Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 801


The realm of death, which is full of soul and dead spirit, covers thousands of square feet.

It looks like an oval gray ball from the outside, and it trembles at this time. Then, in the eyes of the people, a towering tree shining green sprouts and grows in the field. The field that claims to be able to control a world has nothing to do with this big tree. We can only watch it, through the field, more and more tall, and finally tens of thousands of meters high.

This huge tree is shrouded in the chaotic air flow, and it has blue breath. Every breath seems to be able to kill an inborn, extremely tall, world by world, which is propped up on its branches and evolves into heaven.

"What's this?"

Countless people are stunned, even gu'ao and others are confused.

"This... This is a bit like the chaos tree at the beginning of the universe in legend..." in the Holy See, a silver winged angel with silver armour and silver beard stammered.

"It is said that this is the root of nature, the mother tree of the world, which breeds countless worlds, but it has been cut off by the ancient strong before many ages. How can it be here? " The silver winged angel's eyes were wide open, as if he could not believe it.

But at this time, the situation in the field has changed abruptly.

As soon as the tree of chaos appeared, it would drop down its radiance. As soon as those terrible souls of death came into contact with the tree, they were quickly purified and turned into fertilizer under the root of the tree.

And a figure enveloped in blue light slowly appeared from the divine realm.

Chen fan is white in clothes and white in hair. His eyes are blazing. From his bones to his internal organs and muscles, all of them radiate a bright blue jade light. The light is as strong as it is, like a diamond rock, and eternal. Countless death divinities are entangled in the blue light, just like the tide on the reef, which can't be shaken at all.

"What is your magic power?"

Anubis's Scarlet eyes shrank slightly, and a trace of fear flashed by.

"It's not a magic power, it's the purest power!"

Chen Fan's voice is like sapphire, extremely cold. As he speaks, he gently earns his body shape, as if to break free from some shackles.


Like the sound of a thousand feet of tsunami, it rings in Chen Fan's body. The grand green light, like a huge curtain, turns into a pillar of light that runs through the heaven and the earth. Like the sword of the gods, it suddenly breaks the realm of death. The pillar of light runs across the sky, and Shengsheng splits the field in two.

As soon as we start, we will break through the field.

At this time, chen fan is like an invincible God standing in the sky and earth. Every move can shake the stars. Just like thin paper, it can't limit him.

"Damn it."

Anubis's face changed.

However, it is worthy of being the Egyptian god of death. It has accumulated for thousands of years and has many cards. I saw Goutou man suddenly, with a golden scepter inlaid on the top of the scepter, and a huge ruby, whizzing out a red light.

This light cuts through the void like the sharpest laser, splitting the space in two.

In the void, black cracks appear.

"Be careful, it's the light of death."

Gu Ao's face changed greatly, and they gave in one after another, not daring to touch a trace.

This is the legend, the God of death to lead the spirit of light. Any life, once touched, will collapse and disintegrate. Even those who are strong in the golden elixir do not want to be infected.


But Chen Fan stood in the same place and did not dodge.

That can make the real God decay. As soon as he enters Chen Fan's room, he collides with the bright blue light outside him, and suddenly makes a piercing sound, just like cutting a steel column at high speed.


Although the light of death is strong, the blue light comes in layers, which makes it impossible for the light of death to go deep, so it can only move forward at the speed of tortoise. With the present posture, it is three days and three nights, and Chen Fan's body can not be hurt.

Great body, no invasion!

"Not good."

Anubis's face suddenly changed and he wanted to step back.

But it was too late. Chen Fan stretched out a pair of hands that were as crystal clear as jade, like glazed tiles, and pulled them into the void.


The void, like a piece of paper, is pulled out of a hole by Chen fan. He stepped out in one step and appeared in front of anubis. A blow to the head.


Anubis raised his Scepter in time.

The fist shining with sapphire and glass smacks on the golden scepter, making a sound like a bell. Then anubis, like a shell, smashed into the ground in an instant, making a huge hole in the ground. Some of the people who didn't have time to dodge were wiped by anubis and turned into minced meat on the spot.

Chen fan was powerful and unforgiving. He directly stepped on heaven and earth and rushed down from the air, turning into a green rainbow and slamming it on the ground.


In the eyes of the people, the ground trembled like a big hammer, smacking on the ground. Even a mountain peak can be flattened. Although anubis was a true God and strong in flesh, he could not bear such an attack and bled on the spot."Bang bang."

Chen Fan once close, merciless, boxing to the meat.

