Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 753

I saw a cold woman like a Moon Fairy, long sleeves fluttering, wide band flying, rising from the snow palace. She looks only thirty years old. Her skin is as white as snow, without any blemish. She is especially gorgeous, even better than qianyexue.

The most terrifying thing is that the woman's breath of terror is as extreme as the cold moon coming into the world, filling the sky, which is better than that of Taoist master Qingxuan. She stood there, and the whole world seemed to be one of its own, like a field.

"Master of the palace."

Many earthly immortals bowed themselves to salute one after another. Taihan fairy was even more relieved to see the backer and said in a hurry: "palace master, this man entered our snow god palace without permission and killed elder Rong. His origin is unknown and his strength is very strong...

" don't introduce him. This is Chen beixuan, Chen Shangxian! "

Snow Temple Lord light way.

"Chen beixuan?"

Everyone was stunned.

They are no strangers to Chen fan. After all, this month, chen fan's reputation has almost resounded throughout the kunxu area. But at this time, shouldn't Chen Fan fight with Taoist Qingxuan in Kunwu mountain? How can Chen Shangxian appear in the snow temple? Is it...

"Chen Shangxian has defeated the Taoist master Qingxuan on the top of Kunwu mountain, and is the first person in the world! You are not his rivals, of course. " Snow god palace Lord opens a way.

This time, not only the earth immortals, but all the disciples of the snow god palace took a breath.

Defeated master Qingxuan?

The first person to ascend kunxu?

This news, like a nuclear bomb, instantly blew up all the people, even the cold fairy's face changed wildly. The more they got to their level, the more they knew the terror of Taoist Qingxuan. It was the real first kunxu, the invincible existence of three hundred years!

Wu Hongyan is scared silly, in the heart cannot stop regret.

"Chen Shangxian, I don't know how my snow Temple offended you and made you come here with anger and hurt the killer?" Snow god palace master slightly bow, cold way.

"You Snow Temple disciple, deceive my good friend, don't you think I'm dead?"

Chen Fan gave a cold hum and grabbed it.

Wu Hongyan was caught by him in the air.

"Lord of the palace, I'm wronged. It's Yuntian palace that wants to torture Lu Yanxue..." Wu Hongyan screams crazily.


Chen Fan disdains a smile, strength a vomit, directly will Wu Hongyan shock into a blood fog. He was so overbearing that he killed people in public. Many immortals were angry.

The snow god palace owners all frowned slightly, and their voices were cold:

"Chen Shangxian, we respect you as the number one of kunxu, but this is not your wanton killing and rampant dependence in our snow god palace. I snow temple is a great religion, one of the seven great masters. Even if the disciples make mistakes, they should be dealt with by the law enforcement hall. Outsiders have no right to complain. "

Although she looks gorgeous, but at this time to launch anger, has its own dignity.

In particular, the earth shaking cultivation stirred the clouds in the sky.

A smile spring breeze crossing, a anger sea cold!

This is the most powerful power of heaven and man. Ordinary earthly immortals can only look at it and never touch it.

"Ha ha, is it the law enforcement hall? Lu Yanxue has never made a mistake. Why do you want to send her to Yuntian palace and search the soul to refine the spirit? " Chen Fan sneered, his eyes full of contempt.

"This is the discussion of the seven great masters, in order to make the leader of Tianlei fall into the secular world..." before the master of the snow god palace finished speaking, he was interrupted by Chen Fan with a wave:

"cut the crap, if you don't give me an explanation, I will step on your mountain gate and kill the ice palace today!"

When Chen Fan spoke, he was fierce and his eyes were burning with blood.

"Do you really want to be the enemy of my snow temple?" Snow god palace master also angry, the sky thunder, the body's breath, more surging, let the space tremble.

"What about the enemy?"

Chen Fan laughed with disdain: "do you think you can stop me with that spiritual treasure in your body? If Qingxuan Taoist priest Lingbao comes here, I'm afraid of three points. You're just in the late congenital stage. Even Lord Tianlei is inferior. I can defeat you with one hand. "

Chen Fan's eyes are full of pride.

Jindan Avenue, extremely difficult! In a hundred inborn, there may not be a golden elixir! Even in the ningdan period, few people enter. The master of Qingxuan Taoism is a brilliant genius. It took thousands of years for him to become a yuan Dan. The master of the snow god palace is at the bottom of all the great men in terms of true cultivation. How can he enter the ningdan period.

Most of her terror was released from her spiritual treasure.

"Your lordship is too arrogant!"

Snow god palace master Leng hum.

The reason why the seven great masters of the Shang Dynasty can not be defeated is that they rely on Zhenzong's Lingbao and Dharma array. Lingbao in, is equivalent to have a Ning Dan period master sitting. Ordinary people holding Lingbao, can kill congenital, not to mention snow god palace master!

"Ha ha."

Chen fan is too lazy to explain. He directly condenses Zhenyuan and hits it with one punch.

The bright golden God awn turns into a long halo behind him. The halo shines like the scorching sun in the sky, full of the strongest and strongest breath. It is a magic fist of real martial arts."Chide!"

The master of the snow god palace gave a soft drink.

In her body, there seems to be a bright moon rising, which is very sad and beautiful. The bright moon is very cold, and it is cold and penetrating. As soon as the moon appeared, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped, and everyone seemed to be in a very cold Jedi.

"What's this?"

Countless people looked up at the bright moon.

"Yuejinglun, the most precious treasure of the town religion in our snow temple, is said to be the most powerful treasure made by the founder of kaipai. For thousands of years, it has been stained with the blood of many immortals."

The snow fairy said.

