Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 815

For Chen fan, it's not enough to rely on the aura of the earth to solidify the elixir. Among the several ways to leave, the most suitable one is the star field. This kind of Tao is condensed, and the powerful Xiuxian ancient stars are enough to push him into Yuanying or even higher.


In the exhausted universe, there is a colorful light.

Chen Fan's return to heaven is extremely cautious. He returned to the unknown star, an ancient star called Nantianmen thousands of years ago, which is still deserted. Only the bones of many predators, and a number of abandoned ruins.

"It seems that there are no hidden predators."

Chen Fan tested the investigation array and found that they were not passive. Then he flew into the air, opened his mind, and made a circle around the whole star. He searched carefully to make sure that there was no one behind him. We'll turn on the star array again.

To Chen Fan's surprise, the next journey went very smoothly.

Along the way of heaven, he came to the ancient stars and kept moving forward. Never met a living ancient predator. Only more and more Terran skeletons and larger predator skeletons can be seen.

At the third star.

Chen fan has seen the remains of Jindan predators and Jindan friars.

The bones of the Jindan predator are hundreds of meters in size, just like the prehistoric Tyrannosaurus Rex. And the bones of the real kings are as crystal clear as jade. They are hung on them and make the sound of gold and iron. They have been immortal for thousands of years.

"It can be seen that the later the battle goes, the more fierce the fighting becomes."

Chen Fan frowned slightly.

Terran and star predator, this is the continuation of the race war, never die, there is no surrender or beg for mercy. Even an ordinary friar who built a foundation bravely raised his halberd and waved his troops to the predator hundreds of meters in size.

In the old void, there are nameless stars, which are full of ruins.

At the end of the day, chen fan even saw half of the stars cracked, with huge skeletons of thousands of meters or even tens of thousands of meters, and the ridge was empty. Even if thousands of years have passed, the breath on the bones is still ferocious and violent, devouring everything. When ordinary people arrive here, they will be oppressed and burst in an instant.

"Yuan baby predator."

At this time, chen fan's eyes are dignified.

He could imagine the extent to which the fighting was so fierce that even the Yuanying level life of Chengxiong Yiyu fell.

Half of the asteroid, which is thousands of kilometers in diameter, was blasted, and only the other half survived. There are hundreds of human elixir bones beside the corpse of Yuanying predator, but the more fatal one is the fatal wound that pierces the head with a sword, directly obliterating the spirit of Yuanying predator.

"The meaning of this sword is a little familiar...

Chen Fan Qingyi.

He trimmed the remnant star and went on his way. But Chen Fan was a little nervous. Every time he thought about it, the road was so long. It is obvious that there are not enough Lingshi from kunxu. Every time a star teleportation takes more than 100000 spirit stones.

"I hope I can reach the celestial realm before the spirit stone runs out, otherwise I may be trapped in the universe for decades."

Chen Fan smiles bitterly.

Whoosh, whoosh.

Colorful lights flashed in the universe.

When Chen Fan reached the 17th transit star, he suddenly found that there was no way ahead.

"What's this?"

Chen Fan looks up.

His divine sense penetrates the void, and can sense the space storm. A bright sword Qi across the sky cuts the whole passage of the starry sky, turns it into a barrier, and blocks it on both sides of the sky.

One sword breaks the way!

Although the transmission array is still intact, and the interstellar coordinates can be located to the next star, the space channel is broken. This sword Qi, like a natural moat, cuts off the road, anyone wants to pass. Either you can calm the space storm with supreme magic power, or you can cross the universe and fly to the other side with your body.

"It's a sword that can carve out space and leave a mark thousands of years later. This man is at least Yuan Ying's cultivation, and even in Yuan Ying, he is a strong one."

Chen Fan's eyes are quiet.

The sword Qi is very similar to the one used to kill Yuanying predator. At this time, chen fan already knows who the other party is.

Qi Tianjun, the master of Yuntian palace, is the strongest man in ancient China!

"No wonder the breath is familiar to me. It's very close to the breath of Qi Ling and Yun Tian Gong." Chen Fanshou.

Although he destroyed the orthodoxy of Yuntian palace, it was his younger brother's reckless behavior. Chen fan had no aversion to the spirit of Yuntian palace and its owner.

At this time, chen fan's face became more dignified.

Can force urgent to, let Tangtang Yuanying Tianjun, cut off the road of a sword. It can be seen that the war situation at that time was so severe that it was close to life and death. In fact, from the star above, countless human elixirs, congenital bones, you can see. Qi Tianjun's sword is to break the tail for survival. I'm afraid that nearly half of the ancient Chinese monks were forced to stay on this star and could not escape. Finally, they had to die.To Chen Fan's surprise, there are no living predators on this star.

