Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 816

There is a valley deep in the desolate mountains, where there are thousands of peaks, fierce beasts roaring and incomparably desolate.

There are ancient altars standing in the valley. There are five tall stone pillars on each side of the altar, which are engraved with many runes. A vast and desolate atmosphere comes from them.

This altar covers an area of 100 feet, which shows how prosperous it was. But now, with weeds and broken wells everywhere, it is obvious that there are countless people, and no one has ever been here.


Suddenly, a colorful light came on.

There is a huge black hole in the void, from which comes a young man with black clothes, black hair and black pupils. As soon as he appears, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.


Like a Tyrannosaurus Rex breathing, he took a full quarter of an hour to stop. All over the valley, there was a fierce storm, like a force 12 gale.

"What a rich aura. It's ten times that of kunxu and a hundred times that of the earth. I've finally come to the end of the world. "

Chen Fan opened his eyes slowly.

His whole body is bright, every cell, every orifices are greedily absorbing the outside world's majestic essence, almost between the fingers, you can feel Chen Fan's breath strong.

Before that, chen fan, like a person who has been hungry for a long time, has been in a state of lack of nutrition for a long time. The aura of the earth is not enough, so the practice is in a hurry. As soon as he stepped into the end of the sky, his accomplishments began to soar, rising almost at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Every breath of his household is condensed into essence and turned into raindrops.

"If I were born again in the end of time, I'm afraid I could be born in one year and become a golden elixir in three years."

Chen Fan shook his head.

He looked around with a sudden, soft sound.

"It's strange that this should be an important place for ancient Chinese monks. If they want to return to the earth, they must protect the teleportation array. How can they feel extremely desolate and abandoned for a long time?"

Chen Fan frowned slightly, and a little bit of bad flashed in his heart.

From the way of heaven, especially in the last few days, chen fan has already felt wrong. The ancient Chinese friars seem to have given up the way of heaven completely, but this should not be. The earth still has God treasure, still have cloud sky palace, still have numerous descendant. Even the Maya people have come all the way back. How can the Chinese friars give up so simply?

"Is something wrong?"

Chen Fan's eyes flashed and released his mind.

After entering the ningdan period, chen fan's mind is so vast that it covers a radius of 500 Li. His divine sense spread to the surrounding without fear. He immediately felt that many fierce beasts were running and roaring, and even had the smell of congenital spirit beast. But Chen Fan ignored it and continued to explore.

"In the East, three hundred li away, there is the smell of fighting. It seems that one of them is a Terran."

After a meal, chen fan rose straight up into the sky and flew to the East as a golden rainbow.

He was extremely fast, reaching ten times the speed of sound, and almost reached 300 miles away. At this time, chen fan could see that seven or eight men and women were besieged by wolves.

These fierce wolves, each three or four meters long, are as strong as a rhinoceros. They are silvery white and can spit out ice blades and ride the wind and snow. The strength of each head is comparable to that of the monk of Meitong Xuanqi. There are hundreds of them. The seven or eight men and women were not old, but they were about 20 years old. They didn't panic in the face of hundreds of fierce wolves.

They all have their own accomplishments and offer their own magic weapons.

Fireballs, wind blades and golden arrows firmly resist the attack of wolves. His manner is very methodical and his cooperation is tacit. In particular, the first man and the first woman were all of Shenhai's cultivation. Every time they split, they killed a fierce wolf.

"The immortal."

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed.

This group of young men and girls, if placed in the kunxu area, can be regarded as the elite disciples of the seven shangzong schools. However, chen fan can meet them in the wilderness, which is worthy of the name of the end of the world.

However, chen fan saw that although these boys and girls could resist. But if it goes on for a long time, there will be a moment when the mana will be exhausted. At that time, I'm afraid everyone will die in the hands of the wolves, except the first man and woman.

After thinking about it, chen fan rushed down directly.

He is not a good person who is willing to help others, but when he first comes to the end of the world, he always has to find a few people to get information.



A 16-or-17-year-old girl in snow-white mink fur waved out the fire talisman and made a ten foot long fire awn to force the two wolves back. She couldn't help gasping and said: "sister Hongti, there are only three talismans left in my hand, and my mana is almost used up. When will the family support arrive?"

Some young men and women on the other side also said: "yes, Ling Shao, sister Hongti, our mana is only half. Only 30 or 40 ice wolves were killed. There are more than 100 left. If the family can't support us, we won't be able to last long. "

The head is a tall, cool and gorgeous woman with a light frown and a beautiful eyebrow:

"the signal has been sent out. With the distance of thousands of miles from Zhuyan City, it will take half an hour for the family experts to come.""What?"

People are desperate.

They only lasted ten minutes, but they were almost out of oil, and the lights were dead. They couldn't last half an hour.

Diao Qiu girl couldn't help despairing: "sister Hongti, you and brother Ling can break through and don't take care of us. These ice wolves can't stop you at all

The others, all silent, obviously did not want the woman named Hongti to escape alone.

Ling Shao, a man in gorgeous clothes, also looked at him and asked.

Mu Hongti's eyes are struggling.

With her and Ling shaoshen's cultivation in the sea, she can fly with the imperial instrument and leave directly. These ice wolves have nothing to do with them. But it's an extravagant hope to leave safely with the other five people.

