Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 809

In space.

One kilometer warship after another was blasted in the air, turning into a broken wall, metal fragments, suspended in the universe, and even a battle fort several kilometers in size, like an island, broken into two pieces. The whole starry sky turned into a Shura field.

In the Shura arena, a chaotic Kunpeng stands aloof.

His wings spread out, and the blue and golden light flowed on his divine feather. His huge eyes were burning with three colors of flames. He opened his mouth and swallowed it as if he had devoured the heaven and the earth. His divine power shook the earth and awed all the powers.

At this time, the whole earth was shocked.

No matter the world's great powers, or the survivors of the major mysteries, or Chen Fan's opponents and enemies, they were all shocked and cold from the inside out.

"That's a whole Mayan fleet. It can conquer the stars, but it was destroyed by him alone. How strong is Chen beixuan?" A lot of old brands tremble.

No one can speak.

Even in ancient times, when the true gods came forth in large numbers, chen fan was able to be invincible in both vertical and horizontal directions.

In particular, the American high-level officials are even more scared. They used to use the power of Colin to bully China. But now, not only Colin but also the Maya fleet behind them are flattened by Chen fan. How can they not be afraid.

"It's impossible. It's impossible?"

Golin's face is like earth.

He could not believe that the first fleet, which was enough to sweep the universe and level the Milky way, had been cut down by Chen Fan alone. This is why aldrin, who has the title of God killer, may not be able to do it.

"The power of warships can not be countered by mortals? Am I wrong? " Gelin was so lost that he suddenly saw that Chen Fan didn't return to the earth, instead, he flew to the moon with a wing tearing the void, and his face changed:

"no, he went to see Lord Adelin"

to get rid of evil.

If you don't kill the enemy leader, Adelin, you won't be successful!

"You're called a god killer. How good are you?" Chen Fan's eyes are cold and red.

The huge body of Kunpeng can travel 380000 kilometers in space. In front of Kunpeng's extreme speed, it is only a few tens of jumps, which can be achieved. But in half an hour, chen fan appeared on the moon.


A super warship also rises from the moon.

This warship is extremely large, ten li in size, just like a spacefort. It is the core of the first fleet. The most powerful Mayan "Titan class" warship is also the vehicle of aldrin, the God killer.

"Human beings who violate the dignity of our family, you should die!"

They are still hundreds of kilometers away. The terrible mental wave comes from Titan's battle castle. With boundless anger, they even burn flames in the void. This is the materialization of mental power.

Chen Fan's eyes are shining through the void. He sees a man in gold and with a dignified face sitting on a chair in the core of the super battle fort. He holds a scepter in his hand. On his chest, a shining God core is shining.

The spiritual core.

Adelin, the God killer, has gathered his spiritual core and stepped into the golden elixir level. It's more difficult for a man who cultivates gods to be promoted to a gold elixir than a man who cultivates immortals. However, once he is united, he is much better than an ordinary gold elixir. For example, this Adelin actually controls the whole battle castle by himself.

Adelin's eyes were full of anger.

Obviously, he knew about the extraatmospheric war.


When the enemy of life and death meets, there is no nonsense.

Chen fan directly twinkled his wings and turned them into a peerless sword. He pulled out a green and golden rainbow that was tens of miles long and cut it to Adelin. On top of Titan's battle castle, he also sent out a brilliant blue electric awn. Layers of energy shields were stacked like a thousand layer cake.

There are nearly 100 layers of shields on this battle fort.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

In front of Chen Fan's great power, layers of energy masks burst open. Kunpeng's power can overturn mountains and rivers and shake rivers and seas. Titan is also a super warship. One can conquer stars. The collision between them is like Mars hitting the earth.

"Boom, boom!"

On the moon, there are countless shock waves.

Energy comes down from the sky and makes huge holes on the surface of the moon. However, compared with the thousands of kilometers of the moon, both chen fan and Adelin are fighting like ants.

"Dong Dong!"

Titan's main guns roared.

Its gun barrel is several times thicker than that of the previous Guanghui battle fort, and it is more than 1000 meters long. A short piece of it is exposed outside, and hundreds of people can't embrace it. The cold cold light shines at the muzzle of the gun, and the thick Thunder Dragon jumps on the whole battle fort, which contains the power of destroying heaven and earth.


Aldrin shot out.

Like a straight sword, it separates heaven and earth.

The blue energy beam, shining thousands of miles away, penetrates the void and collapses the heaven and earth. It is on the earth that everyone can see the bright light.

"Hiss!"This shot, even if Chen fan are slightly color change.

The highest scientific and technological crystallization of the Mayan people is really terrifying. Even the golden elixir can't bear it. No wonder it can kill the real God. However, Kunpeng was so fast that he could not hit the main gun of Titan.

