Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 807

As high as 100 feet, the golden God wheel, like the chariot of ancient gods, runs over the void and roars like thunder in winter.

It's the most powerful and pure boxing. With this fist technique, Zhenwu Xianzong is invincible in both vertical and horizontal directions. You have all kinds of magical powers and all kinds of Taoist skills. I'll break it with one fist.

"Turn on all the fire and kill him!"

Said glades, with an embarrassed face.

Other Mayan strongmen are also angry and turn their firepower to the maximum. All of a sudden, you can see the surface of hundreds of warships. When you hit again, you can see five thousand black and cold gun barrels. In addition, there were tens of thousands of energy guns before.

A single energy cannon does not pose a great threat to the innate world. However, when all the cannons are together, their power is quite different. It is not that one plus one equals two, but that they are superimposed on each other and turn up geometrically.

"Spiritual lock!"

"Fire control radar on."


Along with the mental network, the voice of glades is cold. All of a sudden, tens of thousands of energy cannons roared soundlessly at the same time. The brilliant blue light flashed on the top of a hundred warships, and then countless bright beams of light, like a sharp sword of divine punishment, cut through the sky and turned into a surging sea of light, completely drowning chen fan.

The scene of ten thousand cannons together is a scene that many Mayan strongmen have never seen.

"In those days, when I was fighting against the true gods of other nations, I used 7000 energy cannons. The so-called invincible God, who has survived for more than a thousand years, was torn to pieces by the energy cannon without even a millisecond, and even his soul was completely eliminated. I don't know how long this Chen beixuan can hold off? " Glades is very interested.

The Maya people around also smile.

In their opinion, ten true gods will be torn to pieces when ten thousand cannons are together, not to mention chen fan?

In fact, this bright sea of energy light is indeed extremely powerful. It's at least equivalent to ten ten million ton nuclear weapons, and it explodes at the same time. And the energy beam, according to the penetration, is far from the power of nuclear weapons.

But Chen Fan did not give in.

The Golden Wheel behind him is more and more brilliant.

Through the light, you can even see that on the wheel of God, there is a picture of a saint fighting. Those fighting saints include men and women, human race, dragon horn, and macaque like alien race. Some of them have simple appearance and foot on Dragon and snake. They seem to be the demons of ancient times. The divine wheel roars and turns. With each turn, the golden fist is more powerful. Even in the void, there are invisible blessings on Chen fan, which make him have the illusion of smashing heaven and earth.

After entering the ningdan period, this boxing technique finally shows its real power.


Chen Fan's fist is like opening the world.

All of a sudden, countless wide seas submerged the golden God wheel, and all of them gathered into a grand ocean of energy. Terrifying energy, even tearing the space apart.

However, no matter how strong these pillars of energy are, the Golden Wheel still shines, looming in a sea of blazing light, and never falls.

"Go on!"

The colder the glare of glades' eyes.

Tens of thousands of energy guns, fire again. This time, five brilliance class space battle fortresses also began to attack. The gun barrel at the entrance of a gate is dozens of times larger than that of an ordinary energy gun. It is black and long, with a length of 500 meters.

"God punishes the main gun!"

This is the main gun of the warship, which is known to be comparable to the spirit. Every blow is equivalent to the full force of the true God. The simultaneous bombardment of five main guns is equivalent to the joint efforts of five gods.

"This time, I'll see if you die!"

Many glorious nobles sneer.


A thick blue electric awn condenses on the battle fort. Finally, all the electric awns converge on the five main guns and turn into five white rainbow running through the heaven and earth!

The five white lights, like charcoal pen in the paper outline, straight out of five long lines.

Each one of them, through the void, makes the vacuum sound. It's too high energy level for the space to bear. There are dozens of people embracing the thick and thin God punishment cannon. It is like the hammer of the God of heaven falling down. In a flash, it crosses the void and hits Chen Fan hard.


I just heard a clear sound.

The golden God wheel can no longer support, that is, the so-called hard to pure, invincible Zhenwu divine fist, and can no longer support the joint attack of the five true gods, not to mention tens of thousands of energy cannons. Almost instantaneously, chen fan was drowned in the sea of light. The blazing sea of light, composed of the purest energy, is enough to wipe New York off the earth and sink an island country.

At that moment, the whole earth was dead.

It is countless people who have captured this scene through satellites and space telescopes. In an instant, their heart goes up to their voice, and their body and soul seem to be frozen.

Chen fan is the last hope of mankind. If even he is defeated, then mankind will be doomed.


At this moment, even Hua Yunfeng, who is the most confident, can't help losing face.

Wang Xiaoyun, Fang Qiong, Anya and others hold the hands of the people around them, and their hearts are like falling into the abyss."Chen beixuan is dead."

