Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 811


Kunpeng wings open, full of thousands of meters long, such as a mountain down, tearing the atmosphere, soaring in the sky. At that moment, countless people looked up and saw the animal shining with cyan and gold, which was as beautiful as gold.

"Welcome Chen Zhenjun."

Under the Dongshan mountain, there is a sea of people. Half of the Chinese warriors and high-level people gather here.

At this time, the mountain had been renamed "beiqiong mountain" and was classified as a private forbidden area of beiqiong school by the state. No one was allowed to enter without permission. Here, too, has become a holy land for those who want to practice martial arts and Taoism all over the world.

Tens of thousands of people bow down together, and the sound waves soar to the sky.

Chen Fan collects Kunpeng's Dharma and looks like a boy in black. Chen Huai'an, Wang Xiaoyun, Fang Qiong, etc. have already welcomed them. In the middle of the period, chen fan also saw the pretty face of Princess Xu Rong.

"Xiao Fan."



Looking at the familiar faces, chen fan smiles: "fortunately, I'm back."

This sentence directly made Anya cry.

Chen Huaian nodded, very pleased: "just come back, did not give us Chen shame."

Many of beiqiong's disciples looked at him with admiration. In their eyes, chen fan is no longer a mortal, but a God, an immortal and a saint. Come down to earth and save the world.

Next, after entering beiqiongge.

Governments around the world, together with many large consortia, have sent people to pay homage. Countless luxury cars, airplanes and helicopters are packed with parking lots outside the mountain.

Jincheng citizens and you Rong Yan:

"see, the beiqiong school and the Chen family are from Jincheng. Even when the British Prime Minister and Japanese ministers arrived at beiqiongshan, they had to walk up and receive notice. Which city in the world can compare with Jincheng? New York and London are bullshit. "

Nowadays, the greatest pleasure of millions of people in Jincheng is to discuss the beiqiong school. Those who are related to Chen fan are worth hundreds of times immediately.

Jincheng business school, because chen fan had studied in it for one year, was directly promoted to a key university and a world-famous university by the state.

The business school president laughs and sleeps.

The Department of biology of Jincheng university has become a world-famous scientific research center because of Chen Fan's development of the life essence liquid. Every year, many Nobel Prize winners hope to come here and join Chen Fan's laboratory.

Such as Tang Yuanqing and Qiao Luoying, with the help of Chen Fan's friendship, they have become important figures in Jincheng.

Today, countless people flock to Jincheng every day, hoping to join beiqiong school and learn from Chen Zhenjun's invincible power. Every parent even started to report martial arts, inner alchemy and refining gas classes to their children since childhood.

The world is changing because of Chen fan.


when Chen fan comes back, he will get together with his relatives and friends first.

It's natural for you to ask questions about the star wars. It was a thrilling battle. People can only watch it through space telescopes. Most of the time, the image is blurred and they can't see it clearly.

When Chen Fan gave a detailed introduction, everyone took a cold breath.

"So the Mayan fleet has hundreds of inborn, five true gods, and one strong one?" Even Chen Huaian was shocked.

Only Chen Huaian, Hua Yunfeng and Xie Yan are present. Fang Qiong and a Xiu, who hold Lingbao, can also compete with congenitally. But even an ordinary warship of the Mayan fleet may not have been able to fight.

At this time, everyone knew that Chen Fan's fighting was dangerous and his eyes were more worried.

"Don't worry. I've been hurt a little, but I've recovered a long time ago. In the past five months, I have been interrogating each other's brain, Adelin, and refining my magic weapon by the way. "

Chen Fan said with a smile.

On the moon, the power of the sun is strong. Chen Fan took the opportunity to refine the five elements yuanci divine seal again and let it absorb the power of Taiyin. The more powerful the yuanci divine light is.

"The deicider, edrin?"

Ah Xiu's eyes brightened.

Ge Lin was captured by Hua Yunfeng and others who arrived later, and now he is imprisoned in the depth of beiqiongge. This is the last Mayan. He has enough technology to raise the earth for 300 years. Naturally, people learned from him where Adrien was.

"Not bad."

Chen Fan stretched out his hand.

A blue light appeared in Chen Fan's hand. When they looked at it carefully, they found that it was a hexagonal prism, in which a soul was sleeping. It was Adelin.

"This is a strong man who kills the real God. Now it's in the hands of others. "

Chen Huai'an looks at Chen Fan deeply. If the boy is not his own grandson, I'm afraid Chen Huai'an will have to be in awe. Even now, he has a little respect for Chen fan, which is respect for power.

"Since there is the first Maya fleet, will there be the second fleet and the Third Fleet coming to earth?"

Fang Qiong frowned and worried.

"This one won't. I searched the soul. Mayazu is far away from the earth. Even if the space fleet flies, it will take ten years at the fastest. In fact, it's normal to delay for 20 or 30 years. Plus messaging delays. The next time the Mayan fleet comes, it may be 50 years later. And 50 years later, I'll be a yuan baby. "Chen Fan comforts with a smile.

