Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 813

The world of kunxu was born, but it ended in this way, which shocked the eyes.

Lord of kunxu!

Chen Fan turned out to be the leader of kunxu. Many people suddenly realize that it's no wonder that Chen fan has been able to return safely from kunxu. He has already leveled the world. Think of this, more people are appalled.

One step on the other!

"I'll look down on Chen Zhenjun."

Patriarch Baji smiles bitterly.

Countless powerful people and great powers shudder. Even kunxu was conquered by Chen fan. What other forces on earth can challenge him? Even if it is as strong as the United States, it is too far from being able to defend itself with nuclear weapons at most.

"It seems that Chen Zhenjun, the leader of the earth ball, has settled down."

Some people sigh on the Internet.

By this time, the northern Qiong sect had opened the mountain gate to let the people of kunxu come in. Fang Qiong's daughters first saw Lu Yanxue, who was dressed in White House clothes and as cold as snow. After years of cultivation in the snow temple, Lu Yanxue's temperament became colder and colder, like a Moon Fairy. Bai Suxian and Qi's sisters are no different.

Naturally, they know Lu Yanxue, but her return in this way makes many people feel awe inspiring.

Fang Qiong took the initiative to smile and welcome the fairies of kunxu with the gesture of hostess.

Chen Fan didn't care about this. He looked up at the sky:

"you came here in hundreds of fleets. They were so mighty that they scared many people."

"We should frighten the secular world and let these big powers know. Zhenjun is not only the Lord of kunxu, but also the Lord of the earth. " Lu Yanxue said with a faint smile.

When she took charge of kunxu, she was more and more determined.

"That's right. Who dares to fight against the real king in the secular world? I'll take people to level them down immediately. Isn't it a nuclear weapon? If you fight again, you can hit me? "

The king of fire screamed.

The king of heaven and sea and others also have cold eyes.

These kunxu immortals are all lawless people. They are used to the world of kunxu. They think that they are fairyland, higher than the secular world. How can they put the United States, Britain, France, Japan and other countries in their eyes.


Hua Yunfeng and Xie Yan can only smile bitterly when they see these magnificent Fairies in kunxu.

The strongest of them is just at the beginning. Among the fairies in kunxu, there are more than one or two Fairies in the late congenital period, but there are a large number of them, with hundreds of them. No one is an opponent except the demon ancestors.

Some of the disciples of beiqiong are active in their minds and suddenly find that they are not right.

Originally, beiqiong was regarded as the most important place on earth after the destruction of all the secret places. Although all the immortals in kunxu are in the same vein, they are obviously different from each other in terms of their wife Fang Qiong and their leader Lu Yanxue.


Chen Fan nodded.

He was worried that he would not live in the earth when he left beiqiong. But the fairies in kunxu are different. They are the reappearance of the Hai people, and they are not rivals. As for the affairs between women, he is too lazy to pay attention to them.

"Master, here you are."

Qianyexue sees the Lord of the snow god palace in the crowd and goes forward to cry. Her beautiful eyes are complicated.

"I wish you were still there."

The snow God Temple nods, in the pupil of the eye peeps out a glimmer of gratification and acerbity.

The master and the apprentice are speechless.

The last time they left, they were all important figures in the kunxu community. No matter qianyexue or the head of Xueshen palace, they are all worshipped as goddesses by their peers. But who knows, as soon as he entered the secular world, he suffered all kinds of disasters.

Qianyexue became a prisoner, and the snow temple was leveled by Chen fan. Finally, even the kunxu City bowed its head.

"Now I think what a ridiculous and ignorant Act I made at that time."

Thousands of night snow eyes sweep to Chen fan, heart five flavor Chen miscellaneous.

But at this time, chen fan in the crowd, found another let him surprised existence.

"Chen Zhenjun, I haven't seen you for a long time

A man in white drifted in. The man was covered in the clouds. He was very hazy, like a wisp of smoke. He couldn't see his face clearly. He was like a man or a woman, like a God in the dust.

"Congratulations, Daoyou. You are finally free from Yuntian palace and can travel between heaven and earth alone."

Chen fan also said with a smile.

The man in white is exactly the spirit of Yuntian palace. After getting the secret skill of refining spirit from Chen fan, after years of hard work, he can finally condense a wisp of Yuan soul, turn it into entity and leave Yuntian palace.

"It's only temporary. It may take a hundred years to be completely independent." Qi Ling light way.

"It's OK. One day. When Daoyou comes here this time, I happen to have a lot of things to ask you. " Chen fan is serious.

"Oh? About the way to heaven? "

The spirit of the instrument is solemn.

Its owner is Qi Tianjun, the leader of the ancient immortals. Now, thousands of years later, Qi Tianjun has never returned. Even Qi Ling feels wrong. Occasionally, he even doubts whether Qi Tianjun has fallen.


Chen Fanshou.

