Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 805


As the highest aviation science and technology institution on earth, the Aviation Administration detects all abnormal conditions in the whole solar system all the year round. However, in the past decades, there has never been any problem except for the arrival of the nock star three years ago.

Some people even say that there are no aliens in the universe, only humans on earth.

"Lawrence, do you go to the bar after work? Chen beixuan finally wiped out those stupid bald Maya. Why don't you have a drink and celebrate? "

In the planetary Observatory office, rod holds a coffee shop.

Lawrence, with his feet on his desk, is watching Chen Fan's live broadcast on his iPhone. In front of him, there are many big screens. These screens, connected with many space telescopes, monitor all the movements in space all the time.

"Yes," Lawrence replied casually, looking out of the corner of his eye at a screen.

He was a little confused and felt that he saw something, so he turned his head again and looked at it carefully. But this eye, but let his soul cold, the whole person instantly frozen.

"Lawrence? What's the matter? "

Rod came over.

But Lawrence turned pale and looked at the screen, shaking all over. Rod was surprised and looked at it.

On the screen, which was supposed to be empty, there are many dots, just like space dust. If you look carefully, you will find that they are not dots at all, but space warships.


Rod's coffee cup fell and the tea scattered, but he didn't care at all. Instead, he shuddered and exclaimed, "Li... Report to NASA headquarters immediately, and... And the Department of national security. The enemy is coming

Almost at the same time.

The space inspection departments of Russia, Britain, France, China and other major powers in the world captured this magnificent space fleet at the same time. This Mayan fleet, flying from the back of the moon, was only discovered close at hand.

In an instant, the great powers were shaken together, and all the high-level officials were stunned.


Chen Fan looked at the sky with his hands behind his back and a gloomy face.

His eyes are glittering with gold, and his eyes are magical power from fire, which can break through the nine secluded places and view the sky. The atmosphere tens of kilometers high could not stop chen fan. He clearly saw that the pyramidal warships, flying in space, were coming towards the earth at a slow but steady speed.

One, two, three.

Ten, twenty, thirty...

dozens of hundreds of warships block the sky.

Each one is kilometers high, no less than the star xenock. Among them, the leading flagship ships are five kilometers in size, just like a space fortress. Their dark surface, shining cold metal luster, in front of these warships, it seems that the whole world will be flattened.

"Chen beixuan, you are being used by me from beginning to end."

"I have to thank you for destroying the Holy See and the sea people. Otherwise we'll have to do something. Although your strength is beyond our calculation, I thought you could step into a secret place or two at most, but it's ok now. Our fleet has arrived, Lord Aldrin has arrived, and you are dead. "

Goering laughed, his eyes full of irony.

In his view, when the Maya fleet arrived, the overall situation had been decided, and Chen Fan could not turn over.

With the help of Chen Fan's hand, it is a masterpiece of Gelin's life to level those secret places and let the earth people lose both sides.

Chen Fan's face is as deep as water. He doesn't say a word. He just looks at the void tightly.

"By the way, our family has been looking for the earth's position for a long time. It's only after encountering some old enemies in the universe that we have been delayed for so many years. Lord Aldrin sent me to earth first. Oh, I forgot to tell you that Lord Aldrin is the supreme commander of the fleet, a great God killer. " Ge Lin said with a faint smile:

"Chen beixuan, you may not know what the God killer is?"

"In my family, those who can win the title of" God killer "must kill a real God by hand!" His voice is soft, but like a giant hammer in everyone's ears.

Through the live broadcast, the earth people who watched this scene were panicked at the same time.

Although there is no sound in the satellite live broadcast, all TV stations have invited lip language experts to translate simultaneously. Countless netizens crazily posted on the Internet, and some even called to consult the government. Is what Gelin said true or false.

"Is there a space fleet?"

"False? We haven't seen it at all. Let's see what the government says. "

"I feel that GE Lin is bluffing, trying to cheat Chen Zhenjun and protect his life. There's no God killer, just like a mole ant. "

Many people leave optimistic comments.

But soon, some secret information came from the major astronomical research institutes and space observation institutions. The Maya fleet is so close that even ordinary astronomical telescopes can detect it. That is to say, the big powers want to hide it.

When those photos appear on the Internet.

All of a sudden, everyone was shocked. We did not expect that when the human race won a great victory, it would be turned upside down?Looking at the photos, dense, like locusts like small black spots. Countless people are silent. Every black spot represents a nork star class warship. One can conquer the United States, not to mention hundreds of warships?

