Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 814

"Chen Zhenjun, I know that you are a Taoist and mysterious man with a great origin. But don't look down on the star field

"It's a real holy land for cultivating immortals. The great religion is like clouds, and the pride of heaven is like rain. At that time, there was once a heavenly pride from the celestial realm, who came along the way of heaven and stepped into the Middle Earth. He is just a golden elixir, but he has swept all the true gods and immortals, and has a great influence on the East and the West. At last, the emperor of Heaven gives him a hand, and then he presses his head. "

Qi Ling saw Chen Fan's disdain in his eyes and warned:

"that Tianjiao was named Dishi, and he came from dishenshan, one of Tianhuang's great religions. At that time, he was only a little successful, but he was invincible. If you look at the whole middle earth space, no one can stop you. It is said that he has become a top-grade gold elixir, and his accomplishments are far better than those of his peers. In this way, the emperor's interpretation is not the strongest in the world. It is said that there is a real son of God, who disdains to step out of the world. "

In the mouth of Qi Ling, chen fan knew the power of the celestial realm.

Among the surrounding star regions, the end of heaven is the strongest, which can be described as the peak.

Tianjiao and Shenzi, the strongest in the end of the world, don't want to leave at all. Only those second level talents will go to other star domains to find opponents and sharpen themselves. But even these second level geniuses can sweep all the star fields.

For thousands of years. The end of the universe is the center of the whole region. The most top-level Taoism, the most complete orthodoxy, the most peerless pride and the most gorgeous goddess are all there.

"In those days, the most talented people in China would go to the end of the world to prove themselves. Unfortunately, most of them went away in high spirits and soon disappeared. There are too many stars, too many strong. Even if he goes away with the respect of the emperor, he will not be able to come to the world. "

Qi Ling sighs.

It was worried and doubted whether Qi Tianjun had an accident in the end of time.

On the earth, few people can hurt Qi Tianjun. But the end of the world is different. There is a great power of transforming gods. A Yuanying heavenly king is not invincible.

"Don't worry. This time, I'll help you find out about Qi Tianjun."

Chen Fan comforted me.

In any case, Qi Tianjun and he are also fellow villagers. They are in a foreign land and should be looked after.

Chen Fangen didn't care about Qi Ling's Tianhuang Da Jiao and Tianjiao.

"I'm the most arrogant person in the world. My mind records the world's top immortal method, the most powerful magic power. Compared with the saints and immortals of the great immortal sects and holy places in the past, what is the celestial realm? Give me a normal training environment, and I can hang them in three years. "

Chen fan is proud.

He has enough confidence.

In the last life, he was just a mortal, and he could win with the pride of all nations. How can you be defeated if you are reborn with immortal memory? The reason for the slow cultivation in this life is that the earth's cultivation environment is too poor. But even so, chen fan almost reached the golden elixir in ten years. This speed, in the universe, is shocking.


While chen fan gets more information about the end of the universe from Qi Ling, he begins to make preparations before leaving.

As an immortal of two generations, chen fan has never been blindly arrogant. Every time he acts, he has the strength to rely on. This time, if we take the road of heaven again, the danger is unknown, so we must do a good job.

First of all.

Chen Fan began to refine all kinds of pills.

Several precious grasses obtained from the kunxu Kingdom, as well as a large number of exotic flesh and blood obtained from killing in the west, are the holy medicine for alchemy. Before chen fan, by virtue of the inner dragon and the son of the dragon, he became the "soul of the thunder robbery". Now, hundreds of innate flesh and blood essence can be used to refine the Dan, which is ten times better than before.

"there are so many innate spirits that are enough for me to make a batch of" bailing blood Dan ".

Chen Fan sat cross legged in the main hall with a huge red stove three feet high in front of him. On this red stove, there are dense cloud patterns and frescoes of ancient immortals conquering different nationalities. The red fire on it is far stronger than any previous red stove. It is a noble stove.

This Zunbao stove is from Yuntian palace. It is said that it was made by Qi Tianjun himself.

Unfortunately, I don't even know whether it's true or not.


In Chen Fan's eyes, a three color flame was ejected to burn the Dan furnace. The golden flame, the Kirin black fire and the blood flame are burning. Bailing blood pills, in Baodan, are all top grade pills. It's said that it's made from the blood of hundreds of kinds of congenital life. It's a peerless medicine. It is famous for its vigor and vitality.

Any mortal, not only take one, can be promoted. And you will get the natural blood, such as Guangming clan, Haizu and so on. You will have the supernatural power and be extremely strong.

It is the best elixir of all kinds. It contains a lot of life force. Any injury can almost recover, and the lost true element can recover instantly. It also has many effects, such as prolonging life and so on.

"Fortunately, there are many different races on the earth. Although there are not a hundred, dozens of them can still be found. This bailing blood pill is worthy of its name. "

Chen Fan shook his head slightly.

In the universe, someone once took the blood of all the people in the starry sky to refine the Wanling blood pill. Those pills have gone far beyond the level of Baodan and belong to the level of supreme god pill. Maybe one can point people at Jindan, even Yuanying!However, although the effect of Bailing blood pill is far worse, it is better than quantity.

With Chen Fan's master technique, 36 pieces of "bailing blood pills" were made in one breath on the day of starting the furnace.

