Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 818

Chen Fan declined Jinwu Hall's request to stay, and left the pills. He promised to come to the auction three days later, and then left.

The old man in green, with a porcelain vase, turned into the back hall and saw a man in black sitting tasting tea. Zhu Yancheng's sub hall leader and several high-level officials are bowing themselves in awe. The old man did not dare to see more and stepped forward quickly:

"Mr. Dan, I have already sent you away. I will follow your orders and put the pills at the auction in three days."


The man in black nodded. His face is about thirty years old, but his temples are white as snow, with the vicissitudes of time in his eyes. In particular, he is ethereal in breath. Sitting there, he seems to be connected with heaven and earth. He is an inborn strong man.

"Mr. Dan, why don't we buy it directly? One hundred thousand spirit stone is not difficult for our Jinwu hall. " The fat Zhu Yan sub hall leader couldn't help opening his mouth.

Once on the auction, Jinwu hall can not intervene.

"It's just ten Tianyuan pills. I don't think it's in my eyes. The purpose of this visit is to find useful talents to help the Lord accomplish his great task. If that man is really a master of alchemy, he will gain a lot. "

The man in Black said faintly.

There was a chill in everyone's heart.

As we all know, the reason why Jinwu hall can be opened all over the northern cold region is that there must be a big backer in the northern cold King City. It is said that it is a king's son. When people think of the legend that the northern cold King's Shouyuan will be exhausted, they are even more scared after the struggle between several sons in order to fight for the throne.

Such a whirlpool, not to mention them, is that the whole Jinwu hall is just a pawn in it. If you are not sure, it will be crushed. At least the great friar of Jindan is qualified to intervene.

"The immortal said that he was the refiner of the Tianyuan pill. Why didn't the master of the pill summon him?" The old man in green was puzzled.

"Mr. Ding, there are only a few congenital friars in the city. How can you meet them at will. What's more, you didn't find the boy's face? " Dan made me smile.


Everyone was in a daze.

"His pupils are black." Dan said only one word.

"Black hair, black pupil... Is he a Chinese?" Exclaimed the old man in green.

When this remark came out, everyone was shocked. Zhuyan hall leader is incredible: "it's said that the Chinese people are cursed by heaven, and it's hard for ten thousand people in the family to have an immortal, let alone a congenital strong one. How can such a race be born and so young? "

"Breath can be disguised. I know that there are several treasures that can disguise a mortal as a priori or even a golden elixir friar. Maybe that's the one who got the magic weapon. "

Dan makes light mouth.

"Then kill him and swallow the ten Tianyuan pills." There are high-level suggestions.

"It's useless. At that time, many people in the lobby witnessed Tianyuan pill, including the young master of Zhu Yanyun's family. Besides, compared with tianyuandan, I am more curious about the man behind the boy. Whether it's a treasure simulating breath or a top-grade elixir, he can't get it as a mortal. "

Dan is very interesting.

Everyone nodded. Compared with the master of alchemy, ten Tianyuan pills were really nothing.

Only the old man in Qingyi was worried. From Chen fan, he felt a very dangerous Qi. That Qi was ten times stronger than Dan Shi. But the old man thought it might be an illusion and finally shook his head.


the Jinwu medicine hall has received a batch of Tianyuan pills, which are also top-notch products. There are no side effects in improving cultivation.

As soon as the news came out, the whole Zhuyan city was a sensation. Top quality elixir is rare. It's even rarer to refine it by the master himself. As soon as it comes out, it's divided up by those big sects and Wangcheng families. Which round will you get a small place like Zhuyan city.

The cloud family of Zhu Yancheng.

"Is the message correct?"

Asked the elder of the cloud family.

"No problem, Xiao Shiqi saw it with his own eyes. Ding Lao, the chief pharmacist of Jinwu hall, said that it was Tianyuan pill, and it was also refined by a master. Just now, the Jinwu hall also announced that it would be put on the auction in three days

The master of the cloud family replied quickly.

"Well, if Tianyuan Dan gets it, the strength of our cloud family will soar. Maybe one or two more congenital talents will be added in the future. We must fight for them with all our strength." The ancestor of the cloud family patted his thigh.

It's not just the cloud family.

The Mu family, the Xiao family, the Wu family and other Xiuxian families in Zhuyan city all received the news and were shocked one after another. At last, even the main residence of the city was shocked. For a time, the auction of Jinwu hall attracted a lot of attention.

Chen Fan didn't know that.

He made those Tianyuan pills at will.

At his present state, only Baodan has effect, and the general elixir has little effect. He took the essence of a strong Hai nationality and trained dozens of them. But Chen Fan didn't know that the elixir he refined was enough to crush all the elixirs. The people in the sky and the stars had never seen it, and the sensation was far beyond his imagination.

So three days later, when Chen Fan came to Jinwu hall again, he was directly silenced by a sea of people.

"A lot of people came to Jinwutang's auction.""Yes, you see, all the people from the cloud family, the Mu family and the Lord's mansion are here. Even the young city master and mu Hongti, the first lady of the Mu family, are here. It is said that she was chosen by the master of Qingyang sect to be a disciple. "

"My God, qingyangzong is famous. There is Jindan. In the future, the Mu family will have another birth. "

There was a lot of discussion.

