Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 754

Murderer, Chen beixuan!

If the gatekeepers heard these six words a month ago, they would be confused. What do you mean, there's no end to the name, let's guess? We don't know whether Chen beixuan is fat or short, tall or thin, male or female.

But now.

This name is high above the Kun ruins. Where the sun shines, who knows the name of Chen fan? One person dominates one clan, the first person in kunxu. I don't know how many people are shocked by Chen Fan's name!

That's why people are so scared, I can't believe it!

"This... This is a coincidence. Maybe there is a Chen beixuan in the secular world."

After a long time, a goalkeeper was embarrassed to say.

But all the people around said nothing. Their faces were as deep as water, like sculptures.

In the secular world, there is Chen beixuan, who has boundless fighting power and can kill the leader of Tianlei. There was Chen beixuan in the kunxu area. He was invincible and defeated Qingxuan. But this Chen beixuan seems to have jumped out of the crack in the stone. He has no previous experience.

"That makes sense. He comes from the secular world, so shangzong can't find out his past. When we still want to go to the secular revenge, others have already broken into our Kun market... "

the old gatekeeper said with trembling hands.

They felt as if they knew a big secret. Once this secret is revealed, it will be enough to shake the whole kunxu ruins and make everyone surprised.

"It's a big, earth shaking event. I will go to Yuntian palace immediately and meet the Lord. "

The leader of the gatekeeper solemnly put away the token of divine knowledge, took off to escape, turned into a brilliant light, and hurried away.

Everyone else looked at each other and knew that a terrible storm was going to sweep the kunxu.


after rescuing Lu Yanxue, chen fan lives in the snow god palace. Although all the immortals in the snow god palace are looking forward to the evil spirit leaving, they dare not say anything against it.

Chen fanchi's power of shaking Lingbao really scared them.

"Is this all the ancient books of your snow temple?"

Chen Fan stood in front of a huge library with his hands behind his back. This library is the size of ten football fields, rows of shelves, tens of meters high, straight into the sky, filled with countless books. The books are made of paper, bamboo, jade, gold and so on. There are tens of millions of volumes.

"All the books in the snow temple that don't involve Kung Fu are in this secret Pavilion. It records all the historical processes and secrets from the beginning of kunxu to the present. There are often disciples who have no intention of discovering the treasure of their predecessors when they are turning books. "

Snow god palace Lord voice is cool way.

She was ten feet away from Chen fan. A half moon shaped light wheel floats and sinks above her head, and the cool moonlight hangs down to protect the snow god palace.

"Don't be afraid. Although the material of your Lingbao is good, it's not in my eyes. As for the shabby skills of the snow god palace, in my eyes, they are not half as important as these books. "

Chen Fanmu did not squint and his tone was indifferent.

Snow god palace master smell speech Dun anger, gas almost bite silver teeth.

But she couldn't help Chen fan. She could only force her face to smile and wish chen fan would leave early.


Chen Fan kneaded the formula and put up a golden thread on his forehead, just like the third eye. A bright golden column of light comes out of the golden thread. Chen fan turns the column of light and sweeps the bookshelves.

The golden pillar of light is composed of the purest ideas.

It's like laser scanning. It doesn't skim a bookshelf or the contents of hundreds of books on the bookshelf. It's instantly controlled by Chen fan. This kind of reading speed is more than a thousand times that of ordinary people, just like a computer.

This is the advantage of the cultivator. The stronger the cultivator's mind, the stronger the ability to read and process information. It can divide hundreds of millions of thoughts and deal with hundreds of millions of things at the same time, which is not inferior to the top optical brain computer. Although Chen Fan did not reach this level at this time, it was not difficult for him to read a hundred books.

"The middle ages, a hundred schools of thought, eight trigrams, anecdotes..."

the contents of an ancient book flow through Chen Fan's heart. The whole history of kunxu was gradually opened in front of Chen fan. At this time, chen fan knew the origin of the seven shangzongs, the changes of thousands of years, and the rise and fall of countless Tianjiao.

"But I'm not looking for them."

Chen Fan frowned slightly.

He has scanned most of the library, but still can't find what he wants.

"I've come to kunxu for three goals. Now I've accomplished two, and only the last one is left... To seek the way to heaven and leave the earth!" Chen Fan's eyes flashed, and the golden light column became more and more bright, speeding up the scanning speed.

He thought that the Lord of snow god palace, as the leader of shangzong, should know the news of Tianlu.

But I didn't think that the master of the snow god palace was ignorant. He knew more about the way of heaven than qianyexue, which also came from myths and legends. It is obvious that there has been no golden elixir for thousands of years, and the kunxu community has gradually forgotten about Tianlu."Even the patriarch didn't know that there was only a trace in those ancient books. If the snow temple can't find it, I'll put the major shangzongs one by one and go to the door to ask for their ancient books. I think they should be wise and dare not resist. "

As Chen Fan looked through it, he thought.