Sure enough, everyone looked at the moon and saw that there was a half moon shaped weapon spinning at a high speed. On it, countless complex patterns were drawn, and the bright moonlight was blooming. The moonlight looked extremely beautiful. In fact, it had hidden murderous opportunities, and even the ice spirit and light condensed to the extreme.

"The master of the palace has started the moon essence wheel. Chen beixuan is dead!"

Taihan fairy just had a smile on her face.


Just listen to the sound of Hongzhong and Dalu. Chen Fan smashes his fist on the moon wheel. In the eyes of outsiders, it's like a golden sun collides with the bright moon. Chen Fan's fists collided with the moon wheel, making countless clear sounds, just like two swords cutting each other.

Ding Ding Ding!

The void bursts, the golden sun collides with the bright moon, and the breath of terror is brewing in the sky. Every stroke of the moon essence wheel is comparable to the strongest of the ningdan period, that is, the Taoist master Qingxuan.

But Chen fan, with one hand, shakes the moon wheel.

His palm is as bright as gold casting, full of immortal charm, and strong enough to cut open heaven and earth, kill Ning Dan moon essence wheel, hit Chen Fan's fist, just stir up a golden spark, not cut.

"Even Zen master Longxiang doesn't dare to connect Lingbao with his physical body. What is his body made of? Immortal fairy gold

Snow Temple people, have already looked silly eyes.

It is generally acknowledged that Lingbao is invincible. I'm afraid I haven't seen such a ferocious person as Chen Fan for thousands of years.


In the end, chen fan's anger soared, and the blood flame in his eyes turned into a pillar of light. He was enveloped in the golden flame, just like the burning sun, and suddenly hit the moon essence wheel.

Yuejing wheel couldn't carry it any more. It flew upside down with a bang and hit an iceberg thousands of meters away. It cut the iceberg in two and flattened the mountain.


This time, no one will speak again.

Everyone took a cool breath.

Red hand shakes Lingbao and wins! Who is not afraid of such great power?

It was the master of the snow god palace. They were all dignified, with a look of horror in their eyes.

"Do you want to fight again?"

Chen Fan's anger is like waves, his body is like thunder, and he drinks in the air.

The master of the snow god palace recalled yuejing wheel and struggled for a moment. After all, he sighed and said, "Shangxian has powerful magic power. I'm sorry that it's not as good as me. Just look at those disciples. For the sake of being young and ignorant, let's take it easy..."

before she finished her words, chen fan had already patted yangjianhu and shot away with a golden flying sword.

Chen Fan got the name of the bully from Lu Yan xuekou. With a sweep of his mind, the whole snow palace had no way to escape. The flying sword swept by and directly cut off their heads.

On that day, the sky above the snow temple was full of sword.

Thirty five inner disciples, nine zhenzhuan disciples, and two earth immortal elders were all killed by Chen Fan with a sword. One of them was a giant in the middle of his life, blood stained the whole snow temple.

The master of snow god palace could only watch helplessly, but the other disciples were silent and did not dare to say a word.

"One person has one case! In kunxu, for many years, no such invincible and strong man has been born. "

Taihan fairy looks up and smiles bitterly.

All the other earth immortals are silent, and they have feelings.

"This is the real invincible, the best in the world!"

Qi Qingwei sighed.

She looked at the bright back and knew that after today, the pattern of kunxu was no longer controlled by the seven great masters. A more powerful being will come to kunxu! In front of Chen fan, even shangzong had to bow his head!

"It's a pity that I'm not the one in her arms..."

thinking of this, Qi Qingwei felt a trace of regret.

The news that Chen Fan defeated the Taoist master Qingxuan first and then pressed the snow Temple spread all over the kunxu area.

All of a sudden, kunxu was in turmoil, and countless people were shocked twice a day. Other big religions were shocked, and even the snow Temple bowed its head. This means that Chen Fan really has the power to subdue shangzong!

"Ah, from today on, our kunxu community has officially entered the era of Chen beixuan!"

Countless people sighed.

When the Taoist master Qingxuan heard this, he sighed and said frankly that he would not fight with Chen fan again. Emperor Yuntian was even more angry and broke an antique 3000 years ago. Even the seven great masters were helpless. Others were even more obedient.The world was shocked by Chen Fan's name.

When Chen Fan was famous in kunxu.

Deep in mangcang mountain, in front of an old and towering stone gate, there are several gatekeepers leaning against the stone wall and chatting idly. This is where the immortal gate of kunxu lies. It is this stone gate that enables people in kunxu to travel between the two worlds.

But at this time, above the stone gate, the waves are turbulent, the storms are changeable, and the waves vibrate violently.

"I'm afraid it will take two or three years for this immortal gate to gradually stabilize. Since Lord Tianlei, he has been using the most precious treasure of Zhenjiao. I'm afraid he can't force his way out. Some time ago, Yuntian palace went to great lengths to send the spirit of a true disciple to inquire about the news. It's impossible to pass through the body. "

An old goalkeeper yawned and said, "count the time, there should be a reply on that side."

He was talking.

All of a sudden, there was a flash of light on the immortal gate, and a simple transmission token suddenly flew out of the immortal gate.

"Is there any news? Let's see who killed Lord Tianlei in the secular world. "

When the gatekeepers were in high spirits, the leader took the token and found that there was only six words in it. But when he heard these six words, all the gatekeepers were shocked, like ghosts.

The six words are: "murderer, Chen beixuan!"

PS: Fourth, I'd like to offer you a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket. It seems that the time is a bit reversed. The author tries to be earlier_ n)o , the fastest update of the webnovel!