Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 810

The battle of outer space has come to an end, but the great waves it has raised have swept the whole earth. The human world is boiling like a sea, and the people of the East and the West as well as the fighters are very happy and celebrate.

Countless netizens post to vent their excitement.

And whether it's hiding in a secret place, or a world power, it's terrified.

In this battle, chen fan's strength is beyond everyone's imagination. It can be said that he dominates the sun and the moon and shakes the mountains and rivers! It is as powerful as the first Mayan fleet. Chen fan has killed all of them. Who dares to fight against him?

"Titan lost? Lord Aldrin is dead? "

The soul of the song forest is scattered.

The God killer and the Titan are the most powerful fighting force of the Mayan people. As a result, they were all killed by Chen Fansheng.

"It's impossible. It's the most powerful God of a different race, and that's all." Goering couldn't believe it, but when the facts were in front of him, he couldn't help laughing bitterly.

I thought that with calculation, I could play with Chen fan.

But unexpectedly, in front of Chen Fan's absolute strength, his plot is simply vulnerable.

"How can human beings produce such monsters as Chen beixuan? Let me wait for the alien race, how to deal with it Song Lin sighed.

Not only him, but all Chen Fan's opponents are trembling.

After this war, chen fan completely invincible in the world, dominating the earth, no one dares to be the enemy! The beiqiong faction has also established its position as the number one faction. People from the major plutocrats and the national government have trampled on the hurdles of beiqiong and come to congratulate them one after another.

At this time, chen fan has disappeared on the back of the moon with the remains of Titan and the soul of Adelin.


One is out of satellite observation.

The shape of chaos Kunpeng shrinks rapidly, and finally it turns from tens of thousands of meters to only one tenth of kilometers. But the eyes of Kunpeng are more and more shining. His body is as bright as gold, and his whole body is forged like divine iron.

Before the million meters Kunpeng, give people a kind of puffy dream feeling, now is real.

"This is your real fighting power!"

Edrin cried out in his soul, regretting it.

Chen Fanming can't carry it any more. He just has to hold on a little longer and maybe he will win. In the end, he is defeated by Titan. Now that the body is destroyed and the soul is in the hands, we can't escape.

"Even now, I can kill you."

Chen Fan said calmly.

This battle is extremely difficult for him, using almost all the cards.

The Mayan fleet is too strong. It has 100 warships, five battle fortresses and one Titan. It's better than Chen fanning's Danqi cultivation, his divine body and all kinds of supernatural powers. At the end of the day, chen fan had to burn the "golden elixir" thoroughly, then use secret methods to stimulate his fighting power, and temporarily increased his power several times before he was born and killed.

But in this way, the loss to Chen fan is also great.

Yunxiao Zhenjun's elixir is exhausted and can no longer be used.

In Dacheng's body, there are also hidden injuries everywhere. It takes several months to repair it. It's just a yuan Dan that has just condensed. It's also a little unstable and almost collapses.

"But it's worth it. Get rid of the Mayan fleet and wipe out the threat of the earth! Because of the distance between the Maya ancestors and the earth, they want to come back, at least in a few decades, so I can go to heaven with ease! "

Chen Fan thought, his eyes fell on the wreckage of aldrin and Titan.

Whether it's Aldrin or the remains of Titan, it's of great use.

A little study of Titan's remains can help improve earth technology for hundreds of years.

Adelin's spirit is huge, which is equivalent to a golden elixir. If he can be refined into a treasure elixir, his medicinal power will be thousands of times that of the "soul shaping elixir". Chen fan can completely push the formula of alchemy to a higher level and upgrade his mind to the level of golden elixir. Even without alchemy, a "spiritual core" is also a spiritual treasure of top quality.

"But before that, you have to tell me all you know, why is the earth changing? How did you come all of a sudden? What is the treasure in the core of the earth? "

Chen Fan's eyes are cold.

"You'll never know!"

Aldrin gave a sneer.

At this time, he was like a bright blue electric group, and his surging spiritual power turned into mist. At the deepest point, he was a six sided prism, which was extremely strong, like King Kong. It was the core of his spirit.

Once a spiritual master like Adelin gathers his spiritual core, even if his body is destroyed, he can travel through the universe by virtue of his spirit. The firmness of his spiritual core is no less than that of the golden elixir. It's impossible to search for such a spiritual master as him, at least two levels higher.

"Is it?"

Chen Fan chuckles. A ray of golden light appears in his eyes. If you look at it carefully, you will find that the ray of golden awn is a very strong golden knife with the length of nine inches and nine tenths.

Shenyuan Dao can cut all souls.

As soon as the sword appeared, it was invincible and penetrated into the soul. It seemed to cut the soul into pieces. It enveloped the void in an instant. As soon as Adelin's expression changed, he could not calm down any more. The blue light suddenly shrank and was extremely frightened:

"this is the art of cutting the gods. Only the supreme leader of our family can understand it. It's a secret art handed down from generation to generation. How can you? Chen beixuan, who are you? ""All this, you go to hell to ask."

