Rebirth – City Cultivation

Chapter 752

Although Lu Yanxue is only an old friend to Chen fan, chen fan once made a promise. Now how can he not be angry when he sees his old friend being humiliated in front of him?

"To die!"

Elder Rong is furious, and the earth immortal's momentum is overwhelming in an instant. She raises her dragon's crutch and wants to smash chen fan.

Chen fan has no nonsense at all.


The surging blood flame ignited from Chen Fan's eyes, quickly burned out of his eyes, turned into a flaming torch, and finally condensed into a bloody sky sword. With a bang, it crossed the sky and chopped at elder Rong.

So far, chen fan has condensed three kinds of flames.

Golden flame, Kirin fire, and blood flame. The blood flame comes from the sea of blood and integrates Chen Fan's indignation and intention of killing. Therefore, the gestated divine soldiers are extremely fierce. Almost as soon as they appear, there is overwhelming murderous atmosphere that covers the whole audience, like a magic sword cut out of a bi hell.

"Show mercy."

The snow fairy's face suddenly changed.

How can chen fan not be clear about her full strength? Even the seven giants can't bear the power of his fist, let alone elder Rong?

But elder Rong didn't understand. Seeing that Chen Fan was rebellious, he even dared to fight with her in the snow palace. With a sneer and a crutch, he burst into thunder in the void, like a train running over the space.

Countless vitality gathered in front of Rong Chang, and gradually condensed into an ice crystal dragon. The real dragon is blue, tens of feet long, just like the most brilliant sapphire. Its whole ice body is condensed by the frigid aura. When it crosses the void, the air is frozen, leaving a visible frost white mark.

Extremely cold spirit power!

This is one of the house keeping skills of the snow god palace. It is said that elder Rong used this skill to freeze an immortal.

"Boy, I don't care which sect you belong to. The snow god palace is not your place to go wild."

Elder Rong's voice is cold.

Wu Hongyan and others are about to show their joy and witness Chen Fan's defeat.

"Bang Dang!"

Just listen to a clear voice, the bloody sky sword will easily cut the ice crystal dragon into two pieces, as if it had cut tofu, and directly rush to elder Rong. Rong Chang's face changed suddenly. He quickly sacrificed his vigorous Qi to resist.

However, chen fan's changes inspired by supernatural powers are so terrible.


The bloody Sky Sword cuts elder Rong's head directly from his body. An old woman's head with white hair falls to the ground. Before he dies, elder Rong's face still looks unbelievable. How could elder Xue Shen Gong, a giant, not even stop chen fan?

At the same time, there was a shrill sound in the void. It was the sound of the blood flame burning the spirit of the elder to ashes.

A Dixian, fell on the spot!

Wu Hongyan and many disciples of the snow temple were all stupefied and could not believe it.

Is elder Rong, who is powerful enough to shake heaven and earth and suppress snow temple, beheaded directly by Chen fan? It's subverting their imagination. It's a fairy!

"Master of snow temple, get out!"

Chen Fan killed elder Rong with one sword. Without looking at him again, he put his arms around Lu Yanxue and rose into the air. His voice, like thunder, reverberated over the millennium old castle, shaking a hundred Li.

Countless disciples of snow Temple look up at the same time and see the man in the golden light.

"What's the matter?"

People were shocked.

Bang bang!

I saw a breath of terror, waking up from all parts of the snow temple, and a series of brilliant lights rose up, each of which represented an immortal in kunxu.

One way, two ways, three ways...

in the snow god palace, there are twelve lights, a total of twelve Earthly immortals!

In addition to the Taiyin fairy who went to Kunwu and the owner of the closed snow god palace, all the earth immortals in the snow god palace are here. The snow god palace, as the heritage of the seven shangzongs, is so incisive that it is far beyond the Donghe school.

"My God, it's a ten-year Mountain Gate meeting. It's not so lively."

Many of the disciples hit the tongue.

"Who, sir? Why did you break into my snow palace and abduct my disciples?"

The first lady in palace dress, with light gauze and purple skirt, is dignified. Among all the earth immortals, her cultivation is the strongest, not inferior to that of the earth immortals. She is the deputy leader of the snow god palace, taihan fairy.

"Lu Yanxue is my friend. When the snow god palace takes her back to the mountain gate, she does not take care to cultivate her. Instead, she lets her disciples abuse and beat her. What's more, she should be sent to Yuntian palace for soul searching. Is that how the snow god palace treats her disciples?"

Chen Fan cold voice way.

Too cold fairy suddenly embarrassed.

After all, Lu Yanxue is a disciple of the snow temple. It's too bad to send his disciples out to search for souls.

Too cold fairy for a moment, Lu Yanxue a secular world, how can know chen fan this friend, she was about to speak, trying to explain.The next Wu Hongyan screamed: "Deputy palace master, elder Rong has been killed by him."