Although he is small and weak, he looks like a child in front of the three meter high anubis, but each punch carries a powerful force, beating anubis, so that he can't fight back. The blue and black light burst out at the joint of the fist and palm. It was the God of death who was fighting back, but still couldn't carry it.

Anubis' blood gushed, his bones were broken, his five internal organs were cracked, and he was seriously injured in an instant. Chen Fan's strength hit the ground, and even caused waves of earthquakes. Hundreds of miles away, you can feel the ground shaking.

"Too strong, too strong."

Billions of people around the world.

It's a real God, the God of death who once shocked the Egyptian River Valley, and was beaten by Chen fan. In particular, many gods of different races could not believe it. They rubbed their eyes and thought they were wrong.

God is invincible!

No strong man in the realm of God can be against the true God. This is the iron law. Why did he make a mistake today?


Anubis, who had been beaten and donated blood, roared wildly. He was a true God. He had been worshipped by hundreds of millions of people. How could he be humiliated today.


Anubis suddenly became black, and his body soared, and finally turned into a hundred meters high, just like a giant. The terrible breath of death stirred around it, more powerful than before.

This true God has begun to exert all his strength.

But it's no use at all. Chen Fan's figure is agile, like a green dragon dancing in the air. He hits anubis on the head with a hook fist, smashing half of his face. His huge body suddenly smashes out, pulling out a thousand meter long gap on the ground.

"Sure enough, it's a golden elixir. It's much better than that fake dragon. But how many punches do you want to block me?"

Chen Fan sneered and rushed up again.

Chen Fan's body is shaking in the void. Every step he takes, he tears the void and shuttles through the space. He is haunted and can't be captured at all. Anubis tried to fight back. He waved his claws and shot scarlet rays in his eyes. He even raised his golden scepter to sweep all directions, but it did not hurt chen fan at all.

In the end, chen fan smashed the vacuum and smashed half of its body.

Countless people were staring at this scene.

Even Koo, the Pope and others were speechless. From the beginning to the end, chen fan is like beating a child. He has death in his hands, and he has no power to fight back.


Anubis roared, bathed in divine blood, and his eyes went crazy.

It spits out ancient syllables, like the whispers of the gods. A huge shadow gradually emerged from behind. The shadow shrouded in the darkness, extremely evil, as if climbing out of hell. Every syllable that anubis utters, his breath fades, his dark fur turns white and his face grows old. Obviously, this access control technique does great harm to it.

"This is the legendary call to the gods. Anubis is calling the real gods. That is the existence of great power in the universe, the sky and the universe. Thousands of years ago, anubis used this access control technique to tear apart a foreign enemy, which led to serious injury and deep sleep. "

Cried the silver winged angel.

It used to be a left-wing angel of the true God and was well-informed.

Many people's faces are not congealed and they feel wrong. The void hid in the darkness, only showing a pair of indifferent eyes overlooking all living beings. But even across the screen, countless people feel like they are facing the abyss.

The gods around the virtual shadow had retreated a few kilometers away, and at this time they also called back. Many Hai soldiers with weak accomplishments turn pale and their lives are deprived as soon as they step forward.

As soon as the virtual shadow appeared, the surrounding area turned into a gray field, and only gray and white remained between heaven and earth. This is the real realm of God, depriving everything, far stronger than the realm of anubis.

"It's just a magic call. If this God comes, I'll be afraid of three parts. What's a virtual shadow that isn't even part?"

Chen Fan sneered.

The gray breath around Chen Fan was immediately blocked by his body protecting green light. Emperor Qingdi's immortal body is a divine body. When he reaches the highest level of cultivation, he is no weaker than the real body of the God.


Just listen to Chen Fan stomp.

The ten thousand meter high chaos tree behind him even shook. Countless chaotic air currents fall from it, turning into a blue torrent, like the nine sky Milky way, rushing to the shadow of the dark god.


Under the erosion of these chaotic breath, the gray field is declining.

The ghost, which only lasted for a moment, was penetrated by the trunks of countless chaotic divine trees with an unwilling roar. Although virtual shadow still wants to be pricked, it is only a powerful projection. The follower of chaos tree is much more noble and powerful than it. It is the tree of creation that existed at the beginning of the world. How can it be the rival of chaos tree?


Finally, when the shadow trembles, it is torn by the chaos tree. Countless breath of death turns into nutrients and is absorbed by the tree.The whole gray field is broken in an instant.

Anubis let out a roar, and then the whole person was hit by Chen fan. Hundreds of meters of God body exploded, turned into countless black air currents, and flew away in all directions.

One hit.

Death anubis falls! , the fastest update of the webnovel!