On the day when the furnace was opened, thunder clouds ran through the sky and lightning turned into a hundred Li thunder sea. Once it fell, it would be enough to blow Jincheng into dust. It's a pity that Chen fan has now completed the earthshaking map and directly turned into a Leize beast. How can he be afraid of these red clouds?

Snap the finger and break it.

"Teacher, is this the bailing blood pill?"

Ah Xiu and others are walking around the Danlu.

Thirty six blood red beads are floating up and down in the tall cloud pattern furnace. They are like the most crystal clear blood amber, from the inside to the outside, as transparent as crystal. A fragrance fills the alchemy room. People just smell a mouthful of it, and they make great progress in cultivation. They are full of energy, just like the legendary ginseng fruit.

"I'll take half of the blood pills and leave the rest in beiqiong pie. If there is a life crisis, or the enemy attacks, you can take it. But if you don't have to, I don't want you to rely on elixir. You'd better break through the congenital

Chen Fan warned.

The crowd obeyed in awe.

If we rely on elixir to break through, our foundation will be unstable after all, which will greatly hinder our future practice.

Next, chen fan taught his disciples how to cultivate immortals and Taoism. They also know that Chen fan doesn't have much time, so they listen attentively, including Wang Xiaoyun and Fang Qiong. They all put down what they are doing and concentrate on it.

As you travel around the world, you can not only see your friends in this life, but also go to the major Jedi and secret places in an instant to eliminate hidden dangers.

He first went to Chuzhou and met Jiang Tanqiu, Yan Xiaobai and others. He didn't see them for several years. Yan Xiaobai had children long ago. His son was fat and his daughter was lovely. Jiang Tanqiu is even more romantic and happy. No one dares to offend him just because he knows chen fan and looks at Chuzhou and even Jiangnan.

By the way, chen fan goes to Aunt Tang's house to meet her.

"Xiaofan, why are you here? Come on in

Aunt Tang is very happy with Chen Fan's arrival. She greets him as if he were her son. Although Jiang Haishan is embarrassed, she bows and respects him.

Now the villa is rebuilt on the top of Yunwu Mountain. The development company is beiqiong group. According to Chen Fan's instructions, the best one is given to Aunt Tang. Every day, you can get up and enjoy the distant scenery.

"Who would have thought that it would be ten years to leave. I still remember when you first came to our house, you were only sixteen or seventeen years old. You looked like an astringent child. In a twinkling, you had already become Chen Zhenjun, who moved the world."

Aunt Tang sighed.

Jiang Haishan was beside him, and he was extremely regretful.

If he had not looked down upon others, maybe chen fan would have been his son-in-law.

"Although I'm Chen Zhenjun, I'm still Xiao Fan you know. I've never changed." Chen Fan showed a gentle smile, aunt Tang heard the speech, immediately smile, very pleased.

This time, chen fan did not see Jiang churan.

According to Aunt Tang, Jiang churan has devoted himself to seeking Tao in recent years. I went to the famous mountains and rivers alone, and got some income. I just went to Qinling mountains this time, but I didn't come back.

Chen fan to some surprise, did not expect that the snobbish little girl, really changed.

He left a bottle of elixir in tangyijia and left quietly. That bottle of elixir is enough for Aunt Tang to live for another hundred years.


Chen Fan travels around the world.

He went to Haicheng first. Although the sea clan Ju clan got into the eye of the sea, they still couldn't escape Chen Fan's pursuit. Finally, the whole clan master was slaughtered by Chen fan, and the rest of them surrendered crying father and mother.

After that, chen fan went deep into the cave and cut off 17 monsters all the way. At last, he went 3000 meters deep underground and met the river of magma blocking the way before he finally returned.

After all this.

Chen Fan stayed at home, accompanying Fang Qiong, Anya, Princess Xu Rong and her relatives. It was the most carefree time for Chen fan. He didn't have to think about anything. He seemed to go back to his former youth and turn into an ordinary man. Go shopping, eat, play and travel everyday. Chen Fan's impatient heart gradually calmed down. His temperament has been honed, and he has become more and more naive.


three months later.

Kunxu boundary, the inner city of Tiandu, outside the transmission array.

The whole kunxu, as well as the earth's immortals and gods, including beiqiong and Kunlun, gathered here. They put on their hands and stood respectfully. At the front end are Wang Xiaoyun, Fang Qiong and others.

A Xiu's female disciples have already burst into tears. Although Fang Qiong and Anya are reluctant to part with it, they still smile with encouragement.

"It's dangerous here. Be careful."

In the end, Chen Huaian exhorted.

"Don't worry. Grandfather, father, mother, little Joan and sister Ann, and others. I will go there for as short as one or two years, and as long as two or three years. Once I have completed the golden elixir, I will come back. It won't take long

Chen Fan replied with a smile.

Finally, chen fan and Wang Xiaoyun embrace one by one, under Wang Xiaoyun's advice, in Fang Qiong's tender eyes, and in the nostalgia of many beiqiong disciples. Turn around, step into the transmission array, and set foot on the journey of heaven again.This time, chen fan vowed not to return until he arrived at the end of the sky and reached the realm of stars. , the fastest update of the webnovel!