Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 821

Juehan Zhenjun.

Three thousand years ago, he was a super strong man in the northern cold region. It is said that he was already half a step away from Yuanying. He was full of ancient mysterious skills and shook the world. Even the northern Han king of that generation retreated three points from him. It's a pity that even the elixir will run out of Shouyuan one day. In the end, juehan Zhenjun failed to attack Yuanying and sat in the juehan mountains.

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, because of his death, and frozen snow cold, fierce beasts.

"That's bragging. It's just a true monarch. He also wants to influence a thousand li area. If he is a heavenly monarch, he can say so."

Chen Fan shook his head and chuckled.

"It's all the rumors of the world and the younger generation." Ding Lao laughs.

After the death of juehan Zhenjun, all his treasures and skills were lost in the depths of juehan mountains. For thousands of years, it has caused countless people to explore and pursue. It's a pity that juehan Zhenjun set up a Dharma array outside the mansion in those days. Generally, he could enter the palace only when the cold wave subsided. Lin Wuhua and Dan envoys came from xuanming cave.

"That's all?"

Chen fan is a little disappointed.

To his present state, he no longer put the real king in his eyes. Even the juehan Zhenjun may be slightly stronger than him, but his strength is limited. If it is because of Tianjun's treasure, chen fan may be moved.

Seeing that Chen Fan didn't dare to go, Ding was a little worried. He was afraid that before Chen Fan left, a fire would burn the whole Jinwu hall to ashes and kill people, so he tried his best to provide information.

"By the way... According to legend, juehan Zhenjun has a Wanzai Tianzhu in his hand, which is called" Guming Hanzhu. ". Juehan Zhenjun originally wanted to cultivate Yuanying and use it to become Tianbao. Unfortunately, his breakthrough failed, and the ancient cold Pearl was lost in the juehan mountains, and no one could find it again. "

Mr. Ding racked his brains.

Chen Fanben is a little funny. Since he has saved Ding Laoyi's life, he is not afraid of the king's revenge.

But when he heard the word "Gu Ming Han Zhu", he suddenly changed his eyes and grabbed old Ding's shoulders: "are you sure it's Gu Ming Han Zhu?"

How powerful chen fan is.

There was a click.

Old Ding's shoulders were smashed, and the old man in Green's forehead was full of sweat. He said with pain: "let go, Zhenjun, little man... Little man, I'm sure it's the cold pearl of ancient Ming. He once went to the juehan mountains to find the leader of the six caves, but he didn't find it in the end. "

"Gu Ming Han Zhu, this is a rare talent. I didn't expect that when I came out of the world, I met this treasure."

Chen Fan's eyes are shining.

Tianbao refers to Tianjun level Lingbao. The original Lingbao refined by Yuanying Tianjun is extremely powerful and far more powerful than other treasures, such as Yuntian palace. If you want to become Tianbao, you must have the best talent. The ancient cold pearl belongs to one of them. It is a treasure that can be bred for thousands of years in the deep sea.

Among them, it contains a trace of eternal mysterious spirit, so it gets its name.

But Chen fan knows.

This kind of natural material is used to refine the treasure. Its real function is to cast super gold elixir.

"The nine grades of the golden elixir only need to be polished and tempered continuously with the true yuan. Over time, you can practice it with the peerless skills. However, a super gold elixir can only be made by integrating all kinds of genius, local treasures and even the blood of divine animals. "

Chen Fan's eyes are dim.

In short.

The general gold elixir, as long as uses the real yuan one layer to accumulate, the drop wears away the stone. The level of the gold elixir is only related to the level of cultivation and Zhenyuan. For example, chen fan's twelve day skill and the quality of his true yuan skill are better than the nine level skills such as Yimu skill and five element formula. His ability to be invincible to his peers mainly depends on his skills.

But super gold elixir is different.

I want to condense the divine product, the holy product, and even the ethereal immortal product in the legend. It's not enough to rely on one's own truth, but also to integrate into the dark yellow of the universe, a higher level of energy.

"The eternal xuanming Qi, though not as high as the purple Qi of heaven, the xuanhuang Qi of heaven and earth, and the Taixu immortal Qi, is also far superior to the general aura and the power of the stars. If I can integrate it into the yuan Dan, my mastery of the super gold Dan will increase by 30%."

Thinking of this, chen fan is not ready to go.

His goal has changed from going to Guhua city to getting "Guming cold pearl".

In the center of the juehan mountain range, there is a cold wave at midnight for ten thousand years. Even if Jindan goes deep into it, it will be frozen by the cold wave for ten thousand years. Only once in sixty years can it enter for a short time.

Next, more and more powerful people from outside arrived at zhuyancheng.


A silver thread across the sky.

In the silver, I vaguely see a silver winged God. His whole body is made of silver, his hair and beard are white, and his wings are spread out behind him, shining like immortal gold. As soon as this strange person came, the overwhelming pressure filled Zhuyan city.

Even the Dharma array above Zhuyan city seemed unable to bear the crackling sound.

"He is an ancient Lingzi of the Yinling clan. It is said that he was born with four magic powers. However, at the age of 30 or 40, he has already reached the peak of congenital cultivation and is only half a step away from the golden elixir. "Someone looked up.

"Si, Yinling is a big family, no weaker than the six Dongtian, second only to the northern Han Royal family. Gu Lingzi is the top genius of the generation in the northern cold region. There are few competitors except Dong Tianxing. "

The other was trembling.

In fact, gulingzi is really strong. He is handsome, slender and covered with bright silver. In his hand, he coagulated a silver spear, broke through the city protection array, which was known as the golden elixir, and stepped into Zhuyan city from the air.

"Lin Wuhua, come out for a fight!"

Gu Lingzi's eyes are cold and the spear in his hand seems to penetrate the void.

"Gulingzi, you are defeated by me in the first battle on the outskirts of Wangcheng. How dare you come up to seek death?" A cold voice came.

Then, a billow of black waves emerged from Zhuyan city and turned into a woman in black. The woman's black gauze skirt is as beautiful as ice and snow, but she has sword Qi between her eyebrows and wants to go to heaven to kill her. She stepped on the black water like a queen in charge of Jiuyou.

"When you walk in the dark cave, Lin Wuhua, the eldest lady of the Lin family in the king's city, is here too?"

Many people exclaimed.

If the six caves suppress the northern cold regions and win the title of "walking in the cave", they must be the first people of this school. Only by pressing down on their peers can they represent a cave and walk in the world.

"Gulingzi was defeated by Lin Wuhua. It's great news."

Mu Hongti, Yun Yier and others also smacked their tongue one after another.

They looked up at the two people in the sky, who were so powerful that they could not breathe. Lin Wuhua, however, stood on a par with him, even higher.

"Is this the strength of the top talents in the northern cold region? Compared with them, I'm just like an ant. "

Mu Hongti was dispirited.

No matter Gu Lingzi or Lin Wuhua, her age seems to be the same as her, but she stands on the top of the same domain, overlooking her peers. Not to mention her, even the Mu family's ancestors did not dare to be presumptuous when they saw them.

"If it wasn't for the black ghost who gave his Tianming sword, how could I lose to you?"

Gu Lingzi snorted.

"Defeat is defeat. If you don't agree, fight again. I allow you to go back to the Yinling clan and borrow your ancestral tools. " Lin Wuhua sneered.

Gu Lingzi was angry, and his silver rose sharply, so he was about to take action.

At this time, a clear voice suddenly came:

"Your Highness, both of them are the few talents in the northern cold region of our country. They have tremendous magic power. Once the war starts, the whole Zhuyan city will be ruined. How about going into our house, drinking a glass of water and wine, and fighting again when you leave the city?"

In the city Lord's mansion, another breath rises from the sky, keeping pace with them.

"It's Zhu Yancheng who advocates emptiness. He has been practicing for 400 years, and his accomplishments are unfathomable."

Ding Lao whispered.

Chen fan, with both hands on his back, stood at the top of Jinwu hall, looking at the three people in the sky.

No matter Gu Lingzi or Lin Wuhua's talent, they are better than the emperor of Yuntian palace. On the earth, they are enough to suppress the existence of a star. Unfortunately, it's not in Chen Fan's eyes.

In the end.

The battle didn't start.

Gu Lingzi and Lin Wuhua have scruples, and they don't want to lose each other before the collection begins. They fell into the city master's mansion.

This is just the beginning.

Next, a famous genius and elite appeared in the northern cold region. There are six caves, the pride of the big families in this region, and even the young master of the royal family.

"Tianmang cave is a" manggu "cave. He has built tianmang battle style in 30 years, which is known as" invincible in thousands of battles ". A body of flesh, can carry zhunlingbao bombardment

"The little master of the Chu family in the king's city is the kingdom of Chu. It is said that he was born with a treasure vein. He practiced in front of the golden elixir without any obstacles and ascended to the golden elixir."

"Bai qiuer of Yin Yang cave, it is said that Taiyin's magic power has reached its peak and condensed into Taiyin's spirit body..."

for these northern cold region geniuses, Mr. Ding is a treasure.

Zhu Yancheng has never been so busy as it is today. These arrogant, arrogant people directly break into the city. There are gentle and modest, from the gate into. There is also a unique goddess, elegant and elegant.

Bai qiuer is one of them.

When she came, she was like a Moon Fairy. Green silk is like a waterfall, white clothing is better than snow, shrouded in the moon, with every twinkle and smile. It is other Tianjiao who smiles at Bai qiuer.

Along with Bai qiuer, there is also a member of the northern Han Royal family who looks like a noble family.

"Your Royal Highness."

Old Ding exclaimed.

Zhao Qingchen, the grandson of the seventeen kings. This is the 17th generation of the northern Han king. Because of his amazing talent from childhood, he was born in his twenties. He was given the title of "royal family". Although not as good as the top figures in the northern Han Royal family, they are also peerless figures.

"My God, even sixty years ago, Zhuyan city was not so lively, even the royal family came. Is it true that the ancient cold Pearl was born in this collection Ding was surprised.He looked back at chen fan, his heart gradually calmed down.

In front of Chen fan, a real gentleman in his twenties, what are these congenital talents?

However, chen fan was not stable for a long time, and he soon received a message.

"Zhang Cheng mainly held a dinner party in the mansion to entertain you Tianjiao and celebrities in the city. He also invited me?"

Chen Fan raised his eyelids. , the fastest update of the webnovel!