As soon as all the immortals in the snow God Temple were shocked, they raised their eyes and looked at elder Rong. Sure enough, when they saw elder Rong whose body was separated, the immortal Tai Han's face became cold and her eyes became angry:

"you are here to disturb the snow God Temple!"

"If the snow palace doesn't give me an explanation, I don't mind slaughtering the snow palace." Chen fan made a light response.

"Good, good."

Many immortals were furious.

It's just a joke to hit the Mountain Gate of the seven great schools. The seven great masters have been standing in kunxu for thousands of years. How can one fight against the power of terror? Even the Taoist master Qingxuan did not dare to say that one person was against the other.

"Let's have a look at the inside information of my snow temple."

Taihan fairy orders.

After all, she didn't get carried away by the anger. She allowed the elder to talk about the fighting power. She could be ranked in the top five in the snow god palace, but she was killed by Chen fan, and she didn't seem to have much room for resistance. In his heart, Tai Han fairy has labeled chen fan as extremely dangerous and regarded him as a giant. He naturally treasures chen fan.


With the twelve immortals playing the formula at the same time.

A series of patterns and runes appear on the walls of the ancient palace. The snow palace, which is made of ice crystals for thousands of years, is crystal clear, just like a bright ice sculpture. Countless runes ascend into the air, and finally form a huge array. A huge black bird can be seen flying over the snow palace.

Palace guard!

This is a unique array left by the immortal Zhenjun. It's enough to suppress everything. If you are trapped by this array, you have to suppress it. Now it's controlled by the twelve immortals. The power of this array is several times more powerful.


Xuanniao is singing to the sky.

It is made of ice crystals and is as long as 100 feet. It looks like the Phoenix that dominates ice and snow in legend. As soon as the mysterious birds appear, a breath of terror fills the whole sky, making all the plants, birds and animals kneel on the ground and shiver.

It is the earth immortal who is also shocked by this power.

"The Xuanniao formation has been opened. The boy is dead. The last time we started the Dharma array was a thousand years ago. When the purple family of the burning sky valley came to invade, the seven immortals of the purple family, including a supreme giant, were suppressed by Xuanniao. As a result, the purple family fell behind the seven great masters. It seems that the arrogant boy will surely die. "

In the snow temple, a disciple called.

In Wu Hongyan's eyes, there is a deep-rooted hatred and pleasure. I wish I could see Chen Fan torn to pieces by Xuanniao in the next second.

"If he was a common immortal, he might have been suppressed, but he was Chen beixuan!"

Snow Fairy bowed his head and grinned bitterly.

In the face of this fierce man who has been out for thousands of years, I'm afraid that only when the immortal patriarch returns to the world can he be suppressed. It's obvious that a Dharma array is not powerful enough.


Chen fan is not afraid at all. He puts his left hand around Lu Yanxue, and his right hand holds his finger to form a fist. His thumb is between the middle finger and the index finger, making a strange fist seal. The bright golden flames around him, like dragons, come from all over his body and flow directly into his right fist.

In the end, the right fist turned into a hot little sun, which seemed to be invincible.

Zhenwu Shenquan!


Chen Fan's fist is in the air, and his fist is in one. It turns into an earth shaking golden rainbow. It rises vertically and collides with the ice crystal Xuanniao.


The void is broken, the sky and the earth are overturned.

The spring tide of vitality, which is tens of miles around, has been disturbed. Countless people have a palpitation. It seems that there is a nuclear weapon exploding in the sky. The momentum of destroying the sky and the earth has stirred the whole sky of the snow temple into a chaotic purgatory. The clouds in the sky are directly punched into a hole three or four miles wide.

It's crackling.

The array runes burst on the wall and seemed to be unbearable.

At the same time, the twelve earth immortals let out a cry. Their bodies retreated suddenly in the air. Those who were weak in cultivation vomited blood. The hundred Zhang Xuan bird was directly broken by Chen fan. The bright fist awn turned into a golden pillar of light running through the heaven and earth. It stood in the middle of the snow god palace and pressed everything.

The power of one punch is just like this!

All the disciples were shocked! As many of the immortals retreated, it was hard to see the extreme on their faces. The celestial array was also smashed by Chen fan. The twelve of them were not Chen Fan's opponents. How strong was Chen fan?

"This... This is impossible?"

Wu Hongyan was even more frightened into a fool, and his whole body was shivering.

"One more punch!"

Chen fan came from heaven and earth, and the bright golden light condensed again. This time, it was directly behind chen fan, forming a halo. The halo was as bright as the sun, which could crush everything.

People believe that if this blow goes on, I'm afraid half of the snow temple will be collapsed, and the twelve immortals will be killed and injured."Chen Shangxian, please keep your hand."

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly came.

Then, an extremely terrible breath suddenly rose from the deep of the snow temple. The powerful breath was no less powerful than that of the peak Taoist Qingxuan, and even more powerful than that of Chen fan.

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