Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 808

Under the gaze of billions of earth people and many Maya strongmen.

Chen Fan rushed into the warships and began to kill. The Kunpeng Dharma phase, which is ten thousand meters high, is like an adult entering a kindergarten. Every wing and every paw has the power of ten thousand soldiers. If you rub it, you will die, and if you touch it, you will get hurt. Those Mayan warships that can rival a secret place and Lingbao are totally vulnerable in front of Chen fan.


Chen fan has a radius of several hundred meters, just like ten football field sized Peng claws, grabbing a rebel warship.

Despite the pyramidal bombardment of energy cannons, chen fan did not move. Every plume of Kunpeng's body is stronger than the hardest armor. Even if the nuclear bomb bombards it, it can't move a cent.


Chen Fan gently tore his claws, just like a piece of bread, tearing the 1000 meter long Mayan warship into two pieces.

The warships were broken, and the Mayan strongmen, like headless flies, flew out of the warships. They are enveloped in blue light, and the silver spacesuit is more like mercury, which envelops them, so that they can survive in space for a short time. But if it is not a golden elixir, they will not be able to cross the universe physically. If there is no other warship to take over, these people will die in space sooner or later.


In the face of these ants, Chen Fangen didn't want to attack, just snorted.

The vast fluctuation instantly swept the square for several miles. Kunpeng's Dharma phase was a real yuan, which was several times of the ordinary gold elixir. Even if he just snorted, he would explode dozens of Maya strongmen in the air. Only the late born captain managed to escape, ran away like a rabbit, and did not dare to look back.

"You can't escape."

Chen Fan opened his mouth, the boundless terror suction appeared out of thin air.

Instantly the captain who escaped thousands of meters away was inhaled into his abdomen. Almost as soon as he fell into Kunpeng's belly, the late born strong man was refined by a supernatural power, without even half a second's support.

Chen Fan's Kunpeng Dharma phase, inspired by the cultivation of Ning Dan, is really terrible. It is anubis who will be swallowed by Chen fan here. Ordinary elixirs can't compete at all. What's more, these inborn strong ones?

"Bang bang."

Then, chen fan continued to kill.

A pyramid warship, he or blow up, or break up, or captured alive.

The Mayan strongmen who escaped from the warships just came out of the wolf's den and entered the tiger's den. In the vast space, their short legs can't escape the hand of Kunpeng who is famous for its speed.


A Mayan strongman fell.

These Mayan strongmen, at least, were born with early cultivation. In their own clan, they are all important upper class figures. The captains of the ships, as well as the glorious nobles, were among the members of the Mayan house of Lords. But in front of Chen fan, they are just like a weak mole ant, which can kill a large area with one scratch, one wing and one bite.

This is Chen Fan's real strength!

Three years ago, chen fan was able to fight the golden elixir and devour the quasi golden elixir predators in one gulp. Three years later, everyone can't imagine how terrible Chen Fan's accomplishments are.


To the end, chen fan simply engulfs the supernatural power directly.

A huge black hole suddenly emerged on the battlefield, covering a hundred miles, like a passage to the abyss of hell. The suction of infinite terror gushes out of the black hole. A warship, can't help, throw into the black hole. Only five battlecastles can stand still.

"Damn it, this human being damn it!"

Glades was about to crack.

each of these battleships is the essence of the first fleet, capable of crossing the universe and expedition to the earth, and is also the elite of the Maya. Now chen fan has been slaughtered, which makes his heart bleed.

"Kill! He must not be spared. "

The five envoys roared together.

Suddenly, five battle fortresses several kilometers long rushed to Chen Fan's boat at the same time. The shape of these battle fortresses is different from that of ordinary pyramid warships. They are like a giant eye floating in space. Maya people worship eyes and believe that any power is released through the pupil. So they make the most powerful battle fort look like eyes.

"Whoosh, whoosh."

The main gun roars!

Several tens of meters thick columns of white light bombarded chen fan. Each of them is comparable to the real God's strike.

This time, chen fan didn't dodge any more. He directly flapped his wings and turned into a sky knife to meet the five red pillars.

"Boom boom!"

The void bursts, the chaos churns, and heaven and earth shake at this moment.

What a terrible collision is the collision between the five gods and Chen fan? Space in that moment, instant tear. There are cracks hundreds of meters long, like a broken glass mirror. Then, a terrible light suddenly exploded, like a hundred hydrogen bombs exploding at the same time.

The energy is surging like a tsunami, instantly filling a hundred Li radius. Under the sea of light, the warships are like small sailboats in the waves, tossing and almost overturning.At this moment, billions of people on earth, looking up at the same time, can see a spectacle.

Next to the sun, there is another big day, slowly rising, double day and bright.

"This is the battle of the gods."

Many of the older generation are strong in martial arts, and their hands tremble.

It is Ye Qingcang, Chen Huaian, as well as the demon ancestors and other congenital strong, also silent. The battle in outer space has reached a level that they can't imagine at all. Let alone intervene. Once involved, I'm afraid that life and death are beyond their control.

"In just ten years, you have grown so strong. Chen beixuan, who are you?"