"It's all right. Let's wait a little longer. I can't do it. I'll save Xiao Yun."

Mu Hong sighed in her heart.

When everyone's healthy atmosphere was quiet, the girl who called Xiaoyun suddenly called out:

"you hurry up!"

When they looked up, they saw a golden awn coming from a very far distance with a roaring sound. After a meal, a young man in black appeared. The young man raised his hand.

All over the sky, the vitality turned into countless wind blades and fell down.

"Puff, puff, puff."

The wind blade is four meters long. It has hundreds of wind blades, covering the whole area in an instant. Hundreds of ice wolves, almost without a sound, were cut into pieces by many wind blades, with blood all over the ground. It was the ice wolf king in Shenhai, who didn't last long and died in a moment.

"The priors!"

The pupils of all eyes shrank.

With this power, who can control heaven and earth?

Mu Hongti was surprised at Chen Fan's youth, but he immediately came forward and bowed to him and said, "I'd like to meet you, mu Hongti of Zhuyan city. Thank you for saving your life. The Mu family will have great thanks. "

Others reacted and rushed forward.

Chen Fan's eyes swept. I found other men and women very respectful. But the man in gorgeous clothes, who is the leader, seems to be a little lax. He just bows to Chen fan, and his tone is not salty.

However, chen fan didn't care. He asked:

"my name is Chen beixuan. I just passed the customs. I don't know where this place is? Is there any ethnic gathering place nearby? "

Everyone was in a daze. Unexpectedly, chen fan asked this question.

Mu Hongti said calmly:

"tell me, this is juehan mountain range near Zhuyan city in the northern cold region. It's the nearest Zhuyan city. According to it, it's 1000 Li. We are from Zhuyan city. If you don't give up, you can come back with us. My family must be very grateful to our predecessors. "


Chen Fan simply nodded.

Next, everyone packed up and began to return.

From the exchange, chen fan knows.

The northern cold region is hundreds of thousands of miles away. Even a congenital strong man has to fly for a month without sleep. In the northern cold region, there are many ethnic groups, sects, and many Xiuxian families. But the highest position is the northern Han king in the northern Han King City.

It is said that the northern Han king, who is located in the northern cold region, has been cultivating for thousands of years and no one dares to fight against him. The whole northern cold region is his territory. All the city leaders were canonized by the northern Han King City.

And these people are from the Xiuxian family in Zhuyan city. The Mu family, the Zhang family, the Yun family and so on, all have the congenital strong person to sit in the town, the cultivation immortal person comes forth in large numbers. They had brought a large number of bodyguards out to play, but they accidentally met the ice wolves.

In the battle, many mortal bodyguards died. They escaped dozens of miles all the way, but they were overtaken by ice wolves.

In addition to Mu Hongti, he thought that shouhuafu youth had the highest status. His name was Zhang Lingfeng, and he was the son of Zhuyan city leader. It is said that the Lord of Zhuyan City, who was born with later cultivation, has lived for more than 300 years.

"Mr. Chen has no family or clan? Why don't you come to our Lord's residence to offer sacrifices. My father is the Lord of Zhuyan, who was granted by the king of northern Han. This area is under the jurisdiction of my father for three thousand li. There is absolutely no shortage of all kinds of spirit stones and pills. If you have made great achievements, you can also give the golden elixir level skills. "

Knowing that Chen Fan was a free practitioner, Zhang Lingfeng immediately became enthusiastic.

But even if he solicited, there was still a trace of supremacy in his tone, as if it was a gift to let Chen Fan worship.

"The Lord of the city was born later. Those Xiuxian families are also born with no less than ten inborn talents in a city. It seems that the experts of this day's wild star are more than I imagined. "

Chen Fan thought.

Not only Zhang Lingfeng, but also the descendants of several other families, including mu Hongti, offered conditions to Chen fan. However, there is a gap between them and the rich city Lord's mansion. Zhang Lingfeng shows a reserved smile and is sure to win.

"The chance to read the golden elixir level skills is only given by the city Lord's mansion, except for the great sect of cultivating immortals. As long as it's casual, I can't refuse it. I'm afraid they haven't touched the golden elixir level in their whole life. "

Zhang Lingfeng is proud.

The others, obviously aware of it, soon fell silent.When Chen Fan was about to refuse with a smile.

Wearing snow-white mink fur, a lovely girl named Yun Yi'er suddenly said:

"are you Chinese

There was a sudden silence. The eyes of all the people came together with astonishment. Chen Fan Wei Leng, the Chinese people claim to be Chinese people. How do people in the celestial kingdom know? Is it related to the ancient Chinese friars? After thinking about it, he nodded:

"yes, I'm Chinese."

Chen Fan said.

He obviously felt that the men and women's eyes changed in an instant when they looked at him. Chen Fan's family members, who had been soliciting him attentively, immediately became indifferent. Zhang Lingfeng shook his head and walked away, obviously disdaining mu Hongti, who could not help showing a trace of regret.

This change of attitude made Chen Fan frown and feel more and more wrong.

At this time, the sky, a ray of light emerged. The support of the major Xiuxian families in Zhu Yancheng came.

PS: the first one is presented, and the author continues to write the second one^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!