Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 819

When the voice falls.

The auction hall was quiet at first, and then it was boiling quickly. Families, chambers of Commerce, and private repairmen came one after another, raising their cards crazily, and even the inborn strong ones took action.

"Thirty thousand stone."

"Thirty five thousand spirit stone"

"forty thousand spirit stone..."

almost with a flick of the finger, the price of "thirty five thousand spirit stone" broke through fifty thousand and rose to one hundred thousand, which made countless onlookers gasp. The representatives of small families and small chambers of commerce all have a rustic complexion.

One hundred thousand spirit stones, based on pure resources, are enough for a god sea. In Zhuyan City, you can buy ten mu of land, build thousands of buildings, and hire a congenital monk as a bodyguard. Apart from the Xiuxian family and those large chambers of Commerce, individuals can't afford it. Ordinary congenital monks don't necessarily have this value.

Chen Fan let out his mind and scanned the auction hall.

The Dharma array, which was drawn on the wall to shield the mind, could not stop him at all. His divine consciousness went through one box after another, and felt one congenital breath after another.

Some are as hot as fire, some as cool as the moon, and some as ethereal as clouds. It's obvious that they are all the ancestors of the major Xiuxian families. They come quietly. Chen fan even feels that those who have similar breath with mu Hongti are probably the ancestors of Mu family.

After Chen fan has swallowed up the spiritual core, he has now achieved great success and is superior to the golden elixir. These people have no idea. And at this point, in a hidden box.

There is a woman in a black dress who is as beautiful as a person's skin.

Behind her stood an old man. The old man's breath was cold, like a dragon surging. He was an inborn strong man. But at this time, he tied his hands and stood respectfully, and his eyes fell on the woman in awe.

"I didn't expect that little Zhu Yancheng had such a perfect quality elixir. It's no worse than master Xie in Wangcheng."

Black skirt woman light way.

The woman only mentioned one sentence, no longer pay attention to: "this time, the people who came to juehan mountains, did you find out?"

"Madam, among the six caves in the northern cold region, in addition to our xuanming cave, tianmang hall and Yinyang academy all came. It is said that even the royal family of the northern cold region came." The old man replied respectfully.

"Hum, they are all for juehan Zhenjun's legacy. Juehan Zhenjun was only half a step away from Yuanying, which was the existence of the invincible northern cold region. I don't know how many people are thinking about his legacy. "

Black skirt woman cold hum: "I don't want any other treasures, but who dares to compete with me for the ancient Ming cold pearl, I will kill Lin Wuhua."

Her voice was as cold as snow, especially when she said the last sentence, her eyes were cold, and there were rolling black waves all over her body. It was like the cold wind in the polar region, freezing her soul. The whole box was cold.

"Yes, miss."

The old man bowed his head.


the fight for Tianyuan pill has become white hot after the ancestors of the heaven made a move.

"One hundred and fifty thousand spirit stones. I'll give you one hundred and fifty thousand spirit stones. Please give Yun some face."

An old voice came from the box. The man opened the door and showed his white head and white beard. He is surrounded by clouds, which are in harmony with nature.

"It's the ancestor of the cloud family."

There was a scream below.

This is a big man who stomps his feet and shakes Zhuyan city. The ancestors of the cloud family have not appeared in public for decades since they were built. But no one knows his accomplishments.

The ancestors in other boxes look at each other and weigh each other in their hearts.

Two hundred thousand spirit stones have been doubled. You can buy a treasure pill if you add some more. It's not worth fighting for. It's better to sell it to the ancestors of the cloud family for face.

When the ancestor of the cloud family was smiling, suddenly a cold voice came:



The ancestors of the cloud family were shocked and angry.

Upstairs and downstairs are also surprised. This is a blatant attack on the face of the ancestors of the cloud family. Who dares to be so rampant, and if you add it, you will add 100000. Obviously, you are determined to get it. The ancestor of the cloud family also understood that his sleeve robe puffed up, his eyes were cold, and he glared at the other side.

"Yunlaoer, how can he not recognize his old friend after a hundred years in Wangcheng?"

Push open the door of the bread box and walk out an old man with cold breath. He had a hooked nose, a long, thin face and a smile.

"Mr. Yin? Aren't you worshipped by the Lin family in Wangcheng, following Miss Lin, how can you be here? Is that Miss Lin in the box? "

The old ancestor of the cloud family was surprised, and suddenly he thought of something and was sweating.

"Yes, my eldest lady wants to take a picture of this Dan and give it to miss nine as an adult gift. Why, Mr. Yun, do you want to snatch love from the young lady? " Mr. Gu sneered.

"No, No."

The ancestor of the cloud family was in a cold sweat.

He was born strong, the ancestor of the cloud family. He was so frightened because of one sentence.

In fact, at this time, the entire auction hall, no one dares to speak.

"Wang Cheng, the eldest lady of the Lin family? That's Lin Wuhua. It's said that she was the direct descendant of the xuanming sect when she was worshipped by the great elder of the xuanming cave. She was born early and was known as the xuanming witch. Many of her old friends were killed by her because they offended her. "Someone smacked his tongue.

Mu Hongti's face was cold.