Ye Nantian bowed his head and sighed softly.

This idea reverberates in countless people's minds at the same time.

At this time, the battle in space continues. Chen Fan spread his wings and rushed out of the sea of light. He dashed into five battle fortresses.

The five God envoys, with cold faces, as the Viscount of glory and the high-level Maya people, have more than once controlled the battle fort and fought with the real gods of other nationalities, and they are not unfamiliar with this kind of battle. It's just that this time, the enemy is much stronger than ordinary gods.


Chen fan made a collision and directly flew a battle fort out.

His body is as big as a mountain. It is a battle fort several kilometers long, which can't be directly matched.

However, the other four battlecastles took the opportunity to attack and sent out a series of thick beams of energy. These fiery pillars of light are Kunpeng's Dharma phase, and they do not want to be rigidly connected.

In the void, the roaring sound bursts, shaking the space.

Five battle fortresses, cooperate tacit understanding, advance and retreat orderly. Coupled with the evacuation from the battlefield, the formation of dozens of warships, chen fan instantly fell into a bitter battle.

"Boom boom!"

There was a barrage of main guns.

The warships outside take advantage of the opportunity to interfere, and hundreds of Mayan inborn strongmen connect with each other in spirit, turning into a big net, sweeping the void, trying to entangle chen fan.


There are tens of thousands of meters of energy whip, stretching out from the five battle fort, winding to Chen fan. This blue whip, like a Thunder Dragon Dancing in the sky, turns into five long dragons, trying to bind chen fan.

"Like ants!"

Chen Fan gave a long cry.

The green gold awn on his body suddenly flourishes, turns into a peerless sword, cuts five electric dragons with a bang, tears the space, and rushes to a battle fort. Two giant ROC claws shine, and the green gold awn grabs the battle fort.

"Be careful!"

Yelled Giles.

But it's too late, just the crackling sound. It's protected around the battle fort. There are 20 layers of energy shields, which are broken one by one. It's like paper paste in front of the Peng claw that can tear the space.

"Go away."

It was Viscount Warbeck of glory who steered the ship.

Among the Mayans, Warbeck is famous for his fiery temper. He practises the secret method of "Xingji Lieyang". His mental power is like the burning sun, which can burn everything. Sure enough, I saw flames on the battle fort. The flame is composed of the purest blue electric awn, with great lethality.

Unfortunately, these blue flames are like drizzle to Chen fan.

Peng claw easily breaks open the energy shield and grasps on the burning sun battle fort. The sound of metal crowing was blocked. The metal outside the battle fort is forged with the hardest mysterious metal. Even the true God can't break it. It can be said that it is the strongest defense in the world.

But before Warbeck was happy, chen fan was stunned in his eyes and drank softly:

"big muddle hole technique!"

The boundless and terrifying power of chaos breaks out in the claw of the ROC, instantly tears the void, and turns the sun and the moon into holes. Chen Fan's claws, wrapped in the power of the hundong cave, plunge into the battle fort like tofu.


In the eyes of all the people.

As soon as Chen Fan's claws are torn, he will tear the burning sun battle fort several kilometers in size. Countless metals, wrecks and debris fell out of the battle fort. More of them were Maya strongmen, including Viscount Warbeck of glory. But they were all overtaken by Chen Fan and swallowed up.

At that moment, the sky and the earth, a dead silence.

Is it the Mayan strongmen who are shocked that Chen Fan destroyed the battle fort, which is known as the enemy of the true God?

But that's just the beginning.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

However, after seven or eight fingers, chen fan turned his wings into a magic sword, and cut the second battle fort into two pieces.

A minute later, chen fan ate the third battle castle. The magic power unfolded and Shengsheng swallowed it.

Three minutes later. Chen Fan's ten thousand meter high body, like a peerless sword, was cut down on the same day, cutting the void in half, and abruptly splitting the fourth battle fort, the flagship of the whole fleet.

All over the world, billions of people are silent.

In just a few minutes, chen fan broke four battle fortresses and killed four true gods. There's only the last griers left, still alive."It's impossible!"

Glaers looked at everything in front of him. He was so stupid and lost that he even forgot to run away.

"It's impossible for you, but for us, it's just a matter of raising our hands. Next life, remember, don't offend me With that, chen fan's eyes burst out three colored flames, turning them into a huge ball of fire, and refining glers and the last battle castle.

After all this, he kept on chasing.

Warships trying to escape were chased by Chen Fan in the void, and then either exploded or captured. Although dozens of warships are scattered, the vast space is Kunpeng's battlefield.

Each time Kunpeng FA Xiang flapped his wings, he flew a hundred miles away. Space in front of it, are paper paste, can be easily torn.

But between the fingers, chen fan cut down all the fleeing warships. The entire Mayan fleet, five glorious class battle fortresses, and 99 pyramid warships, are totally destroyed and will never survive!

See this scene.

In the sky and on the earth, everyone lost their voice, and Gelin turned into a sculpture. The whole person was frozen, his eyes were round, and he couldn't believe it.

Fierce and powerful, frightening space!

PS: the fourth more, call, finally finished, ask for the monthly ticket^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!