not even a corner of his clothes.

"Good, good."

Zhang Dongxu's face was blue and purple for several times, and finally he breathed. At this time, he had no smile and his face was as heavy as water.

"Since you are so confident, don't blame the Lord for not telling the truth. When the Qingyang army arrives, I'm afraid that not only your excellency, but also the Chinese and the Jinwu hall will be involved. Then I'll see if you are still so arrogant! "

Then he left.

Only chen fan, still sitting upright, calm and calm.

PS: the first one is presented, and the author continues to write the second one^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!