Next, the fairies of kunxu will be settled. Chen fan with the spirit of the instrument, into the North qiongge the core of the hall. This is the seclusion place of the patriarch, which is forbidden by Chen fan. Chen Huai'an, Wang Xiaoyun and others are easily unable to set foot."Eh, this is the ancient demon clan's" demon realm ". In ancient times, it was a famous magic weapon of the demon clan. It was in the hands of the dragon clan, the king of ten thousand demons, and could dominate all the great demons."

"This is the halberd of the sun god of the golden people. It's a spiritual treasure made by the sun god, the true God of the golden people. It's powerful."

"There is the wolf sword of the dark wolf clan, which is a famous magic weapon. I once collided with it in those years..."

as soon as I entered the hall, Qi Ling's face changed slightly.

In the vast hall, there are several shining magic soldiers floating. If you look at it carefully, it is a famous treasure in ancient times. It is not as good as it is, but the gap is not far. What's more surprising is that these treasures come from different races.

The demon clan, the golden clan, the dark wolf clan, and the bright clan...

in the hall, it found the secret treasures of almost all the ancient races, which made the spirit of the instrument astonished. Could it be that Chen Fan plundered all the secret places and slaughtered all the ancient races?

"Wait... Is this the most powerful Mayan warship in legend, the heart of Titan?"

Qi Ling was stunned and looked up at the center of the main hall. The crystal was floating in the air, shining with bright light. It made the whole hall blue, just like a huge crystal of dreams.

The crystal is several people high. It is like a cluster of star clouds. Countless blue light spots form a bright river of stars. It explodes from time to time, just like the beginning of the universe. Once it explodes, it will be enough to blow up the whole Jincheng and even half of Jiangnan province.

"Yes, this is the core energy installation of the Titan."

Chen Fan said calmly.

Titan itself is too big. It's ten kilometers long. Chen Fan found a place to settle down, only to bring its most important energy core back to beiqiongpai. The energy contained in this energy core is enough for the whole Chinese to use ten years of electricity.

"It's very beautiful. I just heard about the legend of Titan. At that time, the Maya had not completely developed it. I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes today. "

Qi Ling sighed and looked at Chen Fan with a bitter smile:

"I didn't expect that you would capture the heart of Titan. It seems that the Maya fleet has reached the earth and been defeated by you. What the hell is going on? These secret places should have continued to live in seclusion, waiting for the day of the birth of Shenbao in the center of the earth. Why did they come out ahead of time? "

Qi Ling said in a more dignified tone.

In ancient times, the war started because of this sacred treasure. For this reason, all the major races fought hard and met with great enemies outside China. Eventually, all ethnic groups suffered heavy losses and had to leave the earth.

"I don't know that either. According to the news from the Mayans, they received some Oracle, so they came ahead of time. " Chen Fandao.

"The oracle?"

Qi Ling was surprised.

Even it is not clear what gods the Mayans had. After all, in ancient times, the Mayans were famous for their science and technology.

Chen Fan didn't worry about this. He sat cross legged on the ground and asked:

"Qi Ling Dao you, I've come to ask you about the end of heaven. Since Qi Tianjun and others wanted to go there, they must know something about it. They can't go there rashly. "

There is no record of these news in the kunxu community. Only this piece of soul, which has survived from ancient times to today, is clear.

Qi Ling was silent for a moment, and finally said:

"in fact, I don't know much about the other side of the starry sky. I only know that the ancient star at the end of the sky is called" the starry field of the end of the sky. "

"The end of the sky star field?"

Chen Fan's eyes narrowed.

"Not bad." Qi Ling nodded, with a trace of memory in his eyes.

According to Qiling, in ancient times, the earth was a bright star for cultivating immortals, and the Oriental immortals were the strongest among the earth. So it's called the Middle Earth Star region.

In addition to the earth, there are several other star regions around. The demon clan, the sea clan and the golden clan all came from those star domains. But the most brilliant and powerful is the star field.

The universe is very old.

It is said that it has existed since the beginning of the era.

The main stream is the people who cultivate immortals. Among them, the immortals are very prosperous. There were many great powers, many religions, and the strong are like rain. Dominating the surrounding star regions, even the earth's cultivation of immortals, legends are handed down from the celestial realm.

"At that time, we were occasionally connected with the celestial realm, so Tianjun and others finally decided to return to the celestial realm. Originally, Tianjun left a message and would send someone back soon. I didn't expect that it would be thousands of years. "

The spirit of the instrument sighed.

Its appearance is not male or female. This kind of magic weapon Yuanling has no gender, but from the smell of Yuntian palace, chen fan feels that it is more inclined to Yin.

"Is there power? It seems that this celestial realm really deserves its name. "

Chen Fan nodded.

In the universe, a race can only be called a star race if it is born with a strong God. A star field, only out of the God of monks, dare to be called Xiuxian star field. Entering the period of deification, he was respected as a great power, traveling in the universe and standing in the starry sky, which is the foundation of a religion, a domain and a nation.In contrast, the earth is not worthy of its name. It can't be called a star field at all. It's just a cultivation star.

"This is what I'm looking for. This is the real world of cultivating immortals."

Chen Fan smiles.

PS: it's a little late. I'm going to write the second one. Recently to change the map, need to think a little more, so some slow, super sorry^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!