Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 803

The Vatican has been trampled out!

Countless people saw with their own eyes that Chen Fan tore the void and stormed into the holy cemetery. The last seven or eight descendants of the Guangming clan, led by the silver winged angels, surrendered to mankind.

Then, the satellites captured the traces of large-scale fighting.

Those battles broke out over Eastern Europe, North Africa and the Atlantic Ocean. Judging from the scale of the battle, it is obvious that the fight is at the level of the strongest, but it will be closed as soon as it is launched. When they were all at a loss, news came that the leader of wolf God and the king of gold had fallen.

This time, the earth is completely shudder.

All the foreign people are like turtles with shrunken heads. They are frightened and silent, and no one dares to speak.

"It's terrible. How can there be such a strong man in the world? Even in ancient times, he was famous and invincible. " Many of the gods who hide in secret places and do not go to the Vatican are pale.

Two hundred gods, four most powerful, one true God.

This kind of lineup is enough to push the earth, even if tens of millions of troops can't stop it. No great power can be annihilated without nuclear deterrence. Put in the universe, can conquer a star.

But Chen Fan was killed alone.

"I finally know how the teacher subdued kunxu? No matter how many immortals there are? I can't stop the teacher at all. " Hua Yunfeng smiles bitterly.

Ah Xiu, Xue Daisha and others have turned their eyes into stars.

"Fight, fight. The teachers have blown up those gods. Next, it's time for us to clean up the earth thoroughly and wipe out all the mysteries. "

Ah Xiu called with a small fist.

Beiqiong people are equally enthusiastic. Chen Fan's battle was so successful that it was unprecedented. As long as they are observers, they will be very excited and wish they could not replace them with their bodies.

"Tell all the disciples of beiqiong, including the troops of Southeast Asia Dragon hall, that it's time to launch a general attack on those alien races."

Fang Qiong gets up.

Her beautiful eyes were shining. The moon essence wheel is boiling all over the body, turning into a bright moon.

Chen Huai'an, Hua Yunfeng, Xie Yan and others also burst into laughter and burst into the air of earthly immortals, piercing the sky and shooting at the bullfight. All the people, including Kunlun, were inspired to fight. Ye Qingcang cut off the railway:

"Kunlun will take part in this battle, join hands with beiqiong, and fight to the end."

With an order.

The troops of beiqiong and Kunlun, located in various parts of the East, began to move out. Over the past few years, beiqiong's disciples have spread all over East Asia, especially the Chinese troops in Southeast Asia. They have 100000 soldiers. After forming a war and arming them to the teeth, they are enough to hunt down immortals.

Behind Kunlun, there are two million troops in China.

When they started, all countries in the world woke up and began to work.

All of a sudden, those who still stay in the secular alien, down bad luck. They thought that they were still human beings, but they were descendants of gods. They didn't like these mortals in their eyes.

But today, ordinary people, who are usually low browed, turn into tigers and rush up to bite them.

"Boom, boom!"

All over the world, I don't know how many battles have broken out.

There are even great powers that, at all costs, directly put in nuclear weapons to wipe out alien gods from the earth. But all this has nothing to do with Chen fan. He is still chasing those escaping gods.


A strong man of the golden race with a bull head is flying over the rainforest of South America in a hurry. While flying at high speed, he looks back with a face full of panic.

It's called Minos. It's a Minotaur. In many myths, Minos is a famous evil god. But now, this evil god is like a rabbit.

"Hoo, here we are at last."

At this time, an ancient Golden Temple appeared in front of Minos.

Minos face, can not help but show a trace of survival of the smile. It has always been cunning. When death fell, it felt wrong and ran away. In the Atlantic Ocean, chen fan, who witnessed the killing of the king of gold, had already been scared out of his wits. He fled desperately and finally fled back to his old nest.

"The Golden Temple of my family is automatically integrated. When I go back, I order them to immediately close the gate, completely close the secret place, and never have an accident again. This Chen beixuan is too terrible. How can the earth give birth to such a strong man? It's just vicious. "

Minos said with hatred:

"and the Mayan bastards, if they didn't instigate them. How can we find the devil's trouble, and the king of the tribe won't fall... "

as he was saying this, a clear voice came out of his ear:

" eh, all these are the ghosts of the Maya? "

Hearing this sound, Minos suddenly froze. His huge ox head turned around like a machine. Then he saw Chen Fan with both hands on his back, standing not far behind him, looking at it with a smile.

