Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 804

In more than three years after Chen Fan left the earth, in addition to the great changes in heaven and earth and the seclusion of the world, an alien warship landed in the United States. However, different from the secret place, this warship is extremely low-key, and most of the outsiders do not know its existence.

If Chen Fan's biggest worry is not the holy see or the sea people, but the Mayan warship.

"According to the news from the wise leader, the Mayans are still deep in the stars and should not be able to reach the earth for decades. Where does this warship come from? Is there only one, or is there a fleet? " Chen Fan frowned lightly.

If it's just one, chen fan doesn't care.

But if a large-scale Mayan fleet comes, it will be totally different. The earth may be in a desperate situation in an instant. With the current Earth Science and technology, the Mayan crossing the universe can never be stopped.

"No matter. Go straight in and catch them. The leader will know when he asks."

With a wave of Chen Fan's long sleeve, the power of terror condenses in the air. This pyramid is thousands of meters tall, twice as high as the wise man's warship before, but now chen fan is more than ten times stronger than three years ago?


Black clouds came and shrouded dozens of miles around, and thunderlights turned the sky into a sea of thunder. These thunder lights are of five colors, red, yellow, green, white and black. They are brewing in the thunder sea. You can even see the blue or white thunder dragons, tens of feet long, jumping in the thunder sea.

"The great five elements destroy god thunder!"

After his cultivation entered the period of Ning Dan, chen fan was able to use the unique skill of the five elements immortal sect freely.

At this time, he waved to attract thunder and lightning, natural and easy, how can he fight as hard as before.

"Sir, please stop."

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded.

Prick, prick.

Thick blue currents emerge on the top of the pyramid. The whole pyramid seems to be activated at this time. It suddenly lights up and turns into a bright electric light fortress. Then, a huge body suddenly appears above the pyramid.

This figure is a bust of a middle-aged man.

He has a bald head and a silver coat. His skin is as thin as paper. You can see the light blue blood vessels inside. His eyes are as bright as sapphire. There is a star painted on his chest. He is the leader of the warship and the glorious nobleman of the Mayan nationality.

"Dear Oriental strongman, I'm captain of the NOK star, member of the Mayan Parliament. We have no grudge. Why did you attack the NOK star?"

Goering bowed slightly.

This is obviously not his real body, but his mental power is projected on the outside through some kind of device, but every move must be visible, which is clearer than the most high-definition blockbuster.

At this time, many satellites have been staring at chen fan, many people are still watching in front of the screen, see Ge Lin, suddenly surprised.

This is the first time we see aliens, naturally surprised.

"The Maya people encouraged the major secret areas to besiege me. In the past few years, they have sent people to attack beiqiong and Huaxia secretly. You are also instructing me. Do you think I don't know all this?" Chen Fan sneered.

He had already got the truth from the foreign gods.

Originally, the Holy See, the Hai clan and the beiqiong sect didn't hate each other so much. Besides, it's not clear whether Chen fan is alive or dead. They can wait until the news of Chen Fan's death comes, and the fierce beasts in the grottoes should not be born so soon to attack China, but they all come.

It's obvious that someone is behind all this.

"Slander, we are the glorious citizens of the Mayan Republic, and I am also a member of the Parliament and a glorious aristocrat. How can we do such a mean thing? What you said is pure slander. Please take it back immediately."

Ge Linyi's righteous words.

"Whether it's true or not, I will know when I break the warship, catch you and search your soul."

Chen Fan's eyes are like the abyss, calming down.

Thunder in the sky, more and more roaring, a lightning rapid condensation, gradually formed a huge five color thunder ball. In the blazing thunder ball, full of terrible energy, like a nuclear bomb, enough to destroy everything.

"Since you insist on fighting against the Maya, please remember that once the war begins, you and the earth will not be able to bear the consequences!"

Goering threatened.

Chen Fan didn't answer at all. He just waved his sleeve.


Thunder balls fall directly from the air. Five colors of thunder and lightning intertwine with each other in the thunder balls. In the process of flying, they constantly absorb the surging energy of thunder system between heaven and earth, and finally turn into the size of a house and smash on the pyramid.


Within a few kilometers, it was instantly engulfed by five colors of thunder light. Taking the pyramid as the center, all the plants, trees, stones and so on were twisted into pieces by the thunder light. These thunder lights were not even satisfied. They quickly spread in all directions and turned into a sea of five colors within a few miles.

Through the live broadcast by satellite, everyone who saw this scene was frightened.

It's as powerful as a nuclear weapon! There are even big countries that directly calculate that it has a power of at least 500000 tons in terms of the quantity of ammunition, and this is just a hit by Chen fan."Hoo Hoo."

The five colors of thunder light dispersed, and the scene gradually appeared.

Within a few miles, all the trees and rocks have been turned into fragments, and even the ground is scorched yellow. Even the soil has been almost refined into crystals. There is only a pyramid of one kilometer high, still towering, with a layer of blue energy shield to guard it firmly.

"Chen beixuan, Noke star is the latest warship of our family. Is it the old warship that you broke thousands of years ago

Goering sneered.

Many Mayans also laugh scornfully.


Chen Fan snorted, his eyes slightly angry.

