Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 755

When the outside world is in turmoil, the snow temple is also unstable.

Countless disciples of snow Temple sweep Chen Fan with wandering eyes. They have more doubts than outsiders. Chen fan came here for Lu Yanxue, which is inconceivable. Lu Yanxue is a member of the secular world. She has never been out of the palace. How can she get to know chen fan? Besides, they are very familiar with each other.

After the news of cloud heaven palace came, the disciples of snow god palace were not only confused, but also shocked.

"Teacher, they say you are a member of the secular world, really?"

Qi Xiuer stormed in.

Qi Qingwei, Bai Suxian and taihan fairy followed. All eyes are complicated and inexplicable.

"They must be slandering you, especially the cloud emperor, who is most hostile to you. What's the limit for you to give an answer in three days? It's just too much deception..." lovely Qi Xiuer, with a small mouth, resentful.

"I do come from earth, which you call the secular world."

Chen Fan said calmly.


Qi Xiu'er was as stiff as lightning.

Qi Qingwei closed her eyes painfully, as if some fantasy in her heart was broken. Before they came, they were sure of the top ten, but they had a glimmer of hope. Bai Suxian sighed, as if with regret. And too cold fairy etc. eyes see to come over, already resemble life and death enemy.

"Why? How can a teacher be a member of the secular world? " Qi Xiuer can't believe it.

A series of celestial immortals fell on the earth.

Nowadays, in the eyes of kunxu people, the secular world already exists like a devil in hell and needs revenge.

"Do you remember seeing me for the first time? At that time, in order to find Yan Xue, I just passed through the immortal gate and was seriously injured. Thanks to your family's cultivation. You are a good boy. I don't want to cheat you. "

Chen Fan stroked the girl's dark hair and said softly, "since I have promised to accept you as an apprentice, I will always be your teacher, not because of the change of status. How you choose is up to you. "

Qi Xiuer is out of her mind. Her sister follows her. Before she leaves, she looks at Chen Fan in a very complicated way.

"Shangxian, are you really from the secular world? So, young master Qingxuan, immortal Leixing and Lord Tianlei all died at your hands? " Bai Suxian hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke.

"Not bad." Chen fan light way.

There was a sudden silence.

This is different from Chen Fan's killing emperor and Lingxiao Shangxian.

At that time, on Lantai, chen fan was a participant. Even if all the enemies were killed, it would make sense. In history, there was more than one time in the LAN Tai association that the winner killed all his opponents and won the championship. Qingxuan Taoist master also killed his opponent badly in those years, so he came to kunxu.

After that, the big eight obviously cheated the small and were killed by Chen fan.

But Qingxuan Shaozhu and others are not the same. They fell on the earth, just like their own children were killed by others outside. No matter right or wrong, they have to take revenge. In particular, the earth shaking immortals are the masters of Tianlei. They want to destroy the earth and take revenge for their masters.

"Xuanluo and others are arrogant and rebellious. They regard our earth as a mole ant. Naturally, they should be given some color."

Chen Fan answered calmly.

Snow Temple people do not speak, but in the eyes of a few people, it is obvious that taihan fairy is deeply on guard. He looks at chen fan like an alien.

It's not my race, it's different!

"Please leave my snow temple. The snow temple is too small to be such a big event. " Too cold fairy bows a way. Bai Suxian and others also spoke one after another, politely with estrangement.

Lu Yanxue is furious when she hears the words.

Isn't this to drive chen fan away?

"I'll be great, but not today." Chen Fan held out his hand, stopped Lu Yanxue, and said: "since the emperor of cloud heaven limited me to give the answer in three days, I will give him a big difficulty for a long time."

"Ten days later, I will personally go to Yuntian palace to visit him and see how he convicts me!"

When Chen Fan said this, everyone was shocked.

Is this the beginning of a war?


soon, chen fan's reply, and his last sentence, flowed out of the snow palace, like a hurricane, whistling across the kunxu. All of a sudden, kunxu was shocked!

Chen fan is really from the secular world!

Lord Tianlei, xuanluo and others all died at his hands.

Now we have to go to Yuntian palace and question Yuntian emperor. This is to completely subdue kunxu!

Countless people were filled with righteous indignation.

At home, the kunxu people may fight together, but in the face of Chen fan, who came from a different world, they quickly gathered together and shared a common hatred. At this time, many people who supported chen fan also defected.

Numerous aristocratic patriarchs who sought to make Chen fan the eighth largest member of the kunxu clan have even more words to draw a clear line with Chen fan. Those young girls who like to worship chen fan are crying like idols.

Qishan City, after learning the news, is a dead silence.Many people have seen Qi Mufeng, the city leader, walk into the study with a blue face and seal himself in it. No one is there. Everyone knew the pain and tangle in his heart.

Donghe school was inspired by the news. Many Donghe sect elders began to appear near Qishan city.

In contrast, the seven great masters were not only surprised, but also angry.

Tianleizong, purple peak!