The Lin family is originally a big family in Wangcheng, where the ancestor of Jindan sits. As for the xuanming sect, it is one of the six caves in the northern cold region. It is much stronger than the Qingyang sect, which mu Hongti worshiped. How dare the small family of Zhuyan City provoke such a proud witch?

In the end, the ancestors of the cloud family left respectfully with a smile on their face.

Ten Tianyuan pills were photographed by Lin Wuhua with 300000 spirit stones. Chen Fan didn't see the next auction. He took Lingshi and left. Just before he left, people in Jinwu hall looked at him strangely.

Out of Jinwu hall, chen fan walks slowly.

These two days, he is mainly familiar with the environment and inquires about Chinese news.

"It is said that the Chinese are an exiled race, and most of them live in the ancient Huacheng in the far north. He was born with a weak constitution, dull aptitude and no talent for cultivating immortals. It's said that the Chinese people are cursed by God, and there are very few people who cultivate immortals. What's the matter? "

Chen Fan frowned slightly.

After a while, he decided to get up and go to Guhua city.

Chen fan is walking, suddenly the pace of a meal, looking ahead. At this time, the surrounding became a vast expanse of red, full of fog. One moment is still noisy street, the next moment, it seems to come to another world.


Some people set up a Dharma array to drag chen fan into the illusion and isolate him from reality.

"I've met you, Gu Hanchen."

Out of the red fog came a tall and majestic youth.

The young man's eyebrows are like swords, and his hair and beard are red. His whole body is like a stove, burning around him. It's amazing that the magic power of fire has become, and he's catching up with nature. Behind the youth, haixiu, a mysterious God, came out from the red fog.

"What do you want to do?"

Chen Fan remained silent.

"Naturally, it's for the 300000 spirit stones in my hand. This money is enough to capture Baodan, which is not for your exclusive use. By the way, please hand over the remaining Tianyuan pills and tell us the origin of the pills. I don't believe that you will sell all the pills if you get them. You must keep them in your hands. "

Gu Hanchen grinned.

"What if I don't?"

Chen Fan frowned.

"Then you can only go to Tianhuo city with me. Don't even think about asking for help. Tianhuo takes care of our family and is famous for making fire arrays. This dharma array was laid out by the ancestors of the family. It's the Lord of Zhuyan, who can't find it easily. "

Gu Hanchen's face was cold.

Around the many family, are covetous, a pair of eyes show the color of greed.

Three hundred thousand stone.

It's an astronomical number. Even a Xiuxian family took it out, and it's a great loss of vitality. In their eyes, chen fan is a mobile vault, let alone Tianyuan pill.

In the red fog, a breath surged up from the sky, covering the area of 100 Zhang.

There are dozens of people who practice immortality. Chen fan is just a mortal and seems to have no resistance.

"Before you came, didn't Jinwu hall tell you my identity?" Chen Fanhu sighed.

"What identity?"

Gu Hanchen was stunned.

"About the Tianyuan pill, I made it myself."

Chen Fan smiles brightly, showing his white teeth.

As soon as he spoke, everyone around him laughed, as if he had heard a big joke. Only Gu Hanchen's face suddenly changed, and his heart was not good, but it was too late, and Chen Fan took a step lightly.


The whole magic scene of the Dharma array was moved by it.

An extremely ferocious breath came from Chen Fan's body and filled the void in an instant. He seemed to wake up like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the endless terrible pressure gathered around him.

"Bang bang."

Almost instantly.

Those bodyguards who care for their families can't bear the pressure directly and explode on the spot. Only Gu Hanchen barely supported, kneeling on the ground, shivering all over.

Gu Hanchen reluctantly raised his eyes and saw Chen Fan coming step by step. The whole void was creaking under his feet. It was obvious that the array could not bear it and was about to be broken.

"Damn, what mortal is this? It is clear that he is a congenital strong man, and he is extremely terrible. He is not the enemy of my family. Jinwu hall deceives... '

Gu Hanchen roars in his heart.

He wanted to beg for mercy, but how could Chen Fan soften his heart and directly cut Gu Hanchen into two parts with a wind blade. Then he stretched out his hands and tore them into the void. The dreamland was broken and the red fog dissipated. Chen Fan suddenly saw an old man in red robe.

The old man is sitting cross legged, injecting mana into the front array and running the array. When he sees chen fan, he is full of Horror:

"Daoyou, stop, please listen to me...

" die. "

Chen Fan didn't leave a hand.

He claps it with one hand, and the bright golden light condenses and turns it into a palm print of a certain size. It's as if it's made of divine gold, and it's shot in the air. The old man in red robe didn't even say a word. He was patted into meat cake on the spot, and even the spirit turned into powder.To deal with such a common congenital, Chen Fangen didn't need a second move. He could kill him with a blow.

After killing Gu's ancestors, chen fan looked coldly towards Jinwu Hall:

"in the whole trading process, only you know my identity, but Gu's family came to him, obviously killing him with a knife. Do you really think Chen beixuan is deceiving me? "

In a flash, chen fan disappeared from the spot and fled to the Jinwu hall.

He's going to kill.

PS: there's another one^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!