"Spare my life..."

before Minos said this, an illusory tree trunk suddenly came out of the space and penetrated it. The strong inborn body is like paper paste in front of the tree trunk.Almost between the fingers, all the essence of Minos was sucked up, and the whole person burst into pieces out of thin air, turning into a dance of light.

"Well, I wanted to take it back as a doorman. In the story, aren't Minotaurs all labyrinth gatekeepers? " Chen fan had no choice but to smile.

He didn't want to use it.

The immortal body of the Qing emperor is certainly strong, and the virtual shadow of the chaotic tree can be even more powerful. But Chen Fan didn't expect that the chaotic tree would never be taken back once it was born. Instead, it thrived and competed with Chen Fan for the flesh and blood of the gods.

Fortunately, most of the branches of the tree go deep into the void to absorb the power of space storm and other dimensions.

"It is said that Taigu Qingdi was bred from this world tree. Some people even suspect that the world tree was cut off by the Taigu Qingdi himself, so as to cut off the past and become an immortal. But now it seems that even if these creatures fall down for hundreds of millions of years, there is still a trace of spiritual consciousness scattered in the universe. As long as someone practices the corresponding skills, one day it will be able to reappear in the world again. "

Chen Fan thought.

However, if you want to reappear the true power of the chaos tree, I'm afraid you have to wait for Chen fan to step into the path of harmony, or even to pass the robbery. That may be hundreds or even thousands of years later. Chen fan is too lazy to think so far.

In a flash, he rushed out to the ancient temple of the golden people.

"Who offends the golden people?"

Some left behind gods rushed out of the ancient temple and stopped chen fan.

But Chen Fan did not pay attention to it at all. He waved it directly and shook it into a bloody dance in the air. Then, chen fan released the chaos tree. The ten thousand meter high Chuangshi tree rose from behind him, turned into infinite green light, and suddenly fell on the ancient Golden Temple.

"Buzz, buzz!"

The bright golden awn rises from the ancient temple.

This temple is a powerful spiritual treasure. It even breeds gods. Otherwise, it will not protect the golden people for thousands of years. And if it is a temple, it is not a huge golden city.

But all this is useless in front of chaos tree.

"Click, click."

Countless roots, like dragons and dragons, stretch out from the chaos tree. They pierce the void, ignore the golden awn, and go directly to the temple. Then they begin to absorb the power of the golden temple.

The golden people see a spectacle.

A ten thousand meter high sacred tree stands between heaven and earth and grows on the temple. However, as the glory of the sacred tree became more and more bright, the golden light of the Golden Temple gradually faded. Finally, the whole golden temple and many golden people turned into smoke and dust.

At this time, chaos tree just like full, whoosh back behind chen fan.

Chen Fan vaguely felt that it seemed to condense a little bit, and gradually transformed from virtual shadow to reality.

"I'll go to the end. I won't really revive the chaos tree. It's the first sacred tree in the world. It's said that it can create all worlds. " Chen Fan looks strange.

After stepping down the golden people, chen fan kept on running.

Magic Dragon Valley, wolf ancestral land, Nordic giant nest, Egyptian god of death temple...

one by one secret Jedi were eradicated by Chen Fansheng. The gods left behind either plead, surrender or rebel. But Chen Fan did not leave a hand, all flat.

That day.

The gods howled and the other people screamed.

The whole earth is caught in a bloody storm. I don't know how many gods have fallen, or how many alien races have been flattened. The treasures accumulated by other people for thousands of years have gradually fallen into Chen Fan's hands.

In the end, except for the sea city, which is low in the Atlantic Ocean, it disappeared out of thin air, and all the secret places were flattened by him. Even the super fierce beasts in the grottoes were slaughtered by Chen fan. Chen Fan bathed in God's blood, fierce and powerful, completely deterred the whole world.

Both opponents and human beings are shocked by his toughness.

"After today, there will be no gods on earth. If there are, it's Chen beixuan!"

Someone sighed.

Sword sweeps China seven days and nights!


and just when everyone was shocked, chen fan had come to the depths of the United States.

At his feet is a towering Black Pyramid with a length of more than 1000 meters. It is the warship of the ancient Maya.

"It's just you!"

Chen Fan's eyes were cold.

PS: the third shift is here. I'd like to ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket. Today there are four shifts. The author continues to write^_ ^ , the fastest update of the webnovel!