Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 802


Black air, like a dragon, rose from anubis and rushed to all directions. Every black Qi is the terrible dead Qi it has accumulated for thousands of years. Now, with the collapse of the real God, it has been unable to control and overflows between heaven and earth.

Anubis raised his head to the sky and let out an unwilling howl, then exploded and turned into light and rain.

This invincible true God fell in front of the public.

Billions of human beings have witnessed this scene through live broadcast. Whether ordinary people or exotic gods, there is a trace of sadness in their hearts. Thousands of years of suffering, thousands of years of practice, thousands of years of experience, are now turned into a piece of loess.

But this sentimental fleeting, more eyes, fell on Chen fan, fell on the mighty, vertical and horizontal arrogant young man!

"Even the true God fell into his hands. Who else can defeat him?"

Sighed the discerner.

Many forums, post bars and microblogs are boiling at the moment. All kinds of messages are like a rain curtain, which almost burst the server. We were frightened, but we didn't expect chen fan to be so brave.

"It's the most powerful man of our race to kill the real God by one person in the secret world!"

"Magnificent, Chen Tianren... No, it's Chen Zhenjun!"

"Chen Zhenjun is powerful!"

Countless people automatically replace Chen Fan's title.

In the East, in ancient times, celestial beings were honored as the real king, which means "the same king with the world" will not die out for thousands of years. Although Chen fan is not a celestial being, he kills the real God with his bare hands. What is not the real king?

In beiqiong.

Chen Huaian, Wang Xiaoyun and others also breathed a sigh of relief.

This war is extremely dangerous, and it's a near death. Put any of them in it, they will die. No one thought that anubis would recover and suddenly appear. But Chen Fan finally broke the game.

"The overall situation has been decided. After this war, the earth should respect us as human beings!"

Ye Qingcang caresses his beard with a long smile.

Laoqinglong, Zhuque, etc. are more dazzling. To be exact, they regard Huaxia and beiqiong as their respect. They looked at Bei Qiong with a trace of respect.

In the United States, in the Black Pyramid.

Many of the strong people of the ancient Maya are looking ugly on the screen.

"This group of rubbish, the leader has taught them the way, and let anubis return to the peak. I didn't expect that even a mere human can't deal with it, and that anubis, who has been good at fighting for thousands of years, is known as the true God? How could it fall into the hands of mortals

A man in Silver said angrily.

"I don't blame them. It seems that we underestimated Chen beixuan. This human body, shrouded in mystery. The last divine skill he used was not found in the database of our family. It seems that he did not inherit the lineage of ancient immortals. Is it from another source? "

The leading man shook his head.

He is quite different from other Mayans. His appearance is slightly mature, and his eyes are almost turned into two sapphires. That is the sign that his mental power is condensed to the extreme, almost like substance, and is about to condense into the core of his mental power. And in his chest, there is a six pointed star icon.

This is the symbol of aristocracy in the Mayan people.

His name is Golin. He is a glorious aristocrat, a member of the Mayan people's Congress. He is in the upper Parliament and has a high status. He can discuss with many elders and ministers.

"But fortunately, it didn't go beyond expectation." Song Lin light way.

At this time, many Maya people have calmed down their anger. They all smile in their eyes. Looking down at Chen Fan on the screen is like watching a grasshopper dying after autumn.


after the fall of death.

All the alien gods are turned into sculptures.

"How is that possible?"

I can't believe it.

The magic dragon Dahaka screamed, turned around and ran away. There was no master of the Jedi. The master of ningdan period was as dignified as a lost dog. The pope also changed his face and said:

"back to the holy city!"

Since their killer anubis is dead, chen fan's next target is obviously them.

Many gods wake up like a dream. The saints and angels retreated to the holy city one after another. Other foreign gods also wanted to follow them, but it was too late. Chen Fan: the chaos tree behind Chen Fan's shock.


Countless chaotic air currents, turning into blue swords, hang down from the air, like ten thousand arrows. Each sword is as good as Lingbao's one strike, which can kill congenital.

Suddenly, there was a shower of blood in the sky.

On the spot, dozens of gods were killed by Chen fanlingkong. As for the battle of the sea people, they were killed and wounded. The sea warriors in the realm of transformation and divinity, who could withstand the attack of the chaos tree, died when they were rubbed by the sword and hurt when they were next to each other. In the end, almost all the troops were annihilated, and only the king of gold, the sea emperor and other strong ones rushed out.

Other gods either fall or escape into the holy city of the Holy See.


Chen Fan didn't take care of those people who ran away, but stepped forward and split them.The bright divine light burst out from the palm of his hand. The void was split by him and turned into a huge crack hundreds of feet long. Instead of stopping, the crack spread to the holy city.

