Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 822

Now, chen fan is also a big man in Zhuyan city.

He killed Gu's ancestors and the high-level of Jinwu hall, and few people knew about it. With the cooperation of Mr. Ding, chen fan changed and became an emissary sent by the headquarters of Jinwu hall. Knowing that he was there, Zhang Dongxu naturally invited him.

If there is nothing to do about it, chen fan will go on. He is curious about the banquet in the sky.


The city Lord's mansion, which covers an area of ten li, is brightly lit. Countless servants and maids are shuttling through the crowd like butterflies. Chen fan comes in black with Ding Lao.

This time, it's not just the high-rise of Zhuyan city. They also attended the ceremony.

"My Lord, Zhang Dongxu was said to have come from the void sect among the six caves. He was very powerful in the art of destroying void. Because he is a disciple of the cave. It's the young king who sells his face. "

Old Ding whispered.

Chen Fan looked up and saw it.

On the stage, Lin Wuhua, Gu Lingzi and others monopolized one side, and they were magnificent. They are shrouded in silver, black and clear light, and have attracted the attention of thousands of people. The ancestors of the major families, the elders of the sects and the City Master Zhu Yan all sat with them.

The following are the disciples of each sect, as well as many younger generations. For example, Qingyang sect, which is closest to Zhuyan City, sent disciples. Chen fan also saw mu Hongti, Yun Yier, Zhang Lingfeng and others.

As for Chen fan, he sits at the end of the table. He is in the top of many chambers of Commerce and small and medium-sized families. Although Jinwutang is big, it is far from many aristocratic sects.

"Elder martial brother Zhang, I'm sitting in the treasure land and nagging."

Bai qiuer raises her glass, her red lips are like fire, and her eyes are like water.

"Dare not dare not, white teacher younger sister breaks to kill me." Zhang Dongxu got up in a hurry and drank it all.

In terms of cultivation, although they were among Bo Zhong, they practiced for 400 years. Bai qiuer is only thirty or forty years old, and the gap is up to the sky. Needless to say, Bai qiuer is walking in the cave of yin and Yang in the contemporary era, and even the great grandchildren have to coax her.


Lin Wuhua looks sideways at Bai qiuer and can't stand her coquettish behavior.

Bai qiuer smiles and ignores it. Instead, she whispers to Zhao Qingchen.

And off stage.

Many young people are also talking about it.

"Gu Lingzi, Lin Wuhua, Bai qiuer, Zhao Qingchen, manggu, Chu Tianyu... These are the top Tianjiao in our northern cold region. They are rarely seen in ordinary times. Today, if it were not for Lord Zhang, we would not even be qualified to meet them."

The young master of the Wu family sighed.

"I like Gu Lingzi. He is so powerful that he lost to Lin Wuhua, but it's also because of Tianming sword."

Cloud according to son Du small mouth.

"I admire the white fairy even more. As a great monk walking in the cave, I face up to the great figures in the king's city. They all stand up to each other, but they have no airs at all. This is the model of our generation."

Zhang Lingfeng shook his head.

Only mu Hongti sat there, wondering what to do.

At this time, a genteel man next to him took the wine and asked with a smile:

"sister mu, what are you thinking?"

This elegant man is the true biography of Qingyang Zong. He ranks second in this generation. His cultivation has reached the peak of Shenhai, which is only half a step away from his birth. Mu Hongti was accepted as a disciple by the master of Qingyang sect and was also a member of Qingyang sect.

"Ah... Elder martial brother Hu, I just think that although some people are extremely talented, they don't make a name for themselves. They are too little known." Mu Hongti responded and hesitated.

"Is sister Mu talking about the Chinese elder?"

Cloud according to son nearby call a way.

"What are the Chinese elders?"

Elder martial brother Hu was surprised.

"Not long ago, my little sister was in danger near the Beihan mountains, thanks to the rescue of a senior. The elder was born at a young age. If you're here, I'm afraid you've already stood on the stage in comparison with your highness Qingchen, Lin Zuozi, Gu Lingzi and others. "

Mu Hongti's secluded path.

Seeing her expression, elder martial brother Hu had something to eat, so he could not help shaking his head and laughing:

"younger martial sister mu, you don't know that the appearance of a congenital strong person can be changed. Who knows if that person is really young, maybe he is a hundred year old monster?"

"What's more, he's just a Chinese. How can he stand beside Tianjiao, the pinnacle of our northern cold region? Even if he is really gifted, but a hundred years later. His highness Qingchen has already become a real king, and he is still struggling in the congenital, suffering. This is the blood limit. The Chinese are a humble race, not to mention that they are inferior to the big race, even to the small people. If you want, I, qingyangzong, will be able to level the whole Chinese nation. "

When elder martial brother Hu said this, everyone was silent.

"Yes, elder martial brother Hu is right."

Zhang Lingfeng agreed.

Mu Hongti knew that what he said was true, but he felt more sorry for Chen fan.

Such talent can be compared with the younger generation of kings and Tianjiao, but it can only be wasted in the world, which makes people choke.

She sighed in her heart. Just as she wanted to forget this person from her mind, the corner of her eye suddenly aimed at a person, holding a cup in her hand, and suddenly settled in the air."What's the matter?"

The young master of the Wu family is strange.

"I seem to see an acquaintance..."

mu Hongti hesitated.

They followed her and saw a man in black sitting at the end of the hall. The man has black hair, black pupil and beautiful appearance. Isn't he chen fan who once saved them?

"Master Chen!"

Yun Yi'er jumps up and waves.

"It's really that man."

The young master of the Wu family also got up in surprise.

Although they looked down upon the Chinese, they were grateful for Chen Fan's help.

Mu Hongti rose more happily, and his eyes were full of joy. The people around didn't understand it at first, but after hearing a few explanations, they also stood up.

No matter what Chen Fan's identity is, chen fan has saved Yun Yier's life, so it's worth a toast.

"What kind of Chinese is that?"

Elder martial brother Hu's eyes narrowed slightly and looked at chen fan.

"Yes, that's him. It's strange that the invitation from the city Lord's office was sent to the chambers of Commerce of the major families in the city. How could he have an invitation? " Zhang Lingfeng's eyes were gloomy, and he didn't understand.

"Yunyier, how did you find me?"

Chen fan is also curious.

"Mr. Chen, the last time I had a bad attitude, sister Mu gave me a lecture. I shouldn't neglect the benefactor because of your identity. I'll make amends for you. "

Cloud according to son slender small hand, carrying huge wine cup, small face a solemn.

Chen Fan looks at mu Hongti and sees a smile on the corner of Mu Hongti's mouth. He can't help but smile. He holds up his glass and touches Yun Yier, and drinks up.

Next, the young masters of the Wu and Qin families came to offer a toast to Chen fan. However, unlike Yun Yi'er, they are not really grateful, so chen fan just sips.

"Are you the inborn Chinese?"

When Chen Fan was meeting someone, a clear voice came from his side.

Chen Fan brick, see Zhang Lingfeng is holding a glass sneer, next to him, also followed by a long shirt elegant man, eyes look down, such as looking at ants.

PS: the third one. It's a little late. , the fastest update of the webnovel!