"It's over. We humans are going to finish it."

"The end of the world is coming. I thought it would be 2012, but I didn't expect that four years later, rescue will not be able to escape."

"Mom, I don't want to die!"

Billions of people are cold and desperate.

No matter how optimistic they are, no matter how confident they are in human beings, they are also shivering and speechless. The Mayan fleet is so powerful that it is equivalent to hundreds of secret places. How can it be stopped? What's more, there are so-called God killers among them?



Chen Fan stepped on half of Ge Lin's body in the air.

Although Gelin is a spiritual thinker of ningdan level, in the universe, he is a spiritual cultivator, specializing in spirit. It's only half a step away from the perfect spiritual core. But his body is fragile, and he can't withstand Chen Fan's attack.

"You are afraid, Chen beixuan! The more cruel you are, the more you are afraid! You are afraid of our fleet. You are afraid that you will die. "

In spite of his flesh and blood, Goering was still mocking.

"I just think you are too much nonsense to listen to." Chen Fan said calmly.

At this time, the sound of didi rang out.

Chen fan is stunned. This is the voice of a special transmitter on his body. Before he left Dongshan, Zhuque gave him this transmitter, which is made of special alloy and is extremely strong. In any corner of the earth, it can be transmitted.

Chen Fan opens it, and Wang Xiaoyun's anxious figure immediately appears on the screen:

"Xiaofan, do you see those space warships? Come back quickly, let's all go to Yingzhou Island, or kunxu. It's too late... "

before Wang Xiaoyun finished talking, Chen Kexing crowded in and said seriously:

" Chen fan, don't listen to your mother, she's just too worried about you. You're an adult. It's up to you to decide what to do. "


Anya, a Xiu, Yu Wenjing, Xue Daisha, and even Princess Xu Rongfei's figure all appeared on the transmitter one after another. Although they are anxious, they all smile to encourage and support chen fan.

"Xiaofan, do it. We'll wait for you to come back."

Fang qiongmei's eyes are as soft as water.

In the end, it's the image of Ye Qingcang.

The Chinese marshal, with a serious face, said in a deep voice:

"General Chen, according to the information from NASA, the Maya fleet is only 380000 km away from us. At their current speed, they can reach the earth in three hours at most. "

"All our strategic forces have been mobilized. The rocket forces of the United States, Britain, France and Russia were also launched. They said that if it comes to the last moment, they will not hesitate to use all strategic nuclear weapons, but also destroy the Mayan fleet in space. Otherwise, once they enter the atmosphere, the whole human race will fall! "

I heard what ye Qingcang said.

All the people watching live are silent.

If these hundreds of warships invade the earth, they will not be able to resist with the current weakness of mankind. A large-scale deployment of nuclear weapons on land is tantamount to suicide. But in space, can we really defeat these aliens?

"Almost sure?"

Chen fan asked.

Ye Qingcang was stunned, and then said with a bitter smile: "only 15% of the scientists' analysis of the nork star's energy shield requires at least 10 million tons of nuclear weapons to break their energy shield, but no one knows whether it can threaten the warship itself. But ten million tons of nuclear weapons are only stored by the United States and Russia, which are rare in quantity and not enough for use at all. "

"But even if we don't have half a chance, we will fight to the end."

Ye Qingcang is determined.

Chen fan was silent.

Next, there is the report of rosefinch's expressionless face.

There are five five kilometer class battleships, ninety-nine nork star battleships, and it is estimated that there are hundreds of ordinary congenital Mayans. There are dozens of the most powerful and Unknown God killers.

Each of these figures makes the whole world shudder.

How powerful is this? It's enough to move mountains and fill the sea to level the sun and the moon. Ten earths together can not withstand such an attack. Compared with the Mayan fleet, the Holy See, the dragon pond and the golden people are all bullshit.

That is, the boundary of kunxu is far away.

"What to do?"

Countless people are in despair, countless people are in despair, and countless people are in panic.

The ten thousand nuclear weapons and tens of millions of troops stored by the five great powers can not bring a sense of protection to mankind at this time. In front of the Mayan fleet, which is armed to the teeth and ferocious to the extreme, it seems that all resistance is futile.

"We still have Chen Zhenjun! Zhenjun will protect us. "

I don't know who's shouting.