Let the holy light and auspicious spirit rise from many churches, and the virtual shadows of countless angels rise from the walls and floors of the holy city, but they can not stop the attack of smashing the void.


The whole holy city was directly split in two by Chen fan.

The earth was torn apart, and countless Holy See clergy were torn to pieces by the terrible space storm. Church after church, broken in the storm, to the end, the ancient Vatican City, was flattened.


Many people take a breath.

Chen fan has been invincible since he emerged as the emperor of the Qing Dynasty.

"So that's his real strength." The demon ancestor bowed his head and his eyes were full of fear.

Only an ancient strongman like it knows the horror of the holy city of the Holy See. As the center of faith in the whole world, the holy city has accumulated the power of faith for thousands of years. Every brick and wall is immortal. It has turned into an unbreakable fortress, which can resist the bombardment of the true God, but even chen fan can't stop it.

"Smash the vacuum, smash the vacuum, this is the legendary power of the emperor!"

Many surrendering spirits, their faces are like earth.

According to the ancient legend, there was a heavenly king in the East. He was a figure above the true God, who could tear the heaven and the earth, break the void, and walk ten thousand miles at a time. It can crush mountains and rivers, flatten the earth, remove mountains and overturn the sea, catch stars and get the moon. But it's just a legend. Unexpectedly, this power appears in Chen fan.

Chen fan does not know these.

After he broke the holy city, he didn't find the figure of the Pope and others. Chen Fan was not surprised and said with a sneer:

"do you think you can escape my attack by hiding in the small world? It's too young. "

Chen Fan's eyes are shining with gold.

In the golden pupil of Lihuo, everything around disappears quickly. Even the ocean of vitality shrinks gradually. Finally, I see through the space and see a bubble like world floating in the storm of infinite space.

It's the holy cemetery.

It is said that the holy land where the gods suffer is the last card of the Holy See.

Although the area of this cemetery is far less than that of kunxu, it is full of mysterious aura. The holy light is as strong as rain. It is a burial ground that can bury the congenital, so that they can still recover after thousands of years.

For nature and even most of the elixirs, the small world is a natural moat. Few people can travel between the two realms unless they step into the realm of heaven. Like kunxu, once the gate of immortality is closed, it will be isolated from the world.

But at this time, chen fan stretched out his hands to the void.


Space is broken.

A passage, unexpectedly opened by Chen fan out of thin air, this is the earth, the other is the holy light of the cemetery. Through this hole, we can see the look of horror of the Pope and others.


The Vatican roared in despair.

The Pope's face was dignified, his body was full of holy light, and the whole holy cemetery was inspired. He tried to mobilize the power of the world, trying to close the passage. But Chen fan behind the chaos tree, stretch out the branches, to support the void, the whole channel to stabilize.

Then, chen fan stepped into the holy cemetery. Dozens of saints and angels hiding in the cemetery, as well as the Pope and others, all appeared in front of Chen fan.

"Bang bang."

A magic, crazy hit.

There are even "rulings" by the Pope. This time, he used the power of the whole holy cemetery, far more powerful than before, almost comparable to the golden elixir strike. But all of this is like a local chicken in front of Chen fan.

Chen fanru, the God of war, came and killed one person with each step.

Whether the other party is an ancient holy man, a powerful Alien God, or a noble angel of light. Under Chen Fan's hand, they are like ants. In the end, chen fan uses the power of swallowing, opens a huge black vortex, swallowing and refining all these gods, turning them into pure real yuan, ready to take them back to alchemy.

"Blasphemers, die!"

The Pope is about to split.

His hair and beard turned white, and countless white lights poured out of him like needles. Finally, the Pope was engulfed by the holy light. Bright pillars of light burst up in the holy sepulchre. The power of the whole world was stimulated and turned into a holy cross sword with the size of hundreds of feet. It fell from the sky and cleaved to Chen fan.

In the face of this pope burning himself, enough to rival the golden elixir.

Chen fan just clenched his fist, hit it with one punch, and burst the cross lightsaber. Although the power of the holy sepulchre garden is strong, the Pope is not the golden elixir after all, and can not be really mobilized.

Seeing the death of the Pope, the rest of the saints and angels fell to their knees in despair.

After Chen Fanping arrived at the Holy See, he continued to pursue other secret places.

Five minutes later, chen fan caught up with the slowest wolf and killed them all.Ten minutes later, the magic dragon Dhaka fell in Eastern Europe and became a blood pill.

Half an hour later, gu'ao, the king of gold, was killed by Chen Fan on the Atlantic Ocean, and his blood was drawn out by Chen fan. Finally, only Haihuang escaped into the deep ocean, and did not dare to step into the land.

Within one day, chen fan even stepped on seven mysteries, sweeping all the gods and alien races. The news spread, and the earth shuddered! , the fastest update of the webnovel!