This time, he finally used his real strength. In the sky, five colored thunder pillars came down, crossed each other in midair, and instantly turned into a chaotic thunder pillar that looked like black but not black and white but not white. This black-and-white thunder pillar was thick and thin enough for five people to embrace, full of the atmosphere of destruction.

This is the real "great five elements extinction God thunder". Before, it was just the ordinary five elements God thunder.

"Pull out the shield with all your strength!"

At this time, it is the Song Lin also face a dignified.

Show me.

Thick blue electric dragons rise from the dark pyramid and merge into the energy hood. Then, the second, third and fourth energy hoods emerge one after another.

In the end, there were five layers.

This nork star has five layers of energy shield, far better than the old warship of the wise.


But Chen Fan didn't care. His eyes were still cold and his hands were down.


The black-and-white thunder column bombarded the nock star, instantly broke the first layer of energy shield, and then broke the second and third layers. Finally, when it broke through the fourth layer, it was unable to follow. It just made the fifth layer of energy shield tremble slightly, and then it disappeared out of thin air.

"Well, Chen beixuan, you can't break the defense of nock star."

Gelin is in high spirits.

The reserve energy of nock star is sufficient, and the five layer energy shield is almost recovered.

"Is it?"

Chen fan light smile, he waved his sleeve again.

This time, the thunder sea, a hundred miles around, was a sensation. Countless thunder rays converged and finally turned into five hundreds of feet long thick thunder dragons. These five colored thunder dragons intertwined with each other and finally condensed into a black and white thunder pillar that made the world tremble. This thunder pillar was nearly twice as thick as before, and ten people could not embrace it.

At this time, it is the Song Lin can not help changing color.

They didn't expect that Chen fan still had some spare power.


The thunder column, like a divine punishment, plummeted down and smashed on the Mayan warship. Suddenly, the sky and the earth lost their voice. The billions of people who watched the live broadcast only felt that their eyes were white and full of bright thunder.

The American people hundreds of kilometers away saw an amazing scene.

A huge mushroom cloud rises out of thin air, thousands of meters high. The earth trembles, the rocks collapse, the lake boils like an earthquake, and the glass of countless houses around it is all broken.

When the smoke and dust dispersed, everyone was stunned.

The 20 Li square with the center of the nock star turns into a flat environment. The ground drops several meters, smooth as a mirror, and all objects disappear, as if a circle appeared out of thin air on the ground.

"I'm afraid it's comparable to tens of millions of tons of nuclear weapons."

Countless generals shudder.

If the former five elements thunder was only a tactical nuclear weapon, now it is the last weapon to destroy the city and the country.

Even the nock star could not withstand such an attack. The five layer energy shield burst in an instant. In the end, with the surface armor strong enough to cross the space, it was stiff enough to resist Chen Fan's attack. But how terrible was the extinction thunder? Even those mysterious metals couldn't support themselves. Tiny cracks appeared on them.


Chen Fan negative hand, another thunder column in the air.

"Damn it."

Gelin's face was ugly, and he didn't dare to accept it again.

The whole warship rose directly from the ground and rose into the air. A powerful energy gun extended out of the pyramid. There were thousands of them, attacking Chen Fan crazily.

This new type of warship obviously eliminated the backward electromagnetic guns and replaced them with more powerful energy guns.

But Chen Fan didn't care at all. He stepped on the void, and his whole body was shining with blue light. When the energy beam hit him ten feet away, it was blocked by the body protecting God. At this time, chen fan's body was perfect, and he could not be hurt by nuclear weapons, let alone the energy cannon?

"Boom boom!"

Thunder pillars and energy whips meet in the sky and the earth, making a thunderous sound.

Despite its bulky size, the nock satellite is extremely flexible, and its speed can be increased to five times the speed of sound. It fought with Chen Fan and walked along the Grand Canyon of the United States, fighting all the way to the deep desert in the middle of the country.

Both of them are like the battle of destroying demons. Each blow is comparable to nuclear weapons. Within thousands of miles, many large pits have been left, and each pit is like a small lake. If it were not for the no man's land in this area, tens of millions of people would have died.Although the nock star is strong, it can't hold chen fan.

In the end, chen fan blows it down from the air. Then, chen fan inserts his hands into the warship's armor like a sword, tears it, tears a huge hole in the surface of the warship, and grabs Gelin out of it.

"Now, what else do you have to say?"

Chen fan, with both hands on his back, stands in the sky, overlooking the Maya nobles at his feet.

At this time, Gelin was in a mess. His silver spacesuit was also stained with dust. His surging spirit was even more crushed by Chen Fansheng.

However, a triumphant smile appeared on Ge Lin's face. His eyes looked at chen fan like dead people:

"Chen beixuan, you are late... They are coming!"

Chen fan was stunned, then suddenly looked up and looked into the sky.

Tiny black spots appear in the sky. Those black spots are hundreds of millions of kilometers away in space, which can't be seen by ordinary people. Only space telescopes can capture them.

But in Chen Fan's eyes, it was a warship as big as a mountain, with a large number of locusts and close to the earth.


on April 29, 2016, the Mayan fleet finally arrived on earth after a hundred years of space flight.

Human beings are in a desperate situation in an instant!

PS: the fourth more, ask for the monthly ticket^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!