Chen Fan stood in the crowd. Sure enough, seeing the boat above, mu Hongti and Zhang Lingfeng go down together. They talk and laugh. The man is handsome and the woman is gorgeous, just like a golden girl.

After that, more powerful forces from several surrounding cities arrived.

The big families, such as Gu family in Tianhuo City, Xu family in Linhai City and Dong family in Heishan City, all have their ancestors and are famous for thousands of miles around. They are not inferior to the Mu and Yun families.

When Chen fan enters the auction room, people from his own Jinwu hall take him in. This time, Chen fanminrui feels that people from Jinwu hall are a little cold. The old man in green didn't show up.

"What's on your mind?"

Chen Fan sneered and ignored.

He sat in the box on the second floor of the auction hall. Only the most distinguished guests can sit in these boxes. Even mu Hongti, Zhang Lingfeng and others are only in the front row on the first floor. The walls of the box are carved with a magic array, which is covered by special curtains and screens. You can't see the people nearby.

Soon, the auction began.

Mr. Ding, dressed in green, went to the front desk and said, "welcome to our Jinwu hall auction. This time, not only the distinguished guests of Zhuyan City, but also the distinguished guests of several surrounding cities, as well as a lady from the royal family. It's a great honor to have a small shop in fear. "

There was a commotion.

We didn't expect that there were people from the family of beihanwangcheng. You know, compared with the northern Hanwang City, Zhuyan city can only be regarded as a frontier town. Mu Hongti, Zhang Lingfeng and others were very surprised. They looked up at the box on the second floor and guessed which one to sit in.

"Now the auction starts. The first auction item is a 700 year old Jiuming secluded grass, which is collected from the extreme Yin place. It has excellent effect on the practitioners of cold and Yin skills..."

without explanation, Ding started directly.

Jiuming Youcao is the advanced level of Tongyou Cao. It is a kind of Chinese medicine. It has miraculous effect on many people who cultivate immortals in the period of refining Qi. Sure enough, it caused a stir. However, no matter the second floor box or the front row VIP, there was no movement. Chinese medicine is not rare for them.

In the end.

The price of Jiuming secluded grass is five hundred spirit stones, which was taken by a monk in Shenhai.

Happily, he paid on the spot and left, apparently afraid of being robbed secretly.

With the first hot spot, soon the second and third pieces were sold at high prices. Especially when a top-grade elixir appeared, even the major Xiuxian families in Zhuyan city could not sit still.

"ChiYan elixir" is a top-grade elixir refined with ChiYan fruit as the core. Whether it's a fire friar or practicing fire as a supernatural power, it's very effective. It's also effective on congenital friars. The base price is 1000 spirit stones. "

Ding Laozhen said again.

In front of his case, in an emerald jade box, there was a red ball, like a blood agate, shining with fire inside. This Dan a, immediately attract everyone's attention.

"A thousand stone."

"1500 spirit stones."

"Two thousand spirit stone..."

the price soared in an instant, and even several Xiuxian families could not help snatching it. Strictly speaking, Shangpin elixir is not for Qi refining period, but mainly for congenital monks. In particular, there are ancestors who are fire related, and they are determined to win.

"I didn't expect it was ChiYan pill."

Chen fan was slightly surprised.

He once refined it on the earth, but this one is obviously inferior to his ChiYan pill. If you look carefully, you will find that there are many impurities in it. If mortals rely on it to break through the sea of gods, they are very likely to be burst by the violent medicine, with great side effects and no hope for life.

But for the major Xiuxian families, this is a magic medicine.

Finally, at the price of 7400 spirit stone, it was taken by Gu family of Tianhuo city. Gu's ancestor is said to be famous for his fire skill. He has the power of burning the dragon and is known as burning the sky.

After Gu's little master took the ChiYan pill, he didn't leave. He seemed to have a goal.

In fact, when the major families and chambers of Commerce competed, they did not use all their strength and were still watching the stage. Finally, after shooting several pieces in succession, Ding said solemnly:

"I know that this time there are many distinguished guests, all for this piece. I don't want to sell a lawsuit. Next, we'll take the penultimate auction... "

everyone's spirit was shocked.

Including the major Xiuxian families, they are all concentrated, and the main goal is coming.

"Tianyuan pill, a top-grade elixir, is ten pieces in a bottle. It's made by a master of alchemy. It's the best of the top-grade elixirs. It's far more effective than ordinary elixirs and has no side effects. One can make a god sea."

With that, Ding opened the jade plate next to him, and ten crystal clear pills, like pearls, suddenly appeared.

As soon as the pill appeared, a strong fragrance spread all over the auction. When people heard it, they felt energetic, as if they were a few years younger."Shendan, the real Shendan!"

Countless people were shocked, including mu Hongti and others were surprised. They didn't expect that the efficacy was so strong.

"The bottom price of the ten Tianyuan pills is 30000 spirit stones. The shooting starts."

Ding Lao a hammer falls.

The main part of the auction began. , the fastest update of the webnovel!