It's sudden.

He turned his head and looked in one direction. There was an ancient book of bone, which was placed in the third row of the bookshelf, covered with dust. It was obvious that no one had turned it over for countless years.

This is a travel note, which was left by the elder of the snow god palace in the early Dynasty. It records some things about his life and travels. The whole content of the book instantly came to Chen Fan's mind, especially one sentence, which made his pupils shrink.

"... the immortals of ancient times, after climbing the road to heaven, left the cloud heaven palace, guarded the gate of the road to heaven, and settled the kunxu...

this endless sentence, mixed in many scattered records, most people turned it over and didn't care at all. But for Chen fan, it's like a lighthouse in the dark.

"Is Yuntian palace responsible for guarding Tianlu gate?"

"So the way of heaven is in the cloud heaven palace?"

Chen Fan's eyes brightened gradually.

A few minutes later, another passage further strengthened Chen Fan's idea:

"after the celestial immortals left, in order to prevent foreign enemies from passing through the sky, they chased all the way to the other side of the starry sky. Yuntianjun was specially assigned to stay outside the Tianlu and build Tiangong to guard the Tianlu. If necessary, we can blow up the sky road, and we will never have trouble later. "

This is what a deputy leader of Yuntian palace revealed when chatting with a certain generation leader of Xueshen palace.

Obviously, the way of heaven is in the cloud heaven palace. The reason why Yuntian palace exists is to guard the way of heaven. But thousands of years later, the foreign enemy has not come. Yuntian palace gradually forgot its responsibility and became the first religion of kunxu. It began to regard itself as the Lord of kunxu.

"So it's time for me to go to Yuntian palace."

Chen fan takes back his mind and feels thoughtful.

But at this time is not urgent, Lu Yanxue these two years have been very hard, incomparably miss him. Seeing chen fan is like seeing relatives. Like a koala clinging to him without letting go.

Chen Fan felt sorry, so he stayed in the snow palace and accompanied the girls more.

In particular, the snow god palace is full of spirit, and there is such precious medicine as ice spirit snow lotus, which is very suitable for practice. And ah Xiu's accomplishments also need his guidance. All of a sudden snow fairy temple, but found that Chen Fan seems to rely on not to go.


just when Chen Fan lived in the snow god palace, had nothing to do with teasing his little apprentice and enjoying the beauty's service.

A shocking news suddenly spread.

"Chen fan is not a member of the kunxu community, but comes from the secular community. He came here to destroy the kunxu community!"

The news is too sensational. When it comes out, most people don't believe it and laugh it off. But as the news spread and intensified, many people began to doubt it.

After all, there are many doubts about Chen fan.

He seemed to jump out of the cracks in the stone. The first person to see Chen Fan was Qi's father and daughter. Before that, chen fan could not be found in the whole kunxu. He is a man of cultivation, like a gift from heaven. It is said that if you find a place to practice hard for decades, you can defeat Taoist master Qingxuan. Everyone doesn't believe it.

Many people doubt whether Chen Fan was the reincarnation of the Immortal King who just awakened recently.

This news has caused a great deal of controversy in the kunxu community. Countless people are divided into two groups: those who strongly support chen fan and those who oppose chen fan. Attacking each other, no one can convince anyone.

But at this time, an elder of Yuntian palace revealed.

They once sent a true disciple to the secular world. The last message sent back by the true disciple was only six words: "murderer, Chen beixuan!"

But Chen Fan was still unknown when he went to the secular world, so it was impossible to know him.

As soon as the elder of Yuntian Palace said this, the ruins of kunxu were shaken.

This is the testimony of the seven great masters to prove that the previous news is not groundless. Immediately after that, there was a flow of information from other previous religions. It is proved that this is true, because the guards of the immortal gate are from the great masters.

Many shangzong, at the same time, many people were shocked.

Is Chen Fan really a secular?

Even those who support chen fan are hesitant now. One clan may have framed chen fan, and all the upper clan members swear together to testify. Obviously, they have substantial evidence.

At this time, tianleizong came forward and said:

"please explain to Chen Shangxian. This matter concerns the safety of kunxu, especially the death of the Lord of Tianlei sect. If it turns out that Chen fan is innocent, Tianlei Zong would like to make an apology. "


Hunyuanmen, dashijiao, huotiangu... Many great religions, either the patriarch or the supreme elder, all asked chen fan to give a clear explanation and prove himself.

Even the Taoist master Qingxuan said:

"Chen Shangxian, as long as you tell us your origin, you can get rid of all the charges."

For a moment, countless eyes converge on the snow temple and Chen fan. The whole kunxu community held its breath, waiting for Chen Fan's answer. , the fastest update of the webnovel!