Gladys just smiles.

Suddenly I heard a song like a dragon or a bird. There is no air in space to transmit sound. But this sound, but clear in all people's spirits.

A scene suddenly appeared in everyone's mind.

In the boundless ocean, which is even more vast than the Milky way, and is filled with countless chaotic breath, a giant Kun, which is too huge to imagine, leaps from the ocean and suddenly turns into a strange giant bird. The bird's wings are down enough to cover a galaxy. Millions of stars, in front of it, like bullets.

Every time the giant bird flapped its wings, it would travel through different galaxies, and even travel all over the world.


They could not help but read out the name of the giant bird.

Then, in the vast sea of energy light, a group of cyan gold God awn suddenly leaped out, and the God awn dispersed, showing a Kunpeng Dharma statue as high as 10000 meters. This Kunpeng, though not seen in the illusions of many people, is as huge as a galaxy. But it is ten kilometers long with open wings, twice as big as five fortresses, and ten times larger than ordinary warships.

"This... This is?"

At this moment, not only human beings, but also many strong Maya people were shocked.


Kun Peng looks up to the sky and sings.

The terrible energy wave, released from Kunpeng's mouth, instantly turned into a turbulent wave, sweeping the whole void. The space warships several kilometers away were all shaken by the impact. Almost all of them could hear Kunpeng's anger from the sound.

Chen fan is really angry.

This battle is the hardest since his rebirth. The opponent is more powerful than Yuntian emperor and Yunxiao Zhenjun. Every battle fort is equivalent to a true God. Every warship is comparable to a secret place. The five true gods practiced in hundreds of secret places. Even Chen Fan couldn't carry it. He was almost beaten and had no fighting power. He was even forced out of Kunpeng's Dharma.

After entering ningdan.

The twelve day work chart begins to show its divine power. Kunpeng FA Xiang is Chen Fan's mace, second only to Lei Ze FA Xiang and Wu Lei Shen Yin. He was going to stay in Tianlu and hunt predators, but he didn't expect to use it now.

"Well, let's see how terrifying the predator really stands at the top of the universe."

Chen Fan's eyes are as cool as the eyes of Kunpeng in a small lake, and even more entangled by countless flames. This cyan gold Kun Peng, with its cloud wings flapping and its body as big as a mountain, swished into a green gold streamer and rushed to the Maya fleet with an incredible degree.

Chen Fan feels it.

The appearance of Kunpeng method resonates with countless energies in the whole space. All over him, every cell, every acupoint was cheering. Obviously, Kunpeng belongs to the universe. For Kunpeng, the earth he was on before was just like a tiger entering the corral. He couldn't exert his real fighting power at all.


Streamer across the sky, such as a bright comet, with unparalleled power, ran to the Mayan fleet. The mighty power, such as Giles, was also appalled.

"Fire with all your strength, stop it!"

Glades roared.

Although the Mayans are deep in the universe, they often fight with all kinds of cosmic life and kill many cosmic monsters that are comparable to the true gods. However, such as Kunpeng is so huge, and so fast, it is unheard of. Glers had a hunch that once it got close, something big would happen.

"Whoosh, whoosh."

Tens of thousands of energy guns, fire again.

After ten kilometers, columns of energy rush to Chen fan.

In the eyes of the people, chen fan directly opened his mouth, a huge black vortex emerged out of thin air. This vortex shrouds a circle of ten miles, like a black hole, quietly swallowing tens of thousands of energy beams.


All the strong Maya were stunned.

That's comparable to the power of ten ten million ton nuclear bombs. Who can swallow it? Are you not afraid to burst your stomach?

But they don't know that Kunpeng is the most powerful beast. With their natural powers, they have unlimited space in their bodies. They can swallow objects several times or even dozens of times larger than their body size. A few nuclear bombs are nothing.


Five main cannons, as thick as pillars of heaven, followed.

This time, chen fan didn't make a hard connection. He directly tore the void with his claws, and the whole person suddenly escaped into the space. Five main cannons, which were as good as the real God's attack, were defeated in an instant. Then, the next moment, chen fan across the distance of 10 kilometers, suddenly appeared in front of the Mayan fleet.


Glades and others face crazy change, will warn.

But it's too late. Chen Fan's left wing is like a sword. He suddenly cuts a kilometer long warship into two pieces. The five layer energy shield is a mysterious metal armor that can carry the real God's attack. It is as crisp as paper in front of Kunpeng.

Then, chen fan grabs out his two Peng claws and takes two pyramids in his hands, crushing them. Then, in a flash, he smashed several Mayan warships one after another.The Mayan warship, the size of a mountain, is like a chicken at the foot of a giant in front of kunpengfa.

Chen fan is like an eagle rushing into a flock of chickens!

Don't be!

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