Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 806

"How can it be? How can he go into space if he doesn't come true? "

All the people in Gelin were silly, staring at the sky.

It's not just him, it's all humans. No matter how strong the earth immortals were before, they would eventually dominate the earth. That thin atmosphere, like a natural moat, will all the strong, stop in the stars.

This is the first time in thousands of years that someone has stepped out of the earth on their own.

In the desolate and dead space.

On one side are the Mayan warships coming from the moon to block the sky. Each of them is three or four times the size of the aircraft carrier, especially the first five. They are several kilometers long, just like Mount Tai floating in the ocean. On the other side, there was only one.

The man was burning with golden flame, like a scorching sun rising in the sky, just across the earth and the fleet.

This scene is deeply imprinted in the hearts of countless people on earth.

"Who is he?"

In the Mayan fleet, a man standing in the leading flagship, his eyes narrowed slightly and looked at the screen in surprise. In this person's eyes, like two bright blue lightning, in high-speed rotation, abundant to the extreme mental power, almost spilled out, only half a step away from condensing the spiritual core.

His chest, there are two stars juxtaposed, representing his status, higher than Goering, is a glorious viscount.

Giles, deputy commander of the Mayan first fleet, captain of the Arlington.

"To be able to cross the universe physically is the sign of the true God. I didn't expect that this star had been declining for thousands of years, and there was a real God. " Glades was amazed.

"According to the news from the nock star, this man should be the strongest of the human race on earth, a cultivator named Chen beixuan. His strength is very strange. Although he did not become an immortal, he could kill anubis, the God of death. "

Said the assistant.

The communication of these Mayans is not based on language, but purely spiritual communication. The whole fleet, are condensed in a mental network, all information, instant exchange, everyone knows.

"This earth man, is he going to fight against our entire fleet with his own strength?" Glades is funny.

"No matter who he is, directly crush and crush the last hope of the earth people."

Another Viscount of glory yelled.

In the Mayan fleet, the most important one is the deicider Adelin, followed by the five glorious Viscount, and finally the ordinary glorious aristocrat and many people.

The glorious Viscount, such as Giles, respectively controls several kilometers of glorious battle fortresses with strong strength. They are honored as God envoys, and can forcefully shake the real God. In Adelin's absence, all decisions were made by the five ministers.

"What if it's the real God? It's not like I haven't killed anyone. "

The eyes of many Maya strongmen are cold.

In the cold universe, the two are getting closer and closer. In the end, it's only ten kilometers away. In space, it's almost a hand to hand fight, face to face.


Many warships above, a piece of armor raised, showing a door energy gun.

Every warship has dozens of energy guns aimed at chen fan. A hundred warships are thousands of cannons. Once the gun is fired, thousands of guns are fired at the same time, which is enough to kill a real God.

"Human beings."

"Surrender, or die!"

The surging spirit of Maya people reverberates in space. Hundreds of congenital Maya people spoke together, and the spiritual fluctuation swept the whole void like a vast ocean.

Several satellites, right near this area, were instantly involved and torn to pieces.

The muzzle of the gun was cold and pointed at chen fan.

At this moment, billions of people around the world hold their breath at the same time. No matter how powerful the master is, he shudders. One Mayan warship can fight in the enemy's secret land, not to mention hundreds? If the true God comes here, he will be disgraced.

Chen Huai'an, ye Qingcang, etc., all face as heavy as water, nervously looking at the screen. This battle in outer space, no one can intervene, can only rely on Chen fan.

"Bang Dang!"

Chen Fan didn't reply at all. He just stretched out his hand and pulled out a bright golden sword from the void. This sword is composed of countless small runes. It is extremely sharp. Once it appears, the space can't bear it. Cracks appeared beside the blade.

True martial arts sword!

Chen fanning's Dan period cultivation is the driving force of this Zhenwu immortal sect. Its power is so terrible that it can shatter all the Lingbao.

Chen Fan did not speak, but his attitude has made everything clear.


Glades's eyes are cold. Direct order.


There was no sound in the void, but thousands of cold cannons, at the same time, condensed a fiery light, and then shot out suddenly. Tens of millions of bleak blue pillars of light, like arrows that break through the sky, point directly at chen fan.

Each of these energy cannons is close to the strike of a priori monk. Tens of millions of cannons add up, which means thousands of priori strongmen attack at the same time. The power is so powerful that the void bursts and the sun and moon are broken. In the universe, there are only ten thousand arrows left. Even on the ground of 5000 kilometers, countless people can look up and see the bright light in the sky, just like a meteor shower.The speed of the energy gun is very fast, close to the speed of light. Even chen fan can't avoid it.

But Chen Fangen didn't hide. He just pulled his sword to the void and drew a perfect golden sword field.

"In the realm of true martial law, no invasion is allowed."

Once upon a time, chen fan took the building of foundation as his main task, and he joined hands with dozens of magicians in Shengu to attack. Now his mana is comparable to the golden elixir. How terrible is it when he shows it again?


In space, a bright golden halo appears directly.

This halo, as long as 100 Zhang, like a big sun hanging in the air. In this aura, all vitality, all energy and all magic are frozen, as if they have become their own realm, beyond the world.

"Bang bang."

In the blink of an eye, countless energy beams hit the sword area. The bright fireworks burst in the void and turned into the purest energy fluctuation.

Three hundred, five hundred, eight hundred...

Chen Fan blocked the bombardment of thousands of energy cannons in a row, and the real martial law field was finally unable to support and broke. More energy beams, like a blazing white sword, came straight in.


Boiling like the sea of gold blood, suddenly rose from Chen Fan's body, and then instantly turned into a bright blue jade and glass God light. A giant tree emerged behind chen fan, shrouded in chaos, and the air flow dropped.

The green emperor's eternal life is full of energy!

But the number of these energy cannons is too many. There are five thousand. The green emperor's immortal body and the chaos tree, which continuously blocked two thousand energy beams, were also forcibly broken. With a wail, the ten thousand meter high chaos tree was suddenly smashed back into the empty air, turned into a virtual shadow again, and suffered heavy damage.

The last two thousand pillars of light are like spears that pierce the sky. In front of them, there is no obstacle to drink Chen Fan's blood.

Many of the Mayans have already laughed.

"Without life, we can block the attack of the whole Mayan fleet by ourselves, even if it is the true God!" Glades was confident and determined.

At this time, chen fan gently raised his fist.

First, a thin layer of golden light appeared on him. Then, all the light gathered on Chen Fan's right hand. On his right hand, the brightest golden awn bloomed, incomparably pure, extremely strong, and seemed to crush everything.

He is shrouded in the golden awn, and a huge golden God wheel rises behind him, which is as delicate as the scorching sun dancing in the sky.

Zhenwu Shenquan!


Chen Fan's one punch is invincible.

The bright golden light burst out from him, tearing the void. And this glowing column of light, turned into a golden dragon, roared in space, smashed all the energy cannons, and finally crossed the sky, shooting out a huge black hole.

One punch, stop a thousand guns!

At that moment, all the Mayans were stunned, and the smile of victory on glades' face was frozen.

To everyone's surprise, chen fan actually survived the Mayan attack.

"Next, it's my turn."

In Chen Fan's eyes, the three color flames are burning, and his whole body is full of gold fireworks. The whole man turned into a chariot of the sun god, ran over the void, and rushed to the Mayan warship like a fearless warrior.

Although thousands of people, I go!

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