One, two, three.A thousand, a hundred, a thousand.

The eyes of billions of human beings are focused on Chen fan.

At this time, whether men and women, old and young, whether rich or poor, whether black or white, all hope to see Chen fan. Look at this time and again, the great power who saved the earth from the desperate situation.

"When he was in despair in China, he stood up and defeated Zhang Jia, smashing the alliance's plan to unify the East."

"It's him who, in the impossibility, flattens the dragon pool and subdues the demon ancestors."

"It was he who swept through the seven mysteries and regained the supremacy of the earth from the alien race."

"It's him..."

in just three years, heaven and earth have changed greatly, myths have come, and human beings have suffered countless sufferings and humiliations. By Chen Fan in a short period of half a month. At this time, chen fan is no longer a person. He embodies the expectation, sustenance and hope of countless people.

Under the gaze of the crowd.

Chen fan was silent.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes... I don't know how long later, chen fan didn't speak. He stood with his hands down and looked up at the sky. His face was as calm as water, just like a sculpture standing forever.

Over time.

The Mayan warships are getting closer and closer. Even in the end, their bodies can be captured with the naked eye, close to the atmosphere.

"We can't wait any longer, General Chen. The state has ordered that all nuclear bombs be launched, and they must be intercepted outside the atmosphere."

Ye Qingcang said anxiously.

Chen fan still did not speak.

Countless people began to be disappointed. Didn't even Chen beixuan, who was invincible, hope for the war? Many people even doubt whether Chen fan is ready to run away and hide in the kunxu area, so that human beings will suffer the disaster of extinction.

"Ha ha, Chen beixuan, don't make meaningless resistance any more."

"This fleet is just a part of our family. The real fleet, and Lord Adeline, are still in the moon base. What if you break them? Lord Adelin has personally killed the real gods of other races, and there is more than one, far more than the anubis you killed. " Goering laughed.

He said that.

All of a sudden, everyone fell into the abyss.

If the current invincible fleet is not the real strength of the Maya? How powerful is the Maya? How terrible is that Adelin who kills the real God repeatedly?

At this time, it was Ye Qingcang, who couldn't help showing a trace of despair in his eyes.

Human nuclear arsenals are only enough for one strike. If the Mayan fleet can not be completely destroyed, then the next thing waiting for human beings is destruction!

"Surrender. If you can surrender, our family will give you the title of" noble of honor "and let you join the upper Council. With your strength, your status in our family may be higher than mine. At that time, not only all your family members can be saved, but we can even make you the Lord of the earth and let you stay on this planet forever. "

Said Goering seductively.

There was a tremor in many people's hearts.

If this condition is established, ye Qingcang will be moved. Countless people looked at Chen Fan with worried eyes, afraid that he would surrender. If the strongest on earth all rebel, the last hope of mankind will also be shattered.

At this time, the whole world is calm, and everyone is waiting for Chen Fan's answer.

I don't know how long, maybe a moment, maybe a thousand years. When the Maya fleet overhead is close to the atmosphere. Chen Fan suddenly laughed.

He laughs heartily, hugs his belly and bends down,

"just a master of the earth, he wants to buy me off. You are too shallow of Maya As Chen Fan smiles, his eyes become colder and colder. In the end, he looks like a cold wind for thousands of years.

"What do you mean?"

Goering's face froze.

"I mean, you think you want to conquer the earth, human beings and Chen beixuan with just a fleet! It's like sliding in the world. "

Chen fan stopped laughing and straightened up slowly.

At this moment, in the eyes of the public, he suddenly changed. If we say that Chen Fan before, although powerful, but still gives people a touch. Now, he's like a peerless sword.

A sword out, light cold nineteen States!

"I'm a powerful human, how can I surrender! Today, let's see how the immortals of our human race can cross the universe and cross the world! "

With that, chen fan soared to the sky.

He was burning gold flame, like a golden meteor, from the ground, straight to the sky, air launched bullfight, shaking the world.

Ten kilometers, one hundred kilometers, one thousand kilometers... Chen Fan didn't stop. Finally, in the eyes of everyone, in the eyes of Gelin, chen fan rushed out of the atmosphere and came to space.

He stood up like the sun.

In front of him was the vast universe and hundreds of fierce warships.

Sword out of sheath!

PS: this chapter is 4300 words, which can be divided into two chapters. The author will not split it up, and will continue to write the second one^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!