"Boom! Boom! Boom

Next, aldrin fired three shots in a row.

Every shot was extremely powerful. One of them even touched the moon and cut a mountain ten thousand meters high into two. But Chen Fan was haunted by ghosts, and every time he was very close.

On the contrary, chen fan from time to time a claw, a wing hit, to break the ten or twenty layers of energy shield.

"Big hole!"

Chen Fan once again used this magic power, black and white power of mixed hole, covering his left wing, chen fan a wing across the sky, successively cut dozens of layers of energy cover, bang bang on the Titan battle castle.

Even the super warship could not withstand Chen Fan's attack.

On the battle fort covered with metal, there was a crack hundreds of meters long, like a long knife.


Aldrin was furious.

His whole person, from inside to outside, bloomed a bright light, like a big ship's energy core, and the electric current as thick as a boa constrictor flowed from Aldrin into the battle castle. At this moment, the whole ship of Titan battle Castle seemed to be resurrected. Huge pieces of black metal began to combine and deform, and finally the whole square battle fort turned into a metal giant ten thousand meters high.

"I grass, transformers?"

Through space telescopes, people watching the war in real time are all open mouthed.

"This is the highest technology of the Maya, the real Titan! In order to compete with the true gods or heavenly kings of other races, we Maya have developed a super warrior. "

Calm returned to Goering's face, and confidence reignited in his eyes.

Adelin has the title of God killer among the Mayans, and his fighting power can be ranked in the forefront. In Gelin's view, even if he is not Chen Fan's opponent, he can open five or five times. As long as Adelin does not die and escapes back, the Mayans will make a comeback sooner or later.

"Chen beixuan, you wait. When more fleets of our family come across the universe, I want you and the whole earth to turn into powder."

He sneered to himself.


Chen Fan snorted coldly.

Titan's ten kilometer long and gigantic battle fort, if operated by hand alone, needs at least 100000 people, and 100000 people obviously can't be united as one. Only in ordinary form, it takes 100000 yuan to change into form, and the operation is more complicated, more than a million yuan.

So the Mayan people, simply let a spiritual core of the cultivator, one person control.

The spirit of the God cultivator is strong, the body is weak, and the body of the Titan battle castle is strong, extremely heavy, and slow. The combination of the two, learning from each other's strong points and complementing each other's weak points, has greatly increased the combat power.

"There are also weapon refining sects in xiuxianjie, such as you. In those days, tianqizong once made a real dragon puppet to return to the void and control it. It's said that it can rival the real immortal. Unfortunately, "Chen Fan sneered:

" this kind of instrument is not as good as its own strength. Let me break you! "

With that, chen fan jumped up again.

Aldrin also steers the Titan, with one punch.


They are like ancient beasts fighting in the starry sky.

One side is Kunpeng's Dharma prime minister, and the other is a top-level spiritual cultivator. He drives a super warship, and it's hard to fight. All the way from space to the moon, he destroys mountains, smashes huge holes, and even falls into craters.


Chen Fan looks up to the sky and sings.

A pair of Peng claws, sharper than the sharpest sword, can easily penetrate the energy shield, leaving deep visible bone scars on Titan's metal armor.

And Titan never retreated. In his hand, he sent out a ten mile long electric whip, like an electric dragon flying across the sky. With each blow, he pulled out a few kilometers of cracks on the ground and pumped it on Chen fan, which made Chen Fan stagger. Kunpeng's body enlarged into a Divine Body, which was hard to carry.

Fight to the end.

After all, chen fan is more powerful.


Chen fan is mad with blood.

He was full of cyan and gold, and his magic power was driven to the extreme. There were two huge whirlpools of black and white behind him.

This black-and-white vortex, like a round of black sun and a round of white sun, is suspended in the void, which contains terrible suction. Then with Chen Fan's movement, the two vortices merge into a huge mixed hole. Chen fan drives the mixed hole and rushes up directly. Mixed hole pressure, instant pressure Titan click click, every piece of metal can not bear the heavy load, bang as sound.

Chen Fan bathed in the power of the mixed cave, directly extended his claws, like a bean curd, into Titan's armor, tore off its armor hundreds of meters thick, and Shengsheng captured Adelin from the inside of the battle fort.


Edrin screamed.

As soon as his body goes into space, it explodes and turns into a blood dance, leaving only a blue soul floating in the universe. Chen fan holds it tightly and can't escape.And the huge Titan battle fort, after losing its master, fell directly from space and hit the moon, which made a huge noise, and the whole moon trembled.

Chen fan holds Adelin in one claw and steps on the wreckage of Titan with one claw. His wings spread out and he looks up to the sky and roars like an ancient beast.

A scene in the depths of the universe deeply shocked everyone.

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