"They should be able to see the transmission, directly across the universe, from the starry sky chase past."

Chen Fan looks into space and traces his breath thousands of years ago through secret methods. A faint Road, from the ancient star to leave, continue to the depths of the stars.

But with the vastness of the universe.

Chen Fan believes that when these predators catch up with the next star, it will be a hundred years later.

"The problem now is that Qi Tianjun's sword not only stopped the predator, but also stopped me."

Chen Fan smiles bitterly.

He studied for a long time on the nameless ancient star, and finally he was a little relieved. Qi Tianjun is not really powerful after all. His sword, after thousands of years, has been very weak, causing a little space storm at most.

This space storm is fatal to the congenital friars and even the common elixirs. However, chen fan's spiritual body is so great that he can barely carry it.


Chen Fan's eyes are firm, and he still launches the teleportation array.

This transmission is different from the previous one. The violent power of space stirs up the starry passage. A huge space gap and space debris appeared in the channel.

Chen Fan dodges urgently.

These space gaps, like the black hole abyss, lead to the dead space, even unknown dangerous Jedi, and even the depths of stars. Once involved, it is difficult for Chen fan to escape.

"Whoosh, whoosh."

He was wounded by countless pieces.

In the end, chen fan turned into a Kunpeng, opened the big mixed hole technique, and finally broke away from the star channel.


Chen Fan fell on an asteroid. He was bathed in blue blood. Every drop of blood was as clear as sapphire, and there were strands of gold in it. Those gold wires were runes of countless particle sizes. All over the body, there were hundreds of scars, the most dangerous one, even nearly cut him off.

"Fortunately, I escaped at last."

Chen Fan sighed.

Next, regardless of everything, he quickly found a place to repair the injury nearby.

Chen Fan sat cross legged on the ancient star, bathed in the power of stars and even countless stars in the universe. It can be seen that a bright tree unfolds behind him. The branches of the divine tree stretch into the void and extend to the world and dimension, absorbing the essence crazily.

The essence, like the milk, is released from the tree and fed back to Chen fan.

However, half a month later, chen fan got up again after his injury. He has black hair and shawl, his skin is crystal clear, his eyes are as bright as gems, and his Qi is growing stronger and stronger. For him, this journey of star passage is also a kind of tempering. Growing up on the edge of life and death.

"It's strange that no one bothers me when I've been practicing for so long in the world."

Finally, chen fan searched the asteroid and found no trace of predators. Finally, chen fan concluded that the predators had either given up or lost.

This gives chen fan a sigh of relief.

The next day, as expected, was a lot safer, but every jump made the spirit stone less and less. In the end, when Chen Fan thought he was going to despair, he finally saw a scene.

On the 24th star.

When Chen Fan thought he was disappointed again, he suddenly looked up and saw a huge and bright star.

It is like a sun, suspended in the center of the universe, majestic star essence, around, such as waterfall rain. The roaring Tao even condenses and forms, turning into a dragon and Phoenix winding. There are sounds of heaven echoing on it. It is so dazzling that it even obscures the nearby stars. In terms of area, it is a thousand or ten thousand times the size of the earth. Separated by endless starry sky, chen fan can feel the surging aura above it.

"I'm here at last."

On Chen Fan's face, there was a bright smile.

After crossing the starry sky and cultivating with the elixir, he crossed hundreds of millions of miles. After 24 stars, he finally found the legendary celestial realm.

Chen Fan greedily looked at the ancient stars. In terms of area and concentration of essence, compared with the real Xiuxian big star Chen fan had seen, Tianhuang ancient star was only a small one, even desolate and remote.

Deep in the universe, the core of the human race. For example, the size of galaxies and nebulae, and the ancient stars of hundreds of millions of miles from east to West are everywhere. They are even born with supernatural animals and great powers, and even the Tao turns into an entity. When they are born, they are born with innate cultivation and have lived for hundreds of years.

But after experiencing the cultivation of Jedi like the earth, the ancient stars are so lovely and wonderful in Chen Fan's eyes.

"Only by practicing the stars in this way can the great power of God be born. This is a better day than I thought

Chen Fan nodded slightly.

Just let Chen Fan surprised, so close, ancient Chinese friars, why not in this star above, completely give up heaven? But after his test, he found that the transmission array could be turned on, and it was obvious that the transmission nodes on the ancient star were still intact."I don't care. When I get there, I understand."

Next, he took out the last spirit stone, barely enough, and directly launched the transmission array.

In a bright multicolored light, chen fan along the space channel, to the other side of the starry sky in the sky. , the fastest update of the webnovel!