Just like the difference between inborn and Jindan, there is also a huge gap between Jindan and Yuanying. Chen Fan raised his hand and could destroy the whole fleet with one finger.

"That's good, that's good."

The crowd was relieved.

Next, in addition to receiving visits from leaders of various countries, chen fan rarely reunited with his family for a short time. Fang Qiong, in particular, separated after their newlyweds and met again, hoping to get tired of being together every day.

On that day, chen fan was sitting in a reclining chair, lazily basking in the sun. Anya, dressed in an embroidered Qipao, kneels down on the side with a waterfall of green silk. She pulls away the litchi with her slender jade finger and delivers it to his mouth. Chen fan just needs to open his mouth. He looks like an old man.

Ah Xiu came up to report:

"teacher, the president of the United States wants to apologize to you. He has been waiting outside beiqiongshan."

"The president of the United States?" Chen Fan raised his eyelids. "Keep him waiting. Don't let him into the mountain gate without my permission."


Ah Xiu nodded.

Wearing a Taoist robe, she was absent-minded and reading the Taoist Scriptures. She looked like a little Taoist. She couldn't help laughing: "President McCann is nearly 80 years old. You still let him be in the middle of the cold wind. What if he gets sick?"

Since chen fan came back, Princess Xu Rong has been staying in beiqiong. She is Wang Xiaoyun's daughter. She has an affair with Chen fan, and no one dares to chase her. On the contrary, ah Xiu, Yu Wenjing and others are little fans of the national goddess.

"In the past three years, the United States has not relied on the power of Goering to commit many things in the world and betray mankind. All this, of course, is not what McCann did, but it has something to do with him. It's nothing to keep him waiting for a few days. "

Chen Fan said calmly, glancing sideways at the long legged nun:

"on the contrary, it's you. If you don't recite the nine turn Dan Jing in three days, I won't suck your ass. Xiao Qiong and sister ya have been in the sea for a long time, but you are still building the foundation. "

Princess Xu Rong blushed and lowered her head to Nuo: "it's late, and it's boring. What else do I need to do with my brother's protection? "

"You, you."

Chen Fan shook his head. "Let's not say whether I can protect you forever. A mortal's life is only a hundred years old. Even if there are pills to prolong his life, he can live two or three hundred years at most. If you don't build the golden elixir, I will still be here after a hundred or a thousand years, but you will be dead in the grave. Do you want that scene? Not to mention that in a hundred years, you will grow old. "

When Chen Fan said this, everyone around him was shocked.

Fang Qiong used to snicker beside her, but she was still thinking.

It's very difficult for these girls in their 20s and 30s to make them think of things thousands of years later. However, chen fan once experienced it, and with the growth of his cultivation, he may be shut down for decades. Naturally, he thought deeply.

"Brother, I see."

"You can rest assured that I will catch up with sister Ya and sister Qiong," she said

Fang Qiong, who was beside her, heard something out of her voice, and her beautiful eyes showed a trace of sadness: "Xiaofan, are you going to leave us?"

The crowd was shocked by the words.

Countless eyes, immediately look.

Chen Fan nodded and said, "yes, I may leave the earth soon. Now the aura of the earth is not enough to support me to continue my cultivation. Only when I find the real Xiuxian star can I break through the golden elixir. "

The women were silent.

In particular, Xu Rong Fei and a Xiu are the youngest, tearful and reluctant.

"Are you going to take a spaceship to the Mayan ancestral star?" Fang Qiong was puzzled.

"That road is too far. The stars are killing all over the world. I will not go this way unless I have to. " Chen Fan shook his head.

Even the golden elixir is like dust in the universe. Without the help of warships, Jindan may not be able to fly out of the solar system for a hundred years, let alone star trek? Yuanying is also powerless in the universe. Only when he steps into the spirit and achieves the great power, can he travel across the stars.

"Which way is that? "The gate of the sea of blood, the sacred road of the golden people, or the ancestral road of the demon people under the dragon pool?" People ask questions.

On earth, there are several ways to leave.

Each Jedi secret place represents a way to leave this star. But the end of these routes is not the best choice for Chen fan. No matter the blood clan, the wolf clan, the Guangming clan or the golden clan, they are all alien. They are certainly not as suitable for Chen Fan's practice as the human immortal world at the end of the heavenly road.

"Don't worry about all this. I'll choose it."

Chen Fan calmly said: "before I leave, I will arrange everything to leave enough information for beiqiong to suppress the whole star. There is no need to be afraid even if there are real gods and immortals

People can only nod.

A sense of urgency surged into everyone's heart. Even the lazy Princess Xu Rongfei began to practice every day and cherish every moment with Chen fan.

Soon, time went by.

A shocking news came out that the gate of buried immortal valley was opened, and all the immortals in the kunxu world returned to the world.It's getting closer and closer to Chen Fan's departure from the earth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!