Countless breath of terror filled the sky and filled the earth. Many earthly immortals were furious: "Chen beixuan killed our disciples, even killed our earthly immortals, and even killed our patriarch. This hatred is not common. We have to pay it back!"

Especially the elder of Tianlei sect, Jiuming Dixian, is the loudest.

Wu Tengshan, his son, was killed by Chen Fan in Lantai. Jiuming Dixian was dumb and didn't dare to retaliate. But now, chen fan caused public anger, he immediately jumped the highest, the first request to raise the hand, kill chen fan.

"Open up the most precious treasure of Zhenjiao, mobilize all the soldiers' disciples, pour out the clan and kill Chen beixuan!" Jiuming Dixian screams.

Qingxuan Road, inside Jianlu.

The master of Qingxuan road knelt up and closed his eyes, just like a sculpture.

On the other side, the fairy sat down on her knees, tears streaming down her face and bleak voice: "Xuanfeng, that's our only child, who reposes all our expectations. He was killed by Chen beixuan in the secular world. As a father, don't you take revenge? "

Qingxuan Taoist master did not move, but his palm trembled slightly.

"Well, if you don't go, I'll go myself."

The fairy got up and left. As soon as she stepped out of the gate of Jianlu, a sigh came from her back:

"that's all."

Besides Tianlei sect and Qingxuan road.

In Dashi religion, Hunyuan sect and Leiyin mountain, there are different voices of revenge. Among the many disciples who died on earth, there are also their true biographies.

Although not as noble as tianmingzi and Qingxuan Shaozhu, they had hatred with Chen fan after all.

It's just that these great religions, fearing Chen Fan's invincible power, calmly watch and wait for those with power to come forward before deciding whether to follow up. As suzerain, they're not stupid.

In order to have a little feud, I'll fight with Chen Fan and let others benefit. This will only make the opponent laugh. This is also the reason why Jiuming Dixian screamed, but tianleizong always had less thunder and rain. But if Chen fan is sure to lose, they don't mind jumping out.

When the kunxu community was full of condemnation, no one came forward.

The light voice of emperor Yuntian came from Yuntian Palace:

"if you want to fight, fight."

"Ten days later, I'll be in Yuntian palace waiting for you, Chen beixuan!"

With this remark, kunxu was shocked.

Many people are dignified. They know that this is the biggest religion in kunxu, and they are finally going to stand out and take charge of kunxu. If yuntiangong wins this time, I'm afraid kunxu will return to the control of yuntiangong again. With this unprecedented reputation, Yuntian emperor will be crowned king of kunxu.

"Kunxu first religion vs. kunxu first person."

"This battle must be unprecedented, and it is well-known in history. Who is it? Who is the leader of this world

There is an old leader's assertion.

Countless people, from all directions, gathered to the cloud palace. The importance of this battle is far greater than that of Kunwu mountain. In that battle, we just decided to be the first man. This battle, however, is a dispute between kunxu and the secular world, which represents who is the orthodox of the fairyland and determines the fate of the two worlds!

"We are witnessing history."

Someone looked up and said.

The period of ten days is approaching day by day.

During this period, the princess of the South came to say goodbye. She followed Chen Fan's footprints and came to the snow palace, but after Chen Fan's identity was revealed, she was immediately recalled by the fire spirit king. At this time, chen fan is not the first person in kunxu, but the enemy of the whole world. Whoever touches him is the enemy of kunxu.

Qi Qingwei also left.

The master of Hunyuan sect orders her to return to Hunyuan sect immediately, otherwise she will be punished for treason, and Qi Qingwei has to leave. In the end, even Qi Xiuer was taken away. Her father Qi Mufeng dares to come from afar and drag the little girl away from the snow palace.

Qi Xiuer's tears are all over the mountain road, and she doesn't want to leave.

In the end, chen fan comforted her with a smile, saying that she would never be expelled from the school. Qi Xiuer left in tears.

One by one, the old friends of kunxu left chen fan. The disciples of the snow god palace look like the enemy of life and death. If they were not afraid of Chen Fan's dignity, they would have called in soldiers to capture him.

In the end, only Lu Yanxue was left with Chen fan.

"How do I feel like a plague?"

Chen fan is funny.

"But I like this moment better. The whole world is against you, all people leave, only I am with you. Between heaven and earth, only the two of us help each other. "

Lu Yanxue's secluded road.

"You know, mankunxu is my enemy now. It's very dangerous to follow me. As long as I get out of this palace, all kinds of assassins, sieges, sneak attacks, rotational battles and so on will come in droves. Compared with before, I'm a stranger. I don't pay attention to any means when dealing with enemies from other places. " Chen Fan's face is straight."I will."

Lu Yanxue cut off the railway.

Her eyes were full of determination, and only Chen Fan's figure was reflected in her pupils, as if heaven and earth were collapsing, and the sun and moon would not waver.


Chen fan was so proud that he looked up to heaven and said, "what if all the world are enemies? Let's see me crush the sky and crush the world


December 20, 2012.

Chen fan came out of the North alone, pointing to the cloud heaven palace! , the fastest update of the webnovel!