Chen Fan ignored it.

The next few months.

Chen Fan found a hidden crater, which is funnel-shaped. It is the place where the moon and the earth gather together, and it can gather the power of the stars, which is suitable for Chen Fan's closed cultivation.

At the same time, he collected the power of the sun and stars to repair the injury. And torture Adelin.

After all, Adelin is a spiritual master, a strong man of other races, with a very hard mouth. Especially when he saw Shenyuan Dao, he would rather die than surrender, and he would shrink his whole soul into the spiritual core.

But how sharp is Shenyuan Dao?

This secret skill of chopping spirits can leave a gap on the spiritual core with each cut. It will be gradually worn away over time, and finally the spiritual core will be cut open after March.

Adelin's soul immediately wanted to explode. Unfortunately, it was immediately "settled" by Chen fan.

"Strange, he didn't know. They were all orders of the Presbyterian Council?"

When Chen Fan performed soul searching and looked through the memory of Adelin, he found that Adelin was not clear either. It was the Presbyterian Council that suddenly ordered the first fleet to go to earth. It is said that the supreme leader received an Oracle saying that Yibao was about to be born.

"The Mayans also have gods? How powerful is this God? Yuan Ying, or is it the power of transforming God? "

Unfortunately, in edrin's memory, there is very little news about the gods. It is said that only the supreme leader can listen to the voice of the gods. When they left the earth, it was the decision made by the gods.

The Maya people have done a lot of research on the exotic treasures in the heart of the earth.

The Presbyterian Council speculates that it is a super weapon. Once it is obtained, it will be enough to kill the alien heavenly king or the main God. Whoever gets it will dominate the surrounding star field and be invincible in all directions!

"It's a pity that Adelin is not the highest level of the Mayan people. He doesn't know much about it, but fortunately, with this God's core in his hand, he is no worse than the golden elixir in both alchemy and weapon refining."

Chen Fan smiles.

Then he continued to practice.

If someone lands on the back of the moon, he can see a Kun Peng standing in the crater, breathing the power of the stars in front of the universe. The terrible sun fire and the vast power of the stars are swallowed up by Chen fan.

Only when the cultivator reaches the golden elixir level can he break away from the vitality and absorb those higher-level star power. However, chen fan's skill is so powerful that once the power of swallowing is opened, the rock can swallow it up.

The fifth month.

He not only recovered from his injury, but yuan Dan went further.

In Chen Fan's purple mansion Dantian, in a sea of chaotic Qi, a blue golden pigeon egg sized yuan Dan is moving smoothly. Every time it rotates, it absorbs countless energies and grows all the time.

When it grows to the limit, it is the moment when Chen fandu is robbed by thunder and turns into a golden elixir.

"Now, with my accomplishments, it's time to think about what level of gold elixir I can achieve." Chen fan has deep eyes.

The difference between the top grade and the bottom grade is the gap between Maserati and the tractor, not to mention the top grade and the holy grade. It is said that someone refined the golden elixir into a peerless sword, which is powerful enough to defeat Yuanying. There are also people who let the golden elixir turn into the sun god's womb and fire refine everything. More people, in the Dantian, raise a real dragon, vertical and horizontal invincible.

"Jindan Jiupin is just the beginning, and the super product above Jiupin is the real reliance of the great God and the saints! You can't compete with them if you don't become a super gold elixir. I suffered a great loss in my last life. I only refined myself to the top grade and took many detours. I can't make any more mistakes in this life. "

Chen Fan's eyes are deep and lofty.

However, this is not urgent. If you want to make a top-grade elixir, the earth's resources are not enough. Chen Fan places all his hopes on the world of cultivating immortals.

"Almost recovered. It's time to go back to earth."

Chen fan gets up, turns into a Kunpeng again, grabs the remains of Titan and flies to the earth

for five months.

For Chen fan, it's just a snap, but for billions of people, it's a new era.

Mankind has never been so united and united as it is today. Hundreds of countries around the world have united to form a world government, end all disputes and fight against fierce animals. What supports all this is the detached beiqiong faction and the young man behind beiqiong.

Someone once sighed:

"although Chen beixuan disappeared for a long time, as long as he existed in the world, the whole earth would crawl under his feet. Neither the opponent nor the enemy dare to move. "

Chen fan was a great power in the world, and he was obedient to him.

On the Internet, many people call him "Chen Qiu Chang" and "Chen Xing Zhu", which means the earth's sphere is long and the star is king! But more people are willing to call him Chen Zhenjun!


When Kunpeng phase appears again in the satellite field of view.

The news, like lightning, spread all over the world, and then spread to the whole society. However, in a moment, billions of human beings on the whole earth knew that the heroes of the first space war reappeared, and everyone was waiting for them. The people of beiqiong school were even more ecstatic.Chen beixuan is back! , the fastest update of the webnovel!