Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 820

Jinwu hall.

There are two wings of gold and black, standing on both sides of the gate. One by one, muscular and strong as a dragon, the bodyguard stood in front of the building, with a height of 100 meters. This is one of the best medicine halls in Zhuyan City, which is full of vigour.

At this time, many high-rise buildings are gathering on the top floor.

A Dan emissary in a black robe sips the immortal tea and stands high on it. In front of him, the head of the branch hall, the elder and so on are reporting happily. The auction ended perfectly, but Jinwutang made a lot of money.

"If we add in the 150000 spirit stones distributed to us by our family, we will make a net profit of more than 400000 at this auction." The leader of Jinwu Hall said with a smile.

"Mr. Dan, I'm still a little worried... That Chen Shangxian doesn't seem to be easy to provoke. Will we do something wrong?" Mr. Ding hesitated.

"Just a Chinese, can you be called an immortal? Lao Ding, you are confused. " The deputy hall leader reprimanded him.

"Gu Laogui, the ghost of Tianhuo City, is famous for setting up an array to make fire. Even if he's born, he's no match. Besides, our Jinwu hall is one of the few medicine halls in the northern cold region. If you offend me, you offend me. It's nothing. "

Dan said faintly.

Perhaps Jinwu hall is just a mole ant in front of the big figures of the northern Han Royal family and the six caves. But in the face of ordinary scattered repair, it is high above, just like the giant tower of heaven, which can not be shaken.

When all the high-level people are smiling.


A sound came from downstairs, accompanied by many howls.

"What's the matter?"

When they were surprised, they were about to send someone to investigate. But the sound, like a dragon, quickly climbed up from the first floor, almost between the fingers, had broken through to dozens of floors, came to the top floor.


The gate, watered with bronze and painted with many defensive runes, was kicked open. A young man came in with a strong man in his hand. The big man was the leader of the guard of Jinwu hall. He was a great master who was as strong as tongxuan. Now chen fan is carrying it like a dead dog and leaving it downstairs.

"Chen Shangxian?"

"Chen boy?"

"You're not dead?"

The reaction was different.

A few high-level, like a ghost. Isn't Chen Fan captured by the father of Tianhuo Gu's family? How did you show up in Jinwu hall? And every time he walked, the 100 meter tall building would shake with him, just like the foot of an ancient beast. His Qi was condensed. Although he could not see his accomplishments, he was by no means an ordinary man.

"Why, I'm surprised to see that I was killed by Gu family?" Chen Fan walks with a smile on his face.

"Chen Daoyou, this is a misunderstanding..."

a senior official stood up and wanted to explain.

Chen Fan fingers a shot, a white rainbow shot, the high eyebrow through, kill on the spot.

"Vice Lord Xun?"

The crowd was shocked and angry.

Although Xun's deputy hall leader was not highly cultivated, he was also a monk in the tongxuan period. He was equipped with defensive weapons, but he could not even catch Chen Fan's attack. Chen Fan's cultivation is a little fierce.

The head of Jinwu hall danced on his face and said in a slightly cold voice:

"Chen Daoyou, Jinwu hall is one of the largest chambers of Commerce in the northern cold region. The five Jinwu envoys suppress Beihan, and the head of the hall is the real king of the hall. Do you really want to be the enemy of our Jinwu hall? "


Chen Fan slaps the master of Jinwu hall into meat sauce.

This important person who plays an important role in Zhuyan city and talks with the heads of the Xiuxian families, turns into a piece of meat mud without even a second's support.


At this moment, even Ding Lao was disgraced.

The leader of Jinwu hall is also the leader of Shenhai cultivation. In the whole Zhuyan City, he can be ranked among the top 100 experts, but he is killed by Chen fan like a chicken. It's too frightening.

But at this time, there was another person in the lobby who was not afraid but excited.

"I didn't expect that Daoyou was a congenital strong man. He had lost his sight before the envoy."

The emissary of Dan was still on the chair, rubbing his hands against the back of the chair, and his eyes were shining: "it seems that Tianyuan Dan may have come from a Taoist friend. So, is Daoyou still a master of alchemy? "

When this remark came out, there was an uproar.

A young Chinese is born, which has been frightening, but compared with the master of alchemy, it is too far away.

Alchemy master is the honorary name for those super alchemy masters who can refine high-quality spirit elixir and even quasi treasure elixir. Every alchemy master is not only an expert in the field of alchemy, but also an inborn strong one. He controls fire with one hand and is superb.

Any alchemy master will be solicited by those top sects and families, and his status will not be much worse than Jindan Zhenjun.

Is this young man really a master of alchemy?

Including Ding Laodu, he was just guessing. He didn't expect to guess the truth.

"So what?"

Chen Fan's face was expressionless, and he walked step by step without stopping."If you are really a master of alchemy, what you did before was just a misunderstanding. If Master Zhu dares to collude with Gu's family and offend a master of alchemy, he is looking for his own death. If master Chen kills him, we Jinwu hall will not pursue him. Not only that, we will take out another 100000 spirit stones as compensation and apologize to master Chen. "

The Dan emissary said: "the master may not know my identity. He is one of the five Jinwu emissaries in the lower Jinwu hall. Under the command of the real king, he is fully responsible for the affairs of Dan Tao. Young masters like master Chen are exactly what Jinwu hall is looking for. As long as master Chen is willing to join Jinwu hall, all conditions are easy to say. Even if you need Jindan level skills, it's a matter of one sentence... "

he said this.

I don't know how many people have bright eyes.

Golden elixir level skill. Only the zongmen and the northern Han Royal family can master the skills. Most of the skills in the hands of other sanxiu practitioners are of low level. Even if they can achieve the golden elixir, they are only inferior to the golden elixir, and they have no potential in the future.

"Have you said enough?"

Chen Fan said suddenly.

"Er... What does Master Chen mean?"

Dan froze his face.

"That's enough. Go to hell."

Chen Fan said calmly. He patted Yang Jianhu lightly, and a small golden sword leaped out and suddenly turned into a golden sword. As soon as he circled in the air, he cut off all the heads of the eight high-level people present. The sword was so skillful that it was cold all over the room. No one escaped except Ding Lao.

"To die!"

Dan made me furious.

He is one of the golden Wu envoys in the hall, under one person and above ten thousand people in the golden Wu hall. Although it's not a special fight, one's self-cultivation has entered the later stage of his life. It's also said that Jinwu Zhenjun's "Jinwu yaori Xuangong" can cook the sky and burn the sea with a breath of divine fire.


See a group of golden flame, suddenly from Dan make the body to come out.

He was shrouded in the flames, like the reincarnation of gods and demons, and a huge three legged golden crow emerged behind the quilt. The smell of terror and ferocity, crazy surge, instantly broke through the hall, to the sky.

A congenital late monk, the power of all his strength is terrible enough to make the mountain collapse. Almost after the finger flick, the whole Zhuyan city will be startled. Everyone knows that there is a battle between the congenital strong.


Chen Fan stamped his foot lightly and spat out a word.


Dan makes only feel, void one coagulates. At Chen Fan's feet, within a hundred Zhang radius, all his strength turned into iron in an instant. He seemed to be burdened with a heavy load, and could not even lift a finger. In the end, even the chair made of cold iron wood could not be burned.

His momentum to the sky was even more blocked and nobody noticed.

"This... This is the field. Are you Jindan

Dan made me shocked.

He once experienced the feeling of controlling the heaven and the earth and pressing everything with one word in Jinwu Zhenjun. Only the Jindan friars have such terrible power. But any golden elixir is the existence of northern cold region vibration. Chen fan is either the head of a big clan or the founder of a clan. How could chen fan be so young?

"I think so."

Chen fan is noncommittal. Surrounded by the golden sword, it turns into a sword rainbow and is about to fall.

"Zhenjun, please forgive me. It's a small envoy who offended Zhenjun and asked Zhenjun to make atonement... If you let me go, Jinwu hall will be very grateful."

Exclaimed Dan Shi with a frightened face.

"It's a pity that I never let go of the enemy's habit."

Chen Fan smiles gently.

With a flick of his finger, the sword fell in the air, and with a roar of thunder, he chopped it to the envoy.

"You can't kill me. I'm the Dan emissary of Jinwu hall. The leader of my hall is the elder of Yin Yang cave, the true king of Jinwu..." the Dan emissary screamed wildly. But it's too late.

Guiyuan sword cuts through the air. With one sword, it cuts him into two parts, including people and spirits. Then, chen fan pops up an ink flame and burns his body to ashes.

This Tangtang Dan envoy, a late congenital friar, died in the remote city of Zhuyan, no one knows.

Old Ding shuddered.

From Chen Fan came in, to Dan Shi Fu Zhu, but a minute, for him, is longer than ten years. He looked at Chen Fan with great awe, and could not imagine.

"Zhenjun... This young Chinese is actually a Zhenjun?"

Mr. Ding didn't want to believe it, but who else could kill the golden black emissary? In particular, the feeling of controlling everything and heaven and earth was never understood by Ding Lao in any congenital strong person, just like the ruler of the sun and the moon.

"How dare we provoke a real king? It's just a lard."

Mr. Ding was extremely remorseful.

This is the golden elixir!


Chen Fan didn't kill Ding. He has a lot to ask. In addition, in the whole Jinwu hall, only Mr. Ding knew about the storage of spirit stones, medicinal materials and pills.

"Mr. Zhenjun, this is all the top quality medicine and stone in Zhuyan's hall."Mr. Ding respectfully handed over the list.

Chen Fan didn't ban him. Dante didn't dare to run away. Playing tricks in front of a real king is pure suicide. A real king is the one who slaughters the whole Zhuyan city. The king of Beihan can only reprimand him a few words at most. He won't really do anything about him.

"One hundred and sixty-seven high-quality miraculous drugs, five zhunbao drugs, one golden ebony, and 700000 spirit stones."

Chen Fan nodded.

Don't look at the district hall, but there are many families. This batch of elixir and stone has greatly relieved Chen Fan's embarrassment. In particular, the golden ebony, in the treasure medicine, is medium, very precious.

He moved all the Lingshi lingyao into yangjianhu and was ready to leave Jinwu hall.

Ding old words suddenly let chen fan stop.

"My Lord, are you here for juehan's legacy?"

"Juehan Zhenjun? "What's left?"

Chen fan is light.

PS: the first watch will be presented. The author will continue to write the second watch, at least three before 12 o'